
. $PSScriptRoot\TokenManagement.ps1

function Invoke-GithubCodeSearch {
    Searches for code on GitHub containing the specified text.

    Searches for code on GitHub containing the specified text.

    Searches can optionally be constrained by language, or to a specific repository
    or organisation. These can be combined, for example to search within a specific language
    within a specific organisation.

    To search within private repositories or organisations your access token must have been granted
    access to them.

    By default only the first page of 20 results is returned. This can be overriden, but GitHub's
    API will return at most 300 results per page, and at most 1000 results across all pages.

    The function returns a list of results in the format:
        Matches: ['', ''],
        URL: ''
    Where Matches is up to 2 text snippets showing the found text in context, and URL is a link
    to the file on GitHub.

    The results can be passed through to other functions such as Select-Object, or Format-List for
    further processing.

    The text to search for.

    .PARAMETER Language
    The language to search in, e.g. C#, JavaScript.

    The repository to search in.

    The organisation to search in.

    .PARAMETER PerPage
    The number of results to return, default 20.

    The page of results to return, defaul 1.

    String: The text to search for can be taken from the pipeline.

    System.Array: The array of results

    Invoke-GithubCodeSearch -Text if

    Invoke-GithubCodeSearch -Text if -Language powershell

    Invoke-GithubCodeSearch -Text if -Repo charliebillen/GithubCodeSearch

    Invoke-GithubCodeSearch -Text if -Org TheDreadPirateRoberts

    Invoke-GithubCodeSearch -Text if -PerPage 300

    Invoke-GithubCodeSearch -Text if -Page 10


    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]




        $PerPage = 20,

        $Page = 1

    begin {
        $headers = @{
            'Authorization' = "Basic $(Get-GithubCodeSearchToken)"
            'Accept' = 'application/vnd.github.v3.text-match+json'

    process {
        $searchParameters = @{
            Text = $Text
            Language = $Language
            Repo = $Repo
            Org = $Org
            PerPage = $PerPage
            Page = $Page
        $uri = "{0}" -f (Get-GithubCodeSearchQueryString @searchParameters)

        $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers

        $results.items | ForEach-Object {
            $textMatches = $_.text_matches | ForEach-Object { $_.fragment }

                Matches = $textMatches
                URL = $_.html_url

function Get-GithubCodeSearchQueryString {
    param (

    $query = "q=$Text"

    if ($Org) {
        $query += "+org:$Org"

    if ($Repo) {
        $query += "+repo:$Repo"

    if ($Language) {
        $query += '+language:{0}' -f [Uri]::EscapeDataString($Language) # 'C#' must be escaped

    if ($PerPage) {
        $query += "&per_page=$PerPage"

    if ($Page) {
        $query += "&page=$Page"
