
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService">
            <summary>The Compute Service.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Version">
            <summary>The API version.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.DiscoveryVersionUsed">
            <summary>The discovery version used to generate this service.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.#ctor">
            <summary>Constructs a new service.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.BaseClientService.Initializer)">
            <summary>Constructs a new service.</summary>
            <param name="initializer">The service initializer.</param>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Features">
            <summary>Gets the service supported features.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Name">
            <summary>Gets the service name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.BaseUri">
            <summary>Gets the service base URI.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.BasePath">
            <summary>Gets the service base path.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.BatchUri">
            <summary>Gets the batch base URI; <c>null</c> if unspecified.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.BatchPath">
            <summary>Gets the batch base path; <c>null</c> if unspecified.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Scope">
            <summary>Available OAuth 2.0 scopes for use with the Compute Engine API.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Scope.CloudPlatform">
            <summary>View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Scope.Compute">
            <summary>View and manage your Google Compute Engine resources</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Scope.ComputeReadonly">
            <summary>View your Google Compute Engine resources</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Scope.DevstorageFullControl">
            <summary>Manage your data and permissions in Google Cloud Storage</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Scope.DevstorageReadOnly">
            <summary>View your data in Google Cloud Storage</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Scope.DevstorageReadWrite">
            <summary>Manage your data in Google Cloud Storage</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.AcceleratorTypes">
            <summary>Gets the AcceleratorTypes resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Addresses">
            <summary>Gets the Addresses resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Autoscalers">
            <summary>Gets the Autoscalers resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.BackendBuckets">
            <summary>Gets the BackendBuckets resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.BackendServices">
            <summary>Gets the BackendServices resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.DiskTypes">
            <summary>Gets the DiskTypes resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Disks">
            <summary>Gets the Disks resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Firewalls">
            <summary>Gets the Firewalls resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.ForwardingRules">
            <summary>Gets the ForwardingRules resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.GlobalAddresses">
            <summary>Gets the GlobalAddresses resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.GlobalForwardingRules">
            <summary>Gets the GlobalForwardingRules resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.GlobalOperations">
            <summary>Gets the GlobalOperations resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.HealthChecks">
            <summary>Gets the HealthChecks resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.HttpHealthChecks">
            <summary>Gets the HttpHealthChecks resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.HttpsHealthChecks">
            <summary>Gets the HttpsHealthChecks resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Images">
            <summary>Gets the Images resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.InstanceGroupManagers">
            <summary>Gets the InstanceGroupManagers resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.InstanceGroups">
            <summary>Gets the InstanceGroups resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.InstanceTemplates">
            <summary>Gets the InstanceTemplates resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Instances">
            <summary>Gets the Instances resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Licenses">
            <summary>Gets the Licenses resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.MachineTypes">
            <summary>Gets the MachineTypes resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Networks">
            <summary>Gets the Networks resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Projects">
            <summary>Gets the Projects resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.RegionAutoscalers">
            <summary>Gets the RegionAutoscalers resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.RegionBackendServices">
            <summary>Gets the RegionBackendServices resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.RegionCommitments">
            <summary>Gets the RegionCommitments resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.RegionInstanceGroupManagers">
            <summary>Gets the RegionInstanceGroupManagers resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.RegionInstanceGroups">
            <summary>Gets the RegionInstanceGroups resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.RegionOperations">
            <summary>Gets the RegionOperations resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Regions">
            <summary>Gets the Regions resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Routers">
            <summary>Gets the Routers resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Routes">
            <summary>Gets the Routes resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Snapshots">
            <summary>Gets the Snapshots resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.SslCertificates">
            <summary>Gets the SslCertificates resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Subnetworks">
            <summary>Gets the Subnetworks resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.TargetHttpProxies">
            <summary>Gets the TargetHttpProxies resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.TargetHttpsProxies">
            <summary>Gets the TargetHttpsProxies resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.TargetInstances">
            <summary>Gets the TargetInstances resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.TargetPools">
            <summary>Gets the TargetPools resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.TargetSslProxies">
            <summary>Gets the TargetSslProxies resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.TargetTcpProxies">
            <summary>Gets the TargetTcpProxies resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.TargetVpnGateways">
            <summary>Gets the TargetVpnGateways resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.UrlMaps">
            <summary>Gets the UrlMaps resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.VpnTunnels">
            <summary>Gets the VpnTunnels resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.ZoneOperations">
            <summary>Gets the ZoneOperations resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeService.Zones">
            <summary>Gets the Zones resource.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeBaseServiceRequest`1">
            <summary>A base abstract class for Compute requests.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeBaseServiceRequest`1.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new ComputeBaseServiceRequest instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeBaseServiceRequest`1.Alt">
            <summary>Data format for the response.</summary>
            [default: json]
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeBaseServiceRequest`1.AltEnum">
            <summary>Data format for the response.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeBaseServiceRequest`1.AltEnum.Json">
            <summary>Responses with Content-Type of application/json</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeBaseServiceRequest`1.Fields">
            <summary>Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeBaseServiceRequest`1.Key">
            <summary>API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports.
            Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeBaseServiceRequest`1.OauthToken">
            <summary>OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeBaseServiceRequest`1.PrettyPrint">
            <summary>Returns response with indentations and line breaks.</summary>
            [default: true]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeBaseServiceRequest`1.QuotaUser">
            <summary>Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string
            assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. Overrides userIp if both are provided.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeBaseServiceRequest`1.UserIp">
            <summary>IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to enforce per-user
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ComputeBaseServiceRequest`1.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Compute parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource">
            <summary>The "acceleratorTypes" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of accelerator types.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of accelerator types.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified accelerator type. Get a list of available accelerator types by making a
            list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="acceleratorType">Name of the accelerator type to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified accelerator type. Get a list of available accelerator types by making a
            list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.GetRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.GetRequest.AcceleratorType">
            <summary>Name of the accelerator type to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of accelerator types available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of accelerator types available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.ListRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AcceleratorTypesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource">
            <summary>The "addresses" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of addresses.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of addresses.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified address resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="address">Name of the address resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified address resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.DeleteRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.DeleteRequest.Address">
            <summary>Name of the address resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified address resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="address">Name of the address resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified address resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.GetRequest.Address">
            <summary>Name of the address resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates an address resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates an address resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.InsertRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of addresses contained within the specified region.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of addresses contained within the specified region.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.ListRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AddressesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource">
            <summary>The "autoscalers" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of autoscalers.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of autoscalers.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified autoscaler.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone for this
            <param name="autoscaler">Name of the autoscaler to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified autoscaler.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.Autoscaler">
            <summary>Name of the autoscaler to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified autoscaler resource. Get a list of available autoscalers by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone for this
            <param name="autoscaler">Name of the autoscaler to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified autoscaler resource. Get a list of available autoscalers by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.GetRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.GetRequest.Autoscaler">
            <summary>Name of the autoscaler to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates an autoscaler in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates an autoscaler in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of autoscalers contained within the specified zone.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of autoscalers contained within the specified zone.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.ListRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.Patch(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates an autoscaler in the specified project using the data included in the request. This method
            supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.PatchRequest">
            <summary>Updates an autoscaler in the specified project using the data included in the request. This method
            supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Patch request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.Autoscaler">
            <summary>Name of the autoscaler to patch.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Patch parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.Update(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates an autoscaler in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest">
            <summary>Updates an autoscaler in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Update request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.Autoscaler">
            <summary>Name of the autoscaler to update.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.AutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Update parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource">
            <summary>The "backendBuckets" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified BackendBucket resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="backendBucket">Name of the
            BackendBucket resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified BackendBucket resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.DeleteRequest.BackendBucket">
            <summary>Name of the BackendBucket resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified BackendBucket resource. Get a list of available backend buckets by making a
            list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="backendBucket">Name of the
            BackendBucket resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified BackendBucket resource. Get a list of available backend buckets by making a
            list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.GetRequest.BackendBucket">
            <summary>Name of the BackendBucket resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a BackendBucket resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a BackendBucket resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of BackendBucket resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of BackendBucket resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.Patch(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates the specified BackendBucket resource with the data included in the request. This method
            supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="backendBucket">Name of the
            BackendBucket resource to patch.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.PatchRequest">
            <summary>Updates the specified BackendBucket resource with the data included in the request. This method
            supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.PatchRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Patch request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.PatchRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.PatchRequest.BackendBucket">
            <summary>Name of the BackendBucket resource to patch.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.PatchRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.PatchRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.PatchRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.PatchRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.PatchRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.PatchRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.PatchRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Patch parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.Update(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates the specified BackendBucket resource with the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="backendBucket">Name of the
            BackendBucket resource to update.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.UpdateRequest">
            <summary>Updates the specified BackendBucket resource with the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.UpdateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Update request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.UpdateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.UpdateRequest.BackendBucket">
            <summary>Name of the BackendBucket resource to update.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.UpdateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.UpdateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.UpdateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.UpdateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.UpdateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.UpdateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendBucketsResource.UpdateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Update parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource">
            <summary>The "backendServices" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of all BackendService resources, regional and global, available to the specified
            <param name="project">Name of the project scoping this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of all BackendService resources, regional and global, available to the specified
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Name of the project scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified BackendService resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="backendService">Name of the
            BackendService resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified BackendService resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.BackendService">
            <summary>Name of the BackendService resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified BackendService resource. Get a list of available backend services by making a
            list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="backendService">Name of the
            BackendService resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified BackendService resource. Get a list of available backend services by making a
            list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetRequest.BackendService">
            <summary>Name of the BackendService resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetHealth(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ResourceGroupReference,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Gets the most recent health check results for this BackendService.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project"></param>
            <param name="backendService">Name of the BackendService resource to which the
            queried instance belongs.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest">
            <summary>Gets the most recent health check results for this BackendService.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ResourceGroupReference,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new GetHealth request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.BackendService">
            <summary>Name of the BackendService resource to which the queried instance belongs.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes GetHealth parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a BackendService resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
            There are several restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind when creating a backend service. Read
            Restrictions and Guidelines for more information.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a BackendService resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
            There are several restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind when creating a backend service. Read
            Restrictions and Guidelines for more information.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of BackendService resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of BackendService resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.Patch(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Patches the specified BackendService resource with the data included in the request. There are
            several restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind when updating a backend service. Read Restrictions and
            Guidelines for more information. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format
            and processing rules.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="backendService">Name of the
            BackendService resource to patch.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.PatchRequest">
            <summary>Patches the specified BackendService resource with the data included in the request. There are
            several restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind when updating a backend service. Read Restrictions and
            Guidelines for more information. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format
            and processing rules.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Patch request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.BackendService">
            <summary>Name of the BackendService resource to patch.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Patch parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.Update(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates the specified BackendService resource with the data included in the request. There are
            several restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind when updating a backend service. Read Restrictions and
            Guidelines for more information.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="backendService">Name of the
            BackendService resource to update.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest">
            <summary>Updates the specified BackendService resource with the data included in the request. There are
            several restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind when updating a backend service. Read Restrictions and
            Guidelines for more information.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Update request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.BackendService">
            <summary>Name of the BackendService resource to update.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.BackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Update parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource">
            <summary>The "diskTypes" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of disk types.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of disk types.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified disk type. Get a list of available disk types by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="diskType">Name of the disk type to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified disk type. Get a list of available disk types by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.GetRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.GetRequest.DiskType">
            <summary>Name of the disk type to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of disk types available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of disk types available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.ListRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DiskTypesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource">
            <summary>The "disks" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of persistent disks.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of persistent disks.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.CreateSnapshot(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a snapshot of a specified persistent disk.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="disk">Name of the persistent disk to snapshot.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.CreateSnapshotRequest">
            <summary>Creates a snapshot of a specified persistent disk.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.CreateSnapshotRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new CreateSnapshot request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.CreateSnapshotRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.CreateSnapshotRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.CreateSnapshotRequest.Disk">
            <summary>Name of the persistent disk to snapshot.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.CreateSnapshotRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.CreateSnapshotRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.CreateSnapshotRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.CreateSnapshotRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.CreateSnapshotRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.CreateSnapshotRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.CreateSnapshotRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes CreateSnapshot parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified persistent disk. Deleting a disk removes its data permanently and is
            irreversible. However, deleting a disk does not delete any snapshots previously made from the disk. You must
            separately delete snapshots.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="disk">Name of the persistent disk to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified persistent disk. Deleting a disk removes its data permanently and is
            irreversible. However, deleting a disk does not delete any snapshots previously made from the disk. You must
            separately delete snapshots.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.DeleteRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.DeleteRequest.Disk">
            <summary>Name of the persistent disk to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns a specified persistent disk. Get a list of available persistent disks by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="disk">Name of the persistent disk to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns a specified persistent disk. Get a list of available persistent disks by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.GetRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.GetRequest.Disk">
            <summary>Name of the persistent disk to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a persistent disk in the specified project using the data in the request. You can create a
            disk with a sourceImage, a sourceSnapshot, or create an empty 500 GB data disk by omitting all properties.
            You can also create a disk that is larger than the default size by specifying the sizeGb property.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a persistent disk in the specified project using the data in the request. You can create a
            disk with a sourceImage, a sourceSnapshot, or create an empty 500 GB data disk by omitting all properties.
            You can also create a disk that is larger than the default size by specifying the sizeGb property.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.InsertRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.InsertRequest.SourceImage">
            <summary>Optional. Source image to restore onto a disk.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of persistent disks contained within the specified zone.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of persistent disks contained within the specified zone.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ListRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.Resize(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DisksResizeRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Resizes the specified persistent disk.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="disk">The name of the persistent disk.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ResizeRequest">
            <summary>Resizes the specified persistent disk.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ResizeRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DisksResizeRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Resize request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ResizeRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ResizeRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ResizeRequest.Disk">
            <summary>The name of the persistent disk.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ResizeRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ResizeRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ResizeRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ResizeRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ResizeRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ResizeRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.ResizeRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Resize parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.SetLabels(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ZoneSetLabelsRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Sets the labels on a disk. To learn more about labels, read the Labeling Resources
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="resource">Name of the resource for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.SetLabelsRequest">
            <summary>Sets the labels on a disk. To learn more about labels, read the Labeling Resources
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.SetLabelsRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ZoneSetLabelsRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetLabels request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.SetLabelsRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.SetLabelsRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.SetLabelsRequest.Resource">
            <summary>Name of the resource for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.SetLabelsRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.SetLabelsRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.SetLabelsRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.SetLabelsRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.SetLabelsRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.SetLabelsRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.DisksResource.SetLabelsRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetLabels parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource">
            <summary>The "firewalls" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified firewall.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="firewall">Name of the firewall rule
            to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified firewall.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.DeleteRequest.Firewall">
            <summary>Name of the firewall rule to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified firewall.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="firewall">Name of the firewall rule
            to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified firewall.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.GetRequest.Firewall">
            <summary>Name of the firewall rule to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a firewall rule in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a firewall rule in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of firewall rules available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of firewall rules available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.Patch(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates the specified firewall rule with the data included in the request. This method supports
            PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="firewall">Name of the firewall rule
            to patch.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.PatchRequest">
            <summary>Updates the specified firewall rule with the data included in the request. This method supports
            PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.PatchRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Patch request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.PatchRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.PatchRequest.Firewall">
            <summary>Name of the firewall rule to patch.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.PatchRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.PatchRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.PatchRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.PatchRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.PatchRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.PatchRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.PatchRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Patch parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.Update(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates the specified firewall rule with the data included in the request. Using PUT method, can
            only update following fields of firewall rule: allowed, description, sourceRanges, sourceTags,
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="firewall">Name of the firewall rule
            to update.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.UpdateRequest">
            <summary>Updates the specified firewall rule with the data included in the request. Using PUT method, can
            only update following fields of firewall rule: allowed, description, sourceRanges, sourceTags,
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.UpdateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Update request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.UpdateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.UpdateRequest.Firewall">
            <summary>Name of the firewall rule to update.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.UpdateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.UpdateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.UpdateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.UpdateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.UpdateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.UpdateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.FirewallsResource.UpdateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Update parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource">
            <summary>The "forwardingRules" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of forwarding rules.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of forwarding rules.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified ForwardingRule resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="forwardingRule">Name of the ForwardingRule resource to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified ForwardingRule resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.ForwardingRule">
            <summary>Name of the ForwardingRule resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified ForwardingRule resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="forwardingRule">Name of the ForwardingRule resource to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified ForwardingRule resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.ForwardingRule">
            <summary>Name of the ForwardingRule resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a ForwardingRule resource in the specified project and region using the data included in
            the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a ForwardingRule resource in the specified project and region using the data included in
            the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of ForwardingRule resources available to the specified project and
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of ForwardingRule resources available to the specified project and
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.SetTarget(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetReference,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Changes target URL for forwarding rule. The new target should be of the same type as the old
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="forwardingRule">Name of the ForwardingRule resource in which target is to
            be set.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest">
            <summary>Changes target URL for forwarding rule. The new target should be of the same type as the old
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetReference,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetTarget request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.ForwardingRule">
            <summary>Name of the ForwardingRule resource in which target is to be set.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetTarget parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource">
            <summary>The "globalAddresses" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified address resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="address">Name of the address
            resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified address resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.DeleteRequest.Address">
            <summary>Name of the address resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified address resource. Get a list of available addresses by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="address">Name of the address
            resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified address resource. Get a list of available addresses by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.GetRequest.Address">
            <summary>Name of the address resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates an address resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates an address resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of global addresses.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of global addresses.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalAddressesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource">
            <summary>The "globalForwardingRules" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified GlobalForwardingRule resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="forwardingRule">Name of the
            ForwardingRule resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified GlobalForwardingRule resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.ForwardingRule">
            <summary>Name of the ForwardingRule resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified GlobalForwardingRule resource. Get a list of available forwarding rules by
            making a list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="forwardingRule">Name of the
            ForwardingRule resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified GlobalForwardingRule resource. Get a list of available forwarding rules by
            making a list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.ForwardingRule">
            <summary>Name of the ForwardingRule resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a GlobalForwardingRule resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a GlobalForwardingRule resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of GlobalForwardingRule resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of GlobalForwardingRule resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.SetTarget(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetReference,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Changes target URL for the GlobalForwardingRule resource. The new target should be of the same type
            as the old target.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="forwardingRule">Name of the
            ForwardingRule resource in which target is to be set.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest">
            <summary>Changes target URL for the GlobalForwardingRule resource. The new target should be of the same type
            as the old target.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetReference,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetTarget request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.ForwardingRule">
            <summary>Name of the ForwardingRule resource in which target is to be set.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesResource.SetTargetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetTarget parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource">
            <summary>The "globalOperations" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of all operations.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of all operations.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified Operations resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="operation">Name of the Operations
            resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified Operations resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.Operation">
            <summary>Name of the Operations resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the specified Operations resource. Get a list of operations by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="operation">Name of the Operations
            resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the specified Operations resource. Get a list of operations by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.GetRequest.Operation">
            <summary>Name of the Operations resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of Operation resources contained within the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of Operation resources contained within the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.GlobalOperationsResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource">
            <summary>The "healthChecks" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified HealthCheck resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="healthCheck">Name of the HealthCheck
            resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified HealthCheck resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.HealthCheck">
            <summary>Name of the HealthCheck resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified HealthCheck resource. Get a list of available health checks by making a
            list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="healthCheck">Name of the HealthCheck
            resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified HealthCheck resource. Get a list of available health checks by making a
            list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.GetRequest.HealthCheck">
            <summary>Name of the HealthCheck resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a HealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a HealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of HealthCheck resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of HealthCheck resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.Patch(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates a HealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
            This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="healthCheck">Name of the HealthCheck
            resource to patch.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.PatchRequest">
            <summary>Updates a HealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
            This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Patch request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.HealthCheck">
            <summary>Name of the HealthCheck resource to patch.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Patch parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.Update(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates a HealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="healthCheck">Name of the HealthCheck
            resource to update.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest">
            <summary>Updates a HealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Update request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.HealthCheck">
            <summary>Name of the HealthCheck resource to update.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Update parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource">
            <summary>The "httpHealthChecks" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified HttpHealthCheck resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="httpHealthCheck">Name of the
            HttpHealthCheck resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified HttpHealthCheck resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.HttpHealthCheck">
            <summary>Name of the HttpHealthCheck resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified HttpHealthCheck resource. Get a list of available HTTP health checks by
            making a list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="httpHealthCheck">Name of the
            HttpHealthCheck resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified HttpHealthCheck resource. Get a list of available HTTP health checks by
            making a list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.HttpHealthCheck">
            <summary>Name of the HttpHealthCheck resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a HttpHealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a HttpHealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of HttpHealthCheck resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of HttpHealthCheck resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.Patch(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates a HttpHealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
            This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="httpHealthCheck">Name of the
            HttpHealthCheck resource to patch.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest">
            <summary>Updates a HttpHealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
            This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Patch request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.HttpHealthCheck">
            <summary>Name of the HttpHealthCheck resource to patch.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Patch parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.Update(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates a HttpHealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="httpHealthCheck">Name of the
            HttpHealthCheck resource to update.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest">
            <summary>Updates a HttpHealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Update request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.HttpHealthCheck">
            <summary>Name of the HttpHealthCheck resource to update.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Update parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource">
            <summary>The "httpsHealthChecks" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified HttpsHealthCheck resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="httpsHealthCheck">Name of the
            HttpsHealthCheck resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified HttpsHealthCheck resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.HttpsHealthCheck">
            <summary>Name of the HttpsHealthCheck resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified HttpsHealthCheck resource. Get a list of available HTTPS health checks by
            making a list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="httpsHealthCheck">Name of the
            HttpsHealthCheck resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified HttpsHealthCheck resource. Get a list of available HTTPS health checks by
            making a list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.HttpsHealthCheck">
            <summary>Name of the HttpsHealthCheck resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a HttpsHealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a HttpsHealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of HttpsHealthCheck resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of HttpsHealthCheck resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.Patch(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates a HttpsHealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            request. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="httpsHealthCheck">Name of the
            HttpsHealthCheck resource to patch.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest">
            <summary>Updates a HttpsHealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            request. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Patch request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.HttpsHealthCheck">
            <summary>Name of the HttpsHealthCheck resource to patch.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.PatchRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Patch parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.Update(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates a HttpsHealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="httpsHealthCheck">Name of the
            HttpsHealthCheck resource to update.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest">
            <summary>Updates a HttpsHealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Update request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.HttpsHealthCheck">
            <summary>Name of the HttpsHealthCheck resource to update.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.HttpsHealthChecksResource.UpdateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Update parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource">
            <summary>The "images" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified image.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="image">Name of the image resource to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified image.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeleteRequest.Image">
            <summary>Name of the image resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.Deprecate(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DeprecationStatus,System.String,System.String)">
             <summary>Sets the deprecation status of an image.
             If an empty request body is given, clears the deprecation status instead.</summary>
             <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
             <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
             <param name="image">Image name.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeprecateRequest">
             <summary>Sets the deprecation status of an image.
             If an empty request body is given, clears the deprecation status instead.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeprecateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DeprecationStatus,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Deprecate request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeprecateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeprecateRequest.Image">
            <summary>Image name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeprecateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeprecateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeprecateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeprecateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeprecateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeprecateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.DeprecateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Deprecate parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified image. Get a list of available images by making a list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="image">Name of the image resource to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified image. Get a list of available images by making a list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetRequest.Image">
            <summary>Name of the image resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetFromFamily(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the latest image that is part of an image family and is not deprecated.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="family">Name of the image family to
            search for.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetFromFamilyRequest">
            <summary>Returns the latest image that is part of an image family and is not deprecated.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetFromFamilyRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new GetFromFamily request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetFromFamilyRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetFromFamilyRequest.Family">
            <summary>Name of the image family to search for.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetFromFamilyRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetFromFamilyRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetFromFamilyRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.GetFromFamilyRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes GetFromFamily parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates an image in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates an image in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.InsertRequest.ForceCreate">
            <summary>Force image creation if true.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of private images available to the specified project. Private images are images
            you create that belong to your project. This method does not get any images that belong to other projects,
            including publicly-available images, like Debian 8. If you want to get a list of publicly-available images,
            use this method to make a request to the respective image project, such as debian-cloud or windows-
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of private images available to the specified project. Private images are images
            you create that belong to your project. This method does not get any images that belong to other projects,
            including publicly-available images, like Debian 8. If you want to get a list of publicly-available images,
            use this method to make a request to the respective image project, such as debian-cloud or windows-
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.SetLabels(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.GlobalSetLabelsRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Sets the labels on an image. To learn more about labels, read the Labeling Resources
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="resource">Name of the resource for
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.SetLabelsRequest">
            <summary>Sets the labels on an image. To learn more about labels, read the Labeling Resources
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.SetLabelsRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.GlobalSetLabelsRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetLabels request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.SetLabelsRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.SetLabelsRequest.Resource">
            <summary>Name of the resource for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.SetLabelsRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.SetLabelsRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.SetLabelsRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.SetLabelsRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.SetLabelsRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ImagesResource.SetLabelsRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetLabels parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource">
            <summary>The "instanceGroupManagers" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstances(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
             <summary>Schedules a group action to remove the specified instances from the managed instance group.
             Abandoning an instance does not delete the instance, but it does remove the instance from any target pools
             that are applied by the managed instance group. This method reduces the targetSize of the managed instance
             group by the number of instances that you abandon. This operation is marked as DONE when the action is
             scheduled even if the instances have not yet been removed from the group. You must separately verify the
             status of the abandoning action with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.
