
function Get-GitLabProjectRepositoryTree
      Get a list of Repository files and directories in a project.
      Get a list of Repository files and directories in a project.
      By deafult only shows files and folders in the root of the project for the default branch.
      -Path can be passed to dig down into the directory structure.
      to specify a different branch of commit -ReferenceName can be used.
      Get-GitLabProjectRepositoryTree -ProjectID 20
      retrieves all files for project 20.
      Returns all the files and folders for the default branch in the repository root.
      Get-GitLabProjectRepositoryTree -ProjectID 20 -Path bin/
      retrieves all files for project 20 in folder bin/.
      Returns all the files and folders for the default branch in bin/.
      Get-GitLabProjectRepositoryTree -ProjectID 20 -ReferenceName staging
      retrieves all files for project 20 in branch staging.
      Returns all the files and folders for the branch staging.


    # The ID of the project
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'ProjectID',
    Mandatory = $true)]

    #The path inside repository. Used to get contend of subdirectories
    [Parameter(Helpmessage = 'path inside repository',
    Mandatory = $false)]

    #The name of a repository branch or tag or if not given the default branch
    [Parameter(Helpmessage = 'Name of a repository branch or tag',
    Mandatory = $false)]

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specify Existing GitlabConnector',
        Mandatory = $false,
    DontShow = $true)]
    [psobject]$GitlabConnect = (Get-GitlabConnect)

  $httpmethod = 'get'
  $apiurl = "projects/$ProjectID/repository/tree"
  $Parameters = @{}

    $Parameters.path = $Path

    $Parameters.'ref_name' = $ReferenceName
