
Function Get-HawkTenantConsentGrants {
    Gathers application grants
    Used the script from to gather information about
    application and delegate grants. Attempts to detect high risk grants for review.
    File: Consent_Grants.csv
    Path: \Tenant
    Description: Output of all consent grants
    Gathers Grants

    Out-LogFile "Gathering Oauth / Application Grants"

    Send-AIEvent -Event "CmdRun"

    # Gather the grants
    # Using the script from the article
    [array]$Grants = Get-AzureADPSPermissions -ShowProgress
    [bool]$flag = $false

    # Search the Grants for the listed bad grants that we can detect
    if ($Grants.consenttype -contains 'AllPrinciples') {
        Out-LogFile "Found at least one `'AllPrinciples`' Grant" -notice
        $flag = $true
    if ([bool]($Grants.permission -match 'all')){
        Out-LogFile "Found at least one `'All`' Grant" -notice
        $flag = $true

    if ($flag){
        Out-LogFile 'Review the information at the following link to understand these results' -notice
        Out-LogFile '' -notice
    else {
        Out-LogFile "To review this data follow:"
        Out-LogFile ""

    $Grants | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "Consent_Grants" -csv