             You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.</summary>
             <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
             <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
             <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
             managed instance group is located.</param>
             <param name="instanceGroupManager">The name of the managed
             instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest">
             <summary>Schedules a group action to remove the specified instances from the managed instance group.
             Abandoning an instance does not delete the instance, but it does remove the instance from any target pools
             that are applied by the managed instance group. This method reduces the targetSize of the managed instance
             group by the number of instances that you abandon. This operation is marked as DONE when the action is
             scheduled even if the instances have not yet been removed from the group. You must separately verify the
             status of the abandoning action with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.
             You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AbandonInstances request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the managed instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>The name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AbandonInstances parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of managed instance groups and groups them by zone.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of managed instance groups and groups them by zone.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified managed instance group and all of the instances in that group. Note that the
            instance group must not belong to a backend service. Read Deleting an instance group for more
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
            managed instance group is located.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroupManager">The name of the managed
            instance group to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified managed instance group and all of the instances in that group. Note that the
            instance group must not belong to a backend service. Read Deleting an instance group for more
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the managed instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>The name of the managed instance group to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstances(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
             <summary>Schedules a group action to delete the specified instances in the managed instance group. The
             instances are also removed from any target pools of which they were a member. This method reduces the
             targetSize of the managed instance group by the number of instances that you delete. This operation is
             marked as DONE when the action is scheduled even if the instances are still being deleted. You must
             separately verify the status of the deleting action with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.
             You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.</summary>
             <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
             <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
             <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
             managed instance group is located.</param>
             <param name="instanceGroupManager">The name of the managed
             instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest">
             <summary>Schedules a group action to delete the specified instances in the managed instance group. The
             instances are also removed from any target pools of which they were a member. This method reduces the
             targetSize of the managed instance group by the number of instances that you delete. This operation is
             marked as DONE when the action is scheduled even if the instances are still being deleted. You must
             separately verify the status of the deleting action with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.
             You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new DeleteInstances request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the managed instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>The name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes DeleteInstances parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns all of the details about the specified managed instance group. Get a list of available
            managed instance groups by making a list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
            managed instance group is located.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroupManager">The name of the managed
            instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns all of the details about the specified managed instance group. Get a list of available
            managed instance groups by making a list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the managed instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>The name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager,System.String,System.String)">
             <summary>Creates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request. After the
             group is created, it schedules an action to create instances in the group using the specified instance
             template. This operation is marked as DONE when the group is created even if the instances in the group have
             not yet been created. You must separately verify the status of the individual instances with the
             listmanagedinstances method.
             A managed instance group can have up to 1000 VM instances per group. Please contact Cloud Support if you
             need an increase in this limit.</summary>
             <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
             <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
             <param name="zone">The name of the zone where you
             want to create the managed instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest">
             <summary>Creates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request. After the
             group is created, it schedules an action to create instances in the group using the specified instance
             template. This operation is marked as DONE when the group is created even if the instances in the group have
             not yet been created. You must separately verify the status of the individual instances with the
             listmanagedinstances method.
             A managed instance group can have up to 1000 VM instances per group. Please contact Cloud Support if you
             need an increase in this limit.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where you want to create the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of managed instance groups that are contained within the specified project and
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
            managed instance group is located.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of managed instance groups that are contained within the specified project and
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the managed instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstances(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Lists all of the instances in the managed instance group. Each instance in the list has a
            currentAction, which indicates the action that the managed instance group is performing on the instance. For
            example, if the group is still creating an instance, the currentAction is CREATING. If a previous action
            failed, the list displays the errors for that failed action.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
            managed instance group is located.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroupManager">The name of the managed
            instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest">
            <summary>Lists all of the instances in the managed instance group. Each instance in the list has a
            currentAction, which indicates the action that the managed instance group is performing on the instance. For
            example, if the group is still creating an instance, the currentAction is CREATING. If a previous action
            failed, the list displays the errors for that failed action.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new ListManagedInstances request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the managed instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>The name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.MaxResults">
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes ListManagedInstances parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstances(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersRecreateInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
             <summary>Schedules a group action to recreate the specified instances in the managed instance group. The
             instances are deleted and recreated using the current instance template for the managed instance group. This
             operation is marked as DONE when the action is scheduled even if the instances have not yet been recreated.
             You must separately verify the status of the recreating action with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.
             You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.</summary>
             <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
             <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
             <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
             managed instance group is located.</param>
             <param name="instanceGroupManager">The name of the managed
             instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest">
             <summary>Schedules a group action to recreate the specified instances in the managed instance group. The
             instances are deleted and recreated using the current instance template for the managed instance group. This
             operation is marked as DONE when the action is scheduled even if the instances have not yet been recreated.
             You must separately verify the status of the recreating action with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.
             You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersRecreateInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new RecreateInstances request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the managed instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>The name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes RecreateInstances parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.Resize(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
             <summary>Resizes the managed instance group. If you increase the size, the group creates new instances using
             the current instance template. If you decrease the size, the group deletes instances. The resize operation
             is marked DONE when the resize actions are scheduled even if the group has not yet added or deleted any
             instances. You must separately verify the status of the creating or deleting actions with the
             listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.</summary>
             <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
             <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
             managed instance group is located.</param>
             <param name="instanceGroupManager">The name of the managed
             instance group.</param>
             <param name="size">The number of running instances that the managed instance group
             should maintain at any given time. The group automatically adds or removes instances to maintain the number of
             instances specified by this parameter.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest">
             <summary>Resizes the managed instance group. If you increase the size, the group creates new instances using
             the current instance template. If you decrease the size, the group deletes instances. The resize operation
             is marked DONE when the resize actions are scheduled even if the group has not yet added or deleted any
             instances. You must separately verify the status of the creating or deleting actions with the
             listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Resize request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the managed instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>The name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.Size">
            <summary>The number of running instances that the managed instance group should maintain at any given
            time. The group automatically adds or removes instances to maintain the number of instances specified by
            this parameter.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Resize parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplate(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersSetInstanceTemplateRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Specifies the instance template to use when creating new instances in this group. The templates for
            existing instances in the group do not change unless you recreate them.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
            managed instance group is located.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroupManager">The name of the managed
            instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest">
            <summary>Specifies the instance template to use when creating new instances in this group. The templates for
            existing instances in the group do not change unless you recreate them.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersSetInstanceTemplateRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetInstanceTemplate request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the managed instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>The name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetInstanceTemplate parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPools(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Modifies the target pools to which all instances in this managed instance group are assigned. The
            target pools automatically apply to all of the instances in the managed instance group. This operation is
            marked DONE when you make the request even if the instances have not yet been added to their target pools.
            The change might take some time to apply to all of the instances in the group depending on the size of the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
            managed instance group is located.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroupManager">The name of the managed
            instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest">
            <summary>Modifies the target pools to which all instances in this managed instance group are assigned. The
            target pools automatically apply to all of the instances in the managed instance group. This operation is
            marked DONE when you make the request even if the instances have not yet been added to their target pools.
            The change might take some time to apply to all of the instances in the group depending on the size of the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetTargetPools request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the managed instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>The name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetTargetPools parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource">
            <summary>The "instanceGroups" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AddInstances(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsAddInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Adds a list of instances to the specified instance group. All of the instances in the instance
            group must be in the same network/subnetwork. Read Adding instances for more information.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
            instance group is located.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroup">The name of the instance group where you are
            adding instances.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AddInstancesRequest">
            <summary>Adds a list of instances to the specified instance group. All of the instances in the instance
            group must be in the same network/subnetwork. Read Adding instances for more information.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AddInstancesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsAddInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AddInstances request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AddInstancesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AddInstancesRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AddInstancesRequest.InstanceGroup">
            <summary>The name of the instance group where you are adding instances.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AddInstancesRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AddInstancesRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AddInstancesRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AddInstancesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AddInstancesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AddInstancesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AddInstancesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AddInstances parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of instance groups and sorts them by zone.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of instance groups and sorts them by zone.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified instance group. The instances in the group are not deleted. Note that
            instance group must not belong to a backend service. Read Deleting an instance group for more
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
            instance group is located.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroup">The name of the instance group to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified instance group. The instances in the group are not deleted. Note that
            instance group must not belong to a backend service. Read Deleting an instance group for more
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.DeleteRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.DeleteRequest.InstanceGroup">
            <summary>The name of the instance group to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified instance group. Get a list of available instance groups by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
            instance group is located.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroup">The name of the instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified instance group. Get a list of available instance groups by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.InstanceGroup">
            <summary>The name of the instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates an instance group in the specified project using the parameters that are included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone where you
            want to create the instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates an instance group in the specified project using the parameters that are included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.InsertRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where you want to create the instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of instance groups that are located in the specified project and zone.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
            instance group is located.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of instance groups that are located in the specified project and zone.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstances(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Lists the instances in the specified instance group.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
            instance group is located.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroup">The name of the instance group from which you
            want to generate a list of included instances.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest">
            <summary>Lists the instances in the specified instance group.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new ListInstances request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.InstanceGroup">
            <summary>The name of the instance group from which you want to generate a list of included
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes ListInstances parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.RemoveInstances(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsRemoveInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
             <summary>Removes one or more instances from the specified instance group, but does not delete those
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration before the VM instance is removed or deleted.</summary>
             <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
             <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
             <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
             instance group is located.</param>
             <param name="instanceGroup">The name of the instance group where the
             specified instances will be removed.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.RemoveInstancesRequest">
             <summary>Removes one or more instances from the specified instance group, but does not delete those
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration before the VM instance is removed or deleted.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.RemoveInstancesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsRemoveInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new RemoveInstances request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.RemoveInstancesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.RemoveInstancesRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.RemoveInstancesRequest.InstanceGroup">
            <summary>The name of the instance group where the specified instances will be removed.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.RemoveInstancesRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.RemoveInstancesRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.RemoveInstancesRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.RemoveInstancesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.RemoveInstancesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.RemoveInstancesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.RemoveInstancesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes RemoveInstances parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPorts(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Sets the named ports for the specified instance group.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone where the
            instance group is located.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroup">The name of the instance group where the
            named ports are updated.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest">
            <summary>Sets the named ports for the specified instance group.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetNamedPorts request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone where the instance group is located.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.InstanceGroup">
            <summary>The name of the instance group where the named ports are updated.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetNamedPorts parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource">
            <summary>The "instanceTemplates" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified instance template. If you delete an instance template that is being
            referenced from another instance group, the instance group will not be able to create or recreate virtual
            machine instances. Deleting an instance template is permanent and cannot be undone.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="instanceTemplate">The name of the
            instance template to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified instance template. If you delete an instance template that is being
            referenced from another instance group, the instance group will not be able to create or recreate virtual
            machine instances. Deleting an instance template is permanent and cannot be undone.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.DeleteRequest.InstanceTemplate">
            <summary>The name of the instance template to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified instance template. Get a list of available instance templates by making a
            list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="instanceTemplate">The name of the
            instance template.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified instance template. Get a list of available instance templates by making a
            list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.GetRequest.InstanceTemplate">
            <summary>The name of the instance template.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplate,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates an instance template in the specified project using the data that is included in the
            request. If you are creating a new template to update an existing instance group, your new instance template
            must use the same network or, if applicable, the same subnetwork as the original template.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates an instance template in the specified project using the data that is included in the
            request. If you are creating a new template to update an existing instance group, your new instance template
            must use the same network or, if applicable, the same subnetwork as the original template.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplate,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of instance templates that are contained within the specified project and
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of instance templates that are contained within the specified project and
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstanceTemplatesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource">
            <summary>The "instances" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfig(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AccessConfig,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Adds an access config to an instance's network interface.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">The instance name for this request.</param>
            name="networkInterface">The name of the network interface to add to this instance.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfigRequest">
            <summary>Adds an access config to an instance's network interface.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfigRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AccessConfig,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AddAccessConfig request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfigRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfigRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfigRequest.Instance">
            <summary>The instance name for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfigRequest.NetworkInterface">
            <summary>The name of the network interface to add to this instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfigRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfigRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfigRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfigRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfigRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfigRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AddAccessConfigRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AddAccessConfig parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves aggregated list of instances.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves aggregated list of instances.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AttachDisk(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Attaches an existing Disk resource to an instance. You must first create the disk before you can
            attach it. It is not possible to create and attach a disk at the same time. For more information, read
            Adding a persistent disk to your instance.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">The instance name for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AttachDiskRequest">
            <summary>Attaches an existing Disk resource to an instance. You must first create the disk before you can
            attach it. It is not possible to create and attach a disk at the same time. For more information, read
            Adding a persistent disk to your instance.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AttachDiskRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AttachDisk request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AttachDiskRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AttachDiskRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AttachDiskRequest.Instance">
            <summary>The instance name for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AttachDiskRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AttachDiskRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AttachDiskRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AttachDiskRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AttachDiskRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AttachDiskRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.AttachDiskRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AttachDisk parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified Instance resource. For more information, see Stopping or Deleting an
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Name of the instance resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified Instance resource. For more information, see Stopping or Deleting an
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Name of the instance resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteAccessConfig(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes an access config from an instance's network interface.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">The instance name for this request.</param>
            name="accessConfig">The name of the access config to delete.</param>
            <param name="networkInterface">The name
            of the network interface.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteAccessConfigRequest">
            <summary>Deletes an access config from an instance's network interface.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteAccessConfigRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new DeleteAccessConfig request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteAccessConfigRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteAccessConfigRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteAccessConfigRequest.Instance">
            <summary>The instance name for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteAccessConfigRequest.AccessConfig">
            <summary>The name of the access config to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteAccessConfigRequest.NetworkInterface">
            <summary>The name of the network interface.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteAccessConfigRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteAccessConfigRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteAccessConfigRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteAccessConfigRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DeleteAccessConfigRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes DeleteAccessConfig parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DetachDisk(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Detaches a disk from an instance.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Instance name.</param>
            <param name="deviceName">Disk device
            name to detach.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DetachDiskRequest">
            <summary>Detaches a disk from an instance.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DetachDiskRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new DetachDisk request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DetachDiskRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DetachDiskRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DetachDiskRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Instance name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DetachDiskRequest.DeviceName">
            <summary>Disk device name to detach.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DetachDiskRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DetachDiskRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DetachDiskRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DetachDiskRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.DetachDiskRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes DetachDisk parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified Instance resource. Get a list of available instances by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Name of the instance resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified Instance resource. Get a list of available instances by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Name of the instance resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetSerialPortOutput(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified instance's serial port output.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Name of the instance scoping this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetSerialPortOutputRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified instance's serial port output.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetSerialPortOutputRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new GetSerialPortOutput request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetSerialPortOutputRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetSerialPortOutputRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetSerialPortOutputRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Name of the instance scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetSerialPortOutputRequest.Port">
            <summary>Specifies which COM or serial port to retrieve data from.</summary>
            [default: 1]
            [minimum: 1]
            [maximum: 4]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetSerialPortOutputRequest.Start">
            <summary>Returns output starting from a specific byte position. Use this to page through output when the
            output is too large to return in a single request. For the initial request, leave this field
            unspecified. For subsequent calls, this field should be set to the next value returned in the previous
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetSerialPortOutputRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetSerialPortOutputRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetSerialPortOutputRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.GetSerialPortOutputRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes GetSerialPortOutput parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates an instance resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates an instance resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.InsertRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of instances contained within the specified zone.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of instances contained within the specified zone.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ListRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.Reset(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Performs a reset on the instance. For more information, see Resetting an instance.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Name of the instance scoping this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ResetRequest">
            <summary>Performs a reset on the instance. For more information, see Resetting an instance.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ResetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Reset request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ResetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ResetRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ResetRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Name of the instance scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ResetRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ResetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ResetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ResetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.ResetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Reset parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetDiskAutoDelete(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.String)">
            <summary>Sets the auto-delete flag for a disk attached to an instance.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">The instance name.</param>
            <param name="autoDelete">Whether
            to auto-delete the disk when the instance is deleted.</param>
            <param name="deviceName">The device name of
            the disk to modify.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetDiskAutoDeleteRequest">
            <summary>Sets the auto-delete flag for a disk attached to an instance.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetDiskAutoDeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetDiskAutoDelete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetDiskAutoDeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetDiskAutoDeleteRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetDiskAutoDeleteRequest.Instance">
            <summary>The instance name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetDiskAutoDeleteRequest.AutoDelete">
            <summary>Whether to auto-delete the disk when the instance is deleted.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetDiskAutoDeleteRequest.DeviceName">
            <summary>The device name of the disk to modify.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetDiskAutoDeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetDiskAutoDeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetDiskAutoDeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetDiskAutoDeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetDiskAutoDeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetDiskAutoDelete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetLabels(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetLabelsRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Sets labels on an instance. To learn more about labels, read the Labeling Resources
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Name of the instance scoping this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetLabelsRequest">
            <summary>Sets labels on an instance. To learn more about labels, read the Labeling Resources
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetLabelsRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetLabelsRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetLabels request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetLabelsRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetLabelsRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetLabelsRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Name of the instance scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetLabelsRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetLabelsRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetLabelsRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetLabelsRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetLabelsRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetLabelsRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetLabelsRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetLabels parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineResources(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetMachineResourcesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Changes the number and/or type of accelerator for a stopped instance to the values specified in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Name of the instance scoping this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineResourcesRequest">
            <summary>Changes the number and/or type of accelerator for a stopped instance to the values specified in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineResourcesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetMachineResourcesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetMachineResources request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineResourcesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineResourcesRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineResourcesRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Name of the instance scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineResourcesRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineResourcesRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineResourcesRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineResourcesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineResourcesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineResourcesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineResourcesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetMachineResources parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineType(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetMachineTypeRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Changes the machine type for a stopped instance to the machine type specified in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Name of the instance scoping this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineTypeRequest">
            <summary>Changes the machine type for a stopped instance to the machine type specified in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineTypeRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetMachineTypeRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetMachineType request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineTypeRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineTypeRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineTypeRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Name of the instance scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineTypeRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineTypeRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineTypeRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineTypeRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineTypeRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineTypeRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMachineTypeRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetMachineType parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMetadata(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Metadata,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Sets metadata for the specified instance to the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Name of the instance scoping this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMetadataRequest">
            <summary>Sets metadata for the specified instance to the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMetadataRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Metadata,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetMetadata request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMetadataRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMetadataRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMetadataRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Name of the instance scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMetadataRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMetadataRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMetadataRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMetadataRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMetadataRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMetadataRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetMetadataRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetMetadata parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetScheduling(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Scheduling,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Sets an instance's scheduling options.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Instance name.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetSchedulingRequest">
            <summary>Sets an instance's scheduling options.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetSchedulingRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Scheduling,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetScheduling request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetSchedulingRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetSchedulingRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetSchedulingRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Instance name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetSchedulingRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetSchedulingRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetSchedulingRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetSchedulingRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetSchedulingRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetSchedulingRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetSchedulingRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetScheduling parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetServiceAccount(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetServiceAccountRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Sets the service account on the instance. For more information, read Changing the service account
            and access scopes for an instance.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Name of the instance resource to start.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetServiceAccountRequest">
            <summary>Sets the service account on the instance. For more information, read Changing the service account
            and access scopes for an instance.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetServiceAccountRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetServiceAccountRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetServiceAccount request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetServiceAccountRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetServiceAccountRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetServiceAccountRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Name of the instance resource to start.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetServiceAccountRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetServiceAccountRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetServiceAccountRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetServiceAccountRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetServiceAccountRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetServiceAccountRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetServiceAccountRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetServiceAccount parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetTags(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Tags,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Sets tags for the specified instance to the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Name of the instance scoping this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetTagsRequest">
            <summary>Sets tags for the specified instance to the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetTagsRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Tags,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetTags request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetTagsRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetTagsRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetTagsRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Name of the instance scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetTagsRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetTagsRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetTagsRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetTagsRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetTagsRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetTagsRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.SetTagsRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetTags parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.Start(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Starts an instance that was stopped using the using the instances().stop method. For more
            information, see Restart an instance.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Name of the instance resource to start.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartRequest">
            <summary>Starts an instance that was stopped using the using the instances().stop method. For more
            information, see Restart an instance.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Start request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Name of the instance resource to start.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Start parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartWithEncryptionKey(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesStartWithEncryptionKeyRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Starts an instance that was stopped using the using the instances().stop method. For more
            information, see Restart an instance.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Name of the instance resource to start.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartWithEncryptionKeyRequest">
            <summary>Starts an instance that was stopped using the using the instances().stop method. For more
            information, see Restart an instance.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartWithEncryptionKeyRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesStartWithEncryptionKeyRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new StartWithEncryptionKey request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartWithEncryptionKeyRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartWithEncryptionKeyRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartWithEncryptionKeyRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Name of the instance resource to start.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartWithEncryptionKeyRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartWithEncryptionKeyRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartWithEncryptionKeyRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartWithEncryptionKeyRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartWithEncryptionKeyRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartWithEncryptionKeyRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StartWithEncryptionKeyRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes StartWithEncryptionKey parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.Stop(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Stops a running instance, shutting it down cleanly, and allows you to restart the instance at a
            later time. Stopped instances do not incur per-minute, virtual machine usage charges while they are stopped,
            but any resources that the virtual machine is using, such as persistent disks and static IP addresses, will
            continue to be charged until they are deleted. For more information, see Stopping an instance.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="instance">Name of the instance resource to stop.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StopRequest">
            <summary>Stops a running instance, shutting it down cleanly, and allows you to restart the instance at a
            later time. Stopped instances do not incur per-minute, virtual machine usage charges while they are stopped,
            but any resources that the virtual machine is using, such as persistent disks and static IP addresses, will
            continue to be charged until they are deleted. For more information, see Stopping an instance.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StopRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Stop request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StopRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StopRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StopRequest.Instance">
            <summary>Name of the instance resource to stop.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StopRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StopRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StopRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StopRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.InstancesResource.StopRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Stop parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.LicensesResource">
            <summary>The "licenses" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.LicensesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.LicensesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.LicensesResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified License resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="license">Name of the License
            resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.LicensesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified License resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.LicensesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.LicensesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.LicensesResource.GetRequest.License">
            <summary>Name of the License resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.LicensesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.LicensesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.LicensesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.LicensesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource">
