
    Generate DSC configuration from PolicyRules XML
    Convert all PolicyRules files in folder or merge them.

    To merge PolicyRules files, bring them in a naming pattern that can be treated with the split operator, e.g.
    <Department> - <OS> - <Version> - <Layer> - <Policyname>

    For example: SecOps - Windows - v3.1 - Baseline - Audit.PolicyRules

    The layer index after the split would be 3, so the cmdlet could be called thusly:

    ConvertTo-DscConfigurations -Path . -Pattern ' - ' -LayerIndex 3 -Precendence @(@('Baseline'), @('Baseline', 'DC'))

    The layers called Baseline and the merger of DC onto Baseline will be converted to DSC configurations

    Path to PolicyRules files
.PARAMETER Precedence
    The precedence of layers e.g.
    @('Baseline'), @('Baseline', 'DC')
    The pattern to split the basename of each policy export with
    At which index of the split basename is the name of the layer?
    Indicates that the precedence and layers should not be used. Instead, each individual file will be converted
    to a DSC configuration
    .\ConvertTo-DscConfiguration.ps1 -Path D:\pol

    Without further parameter uses the split regex ' - ', the layer index 4 and the following precedence rules:
        @('Baseline', 'DC'),
        @('Baseline', 'Server'),
        @('Baseline', 'Client')
    .\ConvertTo-DscConfiguration.ps1 -Path D:\pol -SkipMerge

    Converts each item to a DSC configuration.

function ConvertTo-DscConfiguration
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Precedence')]


        $Precedence = @(
            @('Baseline', 'DC'),
            @('Baseline', 'Server'),
            @('Baseline', 'Client')

        $Pattern = ' - ',

        $LayerIndex = 4

    if ($SkipMerge)
        $policyItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File -Filter *.PolicyRules | Get-ObjectFromPolicyRulesFile
        return $policyItems | Group-Object -Property PolicyName | ForEach-Object { $_.Group | Get-DscConfigurationString -ConfigurationName $_.Name }

    # Group by layer
    $gpoFiles = Get-ChildItem -File -Path $Path | Group-Object { ($_.BaseName -split $Pattern)[$LayerIndex] } -AsHashTable -AsString

    foreach ($layer in $Precedence)
        [string[]]$layer = $layer
        $exportName = $layer -join '-'

        foreach ($innerLayer in @($layer))
            if (Get-Variable -Name "$($innerLayer)items" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { continue }

            $policyItems = $gpoFiles.$innerLayer | Get-ObjectFromPolicyRulesFile
            $null = New-Variable -Name "$($innerLayer)items" -Value @{
                RegistryItems        = $policyItems | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ObjectType -eq 'RegistryItem' } | Sort-Object -Unique -Property Key,ValueName
                UserRightsAssignment = $policyItems | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ObjectType -eq 'UserRightsAssignment' } | Sort-Object -Unique -Property Policy
                SecurityOptions      = $policyItems | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ObjectType -eq 'SecurityOptions' } | Sort-Object -Unique -Property SettingName
                AuditPol             = $policyItems | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ObjectType -eq 'AuditPol' } | Sort-Object -Unique -Property AuditFlag

            if ($layer[0] -ne $innerLayer)
                $layer0Clone = Get-Variable -Name "$($layer[0])items"
                $var = Get-Variable -Name "$($innerLayer)items" -ValueOnly

                foreach ($item in $var.RegistryItems)
                    $existingObject = $layer0Clone.Value.RegistryItems | Where-Object { $_.ValueName -eq $item.ValueName -and $_.Key -eq $item.Key }

                    if ($existingObject)
                        $existingObject.ValueData = $item.ValueData
                        $layer0Clone.Value.RegistryItems += $item

                foreach ($uar in $var.UserRightsAssignment)
                    $layer0Clone.Value.UserRightsAssignment = $layer0Clone.Value.UserRightsAssignment | Where-Object { $_.Policy -ne $uar.Policy }
                    $layer0Clone.Value.UserRightsAssignment += $uar

                foreach ($aup in $var.AuditPol)
                    $layer0Clone.Value.AuditPol = $layer0Clone.Value.AuditPol | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne $aup.Name -and $_.AuditFlag -ne $aup.AuditFlag }
                    $layer0Clone.Value.AuditPol += $aup

                foreach ($secp in $var.SecurityOptions)
                    $layer0Clone.Value.SecurityOptions = $layer0Clone.Value.SecurityOptions | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne $secp.SettingName }
                    $layer0Clone.Value.SecurityOptions += $secp

        $layer0Clone = Get-Variable -Name "$($layer[0])items" -ValueOnly
        Get-DscConfigurationString -ConfigurationItem ($layer0Clone.RegistryItems + $layer0Clone.SecurityOptions + $layer0Clone.UserRightsAssignment + $layer0Clone.AuditPol) -ConfigurationName $exportName