
    Function to invoke Graph API Request
    Using this function you can invoke any request to the Graph API both versions
    PS C:\> $Token = Get-GraphToken -AppId 246c7445-eee6-4d60-968d-f83d67183753 -AppSecret ?2mwmHICkx8j -TenantID d1ee13a4-c9d0-4ab0-bff5-c011dfc20717
    PS C:\> Invoke-GraphApiRequest -Token $Token -Resource groups -Method Get
    Example of using Invoke-GraphApiRequest to get the list of Azure AD Groups. In this example first command is required to get the token using app secret.
    PS C:\> $BodyObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
        description = "Self help community for golf"
        displayName = "Golf Assist"
        groupTypes = @(
        mailEnabled = $true
        mailNickname = "golfassist"
        securityenabled = $false
    PS C:\> $BodyJson = ConvertTo-Json $BodyObject
    PS C:\> $Token = Get-GraphToken -AppId 246c7445-eee6-4d60-968d-f83d67183753 -AppSecret ?2mwmHICkx8j -TenantID d1ee13a4-c9d0-4ab0-bff5-c011dfc20717
    PS C:\> Invoke-GraphApiRequest -Token $Token -Resource groups -Method POST -Body $BodyJson
    Steps in this example:
        1. Creating a PSCustomObject with payload of MailEnalbed Security Group
        2. Converting PSCustomObject to Json
        3. Getting the token using Secret (if you already have a token and it is not expired, this step can be skipped)
        4. Invoking a request to the Graph API for creating a new group with predefined properties
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-GraphDeviceAuthToke
    Usually it is JSON
    Source code of this function:
    Source code of whole project:

function Invoke-GraphApiRequest {

    param (

        [ValidateSet('beta', 'v1.0')]
        $ApiVersion = 'beta',

        [ValidateSet('GET', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE')]
        $Method = 'GET',





        $ApiUrl = ''

    . $PSScriptRoot\Get-GraphToken.ps1

    if (!$Token -and $AppId -and $AppSecret -and $TenantId) {
            $Token = Get-GraphToken -TenantID $TenantId -AppId $AppId -AppSecret $AppSecret -ErrorAction Stop
            throw $_.Exception
    elseif (!$Token -and !$AppId -and $AppSecret -and $TenantId) {
        throw "There is no AppId parameter specified. Please run commandlet again with -AppId specified."
    elseif (!$Token -and $AppId -and !$AppSecret) {
        throw "There is no AppSecret parameter specified. Please run commandlet again with -AppSecret specified."
    elseif (!$Token -and $AppId -and $AppSecret -and !$TenantId) {
        throw "There is no TenantID parameter specified. Please run commandlet again with -TenantId specified."
    elseif (!$Token -and !$AppId -and !$AppSecret) {
        throw "Token, AppId, AppSecret or TenantID are not specified. Please run commandlet with Token specified or with AppId and AppSecret."

    if ($Resource[0] -eq '/') {
        $Resource = $Resource -replace '^.'

    $Url = "$ApiUrl/$ApiVersion/$($Resource)"

    $Header = @{
        Authorization = "$($Token.token_type) $($Token.access_token)"

    $PostSplat = @{
        ContentType = 'application/json'
        Method = $Method
        Header = $Header
        Uri = $Url

    if ($Body) {
        $PostSplat.Add('Body', $Body)
    $Result = @()

    try {
        $ResultResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @PostSplat -ErrorAction Stop

        if([bool]($ResultResponse -match "value")){
            $Result = $ResultResponse.value
            $Result = $ResultResponse

        if([bool]($ResultResponse -match "@odata.nextLink")){
            $ResultNextLink = $ResultResponse."@odata.nextLink"
        if ($ResultNextLink) {

            while ($null -ne $ResultNextLink){

                $PostSplat = @{
                    ContentType = 'application/json'
                    Method = $Method
                    Header = $Header
                    Uri = $ResultNextLink

                $ResultResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @PostSplat -ErrorAction Stop
                $ResultNextLink = $ResultResponse."@odata.nextLink"

                $Result += $ResultResponse.value

        return $Result
    catch {
        throw  $_.Exception