            <summary>The "machineTypes" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of machine types.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of machine types.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified machine type. Get a list of available machine types by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
            <param name="machineType">Name of the machine type to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified machine type. Get a list of available machine types by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.GetRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.GetRequest.MachineType">
            <summary>Name of the machine type to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of machine types available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">The name of the zone for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of machine types available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.ListRequest.Zone">
            <summary>The name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.MachineTypesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource">
            <summary>The "networks" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.AddPeering(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworksAddPeeringRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Adds a peering to the specified network.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="network">Name of the network
            resource to add peering to.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.AddPeeringRequest">
            <summary>Adds a peering to the specified network.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.AddPeeringRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworksAddPeeringRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AddPeering request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.AddPeeringRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.AddPeeringRequest.Network">
            <summary>Name of the network resource to add peering to.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.AddPeeringRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.AddPeeringRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.AddPeeringRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.AddPeeringRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.AddPeeringRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.AddPeeringRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.AddPeeringRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AddPeering parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified network.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="network">Name of the network to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified network.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.DeleteRequest.Network">
            <summary>Name of the network to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified network. Get a list of available networks by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="network">Name of the network to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified network. Get a list of available networks by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.GetRequest.Network">
            <summary>Name of the network to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a network in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a network in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of networks available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of networks available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.RemovePeering(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworksRemovePeeringRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Removes a peering from the specified network.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="network">Name of the network
            resource to remove peering from.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.RemovePeeringRequest">
            <summary>Removes a peering from the specified network.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.RemovePeeringRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworksRemovePeeringRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new RemovePeering request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.RemovePeeringRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.RemovePeeringRequest.Network">
            <summary>Name of the network resource to remove peering from.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.RemovePeeringRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.RemovePeeringRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.RemovePeeringRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.RemovePeeringRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.RemovePeeringRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.RemovePeeringRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.RemovePeeringRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes RemovePeering parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.SwitchToCustomMode(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Switches the network mode from auto subnet mode to custom subnet mode.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="network">Name of the network to be
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.SwitchToCustomModeRequest">
            <summary>Switches the network mode from auto subnet mode to custom subnet mode.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.SwitchToCustomModeRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SwitchToCustomMode request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.SwitchToCustomModeRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.SwitchToCustomModeRequest.Network">
            <summary>Name of the network to be updated.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.SwitchToCustomModeRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.SwitchToCustomModeRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.SwitchToCustomModeRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.SwitchToCustomModeRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.NetworksResource.SwitchToCustomModeRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SwitchToCustomMode parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource">
            <summary>The "projects" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnHost(System.String)">
            <summary>Disable this project as a shared VPC host project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnHostRequest">
            <summary>Disable this project as a shared VPC host project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnHostRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new DisableXpnHost request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnHostRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnHostRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnHostRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnHostRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnHostRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnHostRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes DisableXpnHost parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnResource(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsDisableXpnResourceRequest,System.String)">
            <summary>Disable a serivce resource (a.k.a service project) associated with this host project.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnResourceRequest">
            <summary>Disable a serivce resource (a.k.a service project) associated with this host project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnResourceRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsDisableXpnResourceRequest,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new DisableXpnResource request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnResourceRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnResourceRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnResourceRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnResourceRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnResourceRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnResourceRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnResourceRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.DisableXpnResourceRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes DisableXpnResource parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnHost(System.String)">
            <summary>Enable this project as a shared VPC host project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnHostRequest">
            <summary>Enable this project as a shared VPC host project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnHostRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new EnableXpnHost request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnHostRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnHostRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnHostRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnHostRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnHostRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnHostRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes EnableXpnHost parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnResource(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsEnableXpnResourceRequest,System.String)">
            <summary>Enable service resource (a.k.a service project) for a host project, so that subnets in the host
            project can be used by instances in the service project.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnResourceRequest">
            <summary>Enable service resource (a.k.a service project) for a host project, so that subnets in the host
            project can be used by instances in the service project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnResourceRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsEnableXpnResourceRequest,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new EnableXpnResource request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnResourceRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnResourceRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnResourceRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnResourceRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnResourceRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnResourceRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnResourceRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.EnableXpnResourceRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes EnableXpnResource parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.Get(System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified Project resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified Project resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnHost(System.String)">
            <summary>Get the shared VPC host project that this project links to. May be empty if no link
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnHostRequest">
            <summary>Get the shared VPC host project that this project links to. May be empty if no link
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnHostRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new GetXpnHost request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnHostRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnHostRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnHostRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnHostRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnHostRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes GetXpnHost parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnResources(System.String)">
            <summary>Get service resources (a.k.a service project) associated with this host project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnResourcesRequest">
            <summary>Get service resources (a.k.a service project) associated with this host project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnResourcesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new GetXpnResources request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnResourcesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnResourcesRequest.MaxResults">
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnResourcesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnResourcesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnResourcesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.GetXpnResourcesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes GetXpnResources parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.ListXpnHosts(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsListXpnHostsRequest,System.String)">
            <summary>List all shared VPC host projects visible to the user in an organization.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.ListXpnHostsRequest">
            <summary>List all shared VPC host projects visible to the user in an organization.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.ListXpnHostsRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsListXpnHostsRequest,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new ListXpnHosts request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.ListXpnHostsRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.ListXpnHostsRequest.MaxResults">
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.ListXpnHostsRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.ListXpnHostsRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.ListXpnHostsRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.ListXpnHostsRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.ListXpnHostsRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.ListXpnHostsRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes ListXpnHosts parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveDisk(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskMoveRequest,System.String)">
            <summary>Moves a persistent disk from one zone to another.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveDiskRequest">
            <summary>Moves a persistent disk from one zone to another.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveDiskRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskMoveRequest,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new MoveDisk request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveDiskRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveDiskRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveDiskRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveDiskRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveDiskRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveDiskRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveDiskRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveDiskRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes MoveDisk parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveInstance(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceMoveRequest,System.String)">
            <summary>Moves an instance and its attached persistent disks from one zone to another.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveInstanceRequest">
            <summary>Moves an instance and its attached persistent disks from one zone to another.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveInstanceRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceMoveRequest,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new MoveInstance request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveInstanceRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveInstanceRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveInstanceRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveInstanceRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveInstanceRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveInstanceRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveInstanceRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.MoveInstanceRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes MoveInstance parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetCommonInstanceMetadata(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Metadata,System.String)">
            <summary>Sets metadata common to all instances within the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetCommonInstanceMetadataRequest">
            <summary>Sets metadata common to all instances within the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetCommonInstanceMetadataRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Metadata,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetCommonInstanceMetadata request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetCommonInstanceMetadataRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetCommonInstanceMetadataRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetCommonInstanceMetadataRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetCommonInstanceMetadataRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetCommonInstanceMetadataRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetCommonInstanceMetadataRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetCommonInstanceMetadataRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetCommonInstanceMetadataRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetCommonInstanceMetadata parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetUsageExportBucket(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UsageExportLocation,System.String)">
            <summary>Enables the usage export feature and sets the usage export bucket where reports are stored. If you
            provide an empty request body using this method, the usage export feature will be disabled.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetUsageExportBucketRequest">
            <summary>Enables the usage export feature and sets the usage export bucket where reports are stored. If you
            provide an empty request body using this method, the usage export feature will be disabled.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetUsageExportBucketRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UsageExportLocation,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetUsageExportBucket request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetUsageExportBucketRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetUsageExportBucketRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetUsageExportBucketRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetUsageExportBucketRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetUsageExportBucketRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetUsageExportBucketRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetUsageExportBucketRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ProjectsResource.SetUsageExportBucketRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetUsageExportBucket parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource">
            <summary>The "regionAutoscalers" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified autoscaler.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="autoscaler">Name of the autoscaler to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified autoscaler.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.Autoscaler">
            <summary>Name of the autoscaler to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified autoscaler.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="autoscaler">Name of the autoscaler to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified autoscaler.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.GetRequest.Autoscaler">
            <summary>Name of the autoscaler to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates an autoscaler in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates an autoscaler in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of autoscalers contained within the specified region.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of autoscalers contained within the specified region.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.ListRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.Patch(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates an autoscaler in the specified project using the data included in the request. This method
            supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.PatchRequest">
            <summary>Updates an autoscaler in the specified project using the data included in the request. This method
            supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Patch request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.Autoscaler">
            <summary>Name of the autoscaler to patch.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.PatchRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Patch parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.Update(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates an autoscaler in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest">
            <summary>Updates an autoscaler in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Update request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.Autoscaler">
            <summary>Name of the autoscaler to update.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionAutoscalersResource.UpdateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Update parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource">
            <summary>The "regionBackendServices" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified regional BackendService resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="backendService">Name of the BackendService resource to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified regional BackendService resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.BackendService">
            <summary>Name of the BackendService resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified regional BackendService resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="backendService">Name of the BackendService resource to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified regional BackendService resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetRequest.BackendService">
            <summary>Name of the BackendService resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetHealth(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ResourceGroupReference,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
             <summary>Gets the most recent health check results for this regional BackendService.</summary>
             <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
             <param name="project"></param>
             <param name="region">Name of the region scoping this request.</param>
             <param name="backendService">Name of the BackendService resource to which the queried instance belongs.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest">
            <summary>Gets the most recent health check results for this regional BackendService.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ResourceGroupReference,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new GetHealth request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.BackendService">
            <summary>Name of the BackendService resource to which the queried instance belongs.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.GetHealthRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes GetHealth parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a regional BackendService resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            request. There are several restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind when creating a regional backend
            service. Read Restrictions and Guidelines for more information.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a regional BackendService resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            request. There are several restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind when creating a regional backend
            service. Read Restrictions and Guidelines for more information.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of regional BackendService resources available to the specified project in the
            given region.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of regional BackendService resources available to the specified project in the
            given region.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.ListRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.Patch(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates the specified regional BackendService resource with the data included in the request. There
            are several restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind when updating a backend service. Read Restrictions
            and Guidelines for more information. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch
            format and processing rules.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="backendService">Name of the BackendService resource to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.PatchRequest">
            <summary>Updates the specified regional BackendService resource with the data included in the request. There
            are several restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind when updating a backend service. Read Restrictions
            and Guidelines for more information. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch
            format and processing rules.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Patch request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.BackendService">
            <summary>Name of the BackendService resource to patch.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.PatchRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Patch parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.Update(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates the specified regional BackendService resource with the data included in the request. There
            are several restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind when updating a backend service. Read Restrictions
            and Guidelines for more information.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="backendService">Name of the BackendService resource to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest">
            <summary>Updates the specified regional BackendService resource with the data included in the request. There
            are several restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind when updating a backend service. Read Restrictions
            and Guidelines for more information.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Update request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.BackendService">
            <summary>Name of the BackendService resource to update.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesResource.UpdateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Update parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource">
            <summary>The "regionCommitments" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of commitments.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of commitments.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified commitment resource. Get a list of available commitments by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="commitment">Name of the commitment to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified commitment resource. Get a list of available commitments by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.GetRequest.Commitment">
            <summary>Name of the commitment to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a commitment in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a commitment in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.InsertRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of commitments contained within the specified region.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of commitments contained within the specified region.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.ListRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource">
            <summary>The "regionInstanceGroupManagers" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstances(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
             <summary>Schedules a group action to remove the specified instances from the managed instance group.
             Abandoning an instance does not delete the instance, but it does remove the instance from any target pools
             that are applied by the managed instance group. This method reduces the targetSize of the managed instance
             group by the number of instances that you abandon. This operation is marked as DONE when the action is
             scheduled even if the instances have not yet been removed from the group. You must separately verify the
             status of the abandoning action with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.
             You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.</summary>
             <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
             <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
             <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
             this request.</param>
             <param name="instanceGroupManager">Name of the managed instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest">
             <summary>Schedules a group action to remove the specified instances from the managed instance group.
             Abandoning an instance does not delete the instance, but it does remove the instance from any target pools
             that are applied by the managed instance group. This method reduces the targetSize of the managed instance
             group by the number of instances that you abandon. This operation is marked as DONE when the action is
             scheduled even if the instances have not yet been removed from the group. You must separately verify the
             status of the abandoning action with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.
             You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AbandonInstances request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>Name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.AbandonInstancesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AbandonInstances parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified managed instance group and all of the instances in that group.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroupManager">Name of the managed instance group to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified managed instance group and all of the instances in that group.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>Name of the managed instance group to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstances(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
             <summary>Schedules a group action to delete the specified instances in the managed instance group. The
             instances are also removed from any target pools of which they were a member. This method reduces the
             targetSize of the managed instance group by the number of instances that you delete. This operation is
             marked as DONE when the action is scheduled even if the instances are still being deleted. You must
             separately verify the status of the deleting action with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.
             You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.</summary>
             <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
             <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
             <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
             this request.</param>
             <param name="instanceGroupManager">Name of the managed instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest">
             <summary>Schedules a group action to delete the specified instances in the managed instance group. The
             instances are also removed from any target pools of which they were a member. This method reduces the
             targetSize of the managed instance group by the number of instances that you delete. This operation is
             marked as DONE when the action is scheduled even if the instances are still being deleted. You must
             separately verify the status of the deleting action with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.
             You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new DeleteInstances request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>Name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.DeleteInstancesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes DeleteInstances parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns all of the details about the specified managed instance group.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroupManager">Name of the managed instance group to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns all of the details about the specified managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>Name of the managed instance group to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager,System.String,System.String)">
             <summary>Creates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request. After the
             group is created, it schedules an action to create instances in the group using the specified instance
             template. This operation is marked as DONE when the group is created even if the instances in the group have
             not yet been created. You must separately verify the status of the individual instances with the
             listmanagedinstances method.
             A regional managed instance group can contain up to 2000 instances.</summary>
             <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
             <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
             <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
             this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest">
             <summary>Creates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request. After the
             group is created, it schedules an action to create instances in the group using the specified instance
             template. This operation is marked as DONE when the group is created even if the instances in the group have
             not yet been created. You must separately verify the status of the individual instances with the
             listmanagedinstances method.
             A regional managed instance group can contain up to 2000 instances.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of managed instance groups that are contained within the specified
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of managed instance groups that are contained within the specified
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstances(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Lists the instances in the managed instance group and instances that are scheduled to be created.
            The list includes any current actions that the group has scheduled for its instances.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroupManager">The name of the managed instance
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest">
            <summary>Lists the instances in the managed instance group and instances that are scheduled to be created.
            The list includes any current actions that the group has scheduled for its instances.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new ListManagedInstances request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>The name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.MaxResults">
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ListManagedInstancesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes ListManagedInstances parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstances(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersRecreateRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
             <summary>Schedules a group action to recreate the specified instances in the managed instance group. The
             instances are deleted and recreated using the current instance template for the managed instance group. This
             operation is marked as DONE when the action is scheduled even if the instances have not yet been recreated.
             You must separately verify the status of the recreating action with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.
             You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.</summary>
             <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
             <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
             <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
             this request.</param>
             <param name="instanceGroupManager">Name of the managed instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest">
             <summary>Schedules a group action to recreate the specified instances in the managed instance group. The
             instances are deleted and recreated using the current instance template for the managed instance group. This
             operation is marked as DONE when the action is scheduled even if the instances have not yet been recreated.
             You must separately verify the status of the recreating action with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.
             You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersRecreateRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new RecreateInstances request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>Name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.RecreateInstancesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes RecreateInstances parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.Resize(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
             <summary>Changes the intended size for the managed instance group. If you increase the size, the group
             schedules actions to create new instances using the current instance template. If you decrease the size, the
             group schedules delete actions on one or more instances. The resize operation is marked DONE when the resize
             actions are scheduled even if the group has not yet added or deleted any instances. You must separately
             verify the status of the creating or deleting actions with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.</summary>
             <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
             <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
             this request.</param>
             <param name="instanceGroupManager">Name of the managed instance group.</param>
             <param name="size">Number of instances that should exist in this instance group manager.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest">
             <summary>Changes the intended size for the managed instance group. If you increase the size, the group
             schedules actions to create new instances using the current instance template. If you decrease the size, the
             group schedules delete actions on one or more instances. The resize operation is marked DONE when the resize
             actions are scheduled even if the group has not yet added or deleted any instances. You must separately
             verify the status of the creating or deleting actions with the listmanagedinstances method.
             If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds
             after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Resize request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>Name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.Size">
            <summary>Number of instances that should exist in this instance group manager.</summary>
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.ResizeRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Resize parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplate(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTemplateRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Sets the instance template to use when creating new instances or recreating instances in this
            group. Existing instances are not affected.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroupManager">The name of the managed instance
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest">
            <summary>Sets the instance template to use when creating new instances or recreating instances in this
            group. Existing instances are not affected.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTemplateRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetInstanceTemplate request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>The name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetInstanceTemplateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetInstanceTemplate parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPools(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Modifies the target pools to which all new instances in this group are assigned. Existing instances
            in the group are not affected.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroupManager">Name of the managed instance group.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest">
            <summary>Modifies the target pools to which all new instances in this group are assigned. Existing instances
            in the group are not affected.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetTargetPools request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>Name of the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource.SetTargetPoolsRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetTargetPools parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource">
            <summary>The "regionInstanceGroups" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified instance group resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroup">Name of the instance group resource to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified instance group resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.InstanceGroup">
            <summary>Name of the instance group resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of instance group resources contained within the specified region.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of instance group resources contained within the specified region.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstances(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Lists the instances in the specified instance group and displays information about the named ports.
            Depending on the specified options, this method can list all instances or only the instances that are
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroup">Name of the regional instance group for which we want to
            list the instances.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest">
            <summary>Lists the instances in the specified instance group and displays information about the named ports.
            Depending on the specified options, this method can list all instances or only the instances that are
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new ListInstances request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.InstanceGroup">
            <summary>Name of the regional instance group for which we want to list the instances.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.ListInstancesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes ListInstances parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPorts(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Sets the named ports for the specified regional instance group.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="instanceGroup">The name of the regional instance group where the named
            ports are updated.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest">
            <summary>Sets the named ports for the specified regional instance group.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetNamedPorts request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.InstanceGroup">
            <summary>The name of the regional instance group where the named ports are updated.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionInstanceGroupsResource.SetNamedPortsRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetNamedPorts parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource">
            <summary>The "regionOperations" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified region-specific Operations resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="operation">Name of the Operations resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified region-specific Operations resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.Operation">
            <summary>Name of the Operations resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the specified region-specific Operations resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="operation">Name of the Operations resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the specified region-specific Operations resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.GetRequest.Operation">
            <summary>Name of the Operations resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of Operation resources contained within the specified region.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of Operation resources contained within the specified region.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.ListRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionOperationsResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource">
            <summary>The "regions" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified Region resource. Get a list of available regions by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region resource
            to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified Region resource. Get a list of available regions by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of region resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of region resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RegionsResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource">
            <summary>The "routers" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of routers.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of routers.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified Router resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="router">Name of the Router resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified Router resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.DeleteRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.DeleteRequest.Router">
            <summary>Name of the Router resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified Router resource. Get a list of available routers by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="router">Name of the Router resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified Router resource. Get a list of available routers by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRequest.Router">
            <summary>Name of the Router resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRouterStatus(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves runtime information of the specified router.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="router">Name of the Router resource to query.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRouterStatusRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves runtime information of the specified router.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRouterStatusRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new GetRouterStatus request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRouterStatusRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRouterStatusRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRouterStatusRequest.Router">
            <summary>Name of the Router resource to query.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRouterStatusRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRouterStatusRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRouterStatusRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.GetRouterStatusRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes GetRouterStatus parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a Router resource in the specified project and region using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a Router resource in the specified project and region using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.InsertRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of Router resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of Router resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.ListRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.Patch(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Patches the specified Router resource with the data included in the request. This method supports
            PATCH semantics and uses JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="router">Name of the Router resource to patch.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PatchRequest">
            <summary>Patches the specified Router resource with the data included in the request. This method supports
            PATCH semantics and uses JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PatchRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Patch request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PatchRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PatchRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PatchRequest.Router">
            <summary>Name of the Router resource to patch.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PatchRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PatchRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PatchRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PatchRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PatchRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PatchRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PatchRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Patch parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.Preview(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Preview fields auto-generated during router create and update operations. Calling this method does
            NOT create or update the router.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="router">Name of the Router resource to query.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PreviewRequest">
            <summary>Preview fields auto-generated during router create and update operations. Calling this method does
            NOT create or update the router.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PreviewRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Preview request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PreviewRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PreviewRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PreviewRequest.Router">
            <summary>Name of the Router resource to query.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PreviewRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PreviewRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PreviewRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PreviewRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PreviewRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.PreviewRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Preview parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.Update(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates the specified Router resource with the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="router">Name of the Router resource to update.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.UpdateRequest">
            <summary>Updates the specified Router resource with the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.UpdateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Update request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.UpdateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.UpdateRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.UpdateRequest.Router">
            <summary>Name of the Router resource to update.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.UpdateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.UpdateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.UpdateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.UpdateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.UpdateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.UpdateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutersResource.UpdateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Update parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource">
            <summary>The "routes" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified Route resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="route">Name of the Route resource to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified Route resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.DeleteRequest.Route">
            <summary>Name of the Route resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified Route resource. Get a list of available routes by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="route">Name of the Route resource to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified Route resource. Get a list of available routes by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.GetRequest.Route">
            <summary>Name of the Route resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a Route resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a Route resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of Route resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of Route resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.RoutesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource">
            <summary>The "snapshots" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
             <summary>Deletes the specified Snapshot resource. Keep in mind that deleting a single snapshot might not
             necessarily delete all the data on that snapshot. If any data on the snapshot that is marked for deletion is
             needed for subsequent snapshots, the data will be moved to the next corresponding snapshot.
             For more information, see Deleting snaphots.</summary>
             <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
             <param name="snapshot">Name of the Snapshot
             resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.DeleteRequest">
             <summary>Deletes the specified Snapshot resource. Keep in mind that deleting a single snapshot might not
             necessarily delete all the data on that snapshot. If any data on the snapshot that is marked for deletion is
             needed for subsequent snapshots, the data will be moved to the next corresponding snapshot.
