
## © 2020,2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
## copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
## to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
## the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
## and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
## Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
## in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
## File Name: NodeSubsystemManagement.psm1
## Description: Node Subsystem Management cmdlets
## Created: November 2019
## Last Modified: November 2019
## History: v3.0 - Created

$Info = "INFO:"
$Debug = "DEBUG:"
$global:VSLibraries = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

## FUNCTION Test-CLIObject
Function Test-CLIObject 
    [string]$ObjectName ,
    [string]$ObjectMsg = $ObjectType, 
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

    $IsObjectExisted = $True
    $ObjCmd = $ObjectType -replace ' ', '' 
    $Cmds = "show$ObjCmd $ObjectName"
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmds
    if ($Result -like "no $ObjectMsg listed")
        $IsObjectExisted = $false
    return $IsObjectExisted
} # End FUNCTION Test-CLIObject

######################### FUNCTION Find-Node #########################
Function Find-Node()
   Find-Node - Locate a node by blinking its LEDs.

   The Find-Node command helps locate a particular node or its components by
   illuminating LEDs on the node.


   Specifies the number of seconds to illuminate the LEDs. For HPE 3PAR 7000 and
   HPE 3PAR 8000 storage systems, the default time to illuminate the LEDs is 15
   minutes with a maximum time of one hour. For STR (Safe to Remove) systems,
   the default time is one hour with a maximum time of one week. For all
   other systems, the default time is 60 seconds with a maximum time of
   255 seconds. Issuing "Find-Node -t 0 <nodeid>" will turn off LEDs

   Only the service LED for the specified power supply will blink.
   Accepted values for <psid> are 0 and 1.

   Only the service LED corresponding to the PCI card in the specified slot
   will blink. Accepted values for <slot> are 0 through 8.

   Only the service LED on the specified node fan module will blink.
   Accepted values for <fanid> are 0 and 1 for HPE 3PAR 10000 systems.
   Accepted values for <fanid> are 0, 1 and 2 for HPE 3PAR 20000 systems.

   Only the service LED corresponding to the node's internal drive will

   Only the service LED on the battery backup unit will blink.

    Indicates which node the locatenode operation will act on. Accepted
    values are 0 through 7.

    NAME: Find-Node
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Find-Node

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Find-Node - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Find-Node since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Find-Node since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " locatenode "

    $Cmd += " -t $T "

    $Cmd += " -ps $Ps "

    $Cmd += " -pci $Pci "

    $Cmd += " -fan $Fan "

    $Cmd += " -drive "

    $Cmd += " -bat "

    $Cmd += " $NodeID "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Find-Node command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Find-Node

######################### FUNCTION Find-System #######################
Function Find-System()
    Locate a system by illuminating or blinking its LEDs.

    The Find-System command helps locate a storage system by illuminating the
    blue UID LEDs or by alternating the node status LEDs amber and green on all
    nodes of the storage system. By default, the LEDs in all connected cages
    will illuminate blue or will oscillate green and amber, depending on the
    system or cage model.
    Specifies the number of seconds to illuminate or blink the LEDs.
    default may vary depending on the system model. For example, the
    default time for HPE 3PAR 7000 and HPE 3PAR 8000 storage systems is 15
    minutes, with a maximum time of one hour. The default time for 9000 and
    20000 systems is 60 minutes, with a maximum of 604,800 seconds (one
    Specifies a comma-separated list of nodes on which to illuminate
    or blink LEDs. The default is all nodes.
    Specifies that LEDs on the drive cages should not illuminate
    or blink. The default is to illuminate or blink LEDs for all cages in the
    In the following example, a storage system is identified by illuminating
    or blinking the LEDs on all drive cages in the system for 90 seconds.
    Find-System -T 90

    NAME: Find-System
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Find-System

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Find-System - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Find-System since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Find-System since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

 $Cmd = " locatesys "

    $Cmd += " -t $T "

    $Cmd += " -nodes $NodeList "

    $Cmd += " -nocage "
 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Find-System command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Find-System

## FUNCTION Get-System
Function Get-System{
    Command displays the Storage system information.
    Command displays the Storage system information.
    Command displays the Storage system information.such as system name, model, serial number, and system capacity information.
    Get-System -SystemCapacity
    Lists Storage system space information in MB(1024^2 bytes)

    Get-System -DevType FC
  .PARAMETER Detailed
    Specifies that more detailed information about the system is displayed.

  .PARAMETER SystemParameters
    Specifies that the system parameters are displayed.

    Displays the system fan information.

  .PARAMETER SystemCapacity
    Displays the system capacity information in MiB.

  .PARAMETER vvSpace
    Displays the system capacity information in MiB with an emphasis on

  .PARAMETER Domainspace
    Displays the system capacity information broken down by domain in MiB.

  .PARAMETER Descriptor
    Displays the system descriptor properties.

    Displays the system capacity information where the disks must have a
    device type string matching the specified device type; either Fast
    Class (FC), Nearline (NL), Solid State Drive (SSD). This option can
    only be issued with -space or -vvspace.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-System
    LASTEDIT: 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-System
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 5, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 6, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 7, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 8, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection       
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-System - validating input values" $Debug 

    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    if (!$SANConnection) {                
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if ($Validate1 -eq "Failed") {
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if ($Validate2 -eq "Failed") {
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-System since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-System since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if (($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :")) {
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $sysinfocmd = "showsys "
    if ($Detailed) {
        $sysinfocmd += " -d "        
    if ($SystemParameters) {
        $sysinfocmd += " -param "        
    if ($Fan) {
        $sysinfocmd += " -fan "        
    if ($SystemCapacity) {
        $sysinfocmd += " -space "        
    if ($vvSpace) {
        $sysinfocmd += " -vvspace "        
    if ($DomainSpace) {
        $sysinfocmd += " -domainspace "        
    if ($Descriptor) {
        $sysinfocmd += " -desc "        
    if ($DevType) {
        $sysinfocmd += " -devtype $DevType"        
    write-debuglog "Get system information " "INFO:" 
    write-debuglog "Get system fan information cmd -> sysinfocmd " "INFO:"
    $Result3 = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $sysinfocmd    
    if ($Fan -or $DomainSpace -or $sysinfocmd -eq "showsys ") {
        $incre = "True"
        $FirstCnt = 1
        $rCount = $Result3.Count
        $noOfColumns = 0        

        if ($Fan) {
            $FirstCnt = 0
        if ($DomainSpace) {
            $rCount = $Result3.Count - 3
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        if ($Result3.Count -gt 1) {
            foreach ($s in  $Result3[$FirstCnt..$rCount] ) {                
                $s = [regex]::Replace($s, "^ +", "")
                if (!$DomainSpace) {
                    $s = [regex]::Replace($s, "-", "")
                $s = [regex]::Replace($s, " +", ",")

                if ($noOfColumns -eq 0) {
                    $noOfColumns = $s.Split(",").Count;
                else {
                    $noOfValues = $s.Split(",").Count;
                    if ($noOfValues -ge $noOfColumns) {                        
                        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CharArray1 = $s.Split(",");

