
. $PSScriptRoot\HelperFunctions.ps1

function Initialize-Provider {
    Write-Verbose "Initializing provider $ProviderName"
    # does not execute!

function Get-PackageProviderName {
    # actual initialization
    if (-not $Initialized) {
        $ConfigFolder = 'C:\ProgramData\GitLabProvider'
        if (-not (Test-Path $ConfigFolder)) { mkdir $ConfigFolder }
        $script:RegisteredPackageSourcesPath = "$ConfigFolder\PackageSources.json"
        [array]$script:RegisteredPackageSources = if (Test-Path $RegisteredPackageSourcesPath) {
            Get-Content $RegisteredPackageSourcesPath | ConvertFrom-Json | % {
                Add-PackageSource -Name $_.Name -Location $_.Location -Trusted $_.IsTrusted
        } else { @() }
        $script:InstalledPackagesPath = "$ConfigFolder\InstalledPackages.json"
        $script:Initialized = $true

    return 'GitLab'

function Get-Feature {
    New-Feature -Name 'supports-powershell-modules'

function Get-DynamicOptions {
        [Microsoft.PackageManagement.MetaProvider.PowerShell.OptionCategory] $Category
    switch ($Category) {
        Package {} # for Find-Package
        Source {} # for Add/Remove-PackageSource
        Provider {} # not used
        # for Install/Uninstall/Get-InstalledPackage
        Install {
            New-DynamicOption -Category $Category -Name Location -ExpectedType String -IsRequired $false
            New-DynamicOption -Category $Category -Name User -ExpectedType String -IsRequired $false
            #New-DynamicOption -Category $Category -Name System -ExpectedType String -IsRequired $false

function Add-PackageSource {
        [string] $Name,
        [string] $Location,
        [bool] $Trusted
    $PSBoundParameters.Registered = $true
    $PackageSource = New-PackageSource @PSBoundParameters
    $script:RegisteredPackageSources += $PackageSource

function Remove-PackageSource {
        [string] $Name
    $PackageSource = $script:RegisteredPackageSources | ? Name -eq $Name
    if (-not $PackageSource) {
        $msg = 'Package source matching the specified name is not registered'
        Write-Error -Message $msg -ErrorId PackageSourceNotFound -Category InvalidOperation -TargetObject $Name
    } else {
        $script:RegisteredPackageSources = @($script:RegisteredPackageSources) -ne $PackageSource

function Resolve-PackageSources {
    $SourceName = $request.PackageSources
    if (-not $SourceName) { $SourceName = '*' }
    $SourceName | % {
        if ($request.IsCanceled) { return }
        $PackageSource = $script:RegisteredPackageSources | ? Name -like $_
        if (-not $PackageSource) {
            $msg = "Package source matching the name $_ not registered"
            Write-Error -Message $msg -ErrorId PackageSourceNotFound -Category InvalidOperation -TargetObject $_
        } else { $PackageSource }

function Find-Package { 
        [string[]] $Name,
        [string] $RequiredVersion,
        [string] $MinimumVersion,
        [string] $MaximumVersion = "$([int]::MaxValue).0"
    if (-not $MinimumVersion) {
        $MinimumVersion = '0.0'
    if (-not $MaximumVersion) {
        $MaximumVersion = "$([int]::MaxValue).0"
    $Options = $request.Options
    $Sources = Get-PackageSources $request
    foreach ($Source in $Sources) {
        if ($request.IsCanceled) { return }
        $h = @{Headers = $Source.Headers}
        if (-not $Name) { $Name = '*' }
        $Name | % {
            if ($_ -eq '*') {
                $page = 1
                while ($Response = Invoke-RestMethod @h ($Source.Location + "/projects?per_page=100&page=$page")) {
                    [array]$Projects += $Response
            } else {
                $Projects = Invoke-RestMethod @h ($Source.Location + "/projects/search/${_}?per_page=100")
            foreach ($Project in $Projects) {
                $ProjectId = $
                $Tags = Invoke-RestMethod @h ($Source.Location + "/projects/$ProjectId/repository/tags?per_page=100")
                $Tags | Sort name -Descending | ? { [System.Version]($ -ge $MinimumVersion -and
                            [System.Version]($ -le $MaximumVersion -and
                            (-not $RequiredVersion -or $ -eq $RequiredVersion)
                } -pv Tag | % {
                    $TagName = $
                    $CommitId = $

                    # retrieve dependencies
                    $RepositoryTree = Invoke-RestMethod @h ($Source.Location + "/projects/$ProjectId/repository/tree?ref_name=${CommitId}&per_page=100")
                    $ManifestFileName = ($RepositoryTree | ? Name -like *.psd1).name
                    $ManifestFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
                    Invoke-WebRequest @h ($Source.Location + "/projects/$ProjectId/repository/blobs/${CommitId}?filepath=$ManifestFileName") -OutFile $ManifestFilePath
                    $ModuleManifest = Invoke-Expression (Get-Content $ManifestFilePath -Raw)
                    rm $ManifestFilePath

                    if ($RepositoryTree | ? Name -eq .gitmodules) {
                        $SubmodulesFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
                        Invoke-WebRequest @h ($Source.Location + "/projects/$ProjectId/repository/blobs/${CommitId}?filepath=.gitmodules") -OutFile $SubmodulesFilePath
                        $Submodules = Get-GitSubmodules $SubmodulesFilePath
                        rm $SubmodulesFilePath