             For more information, see Deleting snaphots.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.DeleteRequest.Snapshot">
            <summary>Name of the Snapshot resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified Snapshot resource. Get a list of available snapshots by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="snapshot">Name of the Snapshot
            resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified Snapshot resource. Get a list of available snapshots by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.GetRequest.Snapshot">
            <summary>Name of the Snapshot resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of Snapshot resources contained within the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of Snapshot resources contained within the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.SetLabels(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.GlobalSetLabelsRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Sets the labels on a snapshot. To learn more about labels, read the Labeling Resources
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="resource">Name of the resource for
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.SetLabelsRequest">
            <summary>Sets the labels on a snapshot. To learn more about labels, read the Labeling Resources
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.SetLabelsRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.GlobalSetLabelsRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetLabels request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.SetLabelsRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.SetLabelsRequest.Resource">
            <summary>Name of the resource for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.SetLabelsRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.SetLabelsRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.SetLabelsRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.SetLabelsRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.SetLabelsRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SnapshotsResource.SetLabelsRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetLabels parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource">
            <summary>The "sslCertificates" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified SslCertificate resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="sslCertificate">Name of the
            SslCertificate resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified SslCertificate resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.DeleteRequest.SslCertificate">
            <summary>Name of the SslCertificate resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified SslCertificate resource. Get a list of available SSL certificates by making a
            list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="sslCertificate">Name of the
            SslCertificate resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified SslCertificate resource. Get a list of available SSL certificates by making a
            list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.GetRequest.SslCertificate">
            <summary>Name of the SslCertificate resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificate,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a SslCertificate resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a SslCertificate resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificate,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of SslCertificate resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of SslCertificate resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SslCertificatesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource">
            <summary>The "subnetworks" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of subnetworks.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of subnetworks.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified subnetwork.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="subnetwork">Name of the Subnetwork resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified subnetwork.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.DeleteRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.DeleteRequest.Subnetwork">
            <summary>Name of the Subnetwork resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ExpandIpCidrRange(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksExpandIpCidrRangeRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Expands the IP CIDR range of the subnetwork to a specified value.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="subnetwork">Name of the Subnetwork resource to update.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ExpandIpCidrRangeRequest">
            <summary>Expands the IP CIDR range of the subnetwork to a specified value.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ExpandIpCidrRangeRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksExpandIpCidrRangeRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new ExpandIpCidrRange request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ExpandIpCidrRangeRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ExpandIpCidrRangeRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ExpandIpCidrRangeRequest.Subnetwork">
            <summary>Name of the Subnetwork resource to update.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ExpandIpCidrRangeRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ExpandIpCidrRangeRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ExpandIpCidrRangeRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ExpandIpCidrRangeRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ExpandIpCidrRangeRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ExpandIpCidrRangeRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ExpandIpCidrRangeRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes ExpandIpCidrRange parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified subnetwork. Get a list of available subnetworks list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="subnetwork">Name of the Subnetwork resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified subnetwork. Get a list of available subnetworks list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.GetRequest.Subnetwork">
            <summary>Name of the Subnetwork resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a subnetwork in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a subnetwork in the specified project using the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.InsertRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of subnetworks available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of subnetworks available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ListRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccess(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksSetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Set whether VMs in this subnet can access Google services without assigning external IP addresses
            through Private Google Access.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="subnetwork">Name of the Subnetwork resource.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest">
            <summary>Set whether VMs in this subnet can access Google services without assigning external IP addresses
            through Private Google Access.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksSetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetPrivateIpGoogleAccess request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest.Subnetwork">
            <summary>Name of the Subnetwork resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.SubnetworksResource.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetPrivateIpGoogleAccess parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource">
            <summary>The "targetHttpProxies" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified TargetHttpProxy resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetHttpProxy">Name of the
            TargetHttpProxy resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified TargetHttpProxy resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.TargetHttpProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetHttpProxy resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified TargetHttpProxy resource. Get a list of available target HTTP proxies by
            making a list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetHttpProxy">Name of the
            TargetHttpProxy resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified TargetHttpProxy resource. Get a list of available target HTTP proxies by
            making a list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.GetRequest.TargetHttpProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetHttpProxy resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxy,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a TargetHttpProxy resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a TargetHttpProxy resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxy,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of TargetHttpProxy resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of TargetHttpProxy resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.SetUrlMap(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapReference,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Changes the URL map for TargetHttpProxy.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetHttpProxy">Name of the
            TargetHttpProxy to set a URL map for.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest">
            <summary>Changes the URL map for TargetHttpProxy.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapReference,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetUrlMap request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.TargetHttpProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetHttpProxy to set a URL map for.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetUrlMap parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource">
            <summary>The "targetHttpsProxies" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified TargetHttpsProxy resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetHttpsProxy">Name of the
            TargetHttpsProxy resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified TargetHttpsProxy resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.TargetHttpsProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetHttpsProxy resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified TargetHttpsProxy resource. Get a list of available target HTTPS proxies by
            making a list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetHttpsProxy">Name of the
            TargetHttpsProxy resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified TargetHttpsProxy resource. Get a list of available target HTTPS proxies by
            making a list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.GetRequest.TargetHttpsProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetHttpsProxy resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxy,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a TargetHttpsProxy resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a TargetHttpsProxy resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxy,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of TargetHttpsProxy resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of TargetHttpsProxy resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetSslCertificates(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Replaces SslCertificates for TargetHttpsProxy.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetHttpsProxy">Name of the
            TargetHttpsProxy resource to set an SslCertificates resource for.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest">
            <summary>Replaces SslCertificates for TargetHttpsProxy.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetSslCertificates request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.TargetHttpsProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetHttpsProxy resource to set an SslCertificates resource for.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetSslCertificates parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetUrlMap(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapReference,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Changes the URL map for TargetHttpsProxy.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetHttpsProxy">Name of the
            TargetHttpsProxy resource whose URL map is to be set.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest">
            <summary>Changes the URL map for TargetHttpsProxy.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapReference,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetUrlMap request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.TargetHttpsProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetHttpsProxy resource whose URL map is to be set.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetHttpsProxiesResource.SetUrlMapRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetUrlMap parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource">
            <summary>The "targetInstances" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of target instances.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of target instances.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified TargetInstance resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone scoping this
            <param name="targetInstance">Name of the TargetInstance resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified TargetInstance resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.DeleteRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.DeleteRequest.TargetInstance">
            <summary>Name of the TargetInstance resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified TargetInstance resource. Get a list of available target instances by making a
            list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone scoping this
            <param name="targetInstance">Name of the TargetInstance resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified TargetInstance resource. Get a list of available target instances by making a
            list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.GetRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.GetRequest.TargetInstance">
            <summary>Name of the TargetInstance resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstance,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a TargetInstance resource in the specified project and zone using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone scoping this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a TargetInstance resource in the specified project and zone using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstance,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.InsertRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of TargetInstance resources available to the specified project and zone.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone scoping this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of TargetInstance resources available to the specified project and zone.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.ListRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetInstancesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource">
            <summary>The "targetPools" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddHealthCheck(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsAddHealthCheckRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Adds health check URLs to a target pool.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="targetPool">Name of the target pool to add a health check
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddHealthCheckRequest">
            <summary>Adds health check URLs to a target pool.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddHealthCheckRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsAddHealthCheckRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AddHealthCheck request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddHealthCheckRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddHealthCheckRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddHealthCheckRequest.TargetPool">
            <summary>Name of the target pool to add a health check to.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddHealthCheckRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddHealthCheckRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddHealthCheckRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddHealthCheckRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddHealthCheckRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddHealthCheckRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddHealthCheckRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AddHealthCheck parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddInstance(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsAddInstanceRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Adds an instance to a target pool.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="targetPool">Name of the TargetPool resource to add instances
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddInstanceRequest">
            <summary>Adds an instance to a target pool.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddInstanceRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsAddInstanceRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AddInstance request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddInstanceRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddInstanceRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddInstanceRequest.TargetPool">
            <summary>Name of the TargetPool resource to add instances to.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddInstanceRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddInstanceRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddInstanceRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddInstanceRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddInstanceRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddInstanceRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AddInstanceRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AddInstance parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of target pools.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of target pools.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified target pool.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="targetPool">Name of the TargetPool resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified target pool.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.DeleteRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.DeleteRequest.TargetPool">
            <summary>Name of the TargetPool resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified target pool. Get a list of available target pools by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="targetPool">Name of the TargetPool resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified target pool. Get a list of available target pools by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetRequest.TargetPool">
            <summary>Name of the TargetPool resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetHealth(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceReference,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Gets the most recent health check results for each IP for the instance that is referenced by the
            given target pool.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="targetPool">Name of the TargetPool resource to which the queried instance
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetHealthRequest">
            <summary>Gets the most recent health check results for each IP for the instance that is referenced by the
            given target pool.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetHealthRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceReference,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new GetHealth request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetHealthRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetHealthRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetHealthRequest.TargetPool">
            <summary>Name of the TargetPool resource to which the queried instance belongs.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetHealthRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetHealthRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetHealthRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetHealthRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetHealthRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.GetHealthRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes GetHealth parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a target pool in the specified project and region using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a target pool in the specified project and region using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.InsertRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of target pools available to the specified project and region.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of target pools available to the specified project and region.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.ListRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveHealthCheck(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Removes health check URL from a target pool.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="targetPool">Name of the target pool to remove health checks from.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveHealthCheckRequest">
            <summary>Removes health check URL from a target pool.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveHealthCheckRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new RemoveHealthCheck request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveHealthCheckRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveHealthCheckRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveHealthCheckRequest.TargetPool">
            <summary>Name of the target pool to remove health checks from.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveHealthCheckRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveHealthCheckRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveHealthCheckRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveHealthCheckRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveHealthCheckRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveHealthCheckRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveHealthCheckRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes RemoveHealthCheck parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveInstance(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsRemoveInstanceRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Removes instance URL from a target pool.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="targetPool">Name of the TargetPool resource to remove instances
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveInstanceRequest">
            <summary>Removes instance URL from a target pool.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveInstanceRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsRemoveInstanceRequest,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new RemoveInstance request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveInstanceRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveInstanceRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveInstanceRequest.TargetPool">
            <summary>Name of the TargetPool resource to remove instances from.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveInstanceRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveInstanceRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveInstanceRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveInstanceRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveInstanceRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveInstanceRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.RemoveInstanceRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes RemoveInstance parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackup(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetReference,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Changes a backup target pool's configurations.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region scoping
            this request.</param>
            <param name="targetPool">Name of the TargetPool resource to set a backup pool
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackupRequest">
            <summary>Changes a backup target pool's configurations.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackupRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetReference,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetBackup request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackupRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackupRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackupRequest.TargetPool">
            <summary>Name of the TargetPool resource to set a backup pool for.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackupRequest.FailoverRatio">
            <summary>New failoverRatio value for the target pool.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackupRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackupRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackupRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackupRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackupRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackupRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetPoolsResource.SetBackupRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetBackup parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource">
            <summary>The "targetSslProxies" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified TargetSslProxy resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetSslProxy">Name of the
            TargetSslProxy resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified TargetSslProxy resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.TargetSslProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetSslProxy resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified TargetSslProxy resource. Get a list of available target SSL proxies by making
            a list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetSslProxy">Name of the
            TargetSslProxy resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified TargetSslProxy resource. Get a list of available target SSL proxies by making
            a list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.GetRequest.TargetSslProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetSslProxy resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxy,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a TargetSslProxy resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a TargetSslProxy resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxy,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of TargetSslProxy resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of TargetSslProxy resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetBackendService(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Changes the BackendService for TargetSslProxy.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetSslProxy">Name of the
            TargetSslProxy resource whose BackendService resource is to be set.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest">
            <summary>Changes the BackendService for TargetSslProxy.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetBackendService request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.TargetSslProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetSslProxy resource whose BackendService resource is to be set.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetBackendService parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetProxyHeader(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Changes the ProxyHeaderType for TargetSslProxy.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetSslProxy">Name of the
            TargetSslProxy resource whose ProxyHeader is to be set.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest">
            <summary>Changes the ProxyHeaderType for TargetSslProxy.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetProxyHeader request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.TargetSslProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetSslProxy resource whose ProxyHeader is to be set.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetProxyHeader parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetSslCertificates(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Changes SslCertificates for TargetSslProxy.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetSslProxy">Name of the
            TargetSslProxy resource whose SslCertificate resource is to be set.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest">
            <summary>Changes SslCertificates for TargetSslProxy.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetSslCertificates request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.TargetSslProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetSslProxy resource whose SslCertificate resource is to be set.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetSslProxiesResource.SetSslCertificatesRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetSslCertificates parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource">
            <summary>The "targetTcpProxies" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified TargetTcpProxy resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetTcpProxy">Name of the
            TargetTcpProxy resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified TargetTcpProxy resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.TargetTcpProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetTcpProxy resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified TargetTcpProxy resource. Get a list of available target TCP proxies by making
            a list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetTcpProxy">Name of the
            TargetTcpProxy resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified TargetTcpProxy resource. Get a list of available target TCP proxies by making
            a list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.GetRequest.TargetTcpProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetTcpProxy resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxy,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a TargetTcpProxy resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a TargetTcpProxy resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxy,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of TargetTcpProxy resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of TargetTcpProxy resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetBackendService(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Changes the BackendService for TargetTcpProxy.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetTcpProxy">Name of the
            TargetTcpProxy resource whose BackendService resource is to be set.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest">
            <summary>Changes the BackendService for TargetTcpProxy.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetBackendService request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.TargetTcpProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetTcpProxy resource whose BackendService resource is to be set.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetBackendServiceRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetBackendService parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetProxyHeader(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Changes the ProxyHeaderType for TargetTcpProxy.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="targetTcpProxy">Name of the
            TargetTcpProxy resource whose ProxyHeader is to be set.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest">
            <summary>Changes the ProxyHeaderType for TargetTcpProxy.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new SetProxyHeader request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.TargetTcpProxy">
            <summary>Name of the TargetTcpProxy resource whose ProxyHeader is to be set.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetTcpProxiesResource.SetProxyHeaderRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes SetProxyHeader parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource">
            <summary>The "targetVpnGateways" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of target VPN gateways.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of target VPN gateways.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified target VPN gateway.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="targetVpnGateway">Name of the target VPN gateway to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified target VPN gateway.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.DeleteRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.DeleteRequest.TargetVpnGateway">
            <summary>Name of the target VPN gateway to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified target VPN gateway. Get a list of available target VPN gateways by making a
            list() request.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="targetVpnGateway">Name of the target VPN gateway to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified target VPN gateway. Get a list of available target VPN gateways by making a
            list() request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.GetRequest.TargetVpnGateway">
            <summary>Name of the target VPN gateway to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a target VPN gateway in the specified project and region using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a target VPN gateway in the specified project and region using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.InsertRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of target VPN gateways available to the specified project and region.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of target VPN gateways available to the specified project and region.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.ListRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource">
            <summary>The "urlMaps" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.Delete(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified UrlMap resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="urlMap">Name of the UrlMap resource
            to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified UrlMap resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.DeleteRequest.UrlMap">
            <summary>Name of the UrlMap resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified UrlMap resource. Get a list of available URL maps by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="urlMap">Name of the UrlMap resource
            to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified UrlMap resource. Get a list of available URL maps by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.GetRequest.UrlMap">
            <summary>Name of the UrlMap resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a UrlMap resource in the specified project using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a UrlMap resource in the specified project using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InvalidateCache(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CacheInvalidationRule,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Initiates a cache invalidation operation, invalidating the specified path, scoped to the specified
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="urlMap">Name of the UrlMap scoping
            this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InvalidateCacheRequest">
            <summary>Initiates a cache invalidation operation, invalidating the specified path, scoped to the specified
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InvalidateCacheRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CacheInvalidationRule,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new InvalidateCache request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InvalidateCacheRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InvalidateCacheRequest.UrlMap">
            <summary>Name of the UrlMap scoping this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InvalidateCacheRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InvalidateCacheRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InvalidateCacheRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InvalidateCacheRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InvalidateCacheRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InvalidateCacheRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.InvalidateCacheRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes InvalidateCache parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of UrlMap resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of UrlMap resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.Patch(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Patches the specified UrlMap resource with the data included in the request. This method supports
            PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="urlMap">Name of the UrlMap resource
            to patch.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.PatchRequest">
            <summary>Patches the specified UrlMap resource with the data included in the request. This method supports
            PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.PatchRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Patch request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.PatchRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.PatchRequest.UrlMap">
            <summary>Name of the UrlMap resource to patch.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.PatchRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.PatchRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.PatchRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.PatchRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.PatchRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.PatchRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.PatchRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Patch parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.Update(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Updates the specified UrlMap resource with the data included in the request.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="urlMap">Name of the UrlMap resource
            to update.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.UpdateRequest">
            <summary>Updates the specified UrlMap resource with the data included in the request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.UpdateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Update request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.UpdateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.UpdateRequest.UrlMap">
            <summary>Name of the UrlMap resource to update.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.UpdateRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.UpdateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.UpdateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.UpdateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.UpdateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.UpdateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.UpdateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Update parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.Validate(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapsValidateRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Runs static validation for the UrlMap. In particular, the tests of the provided UrlMap will be run.
            Calling this method does NOT create the UrlMap.</summary>
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="urlMap">Name of the UrlMap resource
            to be validated as.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ValidateRequest">
            <summary>Runs static validation for the UrlMap. In particular, the tests of the provided UrlMap will be run.
            Calling this method does NOT create the UrlMap.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ValidateRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapsValidateRequest,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Validate request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ValidateRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ValidateRequest.UrlMap">
            <summary>Name of the UrlMap resource to be validated as.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ValidateRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ValidateRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ValidateRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ValidateRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ValidateRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.UrlMapsResource.ValidateRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Validate parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource">
            <summary>The "vpnTunnels" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.AggregatedList(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of VPN tunnels.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.AggregatedListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves an aggregated list of VPN tunnels.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.AggregatedListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new AggregatedList request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.AggregatedListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.AggregatedListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.AggregatedListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.AggregatedListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.AggregatedListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.AggregatedListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.AggregatedListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.AggregatedListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.AggregatedListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes AggregatedList parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified VpnTunnel resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="vpnTunnel">Name of the VpnTunnel resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified VpnTunnel resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.DeleteRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.DeleteRequest.VpnTunnel">
            <summary>Name of the VpnTunnel resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.DeleteRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified VpnTunnel resource. Get a list of available VPN tunnels by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
            <param name="vpnTunnel">Name of the VpnTunnel resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified VpnTunnel resource. Get a list of available VPN tunnels by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.GetRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.GetRequest.VpnTunnel">
            <summary>Name of the VpnTunnel resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.Insert(Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Creates a VpnTunnel resource in the specified project and region using the data included in the
            <param name="body">The body of the request.</param>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.InsertRequest">
            <summary>Creates a VpnTunnel resource in the specified project and region using the data included in the
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.InsertRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Insert request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.InsertRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.InsertRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.InsertRequest.RequestId">
             <summary>An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must
             retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.
             For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you
             make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
             same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from
             accidentally creating duplicate commitments.
             The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.InsertRequest.Body">
            <summary>Gets or sets the body of this request.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.InsertRequest.GetBody">
            <summary>Returns the body of the request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.InsertRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.InsertRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.InsertRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.InsertRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Insert parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of VpnTunnel resources contained in the specified project and region.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="region">Name of the region for this
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of VpnTunnel resources contained in the specified project and region.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.ListRequest.Region">
            <summary>Name of the region for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.VpnTunnelsResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource">
            <summary>The "zoneOperations" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.Delete(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Deletes the specified zone-specific Operations resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone for this
            <param name="operation">Name of the Operations resource to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.DeleteRequest">
            <summary>Deletes the specified zone-specific Operations resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Delete request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.Operation">
            <summary>Name of the Operations resource to delete.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.DeleteRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Delete parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.Get(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the specified zone-specific Operations resource.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone for this
            <param name="operation">Name of the Operations resource to return.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the specified zone-specific Operations resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.GetRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.GetRequest.Operation">
            <summary>Name of the Operations resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.List(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of Operation resources contained within the specified zone.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone for
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves a list of Operation resources contained within the specified zone.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.ListRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone for request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZoneOperationsResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource">
            <summary>The "zones" collection of methods.</summary>
        <member name="F:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.service">
            <summary>The service which this resource belongs to.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService)">
            <summary>Constructs a new resource.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.Get(System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Returns the specified Zone resource. Get a list of available zones by making a list()
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
            <param name="zone">Name of the zone resource to
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.GetRequest">
            <summary>Returns the specified Zone resource. Get a list of available zones by making a list()
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.GetRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new Get request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.GetRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.GetRequest.Zone">
            <summary>Name of the zone resource to return.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.GetRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.GetRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.GetRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.GetRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes Get parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.List(System.String)">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of Zone resources available to the specified project.</summary>
            <param name="project">Project ID for this request.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.ListRequest">
            <summary>Retrieves the list of Zone resources available to the specified project.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.ListRequest.#ctor(Google.Apis.Services.IClientService,System.String)">
            <summary>Constructs a new List request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.ListRequest.Project">
            <summary>Project ID for this request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.ListRequest.Filter">
             <summary>Sets a filter {expression} for filtering listed resources. Your {expression} must be in the
             format: field_name comparison_string literal_string.
             The field_name is the name of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
             (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq (equals) or ne (not equals). The
             literal_string is the string value to filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field
             you are filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal value is interpreted as a
             regular expression using RE2 syntax. The literal value must match the entire field.
             For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use name ne
             You can filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have set the
             scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested fields to take advantage of labels to
             organize and search for results based on label values.
             To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example,
             (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND
             expressions, meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.ListRequest.MaxResults">
            <summary>The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available
            results is larger than maxResults, Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the
            next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. (Default:
            [default: 500]
            [minimum: 0]
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.ListRequest.OrderBy">
             <summary>Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order
             based on the resource name.
             You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using
             orderBy="creationTimestamp desc". This sorts results based on the creationTimestamp field in reverse
             chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest
             operation is returned first.
             Currently, only sorting by name or creationTimestamp desc is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.ListRequest.PageToken">
            <summary>Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the nextPageToken returned by a previous list
            request to get the next page of results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.ListRequest.MethodName">
            <summary>Gets the method name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.ListRequest.HttpMethod">
            <summary>Gets the HTTP method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.ListRequest.RestPath">
            <summary>Gets the REST path.</summary>
        <member name="M:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.ZonesResource.ListRequest.InitParameters">
            <summary>Initializes List parameter list.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorConfig">
            <summary>A specification of the type and number of accelerator cards attached to the instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorConfig.AcceleratorCount">
            <summary>The number of the guest accelerator cards exposed to this instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorConfig.AcceleratorType">
            <summary>Full or partial URL of the accelerator type resource to expose to this instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorConfig.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorType">
            <summary>An Accelerator Type resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorType.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorType.Deprecated">
            <summary>[Output Only] The deprecation status associated with this accelerator type.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorType.Description">
            <summary>[Output Only] An optional textual description of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorType.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorType.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] The type of the resource. Always compute#acceleratorType for accelerator
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorType.MaximumCardsPerInstance">
            <summary>[Output Only] Maximum accelerator cards allowed per instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorType.Name">
            <summary>[Output Only] Name of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorType.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined fully-qualified URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorType.Zone">
            <summary>[Output Only] The name of the zone where the accelerator type resides, such as us-
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorType.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypeAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypeAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of AcceleratorTypesScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypeAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#acceleratorTypeAggregatedList for aggregated lists
            of accelerator types.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypeAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypeAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypeAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypeList">
            <summary>Contains a list of accelerator types.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypeList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypeList.Items">
            <summary>A list of AcceleratorType resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypeList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#acceleratorTypeList for lists of accelerator
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypeList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypeList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypeList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypesScopedList.AcceleratorTypes">
            <summary>[Output Only] List of accelerator types contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypesScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>[Output Only] An informational warning that appears when the accelerator types list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypesScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypesScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>[Output Only] An informational warning that appears when the accelerator types list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypesScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypesScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypesScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AcceleratorTypesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AccessConfig">
            <summary>An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per
            instance is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AccessConfig.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AccessConfig.Name">
            <summary>The name of this access configuration. The default and recommended name is External NAT but you can
            use any arbitrary string you would like. For example, My external IP or Network Access.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AccessConfig.NatIP">
            <summary>An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address
            available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool.
            If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AccessConfig.Type">
            <summary>The type of configuration. The default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AccessConfig.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address">
            <summary>A reserved address resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address.AddressValue">
            <summary>The static IP address represented by this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address.IpVersion">
            <summary>The IP Version that will be used by this address. Valid options are IPV4 or IPV6. This can only be
            specified for a global address.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#address for addresses.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address.Region">
            <summary>[Output Only] URL of the region where the regional address resides. This field is not applicable to
            global addresses.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address.Status">
            <summary>[Output Only] The status of the address, which can be either IN_USE or RESERVED. An address that is
            RESERVED is currently reserved and available to use. An IN_USE address is currently being used by another
            resource and is not available.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address.Users">
            <summary>[Output Only] The URLs of the resources that are using this address.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Address.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of AddressesScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#addressAggregatedList for aggregated lists of
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressList">
            <summary>Contains a list of addresses.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Address resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#addressList for lists of addresses.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressesScopedList.Addresses">
            <summary>[Output Only] List of addresses contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressesScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressesScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressesScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressesScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressesScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressesScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AddressesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AliasIpRange">
            <summary>An alias IP range attached to an instance's network interface.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AliasIpRange.IpCidrRange">
            <summary>The IP CIDR range represented by this alias IP range. This IP CIDR range must belong to the
            specified subnetwork and cannot contain IP addresses reserved by system or used by other network interfaces.
            This range may be a single IP address (e.g., a netmask (e.g. /24) or a CIDR format string (e.g.
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AliasIpRange.SubnetworkRangeName">
            <summary>Optional subnetwork secondary range name specifying the secondary range from which to allocate the
            IP CIDR range for this alias IP range. If left unspecified, the primary range of the subnetwork will be
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AliasIpRange.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk">
            <summary>An instance-attached disk resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk.AutoDelete">
            <summary>Specifies whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted (but not when the disk
            is detached from the instance).</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk.Boot">
            <summary>Indicates that this is a boot disk. The virtual machine will use the first partition of the disk
            for its root filesystem.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk.DeviceName">
             <summary>Specifies a unique device name of your choice that is reflected into the /dev/disk/by-id/google-*
             tree of a Linux operating system running within the instance. This name can be used to reference the device
             for mounting, resizing, and so on, from within the instance.
             If not specified, the server chooses a default device name to apply to this disk, in the form persistent-
             disks-x, where x is a number assigned by Google Compute Engine. This field is only applicable for persistent
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk.DiskEncryptionKey">
             <summary>Encrypts or decrypts a disk using a customer-supplied encryption key.
             If you are creating a new disk, this field encrypts the new disk using an encryption key that you provide.
             If you are attaching an existing disk that is already encrypted, this field decrypts the disk using the
             customer-supplied encryption key.
             If you encrypt a disk using a customer-supplied key, you must provide the same key again when you attempt to
             use this resource at a later time. For example, you must provide the key when you create a snapshot or an
             image from the disk or when you attach the disk to a virtual machine instance.
             If you do not provide an encryption key, then the disk will be encrypted using an automatically generated
             key and you do not need to provide a key to use the disk later.
             Instance templates do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot use your own keys to
             encrypt disks in a managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk.Index">
            <summary>[Output Only] A zero-based index to this disk, where 0 is reserved for the boot disk. If you have
            many disks attached to an instance, each disk would have a unique index number.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk.InitializeParams">
             <summary>[Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new
             instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance.
             This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk.Interface__">
            <summary>Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, which is either SCSI or NVME. The
            default is SCSI. Persistent disks must always use SCSI and the request will fail if you attempt to attach a
            persistent disk in any other format than SCSI. Local SSDs can use either NVME or SCSI. For performance
            characteristics of SCSI over NVMe, see Local SSD performance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#attachedDisk for attached disks.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk.Licenses">
            <summary>[Output Only] Any valid publicly visible licenses.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk.Mode">
            <summary>The mode in which to attach this disk, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY. If not specified, the
            default is to attach the disk in READ_WRITE mode.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk.Source">
             <summary>Specifies a valid partial or full URL to an existing Persistent Disk resource. When creating a new
             instance, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required.
             If desired, you can also attach existing non-root persistent disks using this property. This field is only
             applicable for persistent disks.
             Note that for InstanceTemplate, specify the disk name, not the URL for the disk.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk.Type">
            <summary>Specifies the type of the disk, either SCRATCH or PERSISTENT. If not specified, the default is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDisk.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDiskInitializeParams">
             <summary>[Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance.
             Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance.
             This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDiskInitializeParams.DiskName">
            <summary>Specifies the disk name. If not specified, the default is to use the name of the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDiskInitializeParams.DiskSizeGb">
            <summary>Specifies the size of the disk in base-2 GB.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDiskInitializeParams.DiskType">
             <summary>Specifies the disk type to use to create the instance. If not specified, the default is pd-
             standard, specified using the full URL. For example:
             Other values include pd-ssd and local-ssd. If you define this field, you can provide either the full or
             partial URL. For example, the following are valid values: -
             https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType -
             projects/project/zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType - zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType Note that for
             InstanceTemplate, this is the name of the disk type, not URL.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDiskInitializeParams.SourceImage">
             <summary>The source image to create this disk. When creating a new instance, one of
             initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required.
             To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the image by its family name. For
             example, specify family/debian-8 to use the latest Debian 8 image:
             Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image:
             To create a disk with a private image that you created, specify the image name in the following format:
             You can also specify a private image by its image family, which returns the latest version of the image in
             that family. Replace the image name with family/family-name:
             If the source image is deleted later, this field will not be set.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDiskInitializeParams.SourceImageEncryptionKey">
             <summary>The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image. Required if the source image is protected
             by a customer-supplied encryption key.
             Instance templates do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot create disks for instances
             in a managed instance group if the source images are encrypted with your own keys.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AttachedDiskInitializeParams.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler">
            <summary>Represents an Autoscaler resource. Autoscalers allow you to automatically scale virtual machine
            instances in managed instance groups according to an autoscaling policy that you define. For more information,
            read Autoscaling Groups of Instances.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler.AutoscalingPolicy">
             <summary>The configuration parameters for the autoscaling algorithm. You can define one or more of the
             policies for an autoscaler: cpuUtilization, customMetricUtilizations, and loadBalancingUtilization.
             If none of these are specified, the default will be to autoscale based on cpuUtilization to 0.6 or
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#autoscaler for autoscalers.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler.Region">
            <summary>[Output Only] URL of the region where the instance group resides (for autoscalers living in
            regional scope).</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler.Status">
            <summary>[Output Only] The status of the autoscaler configuration.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler.StatusDetails">
            <summary>[Output Only] Human-readable details about the current state of the autoscaler. Read the
            documentation for Commonly returned status messages for examples of status messages you might
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler.Target">
            <summary>URL of the managed instance group that this autoscaler will scale.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler.Zone">
            <summary>[Output Only] URL of the zone where the instance group resides (for autoscalers living in zonal
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Autoscaler.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of AutoscalersScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#autoscalerAggregatedList for aggregated lists of
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerList">
            <summary>Contains a list of Autoscaler resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Autoscaler resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#autoscalerList for lists of autoscalers.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerStatusDetails.Message">
            <summary>The status message.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerStatusDetails.Type">
            <summary>The type of error returned.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalerStatusDetails.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalersScopedList.Autoscalers">
            <summary>[Output Only] List of autoscalers contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalersScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of autoscalers when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalersScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalersScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of autoscalers when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalersScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalersScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalersScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalersScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalersScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicy">
            <summary>Cloud Autoscaler policy.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicy.CoolDownPeriodSec">
             <summary>The number of seconds that the autoscaler should wait before it starts collecting information from
             a new instance. This prevents the autoscaler from collecting information when the instance is initializing,
             during which the collected usage would not be reliable. The default time autoscaler waits is 60 seconds.
