
using namespace System.Collections.Generic

   .oooooo. ooooooooo. .oooooo..o
  d8P' `Y8b `888 `Y88. d8P' `Y8
 888 .ooooo. 888 .d88' Y88bo.
 888 d88' `88b 888ooo88P' `"Y8888o.
 888 ooooo 888 888 888 `"Y88b
 `88. .88' 888 888 888 oo .d8P
  `Y8bood8P' `Y8bod8P' o888o 8""88888P'

  Jump and easily manage a database file of jump paths.

param (
    # This is the default navigation file path to be used if a config file is missing. Default: $HOME/.navdb
    $DefaultNavigationFile = "$HOME/.gops"

#region Setup ------------------------------------------------------------------
   -_-/ ,
  (_ / ||
 (_ --_ _-_ =||= \\ \\ -_-_
   --_ ) || \\ || || || || \\
  _/ )) ||/ || || || || ||
 (_-_- \\,/ \\, \\/\\ ||-'

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' 
$ModuleRoot = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Leaf
$ResourceFile = @{ 
    BindingVariable = 'Message'
    BaseDirectory = $PSScriptRoot
    FileName = $ModuleRoot + '.Resources.psd1'
$ConfigFile = @{
    BindingVariable = 'Config'
    BaseDirectory = $PSScriptRoot
    FileName = $ModuleRoot + '.Config.psd1'

# Try to import the resource file
try {
    Import-LocalizedData @ResourceFile 
catch {
    # Uh-oh. The module is likely broken if this file cannot be found.
    Import-LocalizedData @ResourceFile -UICulture en-US

data ConfigProperties {

data CommandAliasProperties {

data DefaultConfig -SupportedCommand Get-Variable {
        DefaultNavigationFile = Get-Variable DefaultNavigationFile -ValueOnly
        CommandAlias = @{} 

# Try to import the config file
try {
    Import-LocalizedData @ConfigFile 

    $xs = [HashSet[string]] [string[]] $Config.Keys
    $ys = [HashSet[string]] $ConfigProperties

    if (!$xs.IsSubsetOf($ys)) {
        [void] $xs.ExceptWith($ys)

        throw ($Message.TerminatingError.InvalidConfig -f ($xs -join ', '), ($ConfigProperties -join ', '))

    if ($Config.ContainsKey('CommandAlias')) {
        $xs = [HashSet[string]] [string[]] $Config.CommandAlias.Keys
        $ys = [HashSet[string]] $CommandAliasProperties

        if (!$xs.IsSubsetOf($ys)) {
            [void] $xs.ExceptWith($ys)

            throw ($Message.TerminatingError.InvalidCommandAlias -f
                ($xs -join ', '),                
                ($CommandAliasProperties -join "`n"))
catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
    Write-Warning $Message.Warning.ConfigFileNotFound 

    $Config = $DefaultConfig
catch { 
    throw $_.Exception


#region Classes ----------------------------------------------------------------
   ,- _~. ,,
  (' /| || _
 (( || || < \, _-_, _-_, _-_ _-_,
 (( || || /-|| ||_. ||_. || \\ ||_.
  ( / | || (( || ~ || ~ || ||/ ~ ||
   -____- \\ \/\\ ,-_- ,-_- \\,/ ,-_-

class Entry {
    [string] $Token
    [string] $Path 
    [bool] $IsValid

class Database { 
    [List[Entry]] $EntryList 
    [HashSet[string]] $TokenSet

# A nice, human-readable Entry list
class JumpStack {
    [int] $Jump
    [string] $Name
    [string] $FullName


#region helper -----------------------------------------------------------------
 _-_- ,,
   /, ||
   || __ _-_ || -_-_ _-_ ,._-_
  ~||- - || \\ || || \\ || \\ ||
   ||===|| ||/ || || || ||/ ||
  ( \_, | \\,/ \\ ||-' \\,/ \\,
        ` |/

function Invoke-Ternary {
      A nice internal ternary function.
      Helps improve script readability by removing the need to use PowerShell array logic for trivial if-else
      Array logic ternary expressions can be confusing syntax for PowerShell beginners.
      Array ternary logic example: ('false case', 'true case')[$conditional]
      bool -> scriptblock -> scriptblock -> () #>

    param (
        # The conditional statement. Must evaluate to a boolean.
        [bool] $Conditional
        # A scriptblock to invoke when the conditional parameter evaluates to True.
        [scriptblock] $OnTrue
        # A scriptblock to invoke when the conditional parameter evaluates to False.
        [scriptblock] $OnFalse

    if ($Conditional) {
        & $OnTrue
    else {
        & $OnFalse

function New-Entry { 
      Creates a new Entry object.
      string -> string -> Entry #>