                        if ($noOfValues -eq 12) {
                            $CharArray1[2] = $CharArray1[2] + " " + $CharArray1[3];
                            $s = $CharArray1 -join ',';
                        elseif ($noOfValues -eq 13) {
                            $CharArray1[2] = $CharArray1[2] + " " + $CharArray1[3] + " " + $CharArray1[4];
                            $s = $CharArray1 -join ',';
                if ($DomainSpace) {
                    if ($incre -eq "True") {                        
                        $sTemp = $s.Split(',')                                            
                        $sTemp[1] = "Used_Legacy(MiB)"                
                        $sTemp[2] = "Snp_Legacy(MiB)"
                        $sTemp[3] = "Base_Private(MiB)"                
                        $sTemp[4] = "Snp_Private(MiB)"
                        $sTemp[5] = "Shared_CPG(MiB)"                
                        $sTemp[6] = "Free_CPG(MiB)"
                        $sTemp[7] = "Unmapped(MiB)"    
                        $sTemp[8] = "Total(MiB)"
                        $sTemp[9] = "Compact_Efficiency"
                        $sTemp[10] = "Dedup_Efficiency"
                        $sTemp[11] = "Compress_Efficiency"
                        $sTemp[12] = "DataReduce_Efficiency"
                        $sTemp[13] = "Overprov_Efficiency"
                        $newTemp = [regex]::Replace($sTemp, "^ ", "")            
                        $newTemp = [regex]::Replace($sTemp, " ", ",")                
                        $newTemp = $newTemp.Trim()
                        $s = $newTemp                            
                Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s                
                $incre = "False"
            Import-Csv $tempFile            
            del $tempFile
        else {
            del $tempFile
            return    $Result3            
    else {
        return    $Result3    
### END Get-System

Function Ping-RCIPPorts
    Verifying That the Servers Are Connected

    Verifying That the Servers Are Connected.
    Ping-RCIPPorts -IP_address -NSP 0:3:1

    Ping-RCIPPorts -count 2 -IP_address -NSP 0:3:1

    Ping-RCIPPorts -wait 2 -IP_address -NSP 0:3:1

    Ping-RCIPPorts -size 2 -IP_address -NSP 0:3:1

    Ping-RCIPPorts -PF -IP_address -NSP 0:3:1
  .PARAMETER IP_address
    IP address on the secondary system to ping
    Interface from which to ping, expressed as node:slot:port
    Prevents packet fragmentation. This option can only be used with the
    rcip ping subcommand.
    Specifies the packet size. If no size is specified, the option defaults
    to 64. This option can only be used with the rcip ping subcommand.

    Specifies the maximum amount of time to wait for replies. The default is
    the number of requested replies plus 5. The maximum value is 30. This
    option can only be used with the rcip ping subcommand.
  .PARAMETER count
    Specifies the number of replies accepted by the system before
    terminating the command. The default is 1; the maximum value is 25.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Ping-RCIPPorts
    LASTEDIT: 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Ping-RCIPPorts
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0
 #Requires HPE 3par cli.exe

            [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 

    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Ping-RCIPPorts - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Ping-RCIPPorts since connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection 
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $Cmds="controlport rcip ping "
        $Cmds +=" -c $count "
        $Cmds +=" -w $wait "
        $Cmds +=" -s $size "
        $Cmds +=" -pf"
        $Cmds +=" $IP_address "
        return "IP_address required "
        $Cmds +=" $NSP "
        return "NSP required Ex: 1:1:1 "
    $result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection  -cmds $Cmds    
    return $result
} # End Function Ping-RCIPPorts

######################### FUNCTION Set-Battery #######################
Function Set-Battery()
   Set-Battery - set a battery's serial number, expiration date, reset test
   logs or reset recharge time.

   The Set-Battery command may be used to set battery information such as
   the battery's expiration date, its recharging time, and its serial number.
   This information gives the system administrator a record or log of the
   battery age and battery charge status.

    The following example resets the battery test log and the recharging time
    for a newly installed battery on node 2, power supply 1, and battery 0, with
    an expiration date of July 4, 2006:
    Set-Battery -X " 07/04/2006" -Node_ID 2 -Powersupply_ID 1 -Battery_ID 0

   Specifies the serial number of the battery using a limit of 31
   alphanumeric characters. This option is not supported on HPE 3PAR
   10000 and 20000 systems.

   Specifies the expiration date of the battery (mm/dd/yyyy). The
   expiration date cannot extend beyond 2037.

   Specifies that the battery test log is reset and all previous test log
   entries are cleared.

   Specifies that the battery recharge time is reset and that 10 hours of
   charging time are required for the battery to be fully charged.
   This option is deprecated.
    Specifies the node number where the battery is installed. Node_ID is
    an integer from 0 through 7.

  .PARAMETER Powersupply_ID
    Specifies the power supply number on the node using either 0 (left
    side from the rear of the node) or 1 (right side from the rear of
    the node).

    Specifies the battery number on the power supply where 0 is the first

    NAME: Set-Battery
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Set-Battery

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Set-Battery - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
  #check if connection object contents are null/empty
  $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
  if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
    #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
    if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
        Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
        Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Set-Battery since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
        Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Set-Battery since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " setbattery "

    $Cmd += " -s $S "

    $Cmd += " -x $X "

    $Cmd += " -l "

    $Cmd += " -r "

    $Cmd += " $Node_ID "

    $Cmd += " $Powersupply_ID "

    $Cmd += " $Battery_ID "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Set-Battery command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Set-Battery


Function Set-FCPorts
     Configure FC ports

     Configure FC ports

     Use syntax N:S:P

    .PARAMETER DirectConnect
     If present, configure port for a direct connection to a host
     By default, the port is configured as fabric attached

     Set-FCPorts -Ports 1:2:1
     Configure port 1:2:1 as Fibre Channel connected to a fabric
     Set-FCPorts -Ports 1:2:1 -DirectConnect
     Configure port 1:2:1 as Fibre Channel connected to host ( no SAN fabric)
     Set-FCPorts -Ports 1:2:1,1:2:2
     Configure ports 1:2:1 and 1:2:2 as Fibre Channel connected to a fabric
    NAME: Set-FCPorts
    LASTEDIT: 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Set-FCPorts
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0
 #Requires HPE 3par cli.exe

            [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    $Port_Pattern = "(\d):(\d):(\d)"    

    foreach ($P in $Ports)
        if ( $p -match $Port_Pattern)
            Write-DebugLog "Set port $p offline " $Info
            $Cmds = "controlport offline -f $p"
            Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection  -cmds $Cmds
            $PortConfig = "point"
            $PortMsg    = "Fabric ( Point mode)"
            if ($DirectConnect)
                $PortConfig = "loop"
                $PortMsg    = "Direct connection ( loop mode)"
            Write-DebugLog "Configuring port $p as $PortMsg " $Info
            $Cmds= "controlport config host -ct $PortConfig -f $p"
            Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection  -cmds $Cmds

            Write-DebugLog "Resetting port $p " $Info
            $Cmds="controlport rst -f $p"
            Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection  -cmds $Cmds    
            Write-DebugLog "FC port $P is configured" $Info
            Write-DebugLog "Port $p is not in correct format N:S:P. No action is taken" $Info
            return "FAILURE : Port $p is not in correct format N:S:P. No action is taken"

## FUNCTION Set-HostPorts
Function Set-HostPorts
   Configure settings of the array
    Configures with settings specified in the text file
    Set-HostPorts -FCConfigFile FC-Nodes.CSV
    Configures all FC host controllers on array
    Set-HostPorts -iSCSIConfigFile iSCSI-Nodes.CSV
    Configures all iSCSI host controllers on array
    Set-HostPorts -LDConfigFile LogicalDisks.CSV
    Configures logical disks on array
    Set-HostPorts -FCConfigFile FC-Nodes.CSV -iSCSIConfigFile iSCSI-Nodes.CSV -LDConfigFile LogicalDisks.CSV
    Configures FC, iSCSI host controllers and logical disks on array
    Set-HostPorts -RCIPConfiguration -Port_IP -NetMask xyz -NSP 1:2:3>
    for rcip port
    Set-HostPorts -RCFCConfiguration -NSP 1:2:3>
    For RCFC port
    Specify the config file containing FC host controllers information
    Specify the config file containing iSCSI host controllers information
    Specify the config file containing Logical Disks information
    Switch to list the commands to be executed
  .PARAMETE RCIPConfiguration
    Go for RCIP Configuration
  .PARAMETE RCFCConfiguration
    Go for RCFC Configuration
    port ip address
    Net Mask Name
    NSP Name
    NAME: Set-HostPorts
    LASTEDIT: 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Set-HostPorts
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0
 #Requires HPE 3par cli.exe