             Virtual machine initialization times might vary because of numerous factors. We recommend that you test how
             long an instance may take to initialize. To do this, create an instance and time the startup
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicy.CpuUtilization">
            <summary>Defines the CPU utilization policy that allows the autoscaler to scale based on the average CPU
            utilization of a managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicy.CustomMetricUtilizations">
            <summary>Configuration parameters of autoscaling based on a custom metric.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicy.LoadBalancingUtilization">
            <summary>Configuration parameters of autoscaling based on load balancer.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicy.MaxNumReplicas">
            <summary>The maximum number of instances that the autoscaler can scale up to. This is required when creating
            or updating an autoscaler. The maximum number of replicas should not be lower than minimal number of
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicy.MinNumReplicas">
            <summary>The minimum number of replicas that the autoscaler can scale down to. This cannot be less than 0.
            If not provided, autoscaler will choose a default value depending on maximum number of instances
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicy.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization">
            <summary>CPU utilization policy.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization.UtilizationTarget">
             <summary>The target CPU utilization that the autoscaler should maintain. Must be a float value in the range
             (0, 1]. If not specified, the default is 0.6.
             If the CPU level is below the target utilization, the autoscaler scales down the number of instances until
             it reaches the minimum number of instances you specified or until the average CPU of your instances reaches
             the target utilization.
             If the average CPU is above the target utilization, the autoscaler scales up until it reaches the maximum
             number of instances you specified or until the average utilization reaches the target utilization.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization">
            <summary>Custom utilization metric policy.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization.Metric">
             <summary>The identifier (type) of the Stackdriver Monitoring metric. The metric cannot have negative values
             and should be a utilization metric, which means that the number of virtual machines handling requests should
             increase or decrease proportionally to the metric.
             The metric must have a value type of INT64 or DOUBLE.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization.UtilizationTarget">
             <summary>The target value of the metric that autoscaler should maintain. This must be a positive value.
             For example, a good metric to use as a utilization_target is
             compute.googleapis.com/instance/network/received_bytes_count. The autoscaler will work to keep this value
             constant for each of the instances.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization.UtilizationTargetType">
            <summary>Defines how target utilization value is expressed for a Stackdriver Monitoring metric. Either
            GAUGE, DELTA_PER_SECOND, or DELTA_PER_MINUTE. If not specified, the default is GAUGE.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicyLoadBalancingUtilization">
            <summary>Configuration parameters of autoscaling based on load balancing.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicyLoadBalancingUtilization.UtilizationTarget">
            <summary>Fraction of backend capacity utilization (set in HTTP(s) load balancing configuration) that
            autoscaler should maintain. Must be a positive float value. If not defined, the default is 0.8.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.AutoscalingPolicyLoadBalancingUtilization.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Backend">
            <summary>Message containing information of one individual backend.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Backend.BalancingMode">
             <summary>Specifies the balancing mode for this backend. For global HTTP(S) or TCP/SSL load balancing, the
             default is UTILIZATION. Valid values are UTILIZATION, RATE (for HTTP(S)) and CONNECTION (for TCP/SSL).
             For Internal Load Balancing, the default and only supported mode is CONNECTION.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Backend.CapacityScaler">
             <summary>A multiplier applied to the group's maximum servicing capacity (based on UTILIZATION, RATE or
             CONNECTION). Default value is 1, which means the group will serve up to 100% of its configured capacity
             (depending on balancingMode). A setting of 0 means the group is completely drained, offering 0% of its
             available Capacity. Valid range is [0.0,1.0].
             This cannot be used for internal load balancing.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Backend.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Backend.Group">
             <summary>The fully-qualified URL of a Instance Group resource. This instance group defines the list of
             instances that serve traffic. Member virtual machine instances from each instance group must live in the
             same zone as the instance group itself. No two backends in a backend service are allowed to use same
             Instance Group resource.
             Note that you must specify an Instance Group resource using the fully-qualified URL, rather than a partial
             When the BackendService has load balancing scheme INTERNAL, the instance group must be within the same
             region as the BackendService.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Backend.MaxConnections">
             <summary>The max number of simultaneous connections for the group. Can be used with either CONNECTION or
             UTILIZATION balancing modes. For CONNECTION mode, either maxConnections or maxConnectionsPerInstance must be
             This cannot be used for internal load balancing.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Backend.MaxConnectionsPerInstance">
             <summary>The max number of simultaneous connections that a single backend instance can handle. This is used
             to calculate the capacity of the group. Can be used in either CONNECTION or UTILIZATION balancing modes. For
             CONNECTION mode, either maxConnections or maxConnectionsPerInstance must be set.
             This cannot be used for internal load balancing.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Backend.MaxRate">
             <summary>The max requests per second (RPS) of the group. Can be used with either RATE or UTILIZATION
             balancing modes, but required if RATE mode. For RATE mode, either maxRate or maxRatePerInstance must be set.
             This cannot be used for internal load balancing.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Backend.MaxRatePerInstance">
             <summary>The max requests per second (RPS) that a single backend instance can handle. This is used to
             calculate the capacity of the group. Can be used in either balancing mode. For RATE mode, either maxRate or
             maxRatePerInstance must be set.
             This cannot be used for internal load balancing.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Backend.MaxUtilization">
             <summary>Used when balancingMode is UTILIZATION. This ratio defines the CPU utilization target for the
             group. The default is 0.8. Valid range is [0.0, 1.0].
             This cannot be used for internal load balancing.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Backend.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket">
            <summary>A BackendBucket resource. This resource defines a Cloud Storage bucket.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket.BucketName">
            <summary>Cloud Storage bucket name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket.Description">
            <summary>An optional textual description of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket.EnableCdn">
            <summary>If true, enable Cloud CDN for this BackendBucket.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket.Kind">
            <summary>Type of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucket.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucketList">
            <summary>Contains a list of BackendBucket resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucketList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucketList.Items">
            <summary>A list of BackendBucket resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucketList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucketList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucketList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendBucketList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService">
            <summary>A BackendService resource. This resource defines a group of backend virtual machines and their serving
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.AffinityCookieTtlSec">
             <summary>Lifetime of cookies in seconds if session_affinity is GENERATED_COOKIE. If set to 0, the cookie is
             non-persistent and lasts only until the end of the browser session (or equivalent). The maximum allowed
             value for TTL is one day.
             When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, this field is not used.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.Backends">
            <summary>The list of backends that serve this BackendService.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.CdnPolicy">
            <summary>Cloud CDN configuration for this BackendService.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.EnableCDN">
             <summary>If true, enable Cloud CDN for this BackendService.
             When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, this field is not used.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.Fingerprint">
            <summary>Fingerprint of this resource. A hash of the contents stored in this object. This field is used in
            optimistic locking. This field will be ignored when inserting a BackendService. An up-to-date fingerprint
            must be provided in order to update the BackendService.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.HealthChecks">
             <summary>The list of URLs to the HttpHealthCheck or HttpsHealthCheck resource for health checking this
             BackendService. Currently at most one health check can be specified, and a health check is required for
             Compute Engine backend services. A health check must not be specified for App Engine backend and Cloud
             Function backend.
             For internal load balancing, a URL to a HealthCheck resource must be specified instead.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#backendService for backend services.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.LoadBalancingScheme">
            <summary>Indicates whether the backend service will be used with internal or external load balancing. A
            backend service created for one type of load balancing cannot be used with the other. Possible values are
            INTERNAL and EXTERNAL.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.Port">
             <summary>Deprecated in favor of portName. The TCP port to connect on the backend. The default value is 80.
             This cannot be used for internal load balancing.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.PortName">
             <summary>Name of backend port. The same name should appear in the instance groups referenced by this
             service. Required when the load balancing scheme is EXTERNAL.
             When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, this field is not used.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.Protocol">
             <summary>The protocol this BackendService uses to communicate with backends.
             Possible values are HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, and SSL. The default is HTTP.
             For internal load balancing, the possible values are TCP and UDP, and the default is TCP.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.Region">
            <summary>[Output Only] URL of the region where the regional backend service resides. This field is not
            applicable to global backend services.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.SessionAffinity">
             <summary>Type of session affinity to use. The default is NONE.
             When the load balancing scheme is EXTERNAL, can be NONE, CLIENT_IP, or GENERATED_COOKIE.
             When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, can be NONE, CLIENT_IP, CLIENT_IP_PROTO, or
             When the protocol is UDP, this field is not used.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.TimeoutSec">
            <summary>How many seconds to wait for the backend before considering it a failed request. Default is 30
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendService.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceAggregatedList">
            <summary>Contains a list of BackendServicesScopedList.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of BackendServicesScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceCdnPolicy">
            <summary>Message containing Cloud CDN configuration for a backend service.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceCdnPolicy.CacheKeyPolicy">
            <summary>The CacheKeyPolicy for this CdnPolicy.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceCdnPolicy.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceGroupHealth.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#backendServiceGroupHealth for the health of backend
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceGroupHealth.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceIAP">
            <summary>Identity-Aware Proxy</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceIAP.Oauth2ClientSecretSha256">
            <summary>[Output Only] SHA256 hash value for the field oauth2_client_secret above.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceIAP.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceList">
            <summary>Contains a list of BackendService resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceList.Items">
            <summary>A list of BackendService resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#backendServiceList for lists of backend
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServiceList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServicesScopedList.BackendServices">
            <summary>List of BackendServices contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServicesScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>Informational warning which replaces the list of backend services when the list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServicesScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServicesScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>Informational warning which replaces the list of backend services when the list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServicesScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServicesScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServicesScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServicesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.BackendServicesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CacheInvalidationRule.Host">
            <summary>If set, this invalidation rule will only apply to requests with a Host header matching
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CacheInvalidationRule.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CacheKeyPolicy">
            <summary>Message containing what to include in the cache key for a request for Cloud CDN.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CacheKeyPolicy.IncludeHost">
            <summary>If true, requests to different hosts will be cached separately.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CacheKeyPolicy.IncludeProtocol">
            <summary>If true, http and https requests will be cached separately.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CacheKeyPolicy.IncludeQueryString">
            <summary>If true, include query string parameters in the cache key according to query_string_whitelist and
            query_string_blacklist. If neither is set, the entire query string will be included. If false, the query
            string will be excluded from the cache key entirely.</summary>
        <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CacheKeyPolicy.QueryStringBlacklist" -->
        <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CacheKeyPolicy.QueryStringWhitelist" -->
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CacheKeyPolicy.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment">
             <summary>Represents a Commitment resource. Creating a Commitment resource means that you are purchasing a
             committed use contract with an explicit start and end time. You can create commitments based on vCPUs and memory
             usage and receive discounted rates. For full details, read Signing Up for Committed Use Discounts.
             Committed use discounts are subject to Google Cloud Platform's Service Specific Terms. By purchasing a committed
             use discount, you agree to these terms. Committed use discounts will not renew, so you must purchase a new
             commitment to continue receiving discounts.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.EndTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Commitment end time in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#commitment for commitments.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.Plan">
            <summary>The plan for this commitment, which determines duration and discount rate. The currently supported
            plans are TWELVE_MONTH (1 year), and THIRTY_SIX_MONTH (3 years).</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.Region">
            <summary>[Output Only] URL of the region where this commitment may be used.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.Resources">
            <summary>List of commitment amounts for particular resources. Note that VCPU and MEMORY resource commitments
            must occur together.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.StartTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Commitment start time in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.Status">
            <summary>[Output Only] Status of the commitment with regards to eventual expiration (each commitment has an
            end date defined). One of the following values: NOT_YET_ACTIVE, ACTIVE, EXPIRED.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.StatusMessage">
            <summary>[Output Only] An optional, human-readable explanation of the status.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Commitment.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of CommitmentsScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#commitmentAggregatedList for aggregated lists of
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentList">
            <summary>Contains a list of Commitment resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Commitment resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#commitmentList for lists of commitments.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentsScopedList.Commitments">
            <summary>[Output Only] List of commitments contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentsScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of commitments when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentsScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentsScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of commitments when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentsScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentsScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentsScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentsScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CommitmentsScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ConnectionDraining">
            <summary>Message containing connection draining configuration.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ConnectionDraining.DrainingTimeoutSec">
            <summary>Time for which instance will be drained (not accept new connections, but still work to finish
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ConnectionDraining.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CustomerEncryptionKey">
            <summary>Represents a customer-supplied encryption key</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CustomerEncryptionKey.RawKey">
            <summary>Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt
            or decrypt this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CustomerEncryptionKey.Sha256">
            <summary>[Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that
            protects this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CustomerEncryptionKey.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CustomerEncryptionKeyProtectedDisk.DiskEncryptionKey">
            <summary>Decrypts data associated with the disk with a customer-supplied encryption key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CustomerEncryptionKeyProtectedDisk.Source">
            <summary>Specifies a valid partial or full URL to an existing Persistent Disk resource. This field is only
            applicable for persistent disks.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.CustomerEncryptionKeyProtectedDisk.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DeprecationStatus">
            <summary>Deprecation status for a public resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DeprecationStatus.Deleted">
            <summary>An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to
            DELETED. This is only informational and the status will not change unless the client explicitly changes
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DeprecationStatus.Deprecated">
            <summary>An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to
            DEPRECATED. This is only informational and the status will not change unless the client explicitly changes
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DeprecationStatus.Obsolete">
            <summary>An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to
            OBSOLETE. This is only informational and the status will not change unless the client explicitly changes
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DeprecationStatus.Replacement">
            <summary>The URL of the suggested replacement for a deprecated resource. The suggested replacement resource
            must be the same kind of resource as the deprecated resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DeprecationStatus.State">
            <summary>The deprecation state of this resource. This can be DEPRECATED, OBSOLETE, or DELETED. Operations
            which create a new resource using a DEPRECATED resource will return successfully, but with a warning
            indicating the deprecated resource and recommending its replacement. Operations which use OBSOLETE or
            DELETED resources will be rejected and result in an error.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DeprecationStatus.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk">
            <summary>A Disk resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.DiskEncryptionKey">
             <summary>Encrypts the disk using a customer-supplied encryption key.
             After you encrypt a disk with a customer-supplied key, you must provide the same key if you use the disk
             later (e.g. to create a disk snapshot or an image, or to attach the disk to a virtual machine).
             Customer-supplied encryption keys do not protect access to metadata of the disk.
             If you do not provide an encryption key when creating the disk, then the disk will be encrypted using an
             automatically generated key and you do not need to provide a key to use the disk later.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#disk for disks.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.LabelFingerprint">
             <summary>A fingerprint for the labels being applied to this disk, which is essentially a hash of the labels
             set used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after
             every request to modify or update labels. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to
             update or change labels.
             To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve a disk.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.Labels">
            <summary>Labels to apply to this disk. These can be later modified by the setLabels method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.LastAttachTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Last attach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.LastDetachTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Last detach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.Licenses">
            <summary>Any applicable publicly visible licenses.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.Options">
            <summary>Internal use only.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined fully-qualified URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.SizeGb">
             <summary>Size of the persistent disk, specified in GB. You can specify this field when creating a persistent
             disk using the sourceImage or sourceSnapshot parameter, or specify it alone to create an empty persistent
             If you specify this field along with sourceImage or sourceSnapshot, the value of sizeGb must not be less
             than the size of the sourceImage or the size of the snapshot. Acceptable values are 1 to 65536,
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.SourceImage">
             <summary>The source image used to create this disk. If the source image is deleted, this field will not be
             To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the image by its family name. For
             example, specify family/debian-8 to use the latest Debian 8 image:
             Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image:
             To create a disk with a private image that you created, specify the image name in the following format:
             You can also specify a private image by its image family, which returns the latest version of the image in
             that family. Replace the image name with family/family-name:
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.SourceImageEncryptionKey">
            <summary>The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image. Required if the source image is protected
            by a customer-supplied encryption key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.SourceImageId">
            <summary>[Output Only] The ID value of the image used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact
            image that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from an
            image that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source image ID would identify the exact
            version of the image that was used.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.SourceSnapshot">
            <summary>The source snapshot used to create this disk. You can provide this as a partial or full URL to the
            resource. For example, the following are valid values: -
            https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/global/snapshots/snapshot -
            projects/project/global/snapshots/snapshot - global/snapshots/snapshot</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.SourceSnapshotEncryptionKey">
            <summary>The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot. Required if the source snapshot is
            protected by a customer-supplied encryption key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.SourceSnapshotId">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique ID of the snapshot used to create this disk. This value identifies the
            exact snapshot that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk
            from a snapshot that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source snapshot ID would
            identify the exact version of the snapshot that was used.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.Status">
            <summary>[Output Only] The status of disk creation.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.Type">
            <summary>URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk. Provide this
            when creating the disk.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.Users">
            <summary>[Output Only] Links to the users of the disk (attached instances) in form:
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.Zone">
            <summary>[Output Only] URL of the zone where the disk resides.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Disk.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of DisksScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#diskAggregatedList for aggregated lists of
            persistent disks.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskList">
            <summary>A list of Disk resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Disk resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#diskList for lists of disks.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskMoveRequest.DestinationZone">
            <summary>The URL of the destination zone to move the disk. This can be a full or partial URL. For example,
            the following are all valid URLs to a zone: -
            https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/zones/zone - projects/project/zones/zone -
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskMoveRequest.TargetDisk">
            <summary>The URL of the target disk to move. This can be a full or partial URL. For example, the following
            are all valid URLs to a disk: - https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/zones/zone/disks/disk
            - projects/project/zones/zone/disks/disk - zones/zone/disks/disk</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskMoveRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskType">
            <summary>A DiskType resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskType.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskType.DefaultDiskSizeGb">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined default disk size in GB.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskType.Deprecated">
            <summary>[Output Only] The deprecation status associated with this disk type.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskType.Description">
            <summary>[Output Only] An optional description of this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskType.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskType.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#diskType for disk types.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskType.Name">
            <summary>[Output Only] Name of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskType.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskType.ValidDiskSize">
            <summary>[Output Only] An optional textual description of the valid disk size, such as "10GB-
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskType.Zone">
            <summary>[Output Only] URL of the zone where the disk type resides.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskType.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypeAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypeAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of DiskTypesScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypeAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#diskTypeAggregatedList.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypeAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypeAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypeAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypeList">
            <summary>Contains a list of disk types.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypeList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypeList.Items">
            <summary>A list of DiskType resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypeList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#diskTypeList for disk types.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypeList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypeList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypeList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypesScopedList.DiskTypes">
            <summary>[Output Only] List of disk types contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypesScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of disk types when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypesScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypesScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of disk types when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypesScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypesScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypesScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DiskTypesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DisksResizeRequest.SizeGb">
            <summary>The new size of the persistent disk, which is specified in GB.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DisksResizeRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DisksScopedList.Disks">
            <summary>[Output Only] List of disks contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DisksScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of disks when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DisksScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DisksScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of disks when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DisksScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DisksScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DisksScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DisksScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.DisksScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall">
            <summary>Represents a Firewall resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.Allowed">
            <summary>The list of ALLOW rules specified by this firewall. Each rule specifies a protocol and port-range
            tuple that describes a permitted connection.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.Denied">
            <summary>The list of DENY rules specified by this firewall. Each rule specifies a protocol and port-range
            tuple that describes a permitted connection.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.DestinationRanges">
            <summary>If destination ranges are specified, the firewall will apply only to traffic that has destination
            IP address in these ranges. These ranges must be expressed in CIDR format. Only IPv4 is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.Direction">
            <summary>Direction of traffic to which this firewall applies; default is INGRESS. Note: For INGRESS traffic,
            it is NOT supported to specify destinationRanges; For EGRESS traffic, it is NOT supported to specify
            sourceRanges OR sourceTags.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#firewall for firewall rules.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.Network">
            <summary>URL of the network resource for this firewall rule. If not specified when creating a firewall rule,
            the default network is used: global/networks/default If you choose to specify this property, you can specify
            the network as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: -
            https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/myproject/global/networks/my-network -
            projects/myproject/global/networks/my-network - global/networks/default</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.Priority">
            <summary>Priority for this rule. This is an integer between 0 and 65535, both inclusive. When not specified,
            the value assumed is 1000. Relative priorities determine precedence of conflicting rules. Lower value of
            priority implies higher precedence (eg, a rule with priority 0 has higher precedence than a rule with
            priority 1). DENY rules take precedence over ALLOW rules having equal priority.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.SourceRanges">
            <summary>If source ranges are specified, the firewall will apply only to traffic that has source IP address
            in these ranges. These ranges must be expressed in CIDR format. One or both of sourceRanges and sourceTags
            may be set. If both properties are set, the firewall will apply to traffic that has source IP address within
            sourceRanges OR the source IP that belongs to a tag listed in the sourceTags property. The connection does
            not need to match both properties for the firewall to apply. Only IPv4 is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.SourceTags">
            <summary>If source tags are specified, the firewall rule applies only to traffic with source IPs that match
            the primary network interfaces of VM instances that have the tag and are in the same VPC network. Source
            tags cannot be used to control traffic to an instance's external IP address, it only applies to traffic
            between instances in the same virtual network. Because tags are associated with instances, not IP addresses.
            One or both of sourceRanges and sourceTags may be set. If both properties are set, the firewall will apply
            to traffic that has source IP address within sourceRanges OR the source IP that belongs to a tag listed in
            the sourceTags property. The connection does not need to match both properties for the firewall to
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.TargetTags">
            <summary>A list of instance tags indicating sets of instances located in the network that may make network
            connections as specified in allowed[]. If no targetTags are specified, the firewall rule applies to all
            instances on the specified network.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.AllowedData.IPProtocol">
            <summary>The IP protocol to which this rule applies. The protocol type is required when creating a
            firewall rule. This value can either be one of the following well known protocol strings (tcp, udp,
            icmp, esp, ah, ipip, sctp), or the IP protocol number.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.AllowedData.Ports">
             <summary>An optional list of ports to which this rule applies. This field is only applicable for UDP or
             TCP protocol. Each entry must be either an integer or a range. If not specified, this rule applies to
             connections through any port.
             Example inputs include: ["22"], ["80","443"], and ["12345-12349"].</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.DeniedData.IPProtocol">
            <summary>The IP protocol to which this rule applies. The protocol type is required when creating a
            firewall rule. This value can either be one of the following well known protocol strings (tcp, udp,
            icmp, esp, ah, ipip, sctp), or the IP protocol number.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Firewall.DeniedData.Ports">
             <summary>An optional list of ports to which this rule applies. This field is only applicable for UDP or
             TCP protocol. Each entry must be either an integer or a range. If not specified, this rule applies to
             connections through any port.
             Example inputs include: ["22"], ["80","443"], and ["12345-12349"].</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.FirewallList">
            <summary>Contains a list of firewalls.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.FirewallList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.FirewallList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Firewall resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.FirewallList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#firewallList for lists of firewalls.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.FirewallList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.FirewallList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.FirewallList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule">
            <summary>A ForwardingRule resource. A ForwardingRule resource specifies which pool of target virtual machines to
            forward a packet to if it matches the given [IPAddress, IPProtocol, ports] tuple.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.IPAddress">
             <summary>The IP address that this forwarding rule is serving on behalf of.
             For global forwarding rules, the address must be a global IP. For regional forwarding rules, the address
             must live in the same region as the forwarding rule. By default, this field is empty and an ephemeral IPv4
             address from the same scope (global or regional) will be assigned. A regional forwarding rule supports IPv4
             only. A global forwarding rule supports either IPv4 or IPv6.
             When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, this can only be an RFC 1918 IP address belonging to the
             network/subnetwork configured for the forwarding rule. A reserved address cannot be used. If the field is
             empty, the IP address will be automatically allocated from the internal IP range of the subnetwork or
             network configured for this forwarding rule.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.IPProtocol">
             <summary>The IP protocol to which this rule applies. Valid options are TCP, UDP, ESP, AH, SCTP or ICMP.
             When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, only TCP and UDP are valid.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.BackendService">
             <summary>This field is not used for external load balancing.
             For internal load balancing, this field identifies the BackendService resource to receive the matched
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.IpVersion">
            <summary>The IP Version that will be used by this forwarding rule. Valid options are IPV4 or IPV6. This can
            only be specified for a global forwarding rule.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#forwardingRule for Forwarding Rule
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.LoadBalancingScheme">
            <summary>This signifies what the ForwardingRule will be used for and can only take the following values:
            INTERNAL, EXTERNAL The value of INTERNAL means that this will be used for Internal Network Load Balancing
            (TCP, UDP). The value of EXTERNAL means that this will be used for External Load Balancing (HTTP(S) LB,
            External TCP/UDP LB, SSL Proxy)</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.Network">
             <summary>This field is not used for external load balancing.
             For internal load balancing, this field identifies the network that the load balanced IP should belong to
             for this Forwarding Rule. If this field is not specified, the default network will be used.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.PortRange">
             <summary>This field is used along with the target field for TargetHttpProxy, TargetHttpsProxy,
             TargetSslProxy, TargetTcpProxy, TargetVpnGateway, TargetPool, TargetInstance.
             Applicable only when IPProtocol is TCP, UDP, or SCTP, only packets addressed to ports in the specified range
             will be forwarded to target. Forwarding rules with the same [IPAddress, IPProtocol] pair must have disjoint
             port ranges.
             Some types of forwarding target have constraints on the acceptable ports: - TargetHttpProxy: 80, 8080 -
             TargetHttpsProxy: 443 - TargetTcpProxy: 25, 43, 110, 143, 195, 443, 465, 587, 700, 993, 995, 1883, 5222 -
             TargetSslProxy: 25, 43, 110, 143, 195, 443, 465, 587, 700, 993, 995, 1883, 5222 - TargetVpnGateway: 500,
             4500 -</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.Ports">
             <summary>This field is used along with the backend_service field for internal load balancing.