    [CmdletBinding()]  # Makes variables easier to get from pipeline

    param (
        # Token Name.
        [string] $Token
        # Path Name.
        [string] $Path 

    $x = $Path -as [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]

    [Entry] @{
        Token   = $Token
        Path    = $Path
        IsValid = $x.Exists

function New-Database { 
      Creates a new Database object.
      () -> Database #>

    [Database] @{
        EntryList = @()
        TokenSet  = @()

filter Add-Entry ($x) {
      Adds a piped Entry to a Database object if the Entry does not have a duplicate Token property.
      If the Token property of the Entrty object already exists in the Database, the Entry is ignored.
      A successful operation modifies the Database object.
      A failed operation emits an error.
      seq<Entry> -> Database -> () #>

    if ($x.TokenSet.Add($_.Token)) {
        [void] $x.EntryList.Add($_)
    else {
        Write-Error ($Message.Error.AddEntry -f $_.Token)

filter ConvertFrom-Database {
      Converts a Database object to an Entry array.
      Database -> Entry[] #>


function New-JumpStack {
      Creates a new JumpStack object from a piped DirectoryInfo object.
      seq<DirectoryInfo> -> seq<JumpStack> #>

    begin { 
        $c = 1

    process { 
        [JumpStack] @{
            Jump = $c++
            Name = $_.Name
            FullName = $_.FullName


#region Internal ---------------------------------------------------------------
 _-_, , ,,
   // || _ ||
   || \\/\\ =||= _-_ ,._-_ \\/\\ < \, ||
  ~|| || || || || \\ || || || /-|| ||
   || || || || ||/ || || || (( || ||
 _-_, \\ \\ \\, \\,/ \\, \\ \\ \/\\ \\

# Todo: Make this a public cmdlet @endowdly
function Import-NavigationFile ($s) {
      Imports the data from a navigation file and returns the Database object.
      If no file is at the given path, emits a friendly information string and returns an empty Database object.
      string -> Database #>

    if (!(Test-Path $s)) {
        Write-Warning ($Message.Warning.NoNavFile -f $s)

        return New-Database 

    $x = New-Database 

    [Entry[]] (Import-Csv $s) |
        Add-Entry $x


function Push-Path ($s) {
      If the given path is a valid directory:
        - Pushes the current path onto module PathStack
        - Sets the path to the valid directory
        - Records the new path onto the provider PathStack
      Does nothing otherwise.
      string -> () #>

    $s1 = Convert-Path $s 
    $x = [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $s1

    if ($x.Exists) {

        Push-Location $x.FullName -StackName GoPS

$setAlias = {
    if ($_.Value -eq '') {

    Set-Alias -Value $_.Key -Name $_.Value -Scope Script

# Module variables go here
$GoPS = @{
    DefaultPath = $Config.DefaultNavigationFile
    Database    = New-Database
    LastPath    = $PWD.Path
    PathStack   = [Stack[System.IO.DirectoryInfo]] @()


#region gatekeeping ------------------------------------------------------------
     __ ,
   ,-| ~ , ,,
  ('||/__, _ || || ' _
 (( ||| | < \, =||= _-_ ||/\ _-_ _-_ -_-_ \\ \\/\\ / \\
 (( |||==| /-|| || || \\ ||_< || \\ || \\ || \\ || || || || ||
  ( / | , (( || || ||/ || | ||/ ||/ || || || || || || ||
   -____/ \/\\ \\, \\,/ \\,\ \\,/ \\,/ ||-' \\ \\ \\ \\_-|
                                             |/ / \
                                             ' '----`

function Assert-Path ($s) {
      Throw on Test-Path failure.
      string -> () #>

    if (!(Test-Path $s)) {
        throw ($Message.TerminatingError.NavFileInvalid -f $s)


function Assert-PositiveNumber ($d) {
      Throw if d is not a positive number. #>

    if ($d -lt 0) {
        throw ($Message.TerminatingError.NotAPositiveNumber -f $d)



