
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("GraylogSidecarConfiguration")]
class ARCADE_GraylogSidecarConfiguration : OMI_BaseResource
  [Write, Description("Specified if the configuration should be added or removed."), ValueMap{"Present", "Absent"}, Values{"Present", "Absent"}] String Ensure;
  [Required, Description("Target Graylog server url.")] String ServerUrl;
  [Required, Description("Username and password for the Graylog server."), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] String Credential;
  [Read, Description("The sidecar node id.")] String NodeId;
  [Key, Description("The sidecar collector id to assign to the local node.")] String CollectorId;
  [Write, Description("The sidecar configuration id to assign to the local node.")] String ConfigurationId;