                    # GitLab / PSGallery / chocolatey / nuget
                    $Dependencies = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
                    @($ModuleManifest.PrivateData.RequiredPackages) -ne $null | % {
                        $Dependency = $_.CanonicalId.Split(':/#') # 'nuget:Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices/'
                        [void]$Dependencies.Add((New-Dependency @Dependency))
                    $Swid = @{
                        Name = $
                        Version = $TagName #[System.Version]$Tag
                        VersionScheme = 'MultiPartNumeric'
                        Source = $Source.Name
                        Summary = $Project.description
                        FullPath = $Source.Location + "/projects/$ProjectId/repository/$TagName" # zip download link
                        FromTrustedSource = $true
                        Filename = ''
                        SearchKey = ''
                        Details = @{
                            CommitId = $CommitId
                            Submodules = @($Submodules)
                        Entities = @()
                        Links = @()
                        Dependencies = $Dependencies # array of json
                        #TagId <string>
                    $Swid.FastPackageReference = $Swid | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
                    New-SoftwareIdentity @Swid
                    if (-not $Options.AllVersions) { continue }


function Download-Package {
        [string] $FastPackageReference,
        [string] $Location
    $Options = $request.Options
    $Sources = Get-PackageSources $request
    $PackageInfo = $FastPackageReference | ConvertFrom-Json
    $Source = $Sources | ? Name -eq $PackageInfo.Source
    $h = @{Headers = $Source.Headers}

    if (-not (Test-Path $Location)) { mkdir $Location }
    Push-Location $Location
    mkdir $PackageInfo.Name -ea SilentlyContinue
    Invoke-WebRequest @h -Uri $PackageInfo.FullPath -OutFile
    Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath .
    $UncompressedPath = "$($PackageInfo.Name)-$($PackageInfo.Version)-$($PackageInfo.Details.CommitId)"
    # Submodule handling (from the same source)
    $PackageInfo.Details.Submodules -ne $null | % {
        $RepositoryTreeUrl = $PackageInfo.FullPath -replace [regex]::Escape("/$($PackageInfo.Version)"),"/tree?ref=$($PackageInfo.Details.CommitId)"
        $RepositoryTree = Invoke-RestMethod @h -Uri $RepositoryTreeUrl
        $SubmoduleCommitId = ($RepositoryTree | ? name -eq $_.path).id
        Invoke-WebRequest @h -Uri ($_.url + "/repository/$SubmoduleCommitId") -OutFile
        Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath .
        $UncompressedSubmodulePath = (Resolve-Path "*$SubmoduleCommitId").Path
        Move-Item -Path ($UncompressedSubmodulePath + '\*') -Destination (Join-Path $UncompressedPath $_.path)
        rm $UncompressedSubmodulePath
    Rename-Item -Path $UncompressedPath -NewName $PackageInfo.Version -PassThru |
    Move-Item -Destination $PackageInfo.Name
    $Swid = $PackageInfo | ConvertTo-Hashtable
    $Swid.FastPackageReference = $FastPackageReference
    New-SoftwareIdentity @Swid

function Install-Package {
        [string] $FastPackageReference
    $Location = if ($request.Options.Location) {
    } elseif ($request.Options.User) {
    } else {
        'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules'
    Download-Package @PSBoundParameters -Location $Location
    $Swid = $FastPackageReference | ConvertFrom-Json
    $Param = @{
        MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
        Name = 'Location'
        Value = $Location
        TypeName = 'string'
    [array]$InstalledPackages = if (Test-Path $InstalledPackagesPath) {
        Get-Content $InstalledPackagesPath | ConvertFrom-Json
    } else { @() }
    $InstalledPackages += $Swid | Add-Member @Param -PassThru
    Dump-InstalledPackages $InstalledPackages

function Uninstall-Package {
        [string] $FastPackageReference
    $Swid = $FastPackageReference | ConvertFrom-Json
    #[array]$InstalledPackages = Get-Content $InstalledPackagesPath | ConvertFrom-Json
    $Package = $script:InstalledPackages | ? { $_.Name -eq $Swid.Name -and $_.Version -eq $Swid.Version }
    $Location = Join-Path $Package.Location $Swid.Name
    Remove-Item "$Location\$($Swid.Version)" -Recurse
    if (-not (Test-Path "$Location\*")) {
        Remove-Item $Location
    $InstalledPackages = $InstalledPackages -ne $Package
    Dump-InstalledPackages $InstalledPackages

function Get-InstalledPackage {
        [string] $Name,
        [string] $RequiredVersion,
        [string] $MinimumVersion,
        [string] $MaximumVersion = "$([int]::MaxValue).0"
    if (-not $MinimumVersion) {
        $MinimumVersion = '0.0'
    if (-not $MaximumVersion) {
        $MaximumVersion = "$([int]::MaxValue).0"

    [array]$script:InstalledPackages = if (Test-Path $InstalledPackagesPath) {
        Get-Content $InstalledPackagesPath | ConvertFrom-Json
    } else { @() }
    $InstalledPackages | ? Name -match $Name | Sort Version -Descending | ? {
        [System.Version]($_.Version) -ge $MinimumVersion -and
        [System.Version]($_.Version) -le $MaximumVersion -and
        (-not $RequiredVersion -or $_.Version -eq $RequiredVersion)
    } | ? Location -match ([regex]::Escape($request.Options.Location)) |
    Select * -ExcludeProperty Location | % {
        $Swid = ConvertTo-Hashtable $_
        $Swid.FastPackageReference = $_ | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
        New-SoftwareIdentity @Swid

function Get-PackageDependencies {
        [string] $FastPackageReference
    $Swid = $FastPackageReference | ConvertFrom-Json
    $Swid.Dependencies | % {
        Find-Package -Name $_.PackageName -RequiredVersion $_.Version