#region Public -----------------------------------------------------------------
 -__ /\\ ,, ,,
   || \\ || || '
  /||__|| \\ \\ ||/|, || \\ _-_
  \||__|| || || || || || || ||
   || |, || || || |' || || ||
 _-||-_/ \\/\\ \\/ \\ \\ \\,/

# Todo: Change output to FileInfo @endowdly @low
function New-NavigationFile {
      Creates a new navigation database file.
      Creates a home Entry and exports to a CSV file.
      This is considered a 'bare' navigation file.
      Will not overwrite an existing file unless the Force switch is used.
      The home Entry is simply the user's Home directory, derived from the Home automatic variable.
      A navigation file is a CSV file that flat-packs Entry objects.
      Creates a new navigation file at the DefaultPath, which is normally '~/.gops', if it does not exist.
      New-NavigationFile -Path $FilePath
      Assuming FilePath is a valid location and does not exist, creates a new navigation file.
      New-NavigationFile -Force
      Overwrites the navigation file, if it exists, at the DefaultPath with a bare navigation file.
      Join-Path $HOME .gops2 | New-NavigationFile -Force
      Overwrites the navigation file, if it exists, at the input passed by `Join-Path`.
      string -> bool -> ()


        # Specifies a path to database file. Default: Module DefaultPath
        [string] $Path = $GoPS.DefaultPath
        # Forces creation of a new navigation file.
        [switch] $Force
    $NoClobber = !$Force
    $x = New-Database

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path, $Message.ShouldProcess.NewNavigationFile)) {
        New-Entry Home $HOME |
            Add-Entry $x 

        $x |
            ConvertFrom-Database |
            Export-Csv -Path $Path -NoClobber:$NoClobber -NoTypeInformation

        Write-Verbose ($Message.Verbose.NewNavigationFile -f $Path)

function Get-DefaultNavigationFile {
      Returns the default path of the navigation file currently set.
      Returns the default path of the navigation file currently set.
      The only way to use it.
      () -> PathInfo

    Resolve-Path $GoPS.DefaultPath

function Set-DefaultNavigationFile {
      Sets the default navigation file path.
      Sets the default navigation file path for GoPS.
      Set-DefaultNavigationFile $FilePath
      Sets the default navigation filelocation to FilePath, if it exists.
      $FilePath | Set-DefaultNavigationFile
      Sets the default navigation filelocation to FilePath, if it exists.
      string -> ()

        ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]

    param (
        # Specifies a path to database file.
        [ValidateScript({ Assert-Path $_ })]
        [string] $Path

    process { 
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path, $Message.ShouldProcess.SetDefaultNavigationFile)) {
            if ($Path -eq $GoPS.DefaultPath) {

            $GoPS.DefaultPath = $Path

            Write-Verbose ($Message.Verbose.SetDefaultNavigationFile -f $Path)

# Review: Consider an Append switch parameter to add to a file @endowdly @low
function Export-NavigationEntry {
      Export an Entry object to a navigation file.
      Export an Entry object to a navigation file.
      If a path is not given, defaults to the default navigation file.
      If no Entry objects are provided, exports the objects currently loaded in memory.
      Will export the Entry objects in memory to the default navigation file path, if it exists.
      Export-NavigationEntry -Path $FilePath
      Will export the Entry objects in memory to the path at FilePath, if it exists.
      Get-NavigationEntry this that | Export-NavigationEntry
      Will export the Entry objects with Token properties 'this' and 'that' to the default navifation file.
      Get-NavigationEntry this that | Export-NavigationEntry -Path $FilePath
      Will export the Entry objects with Token properties 'this' and 'that' to the path at FilePath, if it exists.
      Entry[] -> string? -> ()

        ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')]
    [Alias('Export-NavigationDatabase')]  # ! Deprecated

