
        Test to make sure ssh or https authentication is working.
        See Synopsis.
    .PARAMETER GitHubUserName
    .PARAMETER AuthMethod
    .PARAMETER ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
        # Launch PowerShell and...
        $TestGitAuthParams = @{
            GitHubUserName = "pldmgg"
            AuthMethod = "https"
            PersonalAccessToken = "2345678dsfghjk4567890"
        Test-GitAuthentication @TestGitAuthParams

function Test-GitAuthentication {
    Param (




    if ($AuthMethod -eq "ssh") {
        if (!$ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath) {
            if (!$(Test-Path "$HOME\.ssh\github_rsa")) {
                $ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the full path to your github_rsa ssh private key."
        if (!$(Test-Path $ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath)) {
            Write-Error "Unable to find path to existing Private Key '$ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath'! Halting!"
            $global:FunctionResult = "1"

        $SSHKeyGenPath = $(Get-ChildItem "C:\Program Files\Git" -Recurse -Filter "*ssh-keygen.exe").FullName
        if (!$SSHKeyGenPath) {
            Write-Error "Unable to fing git CmdLine instance of ssh-keygen.exe! Halting!"
            $global:FunctionResult = "1"
        $SSHExePath = $(Get-ChildItem "C:\Program Files\Git" -Recurse -Filter "ssh.exe").FullName
        if (!$SSHExePath) {
            Write-Error "Unable to fing git CmdLine instance of ssh.exe! Halting!"
            $global:FunctionResult = "1"

        # Check To Make Sure Online GitHub Account is aware of Existing Public Key
        $PubSSHKeys = Invoke-Restmethod -Uri "$GitHubUserName/keys"
        $tempfileLocations = @()
        foreach ($PubKeyObject in $PubSSHKeys) {
            $tmpFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $PubKeyObject.key | Out-File $tmpFile -Encoding ASCII

            $tempfileLocations +=, $tmpFile
        $SSHPubKeyFingerPrintsFromGitHub = foreach ($TempPubSSHKeyFile in $tempfileLocations) {
            $PubKeyFingerPrintPrep = & "$SSHKeyGenPath" -E md5 -lf "$TempPubSSHKeyFile"
            $PubKeyFingerPrint = $($PubKeyFingerPrintPrep -split " ")[1] -replace "MD5:",""
        # Cleanup Temp Files
        foreach ($TempPubSSHKeyFile in $tempfileLocations) {
            Remove-Item $TempPubSSHKeyFile

        $GitHubOnlineIsAware = @()
        foreach ($fingerprint in $SSHPubKeyFingerPrintsFromGitHub) {
            $ExistingSSHPubKeyPath = "$"
            $LocalPubKeyFingerPrintPrep = & "$SSHKeyGenPath" -E md5 -lf "$ExistingSSHPubKeyPath"
            $LocalPubKeyFingerPrint = $($LocalPubKeyFingerPrintPrep -split " ")[1] -replace "MD5:",""
            if ($fingerprint -eq $LocalPubKeyFingerPrint) {
                $GitHubOnlineIsAware +=, $fingerprint

        if ($GitHubOnlineIsAware.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Host "GitHub Online Account is aware of existing public key $ExistingSSHPubKeyPath. Testing the connection..." -ForegroundColor Green

            $null = git config core.sshCommand "ssh -i $([regex]::Escape($ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath)) -F /dev/null" 2>&1
            $env:GIT_SSH_COMMAND = "ssh -i $([regex]::Escape($ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath))"

            # Test the connection
            $ProcessInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
            $ProcessInfo.FileName = $SSHExePath
            $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
            $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
            $ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
            $ProcessInfo.Arguments = "-o `"StrictHostKeyChecking=no`" -i `"$ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath`" -T"
            $Process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
            $Process.StartInfo = $ProcessInfo
            $Process.Start() | Out-Null
            $stdout = $Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
            $stderr = $Process.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
            $AllOutput = $stdout + $stderr

            if ($AllOutput -match $GitHubUserName) {
                Write-Host "GitHub Authentication via SSH for $GitHubUserName using '$ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath' was successful." -ForegroundColor Green
            else {
                Write-Warning "GitHub Authentication for $GitHubUserName using SSH was NOT successful. Please check your connection and/or keys."
    if ($AuthMethod -eq "https") {
        if (!$PersonalAccessToken) {
            $PersonalAccessToken = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the GitHub Personal Access Token you would like to use for https authentication." -AsSecureString

        # Convert SecureString to PlainText
        $PersonalAccessTokenPT = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($PersonalAccessToken))
        $Headers = @{
            Authorization = "token $PersonalAccessTokenPT"
        $PublicAndPrivateRepos = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Headers -Uri "").Name
        # Rest API Alternate Method
        $Token = "$GitHubUserName`:$PersonalAccessTokenPT"
        $Base64Token = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([char[]]$Token)
        $Headers = @{
            Authorization = "Basic {0}" -f $Base64Token
        $PublicAndPrivateRepos = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Headers -Uri "$PersonalAccessTokenPT").Name

        if ($PublicAndPrivateRepos -ne $null) {
            Write-Host "GitHub Authentication via https for $GitHubUserName was successful!" -ForegroundColor Green
        else {
            Write-Warning "GitHub Authentication via https for $GitHubUserName was NOT successful. Please check your Personal Authentication Token."