
function Get-OVGDAppliance {
            Retrieves appliances connected to the Global Dashboard instance
            This function will retrieve the appliances connected to the specified Global Dashboard instance
            Author : Rudi Martinsen / Intility AS
            Date : 25/03-2019
            Version : 0.2.1
            Revised : 17/04-2019
            0.2.1 -- Added help text
            0.2.0 -- Added count param
        .PARAMETER Server
            The Global Dashboard to remove connection from
        .PARAMETER Entity
            The appliance to retrieve
        .PARAMETER Count
            The count of appliances to retrieve, defaults to 25
            PS C:\> Get-OVGDAppliance
            Retrieves all OneView appliances connected to the Global Dashboard instance
            PS C:\> Get-OVGDAppliance -Entity oneview-001
            Retrieves the specific OneView appliances with the name "oneview-001"

    param (
        $Count = 25
    BEGIN {
        $ResourceType = "appliances"

        $Resource = BuildPath -Resource $ResourceType -Entity $Entity

        $result = Invoke-OVGDRequest -Resource $Resource

        if ($result.Count -lt $result.Total ) {
            Write-Verbose "The result has been paged. Total number of results is: $($"

        $output = Add-OVGDTypeName -TypeName "GlobalDashboardPS.OVGDAppliance" -Object $result.members
        return $output

    END {