        # The Entry objects to export. Default: Entry objects in loaded Database
        [Entry[]] $InputObject = $GoPS.Database.EntryList.ToArray()
        # Specifies a path to database file. Default: Module DefaultPath
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [ValidateScript({ Assert-Path $_ })]
        [string] $Path = $GoPS.DefaultPath
        [switch] $Append

    begin {
        if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq 'Export-NavigationDatabase') {
            Write-Warning $Message.Warning.ExportNavigationDatabase

    process { 
        <# * Why ForEach is not used on each incoming array:
            Inteded behavior is for the navigation file to be wholly replaced by the incoming Entry array.
            If you use ForEach on the array, you may only export the last Entry object in the array.
            I would rather only export the last array passed. #>

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path, $Message.ShouldProcess.ExportNavigationEntry)) {
            $InputObject |
                Export-Csv -Path $Path -NoTypeInformation -Append:$Append

# Review: Consider an Append switch parameter @endowdly @low
function Update-NavigationDatabase {
      Update the Database in memory with the contents of a navigation file.
      Update the Database in memory with the contents of a navigation file.
      Will change the internal Database object to the Entry array contained in the default file, if valid.
      Update-NavigationDatabase -Path $FilePath
      Will change the internal Database object to the Entry array contained in the file at FilePath, if valid.
      Join-Path $Home .gops2 | Update-NavigationDatabase
      Will change the internal Database object to the Entry array contained in the incoming path, if valid.
      string -> ()
      The noun is correct. It is a little odd as the rest of its close functions deal with Entry objects.
      However, this is the only function provided that allws the user to affect the internal Database object.

        ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]

        # Specifies a path to database file. Default: Module DefaultPath
        [ValidateScript({ Assert-Path $_ })]
        [string[]] $Path = $GoPS.DefaultPath

    begin {
        $ls = [List[Entry]] @() 
        # adds each item to a specified list
        $f = { 
            $ls, $null = $args
            [void] $ls.Add($_)

        # string -> Entry[]
        $g = {
            Import-NavigationFile $_ | ConvertFrom-Database

        $x = New-Database

    process { 
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path, $Message.ShouldProcess.UpdateNavigationDatabase)) { 
            $Path.ForEach($g).ForEach($f, $ls) 
    end { 
        $ls | Add-Entry $x
        $GoPS.Database = $x

function Add-NavigationEntry {
      Adds an Entry object to the Database.
      Adds an Entry object to the Database.
      Think of an Entry object like a bookmark.
      Each has a Token property and a JumpPath property.
      The Token is the users chosen short name or bookmark name for each JumpPath.
      The JumpPath property is a directory in the file-system they likely visit often.
      The Database is an internal memory collection that validates and stores Entry objects.
      It does not allow Entry objects with duplicate Tokens.
      However, it will allow many Entry objects that point to the same JumpPath.
      JumpPath can point to paths that do not yet exist.
      Returns the Entry object added unless the Silent switch parameter is used.
      Add-NavigationEntry -Token docs -Path ~/Documents
      Adds an Entry with the Token property 'docs' pointing to the user's Documents directory.
      Add-NavigationEntry -Token here
      Adds an Entry with the Token property 'here' pointing to the current working directory.
      Add-NavigationEntry -Token there -Path $there -Silent
      Adds an Entry with the Token property 'there' pointing to the path at there.
      Does return the Entry object created and added.
      Returns the Entry object added unless the Silent switch parameter is used.
      string -> string -> bool? -> Entry?

        ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]

        # Token to use.
            Position = 0,
        [string] $Token
        # Jump path. Default: current working directory
            Position = 1,
        [string] $JumpPath = $PWD
        # Do not emit the Entry object.
        [switch] $Silent

    process {
        $isValidPath = Test-Path $JumpPath

        if (!$isValidPath) {
            Write-Warning ($Message.Warning.BadJumpPath -f $JumpPath) 

        <# Done: IO.DirectoryInfo objects will not validate incomplete, unqualified paths @endowdly
            We don't want invalid paths to be ignored, so only change valid ones #>
        $JumpPath = Invoke-Ternary $isValidPath { Convert-Path $JumpPath } { $JumpPath } 
        $msg = $Message.ShouldProcess.AddNavigationEntry -f $Token