             When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, a single port or a comma separated list of ports can be
             configured. Only packets addressed to these ports will be forwarded to the backends configured with this
             forwarding rule.
             You may specify a maximum of up to 5 ports.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.Region">
            <summary>[Output Only] URL of the region where the regional forwarding rule resides. This field is not
            applicable to global forwarding rules.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.Subnetwork">
             <summary>This field is not used for external load balancing.
             For internal load balancing, this field identifies the subnetwork that the load balanced IP should belong to
             for this Forwarding Rule.
             If the network specified is in auto subnet mode, this field is optional. However, if the network is in
             custom subnet mode, a subnetwork must be specified.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.Target">
             <summary>The URL of the target resource to receive the matched traffic. For regional forwarding rules, this
             target must live in the same region as the forwarding rule. For global forwarding rules, this target must be
             a global load balancing resource. The forwarded traffic must be of a type appropriate to the target object.
             This field is not used for internal load balancing.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRule.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRuleAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRuleAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of ForwardingRulesScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRuleAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#forwardingRuleAggregatedList for lists of forwarding
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRuleAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRuleAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRuleAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRuleList">
            <summary>Contains a list of ForwardingRule resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRuleList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRuleList.Items">
            <summary>A list of ForwardingRule resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRuleList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRuleList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRuleList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRuleList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRulesScopedList.ForwardingRules">
            <summary>List of forwarding rules contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRulesScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>Informational warning which replaces the list of forwarding rules when the list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRulesScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRulesScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>Informational warning which replaces the list of forwarding rules when the list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRulesScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRulesScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRulesScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRulesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ForwardingRulesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.GlobalSetLabelsRequest.LabelFingerprint">
            <summary>The fingerprint of the previous set of labels for this resource, used to detect conflicts. The
            fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update
            labels. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash when updating or changing labels. Make a
            get() request to the resource to get the latest fingerprint.</summary>
        <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.GlobalSetLabelsRequest.Labels" -->
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.GlobalSetLabelsRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.GuestOsFeature">
            <summary>Guest OS features.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.GuestOsFeature.Type">
            <summary>The type of supported feature. Currently only VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE is supported. For newer
            Windows images, the server might also populate this property with the value WINDOWS to indicate that this is
            a Windows image.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.GuestOsFeature.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HTTPHealthCheck.Host">
            <summary>The value of the host header in the HTTP health check request. If left empty (default value), the
            IP on behalf of which this health check is performed will be used.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HTTPHealthCheck.Port">
            <summary>The TCP port number for the health check request. The default value is 80. Valid values are 1
            through 65535.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HTTPHealthCheck.PortName">
            <summary>Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name. If both port and port_name are defined, port
            takes precedence.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HTTPHealthCheck.ProxyHeader">
            <summary>Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or
            PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HTTPHealthCheck.RequestPath">
            <summary>The request path of the HTTP health check request. The default value is /.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HTTPHealthCheck.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HTTPSHealthCheck.Host">
            <summary>The value of the host header in the HTTPS health check request. If left empty (default value), the
            IP on behalf of which this health check is performed will be used.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HTTPSHealthCheck.Port">
            <summary>The TCP port number for the health check request. The default value is 443. Valid values are 1
            through 65535.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HTTPSHealthCheck.PortName">
            <summary>Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name. If both port and port_name are defined, port
            takes precedence.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HTTPSHealthCheck.ProxyHeader">
            <summary>Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or
            PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HTTPSHealthCheck.RequestPath">
            <summary>The request path of the HTTPS health check request. The default value is /.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HTTPSHealthCheck.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck">
            <summary>An HealthCheck resource. This resource defines a template for how individual virtual machines should be
            checked for health, via one of the supported protocols.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck.CheckIntervalSec">
            <summary>How often (in seconds) to send a health check. The default value is 5 seconds.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in 3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck.HealthyThreshold">
            <summary>A so-far unhealthy instance will be marked healthy after this many consecutive successes. The
            default value is 2.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck.Kind">
            <summary>Type of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck.TimeoutSec">
            <summary>How long (in seconds) to wait before claiming failure. The default value is 5 seconds. It is
            invalid for timeoutSec to have greater value than checkIntervalSec.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck.Type">
            <summary>Specifies the type of the healthCheck, either TCP, SSL, HTTP or HTTPS. If not specified, the
            default is TCP. Exactly one of the protocol-specific health check field must be specified, which must match
            type field.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck.UnhealthyThreshold">
            <summary>A so-far healthy instance will be marked unhealthy after this many consecutive failures. The
            default value is 2.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheck.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheckList">
            <summary>Contains a list of HealthCheck resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheckList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheckList.Items">
            <summary>A list of HealthCheck resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheckList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheckList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheckList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheckList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheckReference">
            <summary>A full or valid partial URL to a health check. For example, the following are valid URLs: -
            https://www.googleapis.com/compute/beta/projects/project-id/global/httpHealthChecks/health-check - projects
            /project-id/global/httpHealthChecks/health-check - global/httpHealthChecks/health-check</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthCheckReference.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthStatus.HealthState">
            <summary>Health state of the instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthStatus.Instance">
            <summary>URL of the instance resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthStatus.IpAddress">
            <summary>The IP address represented by this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthStatus.Port">
            <summary>The port on the instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HealthStatus.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HostRule">
            <summary>UrlMaps A host-matching rule for a URL. If matched, will use the named PathMatcher to select the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HostRule.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HostRule.Hosts">
            <summary>The list of host patterns to match. They must be valid hostnames, except * will match any string of
            ([a-z0-9-.]*). In that case, * must be the first character and must be followed in the pattern by either -
            or ..</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HostRule.PathMatcher">
            <summary>The name of the PathMatcher to use to match the path portion of the URL if the hostRule matches the
            URL's host portion.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HostRule.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck">
            <summary>An HttpHealthCheck resource. This resource defines a template for how individual instances should be
            checked for health, via HTTP.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.CheckIntervalSec">
            <summary>How often (in seconds) to send a health check. The default value is 5 seconds.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.HealthyThreshold">
            <summary>A so-far unhealthy instance will be marked healthy after this many consecutive successes. The
            default value is 2.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.Host">
            <summary>The value of the host header in the HTTP health check request. If left empty (default value), the
            public IP on behalf of which this health check is performed will be used.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#httpHealthCheck for HTTP health
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.Port">
            <summary>The TCP port number for the HTTP health check request. The default value is 80.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.RequestPath">
            <summary>The request path of the HTTP health check request. The default value is /.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.TimeoutSec">
            <summary>How long (in seconds) to wait before claiming failure. The default value is 5 seconds. It is
            invalid for timeoutSec to have greater value than checkIntervalSec.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.UnhealthyThreshold">
            <summary>A so-far healthy instance will be marked unhealthy after this many consecutive failures. The
            default value is 2.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheck.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheckList">
            <summary>Contains a list of HttpHealthCheck resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheckList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheckList.Items">
            <summary>A list of HttpHealthCheck resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheckList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheckList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheckList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpHealthCheckList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck">
            <summary>An HttpsHealthCheck resource. This resource defines a template for how individual instances should be
            checked for health, via HTTPS.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.CheckIntervalSec">
            <summary>How often (in seconds) to send a health check. The default value is 5 seconds.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.HealthyThreshold">
            <summary>A so-far unhealthy instance will be marked healthy after this many consecutive successes. The
            default value is 2.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.Host">
            <summary>The value of the host header in the HTTPS health check request. If left empty (default value), the
            public IP on behalf of which this health check is performed will be used.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.Kind">
            <summary>Type of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.Port">
            <summary>The TCP port number for the HTTPS health check request. The default value is 443.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.RequestPath">
            <summary>The request path of the HTTPS health check request. The default value is "/".</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.TimeoutSec">
            <summary>How long (in seconds) to wait before claiming failure. The default value is 5 seconds. It is
            invalid for timeoutSec to have a greater value than checkIntervalSec.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.UnhealthyThreshold">
            <summary>A so-far healthy instance will be marked unhealthy after this many consecutive failures. The
            default value is 2.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheck.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheckList">
            <summary>Contains a list of HttpsHealthCheck resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheckList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheckList.Items">
            <summary>A list of HttpsHealthCheck resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheckList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheckList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheckList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.HttpsHealthCheckList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image">
            <summary>An Image resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.ArchiveSizeBytes">
            <summary>Size of the image tar.gz archive stored in Google Cloud Storage (in bytes).</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.Deprecated">
            <summary>The deprecation status associated with this image.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.DiskSizeGb">
            <summary>Size of the image when restored onto a persistent disk (in GB).</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.Family">
            <summary>The name of the image family to which this image belongs. You can create disks by specifying an
            image family instead of a specific image name. The image family always returns its latest image that is not
            deprecated. The name of the image family must comply with RFC1035.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.GuestOsFeatures">
             <summary>A list of features to enable on the guest OS. Applicable for bootable images only. Currently, only
             one feature can be enabled, VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE, which allows each virtual CPU to have its own queue. For
             Windows images, you can only enable VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE on images with driver version or
             higher. Linux images with kernel versions 3.17 and higher will support VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE.
             For newer Windows images, the server might also populate this property with the value WINDOWS to indicate
             that this is a Windows image.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.ImageEncryptionKey">
             <summary>Encrypts the image using a customer-supplied encryption key.
             After you encrypt an image with a customer-supplied key, you must provide the same key if you use the image
             later (e.g. to create a disk from the image).
             Customer-supplied encryption keys do not protect access to metadata of the disk.
             If you do not provide an encryption key when creating the image, then the disk will be encrypted using an
             automatically generated key and you do not need to provide a key to use the image later.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#image for images.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.LabelFingerprint">
             <summary>A fingerprint for the labels being applied to this image, which is essentially a hash of the labels
             used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after
             every request to modify or update labels. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to
             update or change labels.
             To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve an image.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.Labels">
            <summary>Labels to apply to this image. These can be later modified by the setLabels method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.Licenses">
            <summary>Any applicable license URI.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.RawDisk">
            <summary>The parameters of the raw disk image.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.SourceDisk">
            <summary>URL of the source disk used to create this image. This can be a full or valid partial URL. You must
            provide either this property or the rawDisk.source property but not both to create an image. For example,
            the following are valid values: -
            https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/zones/zone/disks/disk -
            projects/project/zones/zone/disks/disk - zones/zone/disks/disk</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.SourceDiskEncryptionKey">
            <summary>The customer-supplied encryption key of the source disk. Required if the source disk is protected
            by a customer-supplied encryption key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.SourceDiskId">
            <summary>The ID value of the disk used to create this image. This value may be used to determine whether the
            image was taken from the current or a previous instance of a given disk name.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.SourceImage">
            <summary>URL of the source image used to create this image. This can be a full or valid partial URL. You
            must provide exactly one of: - this property, or - the rawDisk.source property, or - the sourceDisk property
            in order to create an image.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.SourceImageEncryptionKey">
            <summary>The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image. Required if the source image is protected
            by a customer-supplied encryption key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.SourceImageId">
            <summary>[Output Only] The ID value of the image used to create this image. This value may be used to
            determine whether the image was taken from the current or a previous instance of a given image
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.SourceType">
            <summary>The type of the image used to create this disk. The default and only value is RAW</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.Status">
            <summary>[Output Only] The status of the image. An image can be used to create other resources, such as
            instances, only after the image has been successfully created and the status is set to READY. Possible
            values are FAILED, PENDING, or READY.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.RawDiskData">
            <summary>The parameters of the raw disk image.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.RawDiskData.ContainerType">
            <summary>The format used to encode and transmit the block device, which should be TAR. This is just a
            container and transmission format and not a runtime format. Provided by the client when the disk image
            is created.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.RawDiskData.Sha1Checksum">
            <summary>An optional SHA1 checksum of the disk image before unpackaging; provided by the client when the
            disk image is created.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Image.RawDiskData.Source">
            <summary>The full Google Cloud Storage URL where the disk image is stored. You must provide either this
            property or the sourceDisk property but not both.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ImageList">
            <summary>Contains a list of images.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ImageList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ImageList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Image resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ImageList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ImageList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ImageList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ImageList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance">
            <summary>An Instance resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.CanIpForward">
            <summary>Allows this instance to send and receive packets with non-matching destination or source IPs. This
            is required if you plan to use this instance to forward routes. For more information, see Enabling IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.CpuPlatform">
            <summary>[Output Only] The CPU platform used by this instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.Disks">
            <summary>Array of disks associated with this instance. Persistent disks must be created before you can
            assign them.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.GuestAccelerators">
            <summary>List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#instance for instances.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.LabelFingerprint">
             <summary>A fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the metadata's contents and used for
             optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request
             to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or
             change metadata.
             To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.Labels">
            <summary>Labels to apply to this instance. These can be later modified by the setLabels method.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.MachineType">
             <summary>Full or partial URL of the machine type resource to use for this instance, in the format:
             zones/zone/machineTypes/machine-type. This is provided by the client when the instance is created. For
             example, the following is a valid partial url to a predefined machine type:
             To create a custom machine type, provide a URL to a machine type in the following format, where CPUS is 1 or
             an even number up to 32 (2, 4, 6, ... 24, etc), and MEMORY is the total memory for this instance. Memory
             must be a multiple of 256 MB and must be supplied in MB (e.g. 5 GB of memory is 5120 MB):
             For example: zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/custom-4-5120
             For a full list of restrictions, read the Specifications for custom machine types.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.Metadata">
            <summary>The metadata key/value pairs assigned to this instance. This includes custom metadata and
            predefined keys.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.Name">
            <summary>The name of the resource, provided by the client when initially creating the resource. The resource
            name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters
            long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a
            lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last
            character, which cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.NetworkInterfaces">
            <summary>An array of network configurations for this instance. These specify how interfaces are configured
            to interact with other network services, such as connecting to the internet. Multiple interfaces are
            supported per instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.Scheduling">
            <summary>Sets the scheduling options for this instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.ServiceAccounts">
             <summary>A list of service accounts, with their specified scopes, authorized for this instance. Only one
             service account per VM instance is supported.
             Service accounts generate access tokens that can be accessed through the metadata server and used to
             authenticate applications on the instance. See Service Accounts for more information.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.StartRestricted">
            <summary>[Output Only] Whether a VM has been restricted for start because Compute Engine has detected
            suspicious activity.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.Status">
            <summary>[Output Only] The status of the instance. One of the following values: PROVISIONING, STAGING,
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.StatusMessage">
            <summary>[Output Only] An optional, human-readable explanation of the status.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.Tags">
            <summary>A list of tags to apply to this instance. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for
            network firewalls and are specified by the client during instance creation. The tags can be later modified
            by the setTags method. Each tag within the list must comply with RFC1035.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.Zone">
            <summary>[Output Only] URL of the zone where the instance resides.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Instance.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of InstancesScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#instanceAggregatedList for aggregated lists of
            Instance resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] The creation timestamp for this instance group in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.Fingerprint">
            <summary>[Output Only] The fingerprint of the named ports. The system uses this fingerprint to detect
            conflicts when multiple users change the named ports concurrently.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] A unique identifier for this instance group, generated by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] The resource type, which is always compute#instanceGroup for instance
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.Name">
            <summary>The name of the instance group. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.NamedPorts">
             <summary>Assigns a name to a port number. For example: {name: "http", port: 80}
             This allows the system to reference ports by the assigned name instead of a port number. Named ports can
             also contain multiple ports. For example: [{name: "http", port: 80},{name: "http", port: 8080}]
             Named ports apply to all instances in this instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.Network">
            <summary>The URL of the network to which all instances in the instance group belong.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.Region">
            <summary>The URL of the region where the instance group is located (for regional resources).</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] The URL for this instance group. The server generates this URL.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.Size">
            <summary>[Output Only] The total number of instances in the instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.Subnetwork">
            <summary>The URL of the subnetwork to which all instances in the instance group belong.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.Zone">
            <summary>[Output Only] The URL of the zone where the instance group is located (for zonal
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroup.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of InstanceGroupsScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] The resource type, which is always compute#instanceGroupAggregatedList for aggregated
            lists of instance groups.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupList">
            <summary>A list of InstanceGroup resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupList.Items">
            <summary>A list of InstanceGroup resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] The resource type, which is always compute#instanceGroupList for instance group
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager">
            <summary>An Instance Group Manager resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.BaseInstanceName">
            <summary>The base instance name to use for instances in this group. The value must be 1-58 characters long.
            Instances are named by appending a hyphen and a random four-character string to the base instance name. The
            base instance name must comply with RFC1035.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] The creation timestamp for this managed instance group in RFC3339 text
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.CurrentActions">
            <summary>[Output Only] The list of instance actions and the number of instances in this managed instance
            group that are scheduled for each of those actions.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.Fingerprint">
            <summary>[Output Only] The fingerprint of the resource data. You can use this optional field for optimistic
            locking when you update the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] A unique identifier for this resource type. The server generates this
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.InstanceGroup">
            <summary>[Output Only] The URL of the Instance Group resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.InstanceTemplate">
            <summary>The URL of the instance template that is specified for this managed instance group. The group uses
            this template to create all new instances in the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] The resource type, which is always compute#instanceGroupManager for managed instance
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.Name">
            <summary>The name of the managed instance group. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.NamedPorts">
            <summary>Named ports configured for the Instance Groups complementary to this Instance Group
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.Region">
            <summary>[Output Only] The URL of the region where the managed instance group resides (for regional
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] The URL for this managed instance group. The server defines this URL.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.TargetPools">
            <summary>The URLs for all TargetPool resources to which instances in the instanceGroup field are added. The
            target pools automatically apply to all of the instances in the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.TargetSize">
            <summary>The target number of running instances for this managed instance group. Deleting or abandoning
            instances reduces this number. Resizing the group changes this number.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.Zone">
            <summary>[Output Only] The URL of the zone where the managed instance group is located (for zonal
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManager.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerActionsSummary.Abandoning">
            <summary>[Output Only] The total number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be
            abandoned. Abandoning an instance removes it from the managed instance group without deleting it.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerActionsSummary.Creating">
             <summary>[Output Only] The number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be
             created or are currently being created. If the group fails to create any of these instances, it tries again
             until it creates the instance successfully.
             If you have disabled creation retries, this field will not be populated; instead, the creatingWithoutRetries
             field will be populated.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerActionsSummary.CreatingWithoutRetries">
            <summary>[Output Only] The number of instances that the managed instance group will attempt to create. The
            group attempts to create each instance only once. If the group fails to create any of these instances, it
            decreases the group's targetSize value accordingly.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerActionsSummary.Deleting">
            <summary>[Output Only] The number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be
            deleted or are currently being deleted.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerActionsSummary.None">
            <summary>[Output Only] The number of instances in the managed instance group that are running and have no
            scheduled actions.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerActionsSummary.Recreating">
            <summary>[Output Only] The number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be
            recreated or are currently being being recreated. Recreating an instance deletes the existing root
            persistent disk and creates a new disk from the image that is defined in the instance template.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerActionsSummary.Refreshing">
            <summary>[Output Only] The number of instances in the managed instance group that are being reconfigured
            with properties that do not require a restart or a recreate action. For example, setting or removing target
            pools for the instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerActionsSummary.Restarting">
            <summary>[Output Only] The number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be
            restarted or are currently being restarted.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerActionsSummary.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of InstanceGroupManagersScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] The resource type, which is always compute#instanceGroupManagerAggregatedList for an
            aggregated list of managed instance groups.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerList">
            <summary>[Output Only] A list of managed instance groups.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerList.Items">
            <summary>A list of InstanceGroupManager resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] The resource type, which is always compute#instanceGroupManagerList for a list of
            managed instance groups.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagerList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest.Instances">
            <summary>The URLs of one or more instances to abandon. This can be a full URL or a partial URL, such as
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest.Instances">
            <summary>The URLs of one or more instances to delete. This can be a full URL or a partial URL, such as
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersListManagedInstancesResponse.ManagedInstances">
            <summary>[Output Only] The list of instances in the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersListManagedInstancesResponse.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersRecreateInstancesRequest.Instances">
            <summary>The URLs of one or more instances to recreate. This can be a full URL or a partial URL, such as
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersRecreateInstancesRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersScopedList.InstanceGroupManagers">
            <summary>[Output Only] The list of managed instance groups that are contained in the specified project and
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>[Output Only] The warning that replaces the list of managed instance groups when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>[Output Only] The warning that replaces the list of managed instance groups when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersSetInstanceTemplateRequest.InstanceTemplate">
            <summary>The URL of the instance template that is specified for this managed instance group. The group uses
            this template to create all new instances in the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersSetInstanceTemplateRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest.Fingerprint">
            <summary>The fingerprint of the target pools information. Use this optional property to prevent conflicts
            when multiple users change the target pools settings concurrently. Obtain the fingerprint with the
            instanceGroupManagers.get method. Then, include the fingerprint in your request to ensure that you do not
            overwrite changes that were applied from another concurrent request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest.TargetPools">
            <summary>The list of target pool URLs that instances in this managed instance group belong to. The managed
            instance group applies these target pools to all of the instances in the group. Existing instances and new
            instances in the group all receive these target pool settings.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsAddInstancesRequest.Instances">
            <summary>The list of instances to add to the instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsAddInstancesRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsListInstances.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsListInstances.Items">
            <summary>A list of InstanceWithNamedPorts resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsListInstances.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] The resource type, which is always compute#instanceGroupsListInstances for the list
            of instances in the specified instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsListInstances.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsListInstances.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsListInstances.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest.InstanceState">
            <summary>A filter for the state of the instances in the instance group. Valid options are ALL or RUNNING. If
            you do not specify this parameter the list includes all instances regardless of their state.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsRemoveInstancesRequest.Instances">
            <summary>The list of instances to remove from the instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsRemoveInstancesRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsScopedList.InstanceGroups">
            <summary>[Output Only] The list of instance groups that are contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>[Output Only] An informational warning that replaces the list of instance groups when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>[Output Only] An informational warning that replaces the list of instance groups when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest.Fingerprint">
            <summary>The fingerprint of the named ports information for this instance group. Use this optional property
            to prevent conflicts when multiple users change the named ports settings concurrently. Obtain the
            fingerprint with the instanceGroups.get method. Then, include the fingerprint in your request to ensure that
            you do not overwrite changes that were applied from another concurrent request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest.NamedPorts">
            <summary>The list of named ports to set for this instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceList">
            <summary>Contains a list of instances.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Instance resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#instanceList for lists of Instance
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceMoveRequest.DestinationZone">
            <summary>The URL of the destination zone to move the instance. This can be a full or partial URL. For
            example, the following are all valid URLs to a zone: -
            https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/zones/zone - projects/project/zones/zone -
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceMoveRequest.TargetInstance">
            <summary>The URL of the target instance to move. This can be a full or partial URL. For example, the
            following are all valid URLs to an instance: -
            https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/zones/zone/instances/instance -
            projects/project/zones/zone/instances/instance - zones/zone/instances/instance</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceMoveRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceProperties.CanIpForward">
            <summary>Enables instances created based on this template to send packets with source IP addresses other
            than their own and receive packets with destination IP addresses other than their own. If these instances
            will be used as an IP gateway or it will be set as the next-hop in a Route resource, specify true. If
            unsure, leave this set to false. See the Enable IP forwarding documentation for more information.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceProperties.Description">
            <summary>An optional text description for the instances that are created from this instance
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceProperties.Disks">
            <summary>An array of disks that are associated with the instances that are created from this
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceProperties.GuestAccelerators">
            <summary>A list of guest accelerator cards' type and count to use for instances created from the instance
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceProperties.Labels">
            <summary>Labels to apply to instances that are created from this template.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceProperties.MachineType">
            <summary>The machine type to use for instances that are created from this template.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceProperties.Metadata">
            <summary>The metadata key/value pairs to assign to instances that are created from this template. These
            pairs can consist of custom metadata or predefined keys. See Project and instance metadata for more
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceProperties.NetworkInterfaces">
            <summary>An array of network access configurations for this interface.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceProperties.Scheduling">
            <summary>Specifies the scheduling options for the instances that are created from this template.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceProperties.ServiceAccounts">
            <summary>A list of service accounts with specified scopes. Access tokens for these service accounts are
            available to the instances that are created from this template. Use metadata queries to obtain the access
            tokens for these instances.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceProperties.Tags">
            <summary>A list of tags to apply to the instances that are created from this template. The tags identify
            valid sources or targets for network firewalls. The setTags method can modify this list of tags. Each tag
            within the list must comply with RFC1035.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceProperties.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceReference.Instance">
            <summary>The URL for a specific instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceReference.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplate">
            <summary>An Instance Template resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplate.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] The creation timestamp for this instance template in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplate.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplate.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] A unique identifier for this instance template. The server defines this
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplate.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] The resource type, which is always compute#instanceTemplate for instance
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplate.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplate.Properties">
            <summary>The instance properties for this instance template.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplate.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] The URL for this instance template. The server defines this URL.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplate.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplateList">
            <summary>A list of instance templates.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplateList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplateList.Items">
            <summary>A list of InstanceTemplate resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplateList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] The resource type, which is always compute#instanceTemplatesListResponse for instance
            template lists.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplateList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplateList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceTemplateList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceWithNamedPorts.Instance">
            <summary>[Output Only] The URL of the instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceWithNamedPorts.NamedPorts">
            <summary>[Output Only] The named ports that belong to this instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceWithNamedPorts.Status">
            <summary>[Output Only] The status of the instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstanceWithNamedPorts.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesScopedList.Instances">
            <summary>[Output Only] List of instances contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of instances when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of instances when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetLabelsRequest.LabelFingerprint">
            <summary>Fingerprint of the previous set of labels for this resource, used to prevent conflicts. Provide the
            latest fingerprint value when making a request to add or change labels.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetLabelsRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetMachineResourcesRequest.GuestAccelerators">
            <summary>List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetMachineResourcesRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetMachineTypeRequest.MachineType">
            <summary>Full or partial URL of the machine type resource. See Machine Types for a full list of machine
            types. For example: zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/n1-standard-1</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetMachineTypeRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetServiceAccountRequest.Email">
            <summary>Email address of the service account.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetServiceAccountRequest.Scopes">
            <summary>The list of scopes to be made available for this service account.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesSetServiceAccountRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesStartWithEncryptionKeyRequest.Disks">
             <summary>Array of disks associated with this instance that are protected with a customer-supplied encryption
             In order to start the instance, the disk url and its corresponding key must be provided.