            $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection,


    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Set-HostPorts- validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Set-HostPorts since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return " Unable to execute the cmdlet Set-HostPorts since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection 
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # FC Config file here
    if (!(($FCConfigFile) -or ($iSCSIConfigFile) -or ($LDConfigFile) -or ($RCIPConfiguration) -or ($RCFCConfiguration))) 
        return "FAILURE : No config file selected"
    if ($RCIPConfiguration)
        $Cmds="controlport rcip addr -f "
            $Cmds=" $Port_IP "
            return "port_IP required with RCIPConfiguration Option"
            $Cmds=" $NetMask "
            return "NetMask required with RCIPConfiguration Option"
            $Cmds=" $NSP "
            return "NSP required with RCIPConfiguration Option"
        $result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection  -cmds $Cmds
        return $result
    if ($RCFCConfiguration)
        $Cmds="controlport rcfc init -f "    
            $Cmds=" $NSP "
            return "NSP required with RCFCConfiguration Option"
        $result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection  -cmds $Cmds
        return $result
    if ($FCConfigFile)
        if ( -not (Test-Path -path $FCConfigFile)) 
            Write-DebugLog "Configuring FC hosts using configuration file $FCConfigFile" $Info
            $ListofFCPorts = Import-Csv $FCConfigFile
            foreach ( $p in $ListofFCPorts)
                $Port = $p.Controller 

                Write-DebugLog "Set port $Port offline " $Info
                $Cmds = "controlport offline -f $Port"
                Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection  -cmds $Cmds
                Write-DebugLog "Configuring port $Port as host " $Info
                $Cmds= "controlport config host -ct point -f $Port"
                Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection  -cmds $Cmds

                Write-DebugLog "Resetting port $Port " $Info
                $Cmds="controlport rst -f $Port"
                Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection  -cmds $Cmds
            Write-DebugLog "Can't find $FCConfigFile" "ERR:"

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # iSCSI Config file here
    if ($iSCSIConfigFile)
        if ( -not (Test-Path -path $iSCSIConfigFile)) 
            Write-DebugLog "Configuring iSCSI hosts using configuration file $iSCSIConfigFile" $Info
            $ListofiSCSIPorts = Import-Csv $iSCSIConfigFile        
            foreach ( $p in $ListofiSCSIPorts)
                $Port         = $p.Controller
                $bDHCP         = $p.DHCP
                $IPAddr     = $p.IPAddress
                $IPSubnet     = $p.Subnet
                $IPgw         = $p.Gateway        
                if ( $bDHCP -eq "Yes")
                    { $bDHCP = $true }
                    { $bDHCP = $false }
                if ($bDHCP)
                    Write-DebugLog "Enabling DHCP on port $Port " $Info
                    $Cmds = "controliscsiport dhcp on -f $Port"
                    Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection  -cmds $Cmds            
                    Write-DebugLog "Setting IP address and subnet on port $Port " $Info
                    $Cmds = "controliscsiport addr $IPAddr $IPSubnet -f $Port"
                    Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection  -cmds $Cmds
                    Write-DebugLog "Setting gateway on port $Port " $Info
                    $Cmds = "controliscsiport gw $IPgw -f $Port"
                    Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection  -cmds $Cmds
            Write-DebugLog "Can't find $iSCSIConfigFile" "ERR:"
            return "FAILURE : Can't find $iSCSIConfigFile"
} # End Function Set-HostPorts

######################### FUNCTION Set-NodeProperties ################
Function Set-NodeProperties()
   Set-NodeProperties - set the properties of the node components.

   The Set-NodeProperties command sets properties of the node components such as serial
   number of the power supply.

   Set-NodeProperties -PS_ID 1 -S xxx -Node_ID 1

   Specify the serial number. It is up to 8 characters in length.

   Specifies the power supply ID.

   Specifies the node ID.
    NAME: Set-NodeProperties
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Set-NodeProperties

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True)]
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$True)]
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Set-NodeProperties - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Set-NodeProperties since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Set-NodeProperties since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
   write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
   Return $plinkresult

 $Cmd = " setnode ps "
    $Cmd += " $PS_ID "

    $Cmd += " -s $S "

    $Cmd += " $Node_ID "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Set-NodeProperties command -->" INFO:
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Set-NodeProperties

######################### FUNCTION Set-NodesDate ##########################
Function Set-NodesDate()
   Set-NodesDate - Sets date and time information.

   The Set-NodesDate command allows you to set the system time and date on all nodes.

    The following example displays the timezones with the -tzlist option:
    Set-NodesDate -Tzlist
    The following example narrows down the list to the required timezone of Etc:
    Set-NodesDate -Tzlist -TzGroup Etc
    The following example shows the timezone being set:
    Set-NodesDate -Tzlist -TzGroup "Etc/GMT"

   Displays a timezone within a group, if a group is specified. If a group
   is not specified, displays a list of valid groups.
   Displays a timezone within a group, if a group is specified. it alwase use with -Tzlist.
    NAME: Set-NodesDate
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Set-NodesDate

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Set-NodesDate - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Set-NodesDate since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Set-NodesDate since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " setdate "

    $Cmd += " -tzlist "
        $Cmd += " $TzGroup "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Set-NodesDate command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Set-NodesDate

######################### FUNCTION Set-SysMgr ########################
Function Set-SysMgr()
   Set-SysMgr - Set the system manager startup state.

   The Set-SysMgr command sets the system manager startup state.


    Requests that the specified system be started in the new system state.
    Warning: This option will result in the loss of data and configuration info.

    Specifies that the system is to be started with the specified table
    of contents generation number.

  .PARAMETER Force_iderecovery
    Specifies that the system starts the recovery process from the IDE disk
    even if all virtual volumes have not been started.

  .PARAMETER Force_idewipe
    Specifies that the system wipes the IDE power fail partition. The system
    is shutdown and restarted, during which time all logical disks and
    virtual volumes are checked.

  .PARAMETER Export_vluns
    If the AutoExportAfterReboot option has been set to no, after a power
    failure or uncontrolled shutdown vluns will not be automatically
    exported, and host ports will be in a suspended state. This command
    will reexport the luns and enable the host ports after this happens.

  .PARAMETER System_name
    Specifies the name of the system to be started, using up to 31

  .PARAMETER Toc_gen_number
    Specifies the table of contents generation number for the system to
    start with.

    NAME: Set-SysMgr
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Set-SysMgr

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Set-SysMgr - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Set-SysMgr since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Set-SysMgr since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " setsysmgr -f "

    $Cmd += " wipe "
        $Cmd += " $System_name "
        Return "System_name is require with -Wipe option."

    $Cmd += " tocgen "
        $Cmd += " $Toc_gen_number "
    $Cmd += " force_iderecovery "
    $Cmd += " force_idewipe "
    $Cmd += " export_vluns "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Set-SysMgr command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Set-SysMgr

######################### FUNCTION Show-Battery ######################
Function Show-Battery()
   Show-Battery - Show battery status information.

   Displays battery status information such as serial number, expiration
   date and battery life, which could be helpful in determining battery
   maintenance schedules.


  .PARAMETER Listcols
   List the columns available to be shown with the -showcols option
   described below .

  .PARAMETER Showcols
   Explicitly select the columns to be shown using a comma-separated list
   of column names. For this option, the full column names are shown in
   the header.

