
#requires -Version 2.0
function Get-GphGpDebugLog 
      Reads the GPSVC.Log File
      Get-GPDebuglog can parse the GPSVC.Log File and export its contents in readable form.
      Get-GPDebugLog | out-gridview
      Reads the GPSVC.Log and returns it in a gridview
      A Great Tool for Troubleshooting GPSVC.Log: Policy Reporter

    # If gpsvc.log is not in the default-path, put it here
          Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf 
    $gpSvcLogPath = "$env:windir\debug\UserMode\gpsvc.log", 
    # Format the DateTime Entries from the log - not implemented yet
    [string]$TimeFormat = 'HH:mm:ss:fff'
  [RegEx]$LogID = '(GPSVC\(\S{3,4}.\S{3,4}\)) ((?:\d\d:){3}\d{3}) ([\s\S]{1,})'
  [RegEx]$ProcessID = '(?<=\()([A-Za-z\d]{2,4})(?=\.)' # '([A-Za-z\d]{3})(?=\.)'
  [RegEx]$ThreadID = '(?<=\.)([A-Za-z\d]{2,4})(?=\))' # '(?<=\.)([A-Za-z\d]{3})'
  $gpSvcLog = Get-Content -Path $gpSvcLogPath -Encoding Unicode -ReadCount 0
  $Index = 1

  $Time = Get-Date $

  ForEach ( $LogItem in $gpSvcLog )
    $Null = $LogItem -match $LogID
    $LogEntry = @{
      Index     = $Index
      EntryType = $matches[1]
      Entrytime = $matches[2] 
      Message   = $matches[3]
      ProcessID = [Convert]::ToInt32(($ProcessID.Matches($matches[1]).value),16)
      ThreadID  = [Convert]::ToInt32(($ThreadID.Matches($matches[1]).value),16)
    New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $LogEntry 