             If the disk is not protected with a customer-supplied encryption key it should not be specified.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.InstancesStartWithEncryptionKeyRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.License">
            <summary>A license resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.License.ChargesUseFee">
            <summary>[Output Only] Deprecated. This field no longer reflects whether a license charges a usage
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.License.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#license for licenses.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.License.Name">
            <summary>[Output Only] Name of the resource. The name is 1-63 characters long and complies with
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.License.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.License.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType">
            <summary>A Machine Type resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.Deprecated">
            <summary>[Output Only] The deprecation status associated with this machine type.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.Description">
            <summary>[Output Only] An optional textual description of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.GuestCpus">
            <summary>[Output Only] The number of virtual CPUs that are available to the instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.ImageSpaceGb">
            <summary>[Deprecated] This property is deprecated and will never be populated with any relevant
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.IsSharedCpu">
            <summary>[Output Only] Whether this machine type has a shared CPU. See Shared-core machine types for more
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] The type of the resource. Always compute#machineType for machine types.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.MaximumPersistentDisks">
            <summary>[Output Only] Maximum persistent disks allowed.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.MaximumPersistentDisksSizeGb">
            <summary>[Output Only] Maximum total persistent disks size (GB) allowed.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.MemoryMb">
            <summary>[Output Only] The amount of physical memory available to the instance, defined in MB.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.Name">
            <summary>[Output Only] Name of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.ScratchDisks">
            <summary>[Output Only] List of extended scratch disks assigned to the instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.Zone">
            <summary>[Output Only] The name of the zone where the machine type resides, such as us-central1-a.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineType.ScratchDisksData.DiskGb">
            <summary>Size of the scratch disk, defined in GB.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypeAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypeAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of MachineTypesScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypeAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#machineTypeAggregatedList for aggregated lists of
            machine types.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypeAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypeAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypeAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypeList">
            <summary>Contains a list of machine types.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypeList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypeList.Items">
            <summary>A list of MachineType resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypeList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#machineTypeList for lists of machine
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypeList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypeList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypeList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypesScopedList.MachineTypes">
            <summary>[Output Only] List of machine types contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypesScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>[Output Only] An informational warning that appears when the machine types list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypesScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypesScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>[Output Only] An informational warning that appears when the machine types list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypesScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypesScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypesScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.MachineTypesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ManagedInstance.CurrentAction">
            <summary>[Output Only] The current action that the managed instance group has scheduled for the instance.
            Possible values: - NONE The instance is running, and the managed instance group does not have any scheduled
            actions for this instance. - CREATING The managed instance group is creating this instance. If the group
            fails to create this instance, it will try again until it is successful. - CREATING_WITHOUT_RETRIES The
            managed instance group is attempting to create this instance only once. If the group fails to create this
            instance, it does not try again and the group's targetSize value is decreased instead. - RECREATING The
            managed instance group is recreating this instance. - DELETING The managed instance group is permanently
            deleting this instance. - ABANDONING The managed instance group is abandoning this instance. The instance
            will be removed from the instance group and from any target pools that are associated with this group. -
            RESTARTING The managed instance group is restarting the instance. - REFRESHING The managed instance group is
            applying configuration changes to the instance without stopping it. For example, the group can update the
            target pool list for an instance without stopping that instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ManagedInstance.Id">
            <summary>[Output only] The unique identifier for this resource. This field is empty when instance does not
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ManagedInstance.Instance">
            <summary>[Output Only] The URL of the instance. The URL can exist even if the instance has not yet been
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ManagedInstance.InstanceStatus">
            <summary>[Output Only] The status of the instance. This field is empty when the instance does not
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ManagedInstance.LastAttempt">
            <summary>[Output Only] Information about the last attempt to create or delete the instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ManagedInstance.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ManagedInstanceLastAttempt.Errors">
            <summary>[Output Only] Encountered errors during the last attempt to create or delete the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ManagedInstanceLastAttempt.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ManagedInstanceLastAttempt.ErrorsData">
            <summary>[Output Only] Encountered errors during the last attempt to create or delete the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ManagedInstanceLastAttempt.ErrorsData.Errors">
            <summary>[Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ManagedInstanceLastAttempt.ErrorsData.ErrorsDataSchema.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ManagedInstanceLastAttempt.ErrorsData.ErrorsDataSchema.Location">
            <summary>[Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ManagedInstanceLastAttempt.ErrorsData.ErrorsDataSchema.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Metadata">
            <summary>A metadata key/value entry.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Metadata.Fingerprint">
            <summary>Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the metadata's contents
            and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after
            every request to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order
            to update or change metadata.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Metadata.Items">
            <summary>Array of key/value pairs. The total size of all keys and values must be less than 512 KB.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Metadata.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#metadata for metadata.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Metadata.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Metadata.ItemsData.Key">
            <summary>Key for the metadata entry. Keys must conform to the following regexp: [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+, and be
            less than 128 bytes in length. This is reflected as part of a URL in the metadata server. Additionally,
            to avoid ambiguity, keys must not conflict with any other metadata keys for the project.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Metadata.ItemsData.Value">
            <summary>Value for the metadata entry. These are free-form strings, and only have meaning as interpreted
            by the image running in the instance. The only restriction placed on values is that their size must be
            less than or equal to 262144 bytes (256 KiB).</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NamedPort">
            <summary>The named port. For example: .</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NamedPort.Name">
            <summary>The name for this named port. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NamedPort.Port">
            <summary>The port number, which can be a value between 1 and 65535.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NamedPort.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network">
            <summary>Represents a Network resource. Read Networks and Firewalls for more information.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network.IPv4Range">
            <summary>The range of internal addresses that are legal on this network. This range is a CIDR specification,
            for example: Provided by the client when the network is created.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network.AutoCreateSubnetworks">
             <summary>When set to true, the network is created in "auto subnet mode". When set to false, the network is
             in "custom subnet mode".
             In "auto subnet mode", a newly created network is assigned the default CIDR of and it
             automatically creates one subnetwork per region.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network.GatewayIPv4">
            <summary>A gateway address for default routing to other networks. This value is read only and is selected by
            the Google Compute Engine, typically as the first usable address in the IPv4Range.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#network for networks.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network.Peerings">
            <summary>[Output Only] List of network peerings for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network.Subnetworks">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined fully-qualified URLs for all subnetworks in this network.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Network.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkInterface">
            <summary>A network interface resource attached to an instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkInterface.AccessConfigs">
            <summary>An array of configurations for this interface. Currently, only one access config, ONE_TO_ONE_NAT,
            is supported. If there are no accessConfigs specified, then this instance will have no external internet
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkInterface.AliasIpRanges">
            <summary>An array of alias IP ranges for this network interface. Can only be specified for network
            interfaces on subnet-mode networks.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkInterface.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#networkInterface for network
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkInterface.Name">
            <summary>[Output Only] The name of the network interface, generated by the server. For network devices,
            these are eth0, eth1, etc.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkInterface.Network">
             <summary>URL of the network resource for this instance. When creating an instance, if neither the network
             nor the subnetwork is specified, the default network global/networks/default is used; if the network is not
             specified but the subnetwork is specified, the network is inferred.
             This field is optional when creating a firewall rule. If not specified when creating a firewall rule, the
             default network global/networks/default is used.
             If you specify this property, you can specify the network as a full or partial URL. For example, the
             following are all valid URLs: -
             https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/global/networks/network -
             projects/project/global/networks/network - global/networks/default</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkInterface.NetworkIP">
            <summary>An IPv4 internal network address to assign to the instance for this network interface. If not
            specified by the user, an unused internal IP is assigned by the system.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkInterface.Subnetwork">
            <summary>The URL of the Subnetwork resource for this instance. If the network resource is in legacy mode, do
            not provide this property. If the network is in auto subnet mode, providing the subnetwork is optional. If
            the network is in custom subnet mode, then this field should be specified. If you specify this property, you
            can specify the subnetwork as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: -
            https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/regions/region/subnetworks/subnetwork -
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkInterface.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkList">
            <summary>Contains a list of networks.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Network resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#networkList for lists of networks.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkPeering">
            <summary>A network peering attached to a network resource. The message includes the peering name, peer network,
            peering state, and a flag indicating whether Google Compute Engine should automatically create routes for the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkPeering.AutoCreateRoutes">
            <summary>Whether full mesh connectivity is created and managed automatically. When it is set to true, Google
            Compute Engine will automatically create and manage the routes between two networks when the state is
            ACTIVE. Otherwise, user needs to create routes manually to route packets to peer network.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkPeering.Name">
            <summary>Name of this peering. Provided by the client when the peering is created. The name must comply with
            RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match regular expression
            [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all the following
            characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkPeering.Network">
            <summary>The URL of the peer network. It can be either full URL or partial URL. The peer network may belong
            to a different project. If the partial URL does not contain project, it is assumed that the peer network is
            in the same project as the current network.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkPeering.State">
            <summary>[Output Only] State for the peering.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkPeering.StateDetails">
            <summary>[Output Only] Details about the current state of the peering.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworkPeering.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworksAddPeeringRequest.AutoCreateRoutes">
            <summary>Whether Google Compute Engine manages the routes automatically.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworksAddPeeringRequest.Name">
            <summary>Name of the peering, which should conform to RFC1035.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworksAddPeeringRequest.PeerNetwork">
            <summary>URL of the peer network. It can be either full URL or partial URL. The peer network may belong to a
            different project. If the partial URL does not contain project, it is assumed that the peer network is in
            the same project as the current network.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworksAddPeeringRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworksRemovePeeringRequest.Name">
            <summary>Name of the peering, which should conform to RFC1035.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.NetworksRemovePeeringRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation">
            <summary>An Operation resource, used to manage asynchronous API requests.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.ClientOperationId">
            <summary>[Output Only] Reserved for future use.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Deprecated] This field is deprecated.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.Description">
            <summary>[Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.EndTime">
            <summary>[Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.Error">
            <summary>[Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.HttpErrorMessage">
            <summary>[Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned,
            such as NOT FOUND.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.HttpErrorStatusCode">
            <summary>[Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was
            returned. For example, a 404 means the resource was not found.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.InsertTime">
            <summary>[Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#operation for Operation resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.Name">
            <summary>[Output Only] Name of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.OperationType">
            <summary>[Output Only] The type of operation, such as insert, update, or delete, and so on.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.Progress">
            <summary>[Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement
            that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the
            operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.Region">
            <summary>[Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only available when performing
            regional operations.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.StartTime">
            <summary>[Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.Status">
            <summary>[Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: PENDING, RUNNING, or
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.StatusMessage">
            <summary>[Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.TargetId">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.TargetLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to
            creating a snapshot, this points to the persistent disk that the snapshot was created from.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.User">
            <summary>[Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: user@example.com.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.Warnings">
            <summary>[Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will
            be populated.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.Zone">
            <summary>[Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only available when performing per-
            zone operations.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.ErrorData">
            <summary>[Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.ErrorData.Errors">
            <summary>[Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.ErrorData.ErrorsData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.ErrorData.ErrorsData.Location">
            <summary>[Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.ErrorData.ErrorsData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.WarningsData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.WarningsData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.WarningsData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.WarningsData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Operation.WarningsData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>[Output Only] A map of scoped operation lists.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#operationAggregatedList for aggregated lists of
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationList">
            <summary>Contains a list of Operation resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationList.Items">
            <summary>[Output Only] A list of Operation resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#operations for Operations resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationsScopedList.Operations">
            <summary>[Output Only] List of operations contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationsScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of operations when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationsScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationsScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of operations when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationsScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationsScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationsScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationsScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.OperationsScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.PathMatcher">
            <summary>A matcher for the path portion of the URL. The BackendService from the longest-matched rule will serve
            the URL. If no rule was matched, the default service will be used.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.PathMatcher.DefaultService">
            <summary>The full or partial URL to the BackendService resource. This will be used if none of the pathRules
            defined by this PathMatcher is matched by the URL's path portion. For example, the following are all valid
            URLs to a BackendService resource: -
            https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/global/backendServices/backendService -
            compute/v1/projects/project/global/backendServices/backendService -
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.PathMatcher.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.PathMatcher.Name">
            <summary>The name to which this PathMatcher is referred by the HostRule.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.PathMatcher.PathRules">
            <summary>The list of path rules.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.PathMatcher.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.PathRule">
            <summary>A path-matching rule for a URL. If matched, will use the specified BackendService to handle the traffic
            arriving at this URL.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.PathRule.Paths">
            <summary>The list of path patterns to match. Each must start with / and the only place a * is allowed is at
            the end following a /. The string fed to the path matcher does not include any text after the first ? or #,
            and those chars are not allowed here.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.PathRule.Service">
            <summary>The URL of the BackendService resource if this rule is matched.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.PathRule.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project">
            <summary>A Project resource. Projects can only be created in the Google Cloud Platform Console. Unless marked
            otherwise, values can only be modified in the console.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project.CommonInstanceMetadata">
            <summary>Metadata key/value pairs available to all instances contained in this project. See Custom metadata
            for more information.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project.DefaultServiceAccount">
            <summary>[Output Only] Default service account used by VMs running in this project.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project.Description">
            <summary>An optional textual description of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project.EnabledFeatures">
            <summary>Restricted features enabled for use on this project.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.
            This is not the project ID, and is just a unique ID used by Compute Engine to identify resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#project for projects.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project.Name">
            <summary>The project ID. For example: my-example-project. Use the project ID to make requests to Compute
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project.Quotas">
            <summary>[Output Only] Quotas assigned to this project.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project.UsageExportLocation">
            <summary>The naming prefix for daily usage reports and the Google Cloud Storage bucket where they are
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project.XpnProjectStatus">
            <summary>[Output Only] The role this project has in a shared VPC configuration. Currently only HOST projects
            are differentiated.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Project.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsDisableXpnResourceRequest.XpnResource">
            <summary>Service resource (a.k.a service project) ID.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsDisableXpnResourceRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsEnableXpnResourceRequest.XpnResource">
            <summary>Service resource (a.k.a service project) ID.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsEnableXpnResourceRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsGetXpnResources.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#projectsGetXpnResources for lists of service
            resources (a.k.a service projects)</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsGetXpnResources.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsGetXpnResources.Resources">
            <summary>Service resources (a.k.a service projects) attached to this project as their shared VPC
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsGetXpnResources.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsListXpnHostsRequest.Organization">
            <summary>Optional organization ID managed by Cloud Resource Manager, for which to list shared VPC host
            projects. If not specified, the organization will be inferred from the project.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ProjectsListXpnHostsRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Quota">
            <summary>A quotas entry.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Quota.Limit">
            <summary>[Output Only] Quota limit for this metric.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Quota.Metric">
            <summary>[Output Only] Name of the quota metric.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Quota.Usage">
            <summary>[Output Only] Current usage of this metric.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Quota.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Region">
            <summary>Region resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Region.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Region.Deprecated">
            <summary>[Output Only] The deprecation status associated with this region.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Region.Description">
            <summary>[Output Only] Textual description of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Region.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Region.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#region for regions.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Region.Name">
            <summary>[Output Only] Name of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Region.Quotas">
            <summary>[Output Only] Quotas assigned to this region.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Region.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Region.Status">
            <summary>[Output Only] Status of the region, either UP or DOWN.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Region.Zones">
            <summary>[Output Only] A list of zones available in this region, in the form of resource URLs.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Region.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionAutoscalerList">
            <summary>Contains a list of autoscalers.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionAutoscalerList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionAutoscalerList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Autoscaler resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionAutoscalerList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionAutoscalerList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionAutoscalerList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionAutoscalerList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupList">
            <summary>Contains a list of InstanceGroup resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupList.Items">
            <summary>A list of InstanceGroup resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupList.Kind">
            <summary>The resource type.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagerList">
            <summary>Contains a list of managed instance groups.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagerList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagerList.Items">
            <summary>A list of InstanceGroupManager resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagerList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] The resource type, which is always compute#instanceGroupManagerList for a list of
            managed instance groups that exist in th regional scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagerList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagerList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagerList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest.Instances">
            <summary>The URLs of one or more instances to abandon. This can be a full URL or a partial URL, such as
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest.Instances">
            <summary>The URLs of one or more instances to delete. This can be a full URL or a partial URL, such as
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstancesResponse.ManagedInstances">
            <summary>List of managed instances.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstancesResponse.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersRecreateRequest.Instances">
            <summary>The URLs of one or more instances to recreate. This can be a full URL or a partial URL, such as
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersRecreateRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest.Fingerprint">
            <summary>Fingerprint of the target pools information, which is a hash of the contents. This field is used
            for optimistic locking when you update the target pool entries. This field is optional.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest.TargetPools">
            <summary>The URL of all TargetPool resources to which instances in the instanceGroup field are added. The
            target pools automatically apply to all of the instances in the managed instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTemplateRequest.InstanceTemplate">
            <summary>URL of the InstanceTemplate resource from which all new instances will be created.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTemplateRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstances.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstances.Items">
            <summary>A list of InstanceWithNamedPorts resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstances.Kind">
            <summary>The resource type.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstances.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstances.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstances.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest.InstanceState">
            <summary>Instances in which state should be returned. Valid options are: 'ALL', 'RUNNING'. By default, it
            lists all instances.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest.PortName">
            <summary>Name of port user is interested in. It is optional. If it is set, only information about this ports
            will be returned. If it is not set, all the named ports will be returned. Always lists all
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest.Fingerprint">
            <summary>The fingerprint of the named ports information for this instance group. Use this optional property
            to prevent conflicts when multiple users change the named ports settings concurrently. Obtain the
            fingerprint with the instanceGroups.get method. Then, include the fingerprint in your request to ensure that
            you do not overwrite changes that were applied from another concurrent request.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest.NamedPorts">
            <summary>The list of named ports to set for this instance group.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionInstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionList">
            <summary>Contains a list of region resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Region resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#regionList for lists of regions.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RegionList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ResourceCommitment">
            <summary>Commitment for a particular resource (a Commitment is composed of one or more of these).</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ResourceCommitment.Amount">
            <summary>The amount of the resource purchased (in a type-dependent unit, such as bytes). For vCPUs, this can
            just be an integer. For memory, this must be provided in MB. Memory must be a multiple of 256 MB, with up to
            6.5GB of memory per every vCPU.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ResourceCommitment.Type">
            <summary>Type of resource for which this commitment applies. Possible values are VCPU and MEMORY</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ResourceCommitment.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ResourceGroupReference.Group">
            <summary>A URI referencing one of the instance groups listed in the backend service.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ResourceGroupReference.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route">
             <summary>Represents a Route resource. A route specifies how certain packets should be handled by the network.
             Routes are associated with instances by tags and the set of routes for a particular instance is called its
             routing table.
             For each packet leaving an instance, the system searches that instance's routing table for a single best
             matching route. Routes match packets by destination IP address, preferring smaller or more specific ranges over
             larger ones. If there is a tie, the system selects the route with the smallest priority value. If there is still
             a tie, it uses the layer three and four packet headers to select just one of the remaining matching routes. The
             packet is then forwarded as specified by the nextHop field of the winning route - either to another instance
             destination, an instance gateway, or a Google Compute Engine-operated gateway.
             Packets that do not match any route in the sending instance's routing table are dropped.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.DestRange">
            <summary>The destination range of outgoing packets that this route applies to. Only IPv4 is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of this resource. Always compute#routes for Route resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.Network">
            <summary>Fully-qualified URL of the network that this route applies to.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.NextHopGateway">
            <summary>The URL to a gateway that should handle matching packets. You can only specify the internet gateway
            using a full or partial valid URL: projects//global/gateways/default-internet-gateway</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.NextHopInstance">
            <summary>The URL to an instance that should handle matching packets. You can specify this as a full or
            partial URL. For example:
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.NextHopIp">
            <summary>The network IP address of an instance that should handle matching packets. Only IPv4 is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.NextHopNetwork">
            <summary>The URL of the local network if it should handle matching packets.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.NextHopPeering">
            <summary>[Output Only] The network peering name that should handle matching packets, which should conform to
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.NextHopVpnTunnel">
            <summary>The URL to a VpnTunnel that should handle matching packets.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.Priority">
            <summary>The priority of this route. Priority is used to break ties in cases where there is more than one
            matching route of equal prefix length. In the case of two routes with equal prefix length, the one with the
            lowest-numbered priority value wins. Default value is 1000. Valid range is 0 through 65535.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined fully-qualified URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.Tags">
            <summary>A list of instance tags to which this route applies.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.Warnings">
            <summary>[Output Only] If potential misconfigurations are detected for this route, this field will be
            populated with warning messages.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.WarningsData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.WarningsData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.WarningsData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.WarningsData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Route.WarningsData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouteList">
            <summary>Contains a list of Route resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouteList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouteList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Route resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouteList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouteList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouteList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouteList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router">
            <summary>Router resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router.Bgp">
            <summary>BGP information specific to this router.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router.BgpPeers">
            <summary>BGP information that needs to be configured into the routing stack to establish the BGP peering. It
            must specify peer ASN and either interface name, IP, or peer IP. Please refer to RFC4273.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router.Interfaces">
            <summary>Router interfaces. Each interface requires either one linked resource (e.g. linkedVpnTunnel), or IP
            address and IP address range (e.g. ipRange), or both.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#router for routers.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router.Network">
            <summary>URI of the network to which this router belongs.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router.Region">
            <summary>[Output Only] URI of the region where the router resides.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Router.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterAggregatedList">
            <summary>Contains a list of routers.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Router resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterBgp.Asn">
            <summary>Local BGP Autonomous System Number (ASN). Must be an RFC6996 private ASN, either 16-bit or 32-bit.
            The value will be fixed for this router resource. All VPN tunnels that link to this router will have the
            same local ASN.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterBgp.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterBgpPeer.AdvertisedRoutePriority">
            <summary>The priority of routes advertised to this BGP peer. In the case where there is more than one
            matching route of maximum length, the routes with lowest priority value win.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterBgpPeer.InterfaceName">
            <summary>Name of the interface the BGP peer is associated with.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterBgpPeer.IpAddress">
            <summary>IP address of the interface inside Google Cloud Platform. Only IPv4 is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterBgpPeer.Name">
            <summary>Name of this BGP peer. The name must be 1-63 characters long and comply with RFC1035.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterBgpPeer.PeerAsn">
            <summary>Peer BGP Autonomous System Number (ASN). For VPN use case, this value can be different for every
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterBgpPeer.PeerIpAddress">
            <summary>IP address of the BGP interface outside Google cloud. Only IPv4 is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterBgpPeer.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterInterface.IpRange">
            <summary>IP address and range of the interface. The IP range must be in the RFC3927 link-local IP space. The
            value must be a CIDR-formatted string, for example: NOTE: Do not truncate the address as it
            represents the IP address of the interface.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterInterface.LinkedVpnTunnel">
            <summary>URI of the linked VPN tunnel. It must be in the same region as the router. Each interface can have
            at most one linked resource and it could either be a VPN Tunnel or an interconnect attachment.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterInterface.Name">
            <summary>Name of this interface entry. The name must be 1-63 characters long and comply with
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterInterface.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterList">
            <summary>Contains a list of Router resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Router resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#router for routers.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatus.BestRoutes">
            <summary>Best routes for this router's network.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatus.BestRoutesForRouter">
            <summary>Best routes learned by this router.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatus.Network">
            <summary>URI of the network to which this router belongs.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatus.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus.AdvertisedRoutes">
            <summary>Routes that were advertised to the remote BGP peer</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus.IpAddress">
            <summary>IP address of the local BGP interface.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus.LinkedVpnTunnel">
            <summary>URL of the VPN tunnel that this BGP peer controls.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus.Name">
            <summary>Name of this BGP peer. Unique within the Routers resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus.NumLearnedRoutes">
            <summary>Number of routes learned from the remote BGP Peer.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus.PeerIpAddress">
            <summary>IP address of the remote BGP interface.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus.State">
            <summary>BGP state as specified in RFC1771.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus.Status">
            <summary>Status of the BGP peer: {UP, DOWN}</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus.Uptime">
            <summary>Time this session has been up. Format: 14 years, 51 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus.UptimeSeconds">
            <summary>Time this session has been up, in seconds. Format: 145</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatusResponse.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RouterStatusResponse.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RoutersPreviewResponse.Resource">
            <summary>Preview of given router.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RoutersPreviewResponse.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RoutersScopedList.Routers">
            <summary>List of routers contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RoutersScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>Informational warning which replaces the list of routers when the list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RoutersScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RoutersScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>Informational warning which replaces the list of routers when the list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RoutersScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RoutersScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RoutersScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RoutersScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.RoutersScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SSLHealthCheck.Port">
            <summary>The TCP port number for the health check request. The default value is 443. Valid values are 1
            through 65535.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SSLHealthCheck.PortName">
            <summary>Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name. If both port and port_name are defined, port
            takes precedence.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SSLHealthCheck.ProxyHeader">
            <summary>Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or
            PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SSLHealthCheck.Request">
            <summary>The application data to send once the SSL connection has been established (default value is empty).