   Specifies that detailed battery information, including battery test
   information, serial numbers, and expiration dates, is displayed.

   Show battery test log information. This option is not supported on
   HPE 3PAR 7000 nor on HPE 3PAR 8000 series systems.

   Show battery inventory information.

   Show detailed battery state information.

   This is the same as -state.
   This option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

   Displays inventory information with HPE serial number, spare part etc.
   This option must be used with -i option and it is not supported on
   HPE 3PAR 10000 systems.
    Displays the battery information for the specified node ID(s). This
    specifier is not required. Node_ID is an integer from 0 through 7.

    NAME: Show-Battery
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Show-Battery

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-Battery - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-Battery since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-Battery since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showbattery "

    $Cmd += " -listcols "
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
    return $Result

    $Cmd += " -showcols $Showcols "

    $Cmd += " -d "

    $Cmd += " -log "

    $Cmd += " -i "

    $Cmd += " -state "

    $Cmd += " -svc "

  $Cmd += " $Node_ID "
 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-Battery command -->" INFO: 

 if($Result.count -gt 1)
        Return  $Result    
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $LastItem = $Result.Count   
        foreach ($S in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")        
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")            
            $s= $s.Trim()
                $temp1 = $s -replace 'Time','Date,Time,Zone'            
                $s = $temp1
            Add-Content -Path $tempfile -Value $s                
        Import-Csv $tempFile 
        del $tempFile
    Return  $Result
} ## End-of Show-Battery

######################### FUNCTION Show-EEProm ################
Function Show-EEProm()
   Show-EEProm - Show node EEPROM information.

   The Show-EEProm command displays node EEPROM log information.

    The following example displays the EEPROM log for all nodes:
    Show-EEProm -Node_ID 0
    Show-EEProm -Dead
    Show-EEProm -Dead -Node_ID 0

   Specifies that an EEPROM log for a node that has not started or
   successfully joined the cluster be displayed. If this option is used, it
   must be followed by a non empty list of nodes.
    Specifies the node ID for which EEPROM log information is retrieved.
    Multiple node IDs are separated with a single space (0 1 2). If no
    specifiers are used, the EEPROM log for all nodes is displayed.
    NAME: Show-EEProm
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Show-EEProm

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-EEProm - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-EEProm since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-EEProm since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showeeprom "

    $Cmd += " -dead "
  $Cmd += " $Node_ID "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-EEProm command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Show-EEProm

## FUNCTION Get-SystemInformation
Function Get-SystemInformation
    Command displays the Storage system information.
    Command displays the Storage system information.
    Command displays the Storage system information.such as system name, model, serial number, and system capacity information.
    Get-SystemInformation -Option space
    Lists Storage system space information in MB(1024^2 bytes)
    Displays the system capacity information in MB (1024^2 bytes)
    Displays the system capacity information broken down by domain in MB(1024^2 bytes)
    Displays the system fan information.
    command displays the date and time for each system node
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SystemInformation
    LASTEDIT: 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SystemInformation
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    $Option = $Option.toLower()
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SystemInformation - validating input values" $Debug 

    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SystemInformation since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SystemInformation since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $sysinfocmd = "showsys "
    if ($Option)
        $a = "d","param","fan","space","vvspace","domainspace","desc","devtype","date"
        if($a -eq $l)
            $sysinfocmd+=" -$option "
            if($Option -eq "date")
                $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  "showdate"
                write-debuglog "Get system date information " "INFO:"
                write-debuglog "Get system fan information cmd -> showdate " "INFO:"
                $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
                Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Node,Date"
                foreach ($s in  $Result[1..$Result.Count] )
                    $splits = $s.split(" ")
                    $var1 = $splits[0].trim()
                    #write-host "var1 = $var1"
                    $var2 = ""
                    foreach ($t in $splits[1..$splits.Count])
                        #write-host "t = $t"
                        if(-not $t)
                        $var2 += $t+" "
                        #write-host "var2 $var2"
                    $var3 = $var1+","+$var2
                    Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $var3
                Import-Csv $tempFile
                del $tempFile
                $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $sysinfocmd
                return $Result
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SystemInformation since -option $option in incorrect "
            Return "FAILURE : -option :- $option is an Incorrect option [d,param,fan,space,vvspace,domainspace,desc,devtype] can be used only . "
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $sysinfocmd
        return $Result 
##### END Get-SystemInformation

##################### FUNCTION Show-FCOEStatistics ###################
Function Show-FCOEStatistics()
   Show-FCOEStatistics - Display FCoE statistics

   The Show-FCOEStatistics command displays Fibre Channel over Ethernet statistics.


   Looping delay in seconds <secs>. The default is 2.

   The command stops after a user-defined <number> of iterations.

   List of nodes for which the ports are included.

   List of PCI slots for which the ports are included.

   List of ports which are included. Lists are specified in a
   comma-separated manner such as: -ports 1,2 or -ports 1.

   Shows the counts. The default is to show counts/sec.

  .PARAMETER Fullcounts
   Shows the values for the full list of counters instead of the default
   packets and KBytes for the specified protocols. The values are shown in
   three columns:
       Current - Counts since the last sample.
       CmdStart - Counts since the start of the command.
       Begin - Counts since the port was reset.

   Shows the differences from the previous sample.

   Shows the values from when the system was last initiated.

    NAME: Show-FCOEStatistics
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Show-FCOEStatistics

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-FCOEStatistics - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-FCOEStatistics since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-FCOEStatistics since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

 $Cmd = " statfcoe "

    $Cmd += " -d $D "

    $Cmd += " -iter $Iter "

    $Cmd += " -nodes $Nodes "

    $Cmd += " -slots $Slots "

    $Cmd += " -ports $Ports "

    $Cmd += " -counts "

    $Cmd += " -fullcounts "

    $Cmd += " -prev "

    $Cmd += " -begin "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-FCOEStatistics command -->" INFO:
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Show-FCOEStatistics

######################### FUNCTION Show-Firmwaredb ###################
Function Show-Firmwaredb()
   Show-Firmwaredb - Show database of current firmware levels.

   The Show-Firmwaredb command displays the current database of firmware levels
   for possible upgrade. If issued without any options, the firmware for all
   vendors is displayed.

   Show-Firmwaredb -VendorName xxx
   Show-Firmwaredb -All
   Show-Firmwaredb -L

  .PARAMETER VendorName
   Specifies that the firmware vendor from the SCSI database file is

   Reloads the SCSI database file into the system.

   Specifies current and past firmware entries are displayed. If not
   specified, only current entries are displayed.

    NAME: Show-Firmwaredb
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Show-Firmwaredb

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-Firmwaredb - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-Firmwaredb since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-Firmwaredb since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showfirmwaredb "

    $Cmd += " -n $VendorName "

    $Cmd += " -l "

    $Cmd += " -all "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-Firmwaredb command -->" INFO:
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Show-Firmwaredb

################## FUNCTION Show-TOCGen ####################
Function Show-TOCGen()
   Show-TOCGen - Shows system Table of Contents (TOC) generation number.

   The Show-TOCGen command displays the table of contents generation number.


    NAME: Show-TOCGen
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection
Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-TOCGen - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-TOCGen since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-TOCGen since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

 $Cmd = " showtocgen "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-TOCGen command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Show-TOCGen

## FUNCTION Show-iSCSISessionStatistics
Function Show-iSCSISessionStatistics
    The Show-iSCSISessionStatistics command displays the iSCSI session statistics.

    The Show-iSCSISessionStatistics command displays the iSCSI session statistics.


