
function Get-FilesFromRepo {
    This downloads files from a GitHub Repository
    This command will copy files from a GitHub Repo and store them in a
    folder of your choice.
    Get-FilesFromRepo -GitHubUserName BOB -Repository Webproject -Destination c:\RepoCopy
    This gets the files in the webproject repo from the GitHub user BOB and copies them
    to the the c:\RepoCopy folder.
    Get-FilesFromRepo -GitHubUserName BOB -Destination c:\RepoCopy
    This will present the user with a menu of Repositories for the GitHub user BOB and
    once a repo is selected it will copy file in the repo to the the c:\RepoCopy folder.
  .PARAMETER GitHubUserName
    This is the GitHub user site that will be used to copy the files from
  .PARAMETER Repository
    This is the users repository that willl be used to copy the files from, if this
    is not specified a menu will show asking to choose the repo from a list.
    If the repo has sub directories you can specify the one you want
  .PARAMETER Destination
    This is the path that will be used to save the files on the local machine
  .PARAMETER FilesToRetrive
    This a RegEx pattern that will dictate which of the files to retrieve
    General notes
      Written By: Brent Denny
      Written on: 28 Aug 2019

    [string]$Repository = '',
    [string]$PathInRepo = '',
    [string]$Destination = "$env:TEMP\Git\$GitHubUserName",
    [string]$FilesToRetrive = ''
  [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
  if ($Repository -eq '') {
    $AllRepos = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$GitHubUserName/repos").URL
    $RepoNames = Split-Path -Path $AllRepos -Leaf 
    Write-Host 'Which Repo'
    $count = 0
    Foreach ($Repo in $RepoNames) {
      Write-Host "$count - $Repo"
    do {
      $GoodChoice = $true
      $choice = Read-Host -Prompt "Choose which repo"
      try {
        0 + $choice > $null
        $choice = $choice -as [int]
        if ($choice -gt $RepoNames.Count -or $choice -lt 1) {throw}
      catch {
        $GoodChoice = $false
      $choice = $choice - 1
      $Repository = $RepoNames[$choice]
    } while ($GoodChoice -eq $false)
  } #END if
  $URI = "$GitHubUserName/$Repository/contents/$PathInRepo"
  $WebData = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $($URI)
  $WebContent = $WebData.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
  $DownloadURLS = ($WebContent | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "file"}).download_url | Where-Object {$_ -match $FilesToRetrive}
  if ((Test-Path $Destination) -eq $false) {
      try {New-Item -Path $Destination -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop > $null} 
      catch {Write-Warning "Could not create path '$Destination'!"}
  } #END if
  foreach ($DownloadURL in $DownloadURLS) {
      $DestinationFilePath = Join-Path $Destination (Split-Path $DownloadURL -Leaf)
      try {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadURL -OutFile $DestinationFilePath -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose}
      catch {Write-Warning "Unable to download '$($DownloadURL.path)'"}
  } #END foreach
} #END function

function New-GitHubRepoClone {
    This will clone a GitHub repo onto your current machine
    If the repo is not supplied as a parameter, this command will list all public repos
    for the given GitGub user and ask you to select one from a menu. The repo will then
    be cloned into the TEMP/Git\<RepoName> directory by default unless this is also
    specified as a parameter.
    This will use the default values for GitHubame and Destination and then present a
    menu in which you can choose the repository that you wish to clone
    New-GitHubRepoClone -GitHubUserName BrentD09
    This will use the Brentd09 for GitHubame and use the default location for the Destination
    and then present a menu in which you can choose the repository that you wish to clone
    New-GitHubRepoClone -GitHubUserName BrentD09 -Repository PSCourseScripts
    This will use the Brentd09 for GitHubame and will clone the PSCourseScripts repository
    into the default value for the destination.
    New-GitHubRepoClone -GitHubUserName BrentD09 -Repository PSCourseScripts -Destination D:\Git\
    This will use the Brentd09 for GitHubame and will clone the PSCourseScripts repository
    into the d:\Git\PSCourseScripts directory
    General notes
      Created by: Brent Denny
      Created on: 24 Jan 2020

    [string]$GitHubUserName = 'BrentD09',
    [string]$Repository = '',
    [string]$Destination = "$env:TEMP\Git\"
  [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
  if ($Repository -eq '') {
    $AllRepos = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$GitHubUserName/repos").URL
    $RepoNames = Split-Path -Path $AllRepos -Leaf 
    Write-Host 'Which Repo'
    $count = 0
    Foreach ($Repo in $RepoNames) {
      if ($Count -le 9) {$Spc=' '}
      else {$Spc=''}
      Write-Host "$Spc$count - $Repo"
    do {
      $GoodChoice = $true
      $choice = Read-Host -Prompt "Choose which repo"
      try {
        0 + $choice > $null
        $choice = $choice -as [int]
        if ($choice -gt $RepoNames.Count -or $choice -lt 1) {throw}
      catch {
        $GoodChoice = $false
      $choice = $choice - 1
      $RepositoryName = $RepoNames[$choice]
    } while ($GoodChoice -eq $false)
  $Repository = '' + $GitHubUserName + '/' + $RepositoryName
  $FullDestination = $Destination.TrimEnd('\') + '\' + $RepositoryName
  $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
  try {
    if (Test-Path $FullDestination) {throw}
    git clone $Repository  $FullDestination
  catch {Write-Warning 'Something went wrong with the cloning of the repository'}