
function Set-GphGpDebugLogging
      Enables enhanced GPO Logging for the Client.
      To Default Logging for Group Policies writes to the Windows Event Log.
      For a deeper insight into the working of the Group Policy Client, enhanced GPO Logging can be activated.
      The Log is written to %windir%\debug.
      Enables Debug Logging (Sets the according Registry-Key)
      Set-GPDebugLogging -disable
      Disables Debug Logging (Sets the according Registry-Key)

    # To disable Debug-Logging, enabled this Parameter
  $diagnosticsPath = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Diagnostics'
  If (-not ( Test-Path -Path Registry::$diagnosticsPath)) 
    New-Item -Path Registry::$diagnosticsPath 
    New-ItemProperty -Path Registry::$diagnosticsPath -Name GPSvcDebugLevel -Value '0x30002' -PropertyType DWord
  New-Item -Path $env:windir\debug\Usermode\ -ItemType Directory