    Show-iSCSISessionStatistics -Iterations 1
    Show-iSCSISessionStatistics -Iterations 1 -Delay 2
    Show-iSCSISessionStatistics -Iterations 1 -NodeList 1
    Show-iSCSISessionStatistics -Iterations 1 -SlotList 1
    Show-iSCSISessionStatistics -Iterations 1 -PortList 1
    Show-iSCSISessionStatistics -Iterations 1 -Prev
  .PARAMETER Iterations
     The command stops after a user-defined <number> of iterations.
     Looping delay in seconds <secs>. The default is 2.

    List of nodes for which the ports are included.

    List of PCI slots for which the ports are included.

    List of ports for which the ports are included. Lists are specified
    in a comma-separated manner such as: -ports 1,2 or -ports 1.

  .PARAMETER Previous
    Shows the differences from the previous sample.
    Shows the values from when the system was last initiated.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection

    NAME: Show-iSCSISessionStatistics
    LASTEDIT: 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Show-iSCSISessionStatistics

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-iSCSISessionStatistics - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-iSCSISessionStatistics since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-iSCSISessionStatistics since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $cmd= "statiscsisession "    
        $cmd+=" -iter $Iterations "
        return " Iterations is mandatory "
        $cmd+=" -d $Delay "
        $cmd+=" -nodes $NodeList "
        $cmd+=" -slots $SlotList "
        $cmd+=" -ports $PortList "
        $cmd+=" -prev "
        $cmd+=" -begin "
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd
    write-debuglog " Executing Show-iSCSISessionStatistics command that displays information iSNS table for iSCSI ports in the system " "INFO:"    
    if($Result -match "Total" -and $Result.Count -gt 5)
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $LastItem = $Result.Count - 3 
        $Flag = "False"
        $Loop_Cnt = 2    
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$Loop_Cnt..$LastItem] )
            if($Flag -eq "true")
                if(($s -match "statiscsisession") -or ($s -match "----PDUs/s---- --KBytes/s--- ----Errs/s----") -or ($s -match " port -------------iSCSI_Name-------------- TPGT Cmd Resp Total Tx Rx Total Digest TimeOut VLAN") -or ($s -match " port -iSCSI_Name- TPGT Cmd Resp Total Tx Rx Total Digest TimeOut VLAN"))
                    if(($s -match " port -------------iSCSI_Name-------------- TPGT Cmd Resp Total Tx Rx Total Digest TimeOut VLAN") -or ($s -match " port -iSCSI_Name- TPGT Cmd Resp Total Tx Rx Total Digest TimeOut VLAN"))
                        Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $temp
                    $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
                    $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")    
                    $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
                    $s= $s.Trim()                    
                    if($s.length -ne 0)
                        $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')                            
                        $cnt = $sTemp.count            
                        if($cnt -gt 8)
                        $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                        $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                        $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
                    Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s    
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")    
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
                $s= $s.Trim()                
                $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')                            
                $cnt = $sTemp.count            
                if($cnt -gt 8)
                $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
                Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s    
            $Flag = "true"            
        Import-Csv $tempFile 
        del $tempFile
    if($Result -match "Total" -and $Result.Count -gt 5)
        return  " Success : Executing Show-iSCSISessionStatistics"
        if($Result.Count -lt 5)
            return  $Result
            return  "No Data Found while Executing Show-iSCSISessionStatistics"    
} # End Show-iSCSISessionStatistics

## FUNCTION Show-iSCSIStatistics
Function Show-iSCSIStatistics
        The Show-iSCSIStatistics command displays the iSCSI statistics.
        The Show-iSCSIStatistics command displays the iSCSI statistics.
        Show-iSCSIStatistics -Iterations 1
        Show-iSCSIStatistics -Iterations 1 -Delay 2
        Show-iSCSIStatistics -Iterations 1 -NodeList 1
        Show-iSCSIStatistics -Iterations 1 -SlotList 1
        Show-iSCSIStatistics -Iterations 1 -PortList 1
        Show-iSCSIStatistics -Iterations 1 -Fullcounts
        Show-iSCSIStatistics -Iterations 1 -Prev
        Show-iSCSIStatistics -Iterations 1 -Begin
    .PARAMETER Iterations
         The command stops after a user-defined <number> of iterations.
    .PARAMETER Delay
         Looping delay in seconds <secs>. The default is 2.
    .PARAMETER NodeList
        List of nodes for which the ports are included.
    .PARAMETER SlotList
        List of PCI slots for which the ports are included.

    .PARAMETER PortList
        List of ports for which the ports are included. Lists are specified
        in a comma-separated manner such as: -ports 1,2 or -ports 1.
    .PARAMETER Fullcounts
        Shows the values for the full list of counters instead of the default
        packets and KBytes for the specified protocols. The values are shown in
        three columns:

          o Current - Counts since the last sample.
          o CmdStart - Counts since the start of the command.
          o Begin - Counts since the port was reset.

        This option cannot be used with the -prot option. If the -fullcounts
        option is not specified, the metrics from the start of the command are
        Shows the differences from the previous sample.
    .PARAMETER Begin
        Shows the values from when the system was last initiated.

    .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
        NAME: Show-iSCSIStatistics
        LASTEDIT: 22/11/2019
        KEYWORDS: Show-iSCSIStatistics
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-iSCSIStatistics - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-iSCSIStatistics since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-iSCSIStatistics since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $cmd= " statiscsi "    
        $cmd+=" -iter $Iterations "
        return " Iterations is mandatory "
        $cmd+=" -d $Delay "
        $cmd+=" -nodes $NodeList "
        $cmd+=" -slots $SlotList "
        $cmd+=" -ports $PortList "
        $cmd+=" -fullcounts "
        $cmd+=" -prev "
        $cmd+=" -begin "
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd
    write-debuglog " Executing Show-iSCSIStatistics command that displays information iSNS table for iSCSI ports in the system " "INFO:"    
    if($Result -match "Total" -or $Result.Count -gt 1)
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $LastItem = $Result.Count 
        $Flag = "False"
        $Loop_Cnt = 2    
            $Loop_Cnt = 1
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$Loop_Cnt..$LastItem] )
            if($Flag -eq "true")
                if(($s -match "From start of statiscsi command") -or ($s -match "----Receive---- ---Transmit---- -----Total-----") -or ($s -match "port Protocol Pkts/s KBytes/s Pkts/s KBytes/s Pkts/s KBytes/s Errs/") -or ($s -match "Counts/sec") -or ($s -match "Port Counter Current CmdStart Begin"))
                    if(($s -match "port Protocol Pkts/s KBytes/s Pkts/s KBytes/s Pkts/s KBytes/s Errs/") -or ($s -match "Port Counter Current CmdStart Begin"))
                        Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $temp
                    $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
                    $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")    
                    $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
                    $s= $s.Trim() -replace 'Pkts/s,KBytes/s,Pkts/s,KBytes/s,Pkts/s,KBytes/s','Pkts/s(Receive),KBytes/s(Receive),Pkts/s(Transmit),KBytes/s(Transmit),Pkts/s(Total),KBytes/s(Total)'     
                    if($s.length -ne 0)
                        if(-not $Fullcounts)
                    Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s    
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")    
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
                $s= $s.Trim() -replace 'Pkts/s,KBytes/s,Pkts/s,KBytes/s,Pkts/s,KBytes/s','Pkts/s(Receive),KBytes/s(Receive),Pkts/s(Transmit),KBytes/s(Transmit),Pkts/s(Total),KBytes/s(Total)'     
                if($s.length -ne 0)
                    if(-not $Fullcounts)
                Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s    
            $Flag = "true"            
        Import-Csv $tempFile 
        del $tempFile
        return  $Result
} # End Show-iSCSIStatistics

######################### FUNCTION Show-NetworkDetail ################
Function Show-NetworkDetail()
   Show-NetworkDetail - Show the network configuration and status

   The Show-NetworkDetail command displays the configuration and status of the
   administration network interfaces, including the configured gateway and
   network time protocol (NTP) server.