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($JumpPath, $msg)) { 
            New-Entry -Token $Token -Path $JumpPath -OutVariable entry |
                Add-Entry $GoPS.Database 

    end { 
        if ($Silent.IsPresent) {


# Done: Tab-Completion on tokens with partial matching @endowdly
function Get-NavigationEntry {
      Returns Entry objects filtered by token strings.
      Returns Entry objects in the loaded Database or from specified files.
      Accepts path names of navigation files as input or from the Path parameter.
      Path strings can be wildcarded.
      If Path is not used or no input is received, returns Entry objects from the loaded Database object.
      Filters Entry objects by Token property.
      Filtering strings can be entered by the Token parameter or by remaining arguments.
      Token filtering strings can be wildcarded.
      Get-NavigationEntry -Token 'this', 'that', 'theOther'
      Get Entry objects in the currently loaded Database.
      Returns Entry objects with Token properties 'this', 'that', or 'theOther' if they exist.
      Get-NavigationEntry this that theOther
      Get Entry objects in the currently loaded Database by remaining arguments.
      Returns Entry objects with Token properties 'this', 'that', or 'theOther' if they exist.
      Get-NavigationEntry git*
      Get Entry objects in the currently loaded Database by wildcarded Token.
      Returns all Entry objects with Token properties like 'git*' if they exist.
      Get-NavigationEntry -Path ~/.gops2
      Get Entry objects in specific files.
      Returns all Entry objects in the given paths if they are valid navigation files.
      '~/.gops3', '~/.gops2' | Get-NavigationEntry
      Get Entry objects in specific files from the pipeline.
      Returns all Entry objects in the given paths if they are valid navigation files.
      '~/.gops*' | Get-NavigationEntry
      Get Entry objects in specific files by wildcards from the pipeline
      Returns all Entry objects in the given paths if they are valid navigation files.
      Get-NavigationEntry -Path ~/.gops*
      Get Entry objects in specific files by wildcards.
      Returns all Entry objects in the given paths if they are valid navigation files.
      Get-NavigationEntry -Path ~/.gops* -Token git*
      Get Entry objects in specific files by wildcards filtered by Token.
      Returns all Entry objects in the given paths with Token properties like git* if they are valid navigation files and the Entry objects with the specified Token properties exist.
      Similar for pipelined paths.
      Entry[], System.String[]
      Returns an Entry array.
      Returns a string array if the JumpPathOnly parameter is used.
      string[] -> string[] -> bool -> Entry[]?
      string[] -> string[] -> bool -> string[]?

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '')]
        # Specifies a path to a database file. Default: Module DefaultPath
        [ValidateScript({ Assert-Path $_ })]
        [string[]] $Path = $GoPS.DefaultPath
        # The tokens to fetch from the database. Default: '*'
            Position = 0,
            param ($cmdName, $paramName, $wordToComplete)

            (Get-NavigationEntry).Token.Where{ $_ -like "${wordToComplete}*" } })]
        [string[]] $Token = '*'
        # Returns the jump path only.
        [switch] $JumpPathOnly

    begin {
        $f = {
            $currentToken = $_
            $p = { $_.Token -like $currentToken }

        $g = {
            process { 
                Convert-Path $_ |
                ForEach-Object {
                    Import-NavigationFile $_ |
                    ConvertFrom-Database |
                    ForEach-Object { [void] $x.Add($_) } }
        $x = [List[Entry]] @()
        $y = [List[Entry]] @()

    process {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path')) {
            [void] $Path.ForEach($g)
        else {
            $GoPS.Database |
                ConvertFrom-Database | 
                ForEach-Object { $x.Add($_) } 

        [void] $Token.ForEach($f).ForEach{ $y.Add($_) }

    end { 
        Invoke-Ternary $JumpPathOnly.IsPresent { $y.ToArray().Path } { $y.ToArray() } 

# Done: Tab-Completion on tokens with partial matching @endowdly
function Remove-NavigationEntry {
      Removes an Entry from the navigation database.
      Removes an Entry from the navigation database.
      The function accepts Token arguments on the pipeline, from the parameter, and from remaining arguments.
      If a Token property does not exist on any Entry objects, does nothing and continues.
      Unlike Get-NavigationEntry, Remove- does not accept wildcard Tokens.
      This is intentional in order to ensure that incorrect tokens are not removed by accident.
      Remove- does accept Tokens returned from Get-NavigationEntry.
      Returns the remaining Entry array in the database if the Silent parameter switch is not used.
      Remove-NavigationEntry -Token 'this', 'that'
      Removes Entry objects with Tokens this and that, if they exist.
      Remove-NavigationEntry this that
      Removes Entry objects with Tokens this and that, if they exist.
      Get-NavigationEntry this that | Remove-NavigationEntry
      Removes Entry objects with Tokens this and that, if they exist.
      string[] -> bool -> Database?


