
function New-GitLabProjectIssueNote
      Adds a single note to an issue
      The New-GitLabProjectIssueNote function adds a single note to an issue.
      New-GitLabProjectIssueNote -ProjectID 20 -IssueID 1 -Body 'Started research'
      Adds a new note reading 'Started research' to issue 1 in project 20
      New-GitLabProjectIssueNote -ProjectID 20 -IssueID 1 -Body 'Started research' -PassThru
      Adds a new note reading 'Started research' to issue 1 in project 20 and returns the newly created note.

    # The ID of the project
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'ProjectID',
    Mandatory = $true)]

    # The ID of the projects issue
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'IssueID',
    Mandatory = $true)]

    # The content of the note
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'The content of a note',
    Mandatory = $true)]

    # The time the note was created
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'time of creation',
    Mandatory = $false)]

    # Specify Existing GitlabConnector
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specify Existing GitlabConnector',
        Mandatory = $false,
    DontShow = $true)]
    [psobject]$GitlabConnect = (Get-GitlabConnect),

    # Passthru the created label
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Passthru the created label',
    Mandatory = $false)]


  $httpmethod = 'post'
  $apiurl = "projects/$ProjectID/issues/$IssueID/notes"
  $parameters = @{
    body = $body

    $parameters.'created_at' = $CreatedAt.ToUniversalTime().tostring('s') +'Z'

  $newnote = $GitlabConnect.callapi($apiurl,$httpmethod,$parameters)

    return $newnote