   The following example displays the status of the system administration
   network interfaces:
   Show-NetworkDetail -D

   Show detailed information.

    NAME: Show-NetworkDetail
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Show-NetworkDetail

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-NetworkDetail - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-NetworkDetail since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-NetworkDetail since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " shownet "

    $Cmd += " -d "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-NetworkDetail command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Show-NetworkDetail

################ FUNCTION Show-NodeEnvironmentStatus #################
Function Show-NodeEnvironmentStatus()
   Show-NodeEnvironmentStatus - Show node environmental status (voltages, temperatures).

   The Show-NodeEnvironmentStatus command displays the node operating environment status,
   including voltages and temperatures.

    The following example displays the operating environment status for all nodes
    in the system:


   Specifies the ID of the node whose environment status is displayed.
   Multiple node IDs can be specified as a series of integers separated by
   a space (1 2 3). If no option is used, then the environment status of
   all nodes is displayed.

    NAME: Show-NodeEnvironmentStatus
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Show-NodeEnvironmentStatus

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-NodeEnvironmentStatus - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-NodeEnvironmentStatus since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-NodeEnvironmentStatus since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " shownodeenv "

    $Cmd += " -n $Node_ID "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-NodeEnvironmentStatus command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Show-NodeEnvironmentStatus

## FUNCTION Show-iSCSISession
Function Show-iSCSISession
         The Show-iSCSISession command shows the iSCSI sessions.
         The Show-iSCSISession command shows the iSCSI sessions.
        Show-iSCSISession -NSP 1:2:1
        Show-iSCSISession -Detailed -NSP 1:2:1

    .PARAMETER Detailed
        Specifies that more detailed information about the iSCSI session is
        displayed. If this option is not used, then only summary information
        about the iSCSI session is displayed.

    .PARAMETER ConnectionState
        Specifies the connection state of current iSCSI sessions.
        If this option is not used, then only summary information about
        the iSCSI session is displayed.
        Requests that information for a specified port is displayed.
    .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
        NAME: Show-iSCSISession
        LASTEDIT: 22/11/2019
        KEYWORDS: Show-iSCSISession
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
        $NSP ,
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-iSCSISession - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-iSCSISession since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-iSCSISession since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $cmd= "showiscsisession "
    if ($Detailed)
        $cmd+=" -d "            
    if ($ConnectionState)
        $cmd+=" -state "            
    if ($NSP)
        $cmd+=" $NSP "
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd
    write-debuglog " Executing Show-iSCSISession command that displays iSCSI ports in the system " "INFO:"
    if($Result -match "total")
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $LastItem = $Result.Count -2         
        foreach ($s in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
            $s= $s.Trim() -replace 'StartTime','Date,Time,Zone'     
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
            #Write-Host " only else statement"
        Import-Csv $tempFile 
        del $tempFile
    if($Result -match "total")    
        return  " Success : Executing Show-iSCSISession"
        return  $Result
} # End Show-iSCSISession

#################### FUNCTION Show-NodeProperties ####################
Function Show-NodeProperties()
   Show-NodeProperties - Show node and its component information.

   The Show-NodeProperties command displays an overview of the node-specific properties
   and its component information. Various command options can be used to
   display the properties of PCI cards, CPUs, Physical Memory, IDE drives,
   and Power Supplies.

    The following example displays the operating environment status for all
    nodes in the system:
    The following examples display detailed information (-d option) for the
    nodes including their components in a table format. The shownode -d command
    can be used to display the tail information of the nodes including their
    components in name and value pairs.

    Show-NodeProperties - Mem
    Show-NodeProperties - Mem -Node_ID 1
   The following options are for node summary and inventory information:

  .PARAMETER Listcols
   List the columns available to be shown with the -showcols option
   described below (see 'clihelp -col Show-NodeProperties' for help on each column).
   By default (if none of the information selection options below are
   specified) the following columns are shown:
   Node Name State Master InCluster LED Control_Mem Data_Mem Available_Cache
   To display columns pertaining to a specific node component use
   the -listcols option in conjunction with one of the following
   options: -pci, -cpu, -mem, -drive, -fan, -ps, -mcu, -uptime.

  .PARAMETER Showcols
    Explicitly select the columns to be shown using a comma-separated list
    of column names. For this option, the full column names are shown in
    the header.
    Run 'shownode -listcols' to list Node component columns.
    Run 'shownode -listcols <node_component>' to list columns associated
    with a specific <node_component>.

    <node_component> can be one of the following options: -pci, -cpu, -mem,
    -drive, -fan, -ps, -mcu, -uptime.

    If a specific node component option is not provided, then -showcols expects
    Node columns as input.

    If a column (Node or specific node component) does not match either the Node
    columns list or a specific node component columns list, then
    'shownode -showcols <cols>' request is denied.

    If an invalid column is provided with -showcols, the request is denied.

    The -showcols option can also be used in conjunction with a list of node IDs.

    Run 'clihelp -col shownode' for a description of each column.

   Shows node inventory information in table format.

   Shows node and its component information in table format.
   The following options are for node component information. These options
   cannot be used together with options, -i and -d:

   Displays detailed information in verbose format. It can be used together
   with the following component options.

   Displays the node fan information.

   Displays PCI card information

   Displays CPU information

   Displays physical memory information.

   Displays the disk drive information.

   Displays power supply information.

   Displays MicroController Unit information.

   Displays the detailed state information for node or power supply (-ps).
   This is the same as -s.

   Displays the detailed state information for node or power supply (-ps).
   This option is deprecated and will be removed in a subsequent release.

   Show the amount of time each node has been running since the last shutdown.

   Displays inventory information with HPE serial number, spare part etc.
   This option must be used with -i option and it is not supported on
   HPE 3PAR 10000 systems
    Displays the node information for the specified node ID(s). This
    specifier is not required. Node_ID is an integer from 0 through 7.

    NAME: Show-NodeProperties
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Show-NodeProperties

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=17, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=18, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-NodeProperties - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-NodeProperties since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-NodeProperties since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

 $Cmd = " shownode "

    $Cmd += " -listcols "
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
    return $Result

    $Cmd += " -showcols $Showcols "

    $Cmd += " -i "

    $Cmd += " -d "

    $Cmd += " -verbose "

    $Cmd += " -fan "

    $Cmd += " -pci "

    $Cmd += " -cpu "

    $Cmd += " -mem "

    $Cmd += " -drive "

    $Cmd += " -ps "

    $Cmd += " -mcu "

    $Cmd += " -state "

    $Cmd += " -uptime "

    $Cmd += " -svc "

    $Cmd += " $Node_ID "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-NodeProperties command -->" INFO: 
 if($Result.count -gt 1)
    if($I -Or $D -Or $VerboseD)
        Return  $Result
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $LastItem = $Result.Count
        $FirstCount = 0
        $oneTimeOnly = "True"
        if($Cmd -eq " shownode " -Or $Node_ID)
            $FirstCount = 1
        if($Node_ID -and $Showcols)
            $FirstCount = 0
        if($Showcols -or $Fan -or $Pci -or $Cpu -Or $Drive -Or $Mem -Or $Mcu -Or $Ps -Or $State -Or $Uptime -Or $Svc)
            $FirstCount = 0
        foreach ($S in  $Result[$FirstCount..$LastItem] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")        
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")            
            $s= $s.Trim()
            if($Cmd -eq " shownode "  -Or $Node_ID)
                if($Showcols -or $Fan -or $Pci -or $Cpu -Or $Drive -Or $Mem -Or $Mcu -Or $Ps -Or $State -Or $Uptime -Or $Svc)
                    if($oneTimeOnly -eq "True")
                        $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')                            
                        $sTemp[6] = "Control_Mem(MB)"
                        $sTemp[7] = "Data_Mem(MB)"
                        $sTemp[8] = "Cache_Available(%)"            
                        $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                        $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                        $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
            Add-Content -Path $tempfile -Value $s
            $oneTimeOnly = "False"                
        Import-Csv $tempFile 
        del $tempFile
    Return  $Result
} ## End-of Show-NodeProperties

######################## FUNCTION Show-Portdev #######################
Function Show-Portdev()
   Show-Portdev - Show detailed information about devices on a port.