        # The tokens to remove from the Database.
            param ($cmdName, $paramName, $wordToComplete)

            (Get-NavigationEntry).Token.Where{ $_ -like "${wordToComplete}*" } })]
        [string[]] $Token
        # Do not return a Database object.
        [switch] $Silent

    begin {
        $f = {
            $x = Get-NavigationEntry $_

            if ($null -ne $x) { 
                [void] $GoPS.Database.EntryList.Remove($x)
                [void] $GoPS.Database.TokenSet.Remove($_)

    process {

    end {
        if ($Silent.IsPresent) { 


# Done: Partial matching on tokens and available directories @endowdly
function Invoke-GoPS {
      Jumps to a token.
      Invoke-GoPS is the primary use point for the module.
      Because Invoke-GoPS handles jumping to paths stored in the Database, Invoke-GoPS can also ease other console navigation.
      Each jump or directory visited with 'Invoke-GoPS' command is stored in an internal Path Stack.
      This stack allows to user to quickly jump back a number of directories with the Invoke-Back function.
      Using the -Last switch will allow the user to jump back and forth to the last visited directory.
      This location is not popped off the stack and not recorded in the stack.
      Back and Last are provided in the module as convenience functions.
      Invoke-GoPS accepts input from Get-NavigationEntry.
      Invoke-GoPS home
      Sets the location to the home Entry and stores locations and jumps in the GoPS history.
      Get-NavigationEntry home | Invoke-Gops
      Sets the location to the home Entry and stores locations and jumps in the GoPS history.
      Invoke-Gops -Last
      Sets the location to the last visited directory. If there is no previous location, does nothing.
      Invoke-Gops -Back
      Sets the location to the last visited directory jumped to by GoPS.
      If there is no previous location, emits an error.
      string -> ()
      int -> ()


    param (
        # The Token to try and jump to.
            Position = 0,
            param ($cmdName, $paramName, $wordToComplete)

            (Get-NavigationEntry).Token + (Get-ChildItem -Directory $wordToComplete* ).Name |
                Where-Object { $_ -like "${wordToComplete}*" } })]
        [string] $Path
        # If a previous location is available on the stack, goes back one location.
        [switch] $Back
        # Goes to the last visited location.
        [switch] $Last
        # If back is indicated, will try to go back into the stack at this depth.
        [int] $BackDepth = 1

    $stackCount = $GoPS.PathStack.Count
    $lastPath = $GoPS.lastPath
    $GoPS.LastPath = $pwd.Path

    if ($Last) {
        Push-Location $lastPath -StackName GoPS

    if ($Back -and ($BackDepth -le $stackCount)) { 
        do {
            Push-Location $GoPS.PathStack.Pop().FullName -StackName GoPS
        } until ($BackDepth -eq 0)


    if ($Back -and ($BackDepth -gt $stackCount)) {
        Write-Error ($Message.TerminatingError.StackDepthExceeded -f $BackDepth, $stackCount) -ErrorAction Stop

    $x = Get-NavigationEntry $Path

    if ($x.IsValid) {
        Push-Path $x.Path
    else {
        Push-Path $Path

function Invoke-Back {
      Jump backwards in the GopSStack.
      Calls Invoke-GoPS with the -Back switch enabled.
      Back only works with paths reach with GoPS.
      Invoke-Back pops the last directory off the GoPSStack.
      Jumps back to the last visited GoPS directory if available.
      Invoke-Back 3
      Jumps back to the third last visited GoPS directory if available.
      int? -> ()

    # The number of back jumps to make.
    param (
        [ValidateScript({ Assert-PositiveNumber $_ })]
        [int] $n = 1

