
function Get-GitLabProjectRepositoryArchive
      Get an archive of the repository of the specified project.
      Get an archive of the repository of the specified project. Can be retrieved as [zip], [tar], [tar.gz] & [tar.bz2]
      Get-GitLabProjectRepositoryArchive -ProjectID 20 -SHA 5a411e1 -OutFile
      Saves the commit 5a411e1 to the file
      Get-GitLabProjectRepositoryArchive -ProjectID 20 -SHA master -OutFile
      Saves the commit master to the file

    # The ID of a project
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'ProjectID',
    Mandatory = $true)]

    #the commit SHA or Branch name
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Commit SHA or branch name',

    #type of archive to download defaults to [zip]
    [Parameter(HelpMessage='type of archive to download (zip|tar|tar.gz|tar.bz2)',
    Mandatory = $false)]

    #path for the new created file
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'filepath for file',

    # Existing GitlabConnector Object, can be retrieved with Get-GitlabConnect
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specify Existing GitlabConnector',
        Mandatory = $false,
    DontShow = $true)]
    [psobject]$GitlabConnect = (Get-GitlabConnect)

    #warn if outfile has different extention then archiveType

    $regexExtention = $ArchiveType -replace '\.','\.'
    $regexfilter = "^.*\.$regexExtention$"
    $extentionmatches = $OutFile -match $regexfilter
    if(-not $extentionmatches){
      $warningmessage = "OutFile [$OutFile] does not match ArchiveType [$ArchiveType]. Archive downloaded as specified but content does not match extention."
      Write-Warning -Message $warningmessage 

    $httpmethod = 'get'
    $apiurl = "/projects/$ProjectID/repository/archive.$ArchiveType"
    $Parameters = @{}

      $Parameters.sha = $sha
