
function Import-GphGpFromBackup
      Import all GPO-Backups into a new domain
      Import-GphGpFromBackup imports all Backups from a GPO-Folder into a new domain, using the
      original GPO Names. The Parameter -MigrationTablePath allows to use a Migration-Table for Import.
      Import-GphGpFromBackup -BackupPath c:\gpobackup -Description 'For Demo Purposes'
      Imports all GPOs from C:\gpoBackup into a new domain. The Backups are only imported, but not linked. All
      GPOs will inherit the Description "For Demo Purposes".
      Import-GphGpFromBackup -BackupPath c:\gpobackup -MigrationTablePath c:\gpobackup\Netzweise.migtable
      Imports all GPOs from C:\gpoBackup into a new domain, using the Migration-Table Netzweise.migtable to
      replace Groups and Path.

    # The Path to the Backups.
    [ValidateScript({ if ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType container )) { Throw 'The Backup-Path is invalid'}; $true })]

    # A Description which will be added to every imported Policy

    # The Path to the Migration-File
    [ValidateScript({ if ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType leaf )) { Throw 'The Path to the Migration Table is invalid'}; $true })]

    $BackupFolderList = Get-ChildItem -path $BackupPath | Where-Object { $ -Match '{[\dA-F]{8}(?:-[\dA-F]{4}){3}-[\dA-F]{12}}' }
    Foreach ( $BackupFolder in $BackupFolderList )
        [xml]$BackupData = Get-Content -Path "$($BackupFolder.Fullname)\Backup.xml"
        $GroupPolicyName = ($BackupData.GroupPolicyBackupScheme.GroupPolicyObject.GroupPolicyCoreSettings.DisplayName)."#cdata-section"
        $ImportParameter = @{
            Path = $BackupPath 
            BackupId = [Guid][string]$BackupFolder 
            TargetName = $GroupPolicyName 
            CreateIfNeeded = $true
        If ( $MigrationTablePath)
          $ImportParameter["MigrationTable"] =  $MigrationTablePath
        # $GroupPolicyID = ($BackupData.GroupPolicyBackupScheme.GroupPolicyObject.GroupPolicyCoreSettings.ID)."#cdata-section"
        Import-GPO @ImportParameter | ForEach-Object -Process { $_.Description = "$Description`n" + $_.Description }