   The Show-Portdev command displays detailed information about devices
   on a specified port.

    Specifies that information is returned for arbitrated loop devices
    that are attached to the specified port. This subcommand is only
    for use with Fibre Channel arbitrated loop ports.
    Specifies that information for all devices attached to the specified
    port is returned.
    Specifies that information for the switch name server database is
    returned. This subcommand is only for use with fabric-attached
    Specifies that information for all Fibre Channel over Ethernet
    forwarders (FCFs) known to the specified port is returned. This
    subcommand is for use only with Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)
    Specifies that information for all devices in the SAS topology
    attached to the specified port is returned. This subcommand is
    only for use with SAS ports.
  .PARAMETER Fcswitch
    Specifies that a list of all switches in the Fibre Channel fabric
    is returned. This subcommand is only for use with fabric-attached
    Fibre Channel ports.
  .PARAMETER Fcfabric
    Specifies that a description of the Fibre Channel fabric is
    returned. This subcommand is only for use with fabric-attached
    Fibre Channel ports.
  .PARAMETER Findport
    Searches the Fibre Channel fabric attached to the specified
    port for information on the supplied WWN. Supplying the term "this"
    in place of a WWN indicates that the port WWN of the specified
    Storage System host port should be used. This subcommand is only for
    use with fabric-attached Fibre Channel ports.
    Without the <node:slot:port>, this command will return a list of all
    the current target-driven zones for any port. If the <node:slot:port> is
    provided, then detailed information about the target-driven zone for
    this port will be provided. This command is only used with
    fabric-attached Fibre Channel ports.
    Specifies that information for all initiators from the switch unzoned
    name server database is returned. This subcommand is only for use with
    fabric-attached topologies.
    Specifies available Link Layer Discovery Protocol information for each
    iSCSI port physically connected is returned. If the <node:slot:port>
    is provided, then only information for this port will be displayed.
    This subcommand is only used with iSCSI QLogic 83XX series ports.
    Specifies available Data Center Bridging Exchange Protocol information
    for each iSCSI port physically connected is returned. If the
    <node:slot:port> is provided, then only information for this port will
    be displayed. This subcommand is only used with iSCSI QLogic 83XX
    series ports.

   Includes the SAS Phy Error Log (PEL) data for each phy in the SAS
   topology. This option is only valid when using the sas subcommand.

   Includes detailed initiator information: HBA Manufacturer, HBA Model,
   HBA Firmware Version, HBA OS Name/Version, the HBA port's supported
   and current speeds, HBA port's OS device name, hostname, alias name(s),
   and whether the Smart SAN QoS and Security features are supported. When
   used with the tzone or uns subcommand.
   When used with the lldp or dcbx subcommand, this option will return
   relevant detailed information on the LLDP and DCBX information received
   from the peer device. This option is only valid when using either the
   tzone, uns, lldp or dcbx subcommand.

   Includes detailed information provided from the DCBX Application
   Protocol TLV configured on the peer device.

   Includes detailed information from the DCBX Priority Flow Control TLV
   configured on the peer device.

   Includes detailed information from the DCBX Priority Groups TLV
   configured on the peer device.

    Specifies the port for which information about devices on that port are

        Specifies the node.
        Specifies the PCI bus slot in the specified node.
        Specifies the Fibre Channel port number of the PCI card in the
        specified PCI bus slot.

    Specifies the Fibre Channel worldwide port name of an attached port.
    NAME: Show-Portdev
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Show-Portdev

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]
    [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false)]
    [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false)]
    [Parameter(Position=17, Mandatory=$false)]
    [Parameter(Position=18, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=19, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-Portdev - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-Portdev since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-Portdev since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showportdev "
     $Cmd += " loop "
     $Cmd += " all "
     $Cmd += " ns "
     $Cmd += " fcf "
     $Cmd += " sas "
     $Cmd += " fcswitch "
     $Cmd += " fcfabric "
     $Cmd += " findprort "
         $Cmd += " $WWN "
         Return "WWN name required with Findprort.."
     $Cmd += " tzone "
     $Cmd += " uns "
     $Cmd += " lldp "
     $Cmd += " dcbx "
     Return "Select at list one sub command..."
     $Cmd += " -pel "
     $Cmd += " -d "
     $Cmd += " -app "
     $Cmd += " -pfc "
     $Cmd += " -pg "
     $Cmd += " $NSP "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-Portdev command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Show-Portdev

Function Show-PortISNS
        The Show-PortISNS command shows iSNS host information for iSCSI ports in the system.
        The Show-PortISNS command shows iSNS host information for iSCSI ports in the
        Show-PortISNS -NSP 1:2:3
         Specifies the port for which information about devices on that port are
    .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
        NAME: Show-PortISNS
        LASTEDIT: 22/11/2019
        KEYWORDS: Show-PortISNS
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        $NSP ,
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-PortISNS - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-PortISNS since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-PortISNS since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $cmd= "showportisns "    
    if ($NSP)
        $cmd+=" $NSP "
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd
    write-debuglog " Executing Show-PortISNS command that displays information iSNS table for iSCSI ports in the system " "INFO:"
    if($Result -match "N:S:P")
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $LastItem = $Result.Count -2         
        foreach ($s in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
            $s= $s.Trim()     
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s                
        Import-Csv $tempFile 
        del $tempFile
    if($Result -match "N:S:P")
        return  " Success : Executing Show-PortISNS"
        return  $Result
} ## End- of Show-PortISNS

################### FUNCTION Show-SysMgr #######################
Function Show-SysMgr()
   Show-SysMgr - Show system manager startup state.

   The Show-SysMgr displays startup state information about the system manager.


   Shows additional detailed information if available.

   Shows field service diagnostics for System Manager specific Config Locks
   and MCALLs, and system-wide ioctl system calls.

    NAME: Show-SysMgr
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Show-SysMgr

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-SysMgr - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-SysMgr since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-SysMgr since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showsysmgr "

    $Cmd += " -d "

    $Cmd += " -l "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-SysMgr command -->" INFO:
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Show-SysMgr

############ FUNCTION Show-SystemResourcesSummary ####################
Function Show-SystemResourcesSummary()
   Show-SystemResourcesSummary - Show system Table of Contents (TOC) summary.

   The Show-SystemResourcesSummary command displays the system table of contents summary that
   provides a summary of the system's resources.


    NAME: Show-SystemResourcesSummary
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Show-SystemResourcesSummary

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection
Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-SystemResourcesSummary - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-SystemResourcesSummary since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-SystemResourcesSummary since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

 $Cmd = " showtoc "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-SystemResourcesSummary command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Show-SystemResourcesSummary

######################### FUNCTION Start-NodeRescue ##################
Function Start-NodeRescue()
   Start-NodeRescue - Starts a node rescue.

   Initiates a node rescue, which initializes the internal node disk of the
   specified node to match the contents of the other node disks. Progress is
   reported as a task.

    Start-NodeRescue -Node 0
    Specifies the node to be rescued. This node must be physically present in the system and powered on, but not part of the cluster.