    Invoke-GoPS -Back -BackDepth $n

function Invoke-Last {
      Jump to the last visited directory.
      Jump to the last visited directory.
      Calls Invoke-GoPS with the -Last switch enabled.
      Last only works with paths reached with GoPS.
      Does not affect the GoPSStack, but does affect the JumpHistory.
      Jumps to the last visited GoPS directory, if available.
      () -> ()

    param ()

    Invoke-GoPS -Last

function Get-GoPSStack {
      Displays the current contents of the module PathStack.
      Displays the current contents of the module PathStack.
      Any directory change caused by a GoPS function is pushed by the PathStack.
      The stack will pop with Invoke-Back.
      Returns the GoPSStack.
      () -> JumpStack[]

    $GoPS.PathStack | New-JumpStack

function Get-JumpHistory {
      Displays the entire path history of the GoPS module (from load).
      Displays the entire path history of the GoPS module (from load).
      Unlike the GoPS Path Stack (Get-GoPSStack), last and back commands are recorded.
      Returns the JumpHistory of the GoPS module.
      () -> JumpStack[]

    (Get-Location -StackName GoPS).ToArray() |
        ForEach-Object Path |
        ForEach-Object { $_ -as [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] } | 

# Done: Up needs some refactoring -> cmdlet w/ArgCompleter @endowdly
function Invoke-Up {
      Traverse up in a path tree easily, accepts paths, wildcard strings, or integers.
      Traverse up in a path tree easily, accepts paths, wildcard strings, or integers.
      Accepts integers as the number of directories to move up.
      Accepts paths to move up to a matching path in a parent directory.
      Accepts wildcard strings as the same.
      Features tab-completion of all parent directories to the provider root.
      Does nothing on invalid input.
      Derived from up by Shannon Moeller and endowdly's work on the fish port.
      Sets the location of the current working directory to the parent directory, if available.
      Invoke-Up 3
      Sets the location of the current working directory to the third-level parent directory, if available.
      Invoke-Up Use*
      Sets the location of the current working directory to the first parent directory matching Use*, if available.
      In this case, would like set the current location to `C:\Users\`.
      obj -> ()


    param (
        # This object can be an integer or a string
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
            param ($cmdName, $paramName, $wordToComplete, $Ast, $Fbp)

            $here = $p = $pwd
            $root = Convert-Path /
            $ls =
                while ($p -ne $root) {
                    Split-Path $here -OutVariable here |
                    Split-Path -Leaf -OutVariable p 

            $ls.Where{ $_ -like "${wordToComplete}*" } })]
    <# Note: PWD is returned as a PathInfo object.
      It is normally safely consumed but all -Location Cmdlets.
      However, the internal function Push-Path cannot handle PathInfo objects.
      So, get the strings. #>
    $ProviderPathRoot = Convert-Path /

    function UpDir ($parent, $target) {

        if ($parent -eq $ProviderPathRoot) { 
            return $target

        $p = Split-Path $parent
        $a = Split-Path $p -Leaf
        $b = $target

        if (!$a -or !$b) {
            return $PWD.Path

        if ($a -like $b) {
            return $p

        UpDir $p $target

    function UpNum ($parent, $index) {
        if ($null -eq $parent -or $null -eq $index) {
            return $PWD.Path

        if ($index -le 0) {
           return $PWD.Path

        do {
            $parent = Split-Path $parent
        } while ($index -gt 0)

    $Up = Convert-Path .. 

    switch ($Value) {
        $null {
            Push-Path $Up
            break }

        { $_ -is [int] } {
            $temp = UpNum $PWD $Value

            if (Test-Path $temp) {
                Push-Path $temp

            break }

        default { 
            if (Test-Path $Value) {
                Push-Path $Value


            $temp = UpDir $PWD.Path $Value

            if (Test-Path $temp) {
                Push-Path $temp

            } }

#region Export -----------------------------------------------------------------
   ,- _~, ,
  (' /| / , ||
 (( ||/= \\ /` -_-_ /'\\ ,._-_ =||=
 (( || \\ || \\ || || || ||
  ( / | /\\ || || || || || ||
   -____- / \; ||-' \\,/ \\, \\,

$Functions = @(
    # 'Import-NavigationFile'



# This calls Set-Alias internally

$Aliases = @(
    ($Config.CommandAlias.Values -ne '')


Export-ModuleMember -Function $Functions -Alias $Aliases
