

$scriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] Importing subcomponents"

#region - Data import
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [data] - Processing folder"
$dataFolder = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'data')
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [data] - [$dataFolder]"
Get-ChildItem -Path "$dataFolder" -Recurse -Force -Include '*.psd1' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [data] - [$($_.Name)] - Importing"
    New-Variable -Name $_.BaseName -Value (Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $_.FullName) -Force
    Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [data] - [$($_.Name)] - Done"

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [data] - Done"
#endregion - Data import

#region - From public
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public] - Processing folder"

#region - From public/Meta
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public/Meta] - Processing folder"

#region - From public/Meta/Get-GitHubApiVersions.ps1
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public/Meta/Get-GitHubApiVersions.ps1] - Importing"

#Requires -Modules GitHub

function Get-GitHubApiVersions {
        Get all API versions.

        Get all supported GitHub API versions.


        Get all supported GitHub API versions.


    param ()

    $inputObject = @{
        ApiEndpoint = '/versions'
        Method      = 'GET'

    $response = Invoke-GitHubAPI @inputObject


Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public/Meta/Get-GitHubApiVersions.ps1] - Done"
#endregion - From public/Meta/Get-GitHubApiVersions.ps1
#region - From public/Meta/Get-GitHubMeta.ps1
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public/Meta/Get-GitHubMeta.ps1] - Importing"

#Requires -Modules GitHub

function Get-GitHubMeta {
        Get GitHub meta information.

        Returns meta information about GitHub, including a list of GitHub's IP addresses. For more information, see "[About GitHub's IP addresses]("

        The API's response also includes a list of GitHub's domain names.

        The values shown in the documentation's response are example values. You must always query the API directly to get the latest values.

        **Note:** This endpoint returns both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. However, not all features support IPv6. You should refer to the specific documentation for each feature to determine if IPv6 is supported.


        Returns meta information about GitHub, including a list of GitHub's IP addresses.


    param ()

    $inputObject = @{
        ApiEndpoint = '/meta'
        Method      = 'GET'

    $response = Invoke-GitHubAPI @inputObject


Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public/Meta/Get-GitHubMeta.ps1] - Done"
#endregion - From public/Meta/Get-GitHubMeta.ps1
#region - From public/Meta/Get-GitHubOctocat.ps1
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public/Meta/Get-GitHubOctocat.ps1] - Importing"

#Requires -Modules GitHub

function Get-GitHubOctocat {
        Get Octocat.

        Get the octocat as ASCII art.


        Get the octocat as ASCII art

        Get-GitHubOctocat -S 'The glass is never half empty. It's just twice as big as it needs to be.'

        Get the octocat as ASCII art with a custom saying


    param (
        # The words to show in Octocat's speech bubble
        $S = "The glass is never half empty. Its just twice as big as it needs to be."

    # $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($S)
    # $query = [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString($S)

    $body = @{
        s = $S

    $inputObject = @{
        APIEndpoint = "/octocat"
        Method      = 'GET'
        Body        = $body

    $response = Invoke-GitHubAPI @inputObject


Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public/Meta/Get-GitHubOctocat.ps1] - Done"
#endregion - From public/Meta/Get-GitHubOctocat.ps1
#region - From public/Meta/Get-GitHubRoot.ps1
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public/Meta/Get-GitHubRoot.ps1] - Importing"

#Requires -Modules GitHub

function Get-GitHubRoot {
        GitHub API Root.

        Get Hypermedia links to resources accessible in GitHub's REST API.


        Get the root endpoint for the GitHub API.


    param ()

    $InputObject = @{
        APIEndpoint = '/'
        Method      = 'GET'

    $response = Invoke-GitHubAPI @InputObject


Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public/Meta/Get-GitHubRoot.ps1] - Done"
#endregion - From public/Meta/Get-GitHubRoot.ps1
#region - From public/Meta/Get-GitHubZen.ps1
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public/Meta/Get-GitHubZen.ps1] - Importing"

#Requires -Modules GitHub

function Get-GitHubZen {
    Get the Zen of GitHub.

    Get a random sentence from the Zen of GitHub.


    Get a random sentence from the Zen of GitHub.


    param ()

    $InputObject = @{
        APIEndpoint = '/zen'
        Method      = 'GET'

    $Response = Invoke-GitHubAPI @InputObject


Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public/Meta/Get-GitHubZen.ps1] - Done"
#endregion - From public/Meta/Get-GitHubZen.ps1

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public/Meta] - Done"
#endregion - From public/Meta

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [public] - Done"
#endregion - From public

#region - From GitHub.Meta.ps1
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [GitHub.Meta.ps1] - Importing"

$scriptFilePath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

Write-Verbose "[$scriptFilePath] - Initializing GitHub module..." -Verbose
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [GitHub.Meta.ps1] - Done"
#endregion - From GitHub.Meta.ps1

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-GitHubApiVersions','Get-GitHubMeta','Get-GitHubOctocat','Get-GitHubRoot','Get-GitHubZen' -Cmdlet '' -Variable '' -Alias '*'