
function Connect-OVGD {
            Create a connection to a Global Dashboard instance
            This function will create a connection to the specified Global Dashboard instance
            Author : Rudi Martinsen / Intility AS
            Date : 25/03-2019
            Version : 0.2.0
            Revised : 24/04-2019
            0.2.0 -- Added PS Credential support
            0.1.1 -- Added help text
        .PARAMETER Server
            The Global Dashboard to connect to
        .PARAMETER UserName
            The Username of a user with access to the Global Dashboard instance
        .PARAMETER Password
            The Password of the specified user
        .PARAMETER Directory
            The Directory of the specified user, defaults to local
        .PARAMETER Credential
            A PSCredential to be sent to the login function
            PS C:\> Connect-OVGD -Server -UserName user01
            Connects to the specified Global Dashboard instance with the specified user. The function will prompt for the password of the user
            PS C:\> Connect-OVGD -Server -Credential (get-credential)
            Connects to the specified Global Dashboard instance with a PS Credential

    param (

    BEGIN {
            $UserName = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
            $Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().SecurePassword
                $Directory = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Domain
                $UserName = (Read-Host -Prompt "Type your username")    
               $Password = (Read-Host -Prompt "Type your password" -AsSecureString)
                $Directory = (Read-Host -Prompt "Type your directory (default: local)")
                    $Directory = "local"
        Write-Verbose "About to login user $UserName"
        New-OVGDSessionKey -Server $Server -Username $Username -Password $Password -LoginDomain $Directory
    END {