            If both request and response are empty, the connection establishment alone will indicate health. The request
            data can only be ASCII.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SSLHealthCheck.Response">
            <summary>The bytes to match against the beginning of the response data. If left empty (the default value),
            any response will indicate health. The response data can only be ASCII.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SSLHealthCheck.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Scheduling">
            <summary>Sets the scheduling options for an Instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Scheduling.AutomaticRestart">
             <summary>Specifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute
             Engine (not terminated by a user). You can only set the automatic restart option for standard instances.
             Preemptible instances cannot be automatically restarted.
             By default, this is set to true so an instance is automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Scheduling.OnHostMaintenance">
            <summary>Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance. For standard instances, the default behavior is
            MIGRATE. For preemptible instances, the default and only possible behavior is TERMINATE. For more
            information, see Setting Instance Scheduling Options.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Scheduling.Preemptible">
            <summary>Defines whether the instance is preemptible. This can only be set during instance creation, it
            cannot be set or changed after the instance has been created.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Scheduling.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SerialPortOutput">
            <summary>An instance's serial console output.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SerialPortOutput.Contents">
            <summary>[Output Only] The contents of the console output.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SerialPortOutput.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#serialPortOutput for serial port
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SerialPortOutput.Next">
            <summary>[Output Only] The position of the next byte of content from the serial console output. Use this
            value in the next request as the start parameter.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SerialPortOutput.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SerialPortOutput.Start">
            <summary>The starting byte position of the output that was returned. This should match the start parameter
            sent with the request. If the serial console output exceeds the size of the buffer, older output will be
            overwritten by newer content and the start values will be mismatched.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SerialPortOutput.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ServiceAccount">
            <summary>A service account.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ServiceAccount.Email">
            <summary>Email address of the service account.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ServiceAccount.Scopes">
            <summary>The list of scopes to be made available for this service account.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ServiceAccount.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot">
            <summary>A persistent disk snapshot resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.DiskSizeGb">
            <summary>[Output Only] Size of the snapshot, specified in GB.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#snapshot for Snapshot resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.LabelFingerprint">
             <summary>A fingerprint for the labels being applied to this snapshot, which is essentially a hash of the
             labels set used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes
             after every request to modify or update labels. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in
             order to update or change labels.
             To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve a snapshot.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.Labels">
            <summary>Labels to apply to this snapshot. These can be later modified by the setLabels method. Label values
            may be empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.Licenses">
            <summary>[Output Only] A list of public visible licenses that apply to this snapshot. This can be because
            the original image had licenses attached (such as a Windows image).</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.SnapshotEncryptionKey">
             <summary>Encrypts the snapshot using a customer-supplied encryption key.
             After you encrypt a snapshot using a customer-supplied key, you must provide the same key if you use the
             image later For example, you must provide the encryption key when you create a disk from the encrypted
             snapshot in a future request.
             Customer-supplied encryption keys do not protect access to metadata of the disk.
             If you do not provide an encryption key when creating the snapshot, then the snapshot will be encrypted
             using an automatically generated key and you do not need to provide a key to use the snapshot
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.SourceDisk">
            <summary>[Output Only] The source disk used to create this snapshot.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.SourceDiskEncryptionKey">
            <summary>The customer-supplied encryption key of the source disk. Required if the source disk is protected
            by a customer-supplied encryption key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.SourceDiskId">
            <summary>[Output Only] The ID value of the disk used to create this snapshot. This value may be used to
            determine whether the snapshot was taken from the current or a previous instance of a given disk
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.Status">
            <summary>[Output Only] The status of the snapshot. This can be CREATING, DELETING, FAILED, READY, or
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.StorageBytes">
            <summary>[Output Only] A size of the storage used by the snapshot. As snapshots share storage, this number
            is expected to change with snapshot creation/deletion.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.StorageBytesStatus">
            <summary>[Output Only] An indicator whether storageBytes is in a stable state or it is being adjusted as a
            result of shared storage reallocation. This status can either be UPDATING, meaning the size of the snapshot
            is being updated, or UP_TO_DATE, meaning the size of the snapshot is up-to-date.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Snapshot.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SnapshotList">
            <summary>Contains a list of Snapshot resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SnapshotList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SnapshotList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Snapshot resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SnapshotList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SnapshotList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SnapshotList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SnapshotList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificate">
            <summary>An SslCertificate resource. This resource provides a mechanism to upload an SSL key and certificate to
            the load balancer to serve secure connections from the user.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificate.Certificate">
            <summary>A local certificate file. The certificate must be in PEM format. The certificate chain must be no
            greater than 5 certs long. The chain must include at least one intermediate cert.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificate.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificate.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificate.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificate.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#sslCertificate for SSL certificates.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificate.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificate.PrivateKey">
            <summary>A write-only private key in PEM format. Only insert requests will include this field.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificate.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificate.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificateList">
            <summary>Contains a list of SslCertificate resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificateList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificateList.Items">
            <summary>A list of SslCertificate resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificateList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificateList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificateList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SslCertificateList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork">
            <summary>A Subnetwork resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource. This
            field can be set only at resource creation time.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork.GatewayAddress">
            <summary>[Output Only] The gateway address for default routes to reach destination addresses outside this
            subnetwork. This field can be set only at resource creation time.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork.IpCidrRange">
            <summary>The range of internal addresses that are owned by this subnetwork. Provide this property when you
            create the subnetwork. For example, or Ranges must be unique and non-overlapping
            within a network. Only IPv4 is supported. This field can be set only at resource creation time.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#subnetwork for Subnetwork resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork.Name">
            <summary>The name of the resource, provided by the client when initially creating the resource. The name
            must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long
            and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a
            lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last
            character, which cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork.Network">
            <summary>The URL of the network to which this subnetwork belongs, provided by the client when initially
            creating the subnetwork. Only networks that are in the distributed mode can have subnetworks. This field can
            be set only at resource creation time.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork.PrivateIpGoogleAccess">
            <summary>Whether the VMs in this subnet can access Google services without assigned external IP addresses.
            This field can be both set at resource creation time and updated using setPrivateIpGoogleAccess.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork.Region">
            <summary>URL of the region where the Subnetwork resides. This field can be set only at resource creation
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork.SecondaryIpRanges">
            <summary>An array of configurations for secondary IP ranges for VM instances contained in this subnetwork.
            The primary IP of such VM must belong to the primary ipCidrRange of the subnetwork. The alias IPs may belong
            to either primary or secondary ranges.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Subnetwork.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of SubnetworksScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#subnetworkAggregatedList for aggregated lists of
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkList">
            <summary>Contains a list of Subnetwork resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Subnetwork resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#subnetworkList for lists of subnetworks.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkSecondaryRange">
            <summary>Represents a secondary IP range of a subnetwork.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkSecondaryRange.IpCidrRange">
            <summary>The range of IP addresses belonging to this subnetwork secondary range. Provide this property when
            you create the subnetwork. Ranges must be unique and non-overlapping with all primary and secondary IP
            ranges within a network. Only IPv4 is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkSecondaryRange.RangeName">
            <summary>The name associated with this subnetwork secondary range, used when adding an alias IP range to a
            VM instance. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. The name must be unique within
            the subnetwork.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworkSecondaryRange.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksExpandIpCidrRangeRequest.IpCidrRange">
            <summary>The IP (in CIDR format or netmask) of internal addresses that are legal on this Subnetwork. This
            range should be disjoint from other subnetworks within this network. This range can only be larger than
            (i.e. a superset of) the range previously defined before the update.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksExpandIpCidrRangeRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksScopedList.Subnetworks">
            <summary>List of subnetworks contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>An informational warning that appears when the list of addresses is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>An informational warning that appears when the list of addresses is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.SubnetworksSetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TCPHealthCheck.Port">
            <summary>The TCP port number for the health check request. The default value is 80. Valid values are 1
            through 65535.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TCPHealthCheck.PortName">
            <summary>Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name. If both port and port_name are defined, port
            takes precedence.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TCPHealthCheck.ProxyHeader">
            <summary>Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or
            PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TCPHealthCheck.Request">
            <summary>The application data to send once the TCP connection has been established (default value is empty).
            If both request and response are empty, the connection establishment alone will indicate health. The request
            data can only be ASCII.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TCPHealthCheck.Response">
            <summary>The bytes to match against the beginning of the response data. If left empty (the default value),
            any response will indicate health. The response data can only be ASCII.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TCPHealthCheck.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Tags">
            <summary>A set of instance tags.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Tags.Fingerprint">
             <summary>Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the metadata's contents
             and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after
             every request to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order
             to update or change metadata.
             To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Tags.Items">
            <summary>An array of tags. Each tag must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Tags.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxy">
            <summary>A TargetHttpProxy resource. This resource defines an HTTP proxy.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxy.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxy.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxy.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxy.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#targetHttpProxy for target HTTP proxies.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxy.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxy.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxy.UrlMap">
            <summary>URL to the UrlMap resource that defines the mapping from URL to the BackendService.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxy.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxyList">
            <summary>A list of TargetHttpProxy resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxyList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxyList.Items">
            <summary>A list of TargetHttpProxy resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxyList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource. Always compute#targetHttpProxyList for lists of target HTTP proxies.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxyList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxyList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpProxyList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest.SslCertificates">
            <summary>New set of SslCertificate resources to associate with this TargetHttpsProxy resource. Currently
            exactly one SslCertificate resource must be specified.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxy">
            <summary>A TargetHttpsProxy resource. This resource defines an HTTPS proxy.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxy.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxy.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxy.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxy.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#targetHttpsProxy for target HTTPS proxies.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxy.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxy.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxy.SslCertificates">
            <summary>URLs to SslCertificate resources that are used to authenticate connections between users and the
            load balancer. Currently, exactly one SSL certificate must be specified.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxy.UrlMap">
            <summary>A fully-qualified or valid partial URL to the UrlMap resource that defines the mapping from URL to
            the BackendService. For example, the following are all valid URLs for specifying a URL map: -
            https://www.googleapis.compute/v1/projects/project/global/urlMaps/url-map - projects/project/global/urlMaps
            /url-map - global/urlMaps/url-map</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxy.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxyList">
            <summary>Contains a list of TargetHttpsProxy resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxyList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxyList.Items">
            <summary>A list of TargetHttpsProxy resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxyList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource. Always compute#targetHttpsProxyList for lists of target HTTPS proxies.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxyList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxyList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetHttpsProxyList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstance">
            <summary>A TargetInstance resource. This resource defines an endpoint instance that terminates traffic of
            certain protocols.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstance.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstance.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstance.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstance.Instance">
            <summary>A URL to the virtual machine instance that handles traffic for this target instance. When creating
            a target instance, you can provide the fully-qualified URL or a valid partial URL to the desired virtual
            machine. For example, the following are all valid URLs: -
            https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/zones/zone/instances/instance -
            projects/project/zones/zone/instances/instance - zones/zone/instances/instance</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstance.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] The type of the resource. Always compute#targetInstance for target
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstance.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstance.NatPolicy">
            <summary>NAT option controlling how IPs are NAT'ed to the instance. Currently only NO_NAT (default value) is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstance.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstance.Zone">
            <summary>[Output Only] URL of the zone where the target instance resides.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstance.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstanceAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstanceAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of TargetInstance resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstanceAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstanceAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstanceAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstanceAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstanceList">
            <summary>Contains a list of TargetInstance resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstanceList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstanceList.Items">
            <summary>A list of TargetInstance resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstanceList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstanceList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstanceList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstanceList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstancesScopedList.TargetInstances">
            <summary>List of target instances contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstancesScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstancesScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstancesScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstancesScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstancesScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstancesScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstancesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetInstancesScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool">
            <summary>A TargetPool resource. This resource defines a pool of instances, an associated HttpHealthCheck
            resource, and the fallback target pool.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool.BackupPool">
             <summary>This field is applicable only when the containing target pool is serving a forwarding rule as the
             primary pool, and its failoverRatio field is properly set to a value between [0, 1].
             backupPool and failoverRatio together define the fallback behavior of the primary target pool: if the ratio
             of the healthy instances in the primary pool is at or below failoverRatio, traffic arriving at the load-
             balanced IP will be directed to the backup pool.
             In case where failoverRatio and backupPool are not set, or all the instances in the backup pool are
             unhealthy, the traffic will be directed back to the primary pool in the "force" mode, where traffic will be
             spread to the healthy instances with the best effort, or to all instances when no instance is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool.FailoverRatio">
             <summary>This field is applicable only when the containing target pool is serving a forwarding rule as the
             primary pool (i.e., not as a backup pool to some other target pool). The value of the field must be in [0,
             If set, backupPool must also be set. They together define the fallback behavior of the primary target pool:
             if the ratio of the healthy instances in the primary pool is at or below this number, traffic arriving at
             the load-balanced IP will be directed to the backup pool.
             In case where failoverRatio is not set or all the instances in the backup pool are unhealthy, the traffic
             will be directed back to the primary pool in the "force" mode, where traffic will be spread to the healthy
             instances with the best effort, or to all instances when no instance is healthy.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool.HealthChecks">
            <summary>The URL of the HttpHealthCheck resource. A member instance in this pool is considered healthy if
            and only if the health checks pass. An empty list means all member instances will be considered healthy at
            all times. Only HttpHealthChecks are supported. Only one health check may be specified.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool.Instances">
            <summary>A list of resource URLs to the virtual machine instances serving this pool. They must live in zones
            contained in the same region as this pool.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#targetPool for target pools.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool.Region">
            <summary>[Output Only] URL of the region where the target pool resides.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool.SessionAffinity">
            <summary>Sesssion affinity option, must be one of the following values: NONE: Connections from the same
            client IP may go to any instance in the pool. CLIENT_IP: Connections from the same client IP will go to the
            same instance in the pool while that instance remains healthy. CLIENT_IP_PROTO: Connections from the same
            client IP with the same IP protocol will go to the same instance in the pool while that instance remains
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPool.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of TargetPool resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#targetPoolAggregatedList for aggregated lists of
            target pools.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolInstanceHealth.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#targetPoolInstanceHealth when checking the health of
            an instance.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolInstanceHealth.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolList">
            <summary>Contains a list of TargetPool resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolList.Items">
            <summary>A list of TargetPool resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#targetPoolList for lists of target pools.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsAddHealthCheckRequest.HealthChecks">
            <summary>The HttpHealthCheck to add to the target pool.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsAddHealthCheckRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsAddInstanceRequest.Instances">
            <summary>A full or partial URL to an instance to add to this target pool. This can be a full or partial URL.
            For example, the following are valid URLs: - https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project-
            id/zones/zone/instances/instance-name - projects/project-id/zones/zone/instances/instance-name -
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsAddInstanceRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest.HealthChecks">
            <summary>Health check URL to be removed. This can be a full or valid partial URL. For example, the following
            are valid URLs: - https://www.googleapis.com/compute/beta/projects/project/global/httpHealthChecks/health-
            check - projects/project/global/httpHealthChecks/health-check - global/httpHealthChecks/health-
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsRemoveInstanceRequest.Instances">
            <summary>URLs of the instances to be removed from target pool.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsRemoveInstanceRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsScopedList.TargetPools">
            <summary>List of target pools contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetPoolsScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetReference.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest.Service">
            <summary>The URL of the new BackendService resource for the targetSslProxy.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest.ProxyHeader">
            <summary>The new type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend. NONE or PROXY_V1 are
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest.SslCertificates">
            <summary>New set of URLs to SslCertificate resources to associate with this TargetSslProxy. Currently
            exactly one ssl certificate must be specified.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxy">
            <summary>A TargetSslProxy resource. This resource defines an SSL proxy.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxy.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxy.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxy.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxy.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#targetSslProxy for target SSL proxies.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxy.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxy.ProxyHeader">
            <summary>Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or
            PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxy.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxy.Service">
            <summary>URL to the BackendService resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxy.SslCertificates">
            <summary>URLs to SslCertificate resources that are used to authenticate connections to Backends. Currently
            exactly one SSL certificate must be specified.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxy.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxyList">
            <summary>Contains a list of TargetSslProxy resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxyList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxyList.Items">
            <summary>A list of TargetSslProxy resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxyList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxyList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxyList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetSslProxyList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest.Service">
            <summary>The URL of the new BackendService resource for the targetTcpProxy.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest.ProxyHeader">
            <summary>The new type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend. NONE or PROXY_V1 are
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxy">
            <summary>A TargetTcpProxy resource. This resource defines a TCP proxy.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxy.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxy.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxy.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxy.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#targetTcpProxy for target TCP proxies.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxy.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxy.ProxyHeader">
            <summary>Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or
            PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxy.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxy.Service">
            <summary>URL to the BackendService resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxy.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxyList">
            <summary>Contains a list of TargetTcpProxy resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxyList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxyList.Items">
            <summary>A list of TargetTcpProxy resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxyList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxyList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxyList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetTcpProxyList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway">
            <summary>Represents a Target VPN gateway resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway.ForwardingRules">
            <summary>[Output Only] A list of URLs to the ForwardingRule resources. ForwardingRules are created using
            compute.forwardingRules.insert and associated to a VPN gateway.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#targetVpnGateway for target VPN gateways.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway.Network">
            <summary>URL of the network to which this VPN gateway is attached. Provided by the client when the VPN
            gateway is created.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway.Region">
            <summary>[Output Only] URL of the region where the target VPN gateway resides.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway.Status">
            <summary>[Output Only] The status of the VPN gateway.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway.Tunnels">
            <summary>[Output Only] A list of URLs to VpnTunnel resources. VpnTunnels are created using
            compute.vpntunnels.insert method and associated to a VPN gateway.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGateway.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewayAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewayAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of TargetVpnGateway resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewayAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#targetVpnGateway for target VPN gateways.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewayAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewayAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewayAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewayList">
            <summary>Contains a list of TargetVpnGateway resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewayList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewayList.Items">
            <summary>A list of TargetVpnGateway resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewayList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#targetVpnGateway for target VPN gateways.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewayList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewayList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewayList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewaysScopedList.TargetVpnGateways">
            <summary>[Output Only] List of target vpn gateways contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewaysScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewaysScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewaysScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>[Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewaysScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewaysScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewaysScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewaysScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TargetVpnGatewaysScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.TestFailure.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap">
            <summary>A UrlMap resource. This resource defines the mapping from URL to the BackendService resource, based on
            the "longest-match" of the URL's host and path.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap.DefaultService">
            <summary>The URL of the BackendService resource if none of the hostRules match.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap.Fingerprint">
            <summary>Fingerprint of this resource. A hash of the contents stored in this object. This field is used in
            optimistic locking. This field will be ignored when inserting a UrlMap. An up-to-date fingerprint must be
            provided in order to update the UrlMap.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap.HostRules">
            <summary>The list of HostRules to use against the URL.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#urlMaps for url maps.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap.PathMatchers">
            <summary>The list of named PathMatchers to use against the URL.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap.Tests">
            <summary>The list of expected URL mappings. Request to update this UrlMap will succeed only if all of the
            test cases pass.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMap.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapList">
            <summary>Contains a list of UrlMap resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapList.Items">
            <summary>A list of UrlMap resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapReference.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapTest">
            <summary>Message for the expected URL mappings.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapTest.Description">
            <summary>Description of this test case.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapTest.Host">
            <summary>Host portion of the URL.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapTest.Path">
            <summary>Path portion of the URL.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapTest.Service">
            <summary>Expected BackendService resource the given URL should be mapped to.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapTest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapValidationResult">
            <summary>Message representing the validation result for a UrlMap.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapValidationResult.LoadSucceeded">
            <summary>Whether the given UrlMap can be successfully loaded. If false, 'loadErrors' indicates the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapValidationResult.TestPassed">
            <summary>If successfully loaded, this field indicates whether the test passed. If false, 'testFailures's
            indicate the reason of failure.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapValidationResult.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapsValidateRequest.Resource">
            <summary>Content of the UrlMap to be validated.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapsValidateRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UrlMapsValidateResponse.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UsageExportLocation">
            <summary>The location in Cloud Storage and naming method of the daily usage report. Contains bucket_name and
            report_name prefix.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UsageExportLocation.BucketName">
            <summary>The name of an existing bucket in Cloud Storage where the usage report object is stored. The Google
            Service Account is granted write access to this bucket. This can either be the bucket name by itself, such
            as example-bucket, or the bucket name with gs:// or https://storage.googleapis.com/ in front of it, such as
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UsageExportLocation.ReportNamePrefix">
            <summary>An optional prefix for the name of the usage report object stored in bucketName. If not supplied,
            defaults to usage. The report is stored as a CSV file named report_name_prefix_gce_YYYYMMDD.csv where
            YYYYMMDD is the day of the usage according to Pacific Time. If you supply a prefix, it should conform to
            Cloud Storage object naming conventions.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.UsageExportLocation.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.Description">
            <summary>An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.DetailedStatus">
            <summary>[Output Only] Detailed status message for the VPN tunnel.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.IkeVersion">
            <summary>IKE protocol version to use when establishing the VPN tunnel with peer VPN gateway. Acceptable IKE
            versions are 1 or 2. Default version is 2.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#vpnTunnel for VPN tunnels.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.LocalTrafficSelector">
            <summary>Local traffic selector to use when establishing the VPN tunnel with peer VPN gateway. The value
            should be a CIDR formatted string, for example: The ranges should be disjoint. Only IPv4 is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.Name">
            <summary>Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63
            characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the
            regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter,
            and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which
            cannot be a dash.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.PeerIp">
            <summary>IP address of the peer VPN gateway. Only IPv4 is supported.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.Region">
            <summary>[Output Only] URL of the region where the VPN tunnel resides.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.RemoteTrafficSelector">
            <summary>Remote traffic selectors to use when establishing the VPN tunnel with peer VPN gateway. The value
            should be a CIDR formatted string, for example: The ranges should be disjoint. Only IPv4 is
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.Router">
            <summary>URL of router resource to be used for dynamic routing.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.SharedSecret">
            <summary>Shared secret used to set the secure session between the Cloud VPN gateway and the peer VPN
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.SharedSecretHash">
            <summary>Hash of the shared secret.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.Status">
            <summary>[Output Only] The status of the VPN tunnel.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.TargetVpnGateway">
            <summary>URL of the VPN gateway with which this VPN tunnel is associated. Provided by the client when the
            VPN tunnel is created.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnel.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelAggregatedList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelAggregatedList.Items">
            <summary>A list of VpnTunnelsScopedList resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelAggregatedList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#vpnTunnel for VPN tunnels.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelAggregatedList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelAggregatedList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelAggregatedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelList">
            <summary>Contains a list of VpnTunnel resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelList.Items">
            <summary>A list of VpnTunnel resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#vpnTunnel for VPN tunnels.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelsScopedList.VpnTunnels">
            <summary>List of vpn tunnels contained in this scope.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelsScopedList.Warning">
            <summary>Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelsScopedList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelsScopedList.WarningData">
            <summary>Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is empty.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelsScopedList.WarningData.Code">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns
            NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelsScopedList.WarningData.Data">
            <summary>[Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key":
            "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelsScopedList.WarningData.Message">
            <summary>[Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelsScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Key">
            <summary>[Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example,
            for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be
            scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a
            deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for
            example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.VpnTunnelsScopedList.WarningData.DataData.Value">
            <summary>[Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.XpnHostList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.XpnHostList.Items">
            <summary>[Output Only] A list of shared VPC host project URLs.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.XpnHostList.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#xpnHostList for lists of shared VPC hosts.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.XpnHostList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.XpnHostList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.XpnHostList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.XpnResourceId">
            <summary>Service resource (a.k.a service project) ID.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.XpnResourceId.Id">
            <summary>The ID of the service resource. In the case of projects, this field matches the project ID (e.g.,
            my-project), not the project number (e.g., 12345678).</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.XpnResourceId.Type">
            <summary>The type of the service resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.XpnResourceId.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Zone">
            <summary>A Zone resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Zone.CreationTimestamp">
            <summary>[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Zone.Deprecated">
            <summary>[Output Only] The deprecation status associated with this zone.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Zone.Description">
            <summary>[Output Only] Textual description of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Zone.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Zone.Kind">
            <summary>[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#zone for zones.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Zone.Name">
            <summary>[Output Only] Name of the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Zone.Region">
            <summary>[Output Only] Full URL reference to the region which hosts the zone.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Zone.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Zone.Status">
            <summary>[Output Only] Status of the zone, either UP or DOWN.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.Zone.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="T:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ZoneList">
            <summary>Contains a list of zone resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ZoneList.Id">
            <summary>[Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ZoneList.Items">
            <summary>A list of Zone resources.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ZoneList.Kind">
            <summary>Type of resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ZoneList.NextPageToken">
            <summary>[Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the
            number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
            pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue
            paging through the results.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ZoneList.SelfLink">
            <summary>[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ZoneList.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ZoneSetLabelsRequest.LabelFingerprint">
            <summary>The fingerprint of the previous set of labels for this resource, used to detect conflicts. The
            fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update
            labels. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change labels. Make a
            get() request to the resource to get the latest fingerprint.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ZoneSetLabelsRequest.Labels">
            <summary>The labels to set for this resource.</summary>
        <member name="P:Google.Apis.Compute.v1.Data.ZoneSetLabelsRequest.ETag">
            <summary>The ETag of the item.</summary>