
# code from
# no license provided
function Read-GzWinChromeExtension() {

    Gets a list of chrome extensions from disk.
    Gets a list of chrome extensions from disk. If -All is
    present, all user profiles are enumerated. If not present
    only the current user's directory is enumerated.
    Instructs the function to enumerate all user profiles.
    PS C:\> $extensions = Read-GzWinChromeExtensions
    returns an array of extensions and their locations and versions.
    An array of PsCustomObjects with the following properties:
        name = [string]
        appid = [string] id
        version = [string] version info
        dir = [string] directory for the extension
        user = [string] name of user directory

        [Switch] $All

        $set = @();

            $elevated = Test-GzCurrentUserIsElevated;
                Write-Warning "Pulling chrome extensions for all users requires admin rights."

            $drive = $env:SystemDrive
            if($null -eq $drive) {
                $drive = "C:"
            $profiles = Get-ChildItem "$drive\Users"    
        } else {
            $profiles = ,@($Env:USERPROFILE)

        if(!($profiles -is [Array])) {
            $profiles = @($profiles)
        foreach($p in $profiles)
            Write-Host $p
            $extensions = Get-ChildItem "$($p)\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions" -EA SilentlyContinue
            foreach($ext in $extensions)
                $versionDirs = Get-ChildItem -Path $($ext.FullName)
                foreach($versionDir in $versionDirs)
                    $appid = $ext.BaseName

                    $name = ""
                    if( (Test-Path -Path "$($versionDir.FullName)\manifest.json") ) {
                        try {
                            $json = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$($versionDir.FullName)\manifest.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
                            $name = $
                        } catch {
                            $name = ""

                    if( $name -like "*MSG*" ) {
                        if( Test-Path -Path "$($versionDir.FullName)\_locales\en\messages.json" ) {
                            try { 
                                $json = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$($versionDir.FullName)\_locales\en\messages.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
                                $name = $json.appName.message
                                if(!$name) {
                                    $name = $json.extName.message
                                if(!$name) {
                                    $name = $json.extensionName.message
                                if(!$name) {
                                    $name = $json.app_name.message
                                if(!$name) {
                                    $name = $json.application_title.message
                            } catch { 
                                $name = ""

                        if( Test-Path -Path "$($versionDir.FullName)\_locales\en_US\messages.json" ) {
                            try {
                                $json = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$($versionDir.FullName)\_locales\en_US\messages.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
                                $name = $json.appName.message
                                ##: Try a lot of different ways to get the name
                                if(!$name) {
                                    $name = $json.extName.message
                                if(!$name) {
                                    $name = $json.extensionName.message
                                if(!$name) {
                                    $name = $json.app_name.message
                                if(!$name) {
                                    $name = $json.application_title.message
                            } catch {
                                $name = ""


                    $now = [DateTime]::UtcNow;
                    $epoch = ($now.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000;

                    $record = [PSCustomObject] @{
                        name = $name 
                        appid = $appid
                        version = $versionDir.Name 
                        dir = $versionDir.FullName
                        user = $p.Name 
                        rowCreatedAt = $epoch 
                        rowUpdatedAt = $epoch
                        rowRemovedAt = $null 
                        rowCreatedAtDisplay = $now.ToString()
                        rowUpdatedAtDisplay = $now.ToString()
                        rowRemovedAtDisplay = $null

                    $set += $record

        return $set 