
Function Connect-Github {
param (

   Connects PowerShell to the Github API
   This function will connect the current PowerShell session to the Github API via Basic Authentication. 2FA is currently not yet supported.
   The user name and password have to be provided on the command line as Github is not following RFC standards to the full extent:
   If you don't want to provide the password on the command line, don't provide it and enter it in the prompt.
   Connect-Github -githubusername user1 -Password P@ssw0rd
   Connect-Github -githubusername user1 -Password P@ssw0rd -OneTimePassword 123456

if (-not $githubusername) {
    $githubusername = (Get-Credential -Message 'Please only enter the Github User Name').UserName

if (-not $githubpassword) {
    $githubpassword = (Get-Credential -Message "Please only enter the user's password" -UserName 'not needed').GetNetworkCredential().Password

    $AuthString = "{0}:{1}" -f $githubusername,$githubpassword
    $AuthBytes  = [System.Text.Encoding]::Ascii.GetBytes($AuthString)
    $global:BasicCreds = [Convert]::ToBase64String($AuthBytes)

    $githuburi = '' 
    if ($OneTimePassword) {
        try {
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $GitHubUri -Headers @{"Authorization"="Basic $BasicCreds"; "X-Github-OTP" = $OneTimePassword} -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Write-Error -Message $_
    else {
        try {
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $GitHubUri -Headers @{"Authorization"="Basic $BasicCreds"} -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Write-Error -Message $_

Function New-GithubRepository {
param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory= $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory= $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory= $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory= $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory= $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory= $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory= $true)]

    if (-not ($BasicCreds)) {
        throw 'Please run Connect-Github first to get an authentication token for Github'

$newrepo = @"
    "name": "$repository_name",
    "description": "$repository_description",
    "homepage": "$repository_homepage",
    "private": $repository_private,
    "has_issues": $repository_has_issues,
    "has_wiki": $repository_has_wiki,
    "has_downloads": $repository_has_downloads

    try {
        Invoke-WebRequest -Body $newrepo -Uri -Method Post -Headers @{"Authorization"="Basic $BasicCreds"} -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-Error $_


Function Remove-GithubRepository {
param (

    if (-not ($BasicCreds)) {
        throw 'Please run Connect-Github first to get an authentication token for Github'

    try {
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri$githubusername/$Repository_Name -Method Delete -Headers @{"Authorization"="Basic $BasicCreds"} -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-Error -Message $_


Function Get-GithubPublicRepository {
param (
    [string] $githubusername
    try {
        $json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri$githubusername/repos -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-Error -Message $_
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$repos = @()

    $con_json = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $json.Content
    foreach ($obj in $con_json) {
        $repo = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
        Add-Member -InputObject $repo -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Name' -Value $
        Add-Member -InputObject $repo -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Description' -Value $obj.description
        $repos += $repo