
#requires -Version 2.0 -Modules GroupPolicy

function Get-GphEmptyGPO {
      Find empty GPOs, empty Computer-Settings or empty User-Settings
      This Cmdlet can find empty Group-Policy Objects, either by name or through Pipeline.
      It has 3 Modes: Find all empty Policies, or find Policies where only Computer-Settings or User-Settings
      are enabled.
      Get-EmptyGPO -name "MyEmptyGpo"
      Tests if MyEmptyGpo has Settings. If it has not, no output is generated, elsewise the Cmdlet returns the
      Get-EmptyGPO -name "MyEmptyGpo" -Scope NoUsersettings
      Tests if MyEmptyGpo Has No User-Settings enabled, but Computer-Settings! If is completely empty, nothing
      is returned, elsewise the Policy-Object
      Get-GPO -ALL | Get-EmptyGPO
      Returns all empty Group-Policy-Objects from the Domain
      $EmptyGPOs = @(Get-GPO -ALL | Get-EmptyGPO)
      $EmptyComputerGPOs = @(Get-GPO -ALL | Get-EmptyGPO -NoComputerSettings)
      $EmptyGPOs = $EmptyGPOs + $EmptyComputerGPOs
      Returns all GPOs without Computer-Settings and alle completely empty GPOs

    # [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='All')]
        # Name of the Group-Policy to examine
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 0,
                   ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
                   HelpMessage = 'Enter the name of the Policy')]
        # Scope defines if only User- or Computersettings should be empty, or All of them
        [Parameter(Position = 1,
                   Parametersetname = 'ReturnPolicy')]
        [String]$Scope = 'All',

        # Returns a Report instead of the Empty Policies
        Import-Module -Name GroupPolicy    

        # Get an XML-Report of all Group-Policys. This may take a while, depending on the number of Policies
        [xml]$gpoReport = Get-GPOReport -ReportType Xml -name $name
        If ( $report )
          $Computer = 'Empty'
          $User = 'Empty'
          [xml]$gpoReport = Get-GPOReport -ReportType Xml -Name $name

          If ( $gpoReport.GPO.Computer.ExtensionData ) 
            $Computer = 'Set' 

          If ( $gpoReport.GPO.User.ExtensionData ) 
            $User = 'Set' 

          $GPOSettings = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
            Displayname    = $gpoReport.gpo.Name
            ComputerPolicy = $Computer
            UserPolicy     = $User
          $GPOSettings | 
            Where-Object { $_.Computerpolicy -eq 'Empty' -or $_.Userpolicy -eq 'Empty'} |
            Select-Object -Property DisplayName,ComputerPolicy,UserPolicy
          Switch ($Scope)
            # Test for non-exisiting user.Extensiondata-Node
              If ((-not $gpoReport.gpo.user.extensiondata) -And ($
              { Get-GPO -Name $name }                
            # Test for non-exisiting Computer-Extensiondata-Node
              If (($gpoReport.gpo.user.extensiondata) -And (-not $
              { Get-GPO -Name $name }   
              If ((-not $gpoReport.gpo.user.extensiondata) -And (-not $
              { Get-GPO -Name $name }