
Function Add-GitLabToken 
      Adds a access token to the local GitLab-API instance
      Adds a access token to the local GitLab-API instance.
      First checks if the specified token and hostname is valid.
      If valid adds it to the local configuration file.

      If -Active is used the token will be added as the active token.
      Add-GitLabToken -GitLabURI -Token XXXXXXXXXX
      Adds a GitlabToken for to the local instance of the powershell gitlab-api

    #Gitlab URI, e.a.
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'GitlabServer URI',
    Mandatory = $true)]

    #Token supplied from gitlab. This can be an private and an Access Token.
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'access token GitlabServer',
    Mandatory = $true)]

    #If specified adds the token as the active token
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'is token active')]
  #region check token
  $header = @{
    'PRIVATE-TOKEN' = $Token
  $userurl = "$GitLabURI/api/v3/user"
    $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $userurl -Headers $header
    $gitlabusername = $result.username
    $errorprop = $null
  catch [System.Net.WebException] 
    switch -Wildcard ($_.exception.Message)
      '*Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.*'  
        $errorprop = @{
          message  = "could not reach server at $userurl"
          category = 'ConnectionError'
        $errorprop = @{
          message  = "(401)token not valid for server $userurl"
          category = 'AuthenticationError'
        $errorprop = @{
          message  = "(500)Server error at $userurl"
          category = 'AuthenticationError'
      $errorprop = @{
        message  = $_.exception.message
        category = $_.categoryinfo.category
      Write-Error @errorprop -ErrorAction Stop
  #region check for existing token
  $Keyitem = Import-Clixml $script:GitlabKeyfile
  foreach($key in $Keyitem.keys)
      ($key.gitlabhost -eq $GitLabURI) -and
      ($key.gitlabuser.username -eq $gitlabusername)
      $errormessage = "Combination of $GitLabURI and $gitlabusername (user associated with passed token) already exists. remove token before creation."
      Write-Error $errormessage -Category ResourceExists -ErrorAction Stop
  #region create new tokenobj

  $securekey = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Token -AsPlainText -Force
  $gitlabuser = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $gitlabusername, $securekey
  $newkey = [pscustomobject]@{
    ID         = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
    GitLabHost = $GitLabURI
    GitLabUser = $gitlabuser

  #region save to config
  $Keyitem.keys += $newkey

  if(($Keyitem.keys.count -eq 1)-or $active)
    $Keyitem.Activekey = $

  Export-Clixml -InputObject $Keyitem -Path $script:GitlabKeyfile