
$Script:PSModuleRoot = $PSScriptRoot
# Imported from [D:\a\1\s\GitHelpers\Public]
# Get-GitRepositoryUrl.ps1
function Get-GitRepositoryUrl
    Returns the git repository url.
    Returns the git repository url from the .git\config.
    The path to the local git repository.
    None, does not support pipline input.
    String, git repository url.
    Get-GitRepositoryUrl -Path C:\git\GitHelpers

    param (



        $pathItem = Get-Item -Path $Path
        $gitFolder = Get-ChildItem -Path $pathItem.FullName -Filter '.git' -Hidden
        If ($gitFolder)
            $config = Get-ChildItem -Path $gitFolder.FullName -Filter 'config'
            $content = Get-Content -Path $config.FullName | Select-String -SimpleMatch 'url ='
            $content.ToString().Trim().Replace('url = ', '')
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Unable to locate .git repository configuration at [$($pathItem.FullName)]"
            Get-GitRepositoryUrl -Path $pathItem.PSParentPath

# Invoke-GitCommit.ps1
function Invoke-GitCommit
    Commit git changes.
    Commit git changes.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    The comment for the commit.
    The path to the git repository to commit to.
    Include all tracked and untracked files in the commit.
    Switch, adds --dry-run to the git commit command.
    None, does not support the pipeline.
    String, Git output
    Invoke-GitCommit -Path c:\git\PLDeploy
    Commit -WhatIf

        [Parameter(Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Position = 1)]




            git add .
        If (-not($Path))
            $Path = Get-Location
            $Comment = "Updates"
        Foreach ($_path in $Path)
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Processing [$_path]."
            If (Test-Path -Path $_path)
                Set-Location -Path $_path
                If ($WhatIf.IsPresent)
                    git commit --quiet --all --dry-run --m $Comment
                    git commit --quiet --all --m $Comment
                Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Unable to locate [$_path]"

# Invoke-GitPrune.ps1
function Invoke-GitPrune
    Prune old git branches.
    Prune old git branches.
    Prune all unreachable objects from the object database
    The path to the local work space's directory.
    .PARAMETER Child
    Switch, gets child directories within the path.
    None, does not support the pipeline.
    String, Git output
    Invoke-GitPrune -Path c:\git\PLDeploy
    Invoke-GitPrune -Child -Path c:\git\
    Prune -Child -WhatIf





            $Paths = Get-Location
            $Paths = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Directory).FullName
        Foreach ($_path in $Paths)
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Processing [$_path]."
            If (Test-Path -Path $_path)
                Set-Location -Path $_path
                If ($WhatIf.IsPresent)
                    git remote prune origin --dry-run
                    git remote prune origin
                Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Unable to locate [$_path]"

# Invoke-GitPush.ps1
function Invoke-GitPush
    Push git changes.
    Push git changes to the remote.
    The path to the git repository to push from.
    Switch, adds --dry-run to the git Push command.
    None, does not support the pipeline.
    String, Git output
    Invoke-GitPush -Path c:\git\PLDeploy
    Push -WhatIf

        [Parameter(Position = 0)]



        If (-not($Path))
            $Path = Get-Location
        Foreach ($_path in $Path)
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Processing [$_path]."
            If (Test-Path -Path $_path)
                Set-Location -Path $_path
                If ($WhatIf.IsPresent)
                    git push --all --quiet --dry-run
                    git push --all --quiet
                Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Unable to locate [$_path]"

# New-GitBranch.ps1
function New-GitBranch
    Creates a new git branch.
    Creates a new git branch based on the current directory or the path provided.
    The path to the local git repository, if one is not provided it will default to the current location.
    The name of the branch, if one is not provided it will generate a random guid.
    None, does not support pipline input.
    Web Page, takes you to the TFS pull request page.
    New-GitBranch -Name 'myBranch' -Path 'C:\git\PLDeploy'

    param (



            Set-Location -Path $Path
            $Name = (New-Guid).Guid
        git checkout -q -b $Name

# New-GitPullRequest.ps1
function New-GitPullRequest
    Creates a new pull request.
    Creates a new pull request based on the current directory or the path provided.
    The path to the git repository.
    None, does not support pipline input.
    Web Page, takes you to the TFS pull request page.
    New-GitPullRequest -Path C:\git\GitHelpers

    param (


            $Path = Get-Location
        $uri = Get-GitRepositoryUrl -Path $Path

        If($uri -match '')
            Start-Process "$uri\pullrequests?_a=mine"
        If($uri -match '')
            Start-Process "$uri\pulls".Replace('.git','')

# Imported from [D:\a\1\s\GitHelpers\Tests]