
# GitHub.Core

$script:APIBaseURI = ''
$script:Owner = ''
$script:Repo = ''
$script:Token = ''

function Invoke-GitHubAPI {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'DELETE')]
        [String] $Method = 'GET',

        [string] $APIEndpoint,

        [hashtable] $Body = @{},

        [string] $Owner = $script:Owner,

        [string] $Repo = $script:Repo,

        [string] $Token = $script:Token
    $APICall = @{
        Uri     = "$script:APIBaseURI/$APIEndpoint"
        Headers = @{
            Authorization  = "token $Token"
            'Content-Type' = 'application/vnd.github.v3+json' #'application/json'
        Method  = $Method
        Body    = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
    try {
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @APICall
    } catch {
        throw $_
    return $Response

function Connect-GitHubAccount {
    param (
        $APIBaseURI = ''

    $script:APIBaseURI = $APIBaseURI
    $script:Owner = $Owner
    $script:Repo = $Repo
    $script:Token = $Token



Get the authenticated user

If the authenticated user is authenticated through basic authentication or OAuth with the user scope, then the response lists public and private profile information.
If the authenticated user is authenticated through OAuth without the user scope, then the response lists only public profile information.

Parameter description

An example


function Get-GitHubUser {
    param (
        $Token = $script:Token

    $Response = Invoke-GitHubAPI -APIEndpoint 'user' -Token $Token

    return $Response
New-Alias -Name Get-GitHubContext -Value Get-GitHubUser -Force