    NAME: Start-NodeRescue
    LASTEDIT 22/11/2019
    KEYWORDS: Start-NodeRescue

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

     [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True)]

     [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
     $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Start-NodeRescue - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Start-NodeRescue since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Start-NodeRescue since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " startnoderescue "

    $Cmd += " -node $Node "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Start-NodeRescue command -->" INFO:
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Start-NodeRescue

## FUNCTION Get-HostPorts

Function Get-HostPorts
    Query to get all ports including targets, disks, and RCIP ports.

    Get information for Ports
    Shows port hardware inventory information.

    Displays all devices connected to the port. Such devices include cages
    (for initiator ports), hosts (for target ports) and ports from other
    storage system (for RCFC and peer ports).

    Displays a parameter listing such as the configured data rate of a port
    and the maximum data rate that the card supports. Also shown is the
    type of attachment (Direct Connect or Fabric Attached) and whether the
    unique_nwwn and VCN capabilities are enabled.

    Displays information that is specific to the Remote Copy ports.

    Displays information that is specific to the Fibre Channel Remote Copy

    Displays information that is specific to the Fibre Channel ports for
    Data Migration.

    Displays information specific to the Ethernet Remote Copy ports.

    Displays information about iSCSI ports.

    Displays iSCSI names associated with iSCSI ports.

    Displays information about VLANs on iSCSI ports.

    Displays information that is specific to Fibre Channel over Ethernet
    (FCoE) ports.

    Displays information about the SFPs attached to ports.

    Displays Digital Diagnostics Monitoring (DDM) readings from the SFPs if
    they support DDM. This option must be used with the -sfp option.

    Displays detailed information about the SFPs attached to ports. This
    option is used with the -sfp option.

    Shows only failed ports.

    Displays the detailed state information. This is the same as -s.

  .PARAMETER Detailed
    Displays the detailed state information.
    This option is deprecated and will be removed in a subsequent release.

    Displays the identities hosted by each physical port.

    Displays information specific to the Ethernet File Persona ports.
    To see IP address, netmask and gateway information on File Persona,
    run "showfs -net".
    Nede sloat poart
        Lists all ports including targets, disks, and RCIP ports
    Get-HostPorts -I

    Get-HostPorts -I -NSP 0:0:0

    Get-HostPorts -PAR

    Get-HostPorts -PAR -NSP 0:0:0

    Get-HostPorts -RC

    Get-HostPorts -RC -NSP 0:0:0

    Get-HostPorts -RCFC

    Get-HostPorts -RCFC -NSP 0:0:0

    Get-HostPorts -RCIP
    NAME: Get-HostPorts
    LASTEDIT: June 2012
    KEYWORDS: Get-HostPorts
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0
 #Requires HPE 3par cli.exe

            [Parameter(Position=0 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=1 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=2 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=3 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=4 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=5 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=6 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=7 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=8 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=9 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=10 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=11 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=12 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=13 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=14 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=15 , Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=17, Mandatory=$false)]
            [Parameter(Position=18, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection            

    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-HostPorts- validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or Connection object username, password, IPAaddress are null/empty. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-HostPorts since the connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection 
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult

    $Cmds = "showport"
        $Cmds+=" -i "
        $Cmds+=" -c "
        $Cmds+=" -par "
        $Cmds+=" -rc "
        $Cmds+=" -rcfc "
        $Cmds+=" -rcip "
        $Cmds+=" -peer "
        $Cmds+=" -iscsi "
        $Cmds+=" -iscsiname "
        $Cmds+=" -iscsivlans "
        $Cmds+=" -fcoe "
        $Cmds+=" -sfp "        
        $Cmds+=" -failed "
        $Cmds+=" -state "
        $Cmds+=" -s "
        $Cmds+=" -ids "
        $Cmds+=" -fs "
            $Cmds+=" -d "
            return " -d can only be used with -sfp"
        $Cmds+=" $NSP"
    $Result=Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection  -cmds $Cmds     
    $LastItem = $Result.Count -2  
    if($SFP -and $D)
        return $Result
    if($Result -match "N:S:P")
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        foreach ($s in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")    
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"\s+",",")         
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"/HW_Addr","") 
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"N:S:P","Device")
            $s= $s.Trim()     
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s                
        Import-Csv $tempFile
        del $tempFile
        return  $Result
    if($Result -match "N:S:P")
        return  " Success : Executing Get-HostPorts"
        return  $Result

} # END FUNCTION Get-HostPorts

######################### FUNCTION Get-Node ##########################
Function Get-Node()
    Get-Node - Show node and its component information.

    The Get-Node command displays an overview of the node-specific properties
    and its component information. Various command options can be used to
    display the properties of PCI cards, CPUs, Physical Memory, IDE drives,
    and Power Supplies.

   The following options are for node summary and inventory information:

  .PARAMETER Listcols
    List the columns available to be shown with the -showcols option
    described below (see 'clihelp -col Get-Node' for help on each column).
    By default (if none of the information selection options below are
    specified) the following columns are shown:
    Node Name State Master InCluster LED Control_Mem Data_Mem Available_Cache
    To display columns pertaining to a specific node component use
    the -Listcols option in conjunction with one of the following
    options: -pci, -cpu, -mem, -drive, -fan, -ps, -mcu, -uptime.

  .PARAMETER Showcols
    Explicitly select the columns to be shown using a comma-separated list
    of column names. For this option, the full column names are shown in
    the header.
    Run 'shownode -listcols' to list Node component columns.
    Run 'shownode -listcols <node_component>' to list columns associated
    with a specific <node_component>.

    <node_component> can be one of the following options: -pci, -cpu, -mem,
    -drive, -fan, -ps, -mcu, -uptime.

    If a specific node component option is not provided, then -showcols expects
    Node columns as input.

    If a column (Node or specific node component) does not match either the Node
    columns list or a specific node component columns list, then
    'shownode -showcols <cols>' request is denied.

    If an invalid column is provided with -showcols, the request is denied.

    The -showcols option can also be used in conjunction with a list of node IDs.

    Run 'clihelp -col shownode' for a description of each column.

    Shows node inventory information in table format.

    Shows node and its component information in table format.

    The following options are for node component information. These options
    cannot be used together with options, -i and -d:

  .PARAMETER Verbose_D
    Displays detailed information in verbose format. It can be used together
    with the following component options.

    Displays the node fan information.

    Displays PCI card information

    Displays CPU information

    Displays physical memory information.

    Displays the disk drive information.

    Displays power supply information.

    Displays MicroController Unit information.

    Displays the detailed state information for node or power supply (-ps).
    This is the same as -s.

    Displays the detailed state information for node or power supply (-ps).
    This option is deprecated and will be removed in a subsequent release.

    Show the amount of time each node has been running since the last shutdown.

    Displays inventory information with HPE serial number, spare part etc.
    This option must be used with -i option and it is not supported on
    HPE 3PAR 10000 systems
    Displays the node information for the specified node ID(s). This
    specifier is not required. Node_ID is an integer from 0 through 7.

    NAME: Get-Node
    LASTEDIT 16-05-2019 09:47:37
    KEYWORDS: Get-Node

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=17, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-Node - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-Node since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-Node since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " shownode "

    $Cmd += " -listcols "
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
    return $Result

    $Cmd += " -showcols $Showcols "

    $Cmd += " -i "

    $Cmd += " -d "

    $Cmd += " -verbose "

    $Cmd += " -fan "

    $Cmd += " -pci "

    $Cmd += " -cpu "

    $Cmd += " -mem "

    $Cmd += " -drive "

    $Cmd += " -ps "

    $Cmd += " -mcu "

    $Cmd += " -state "

    $Cmd += " -s "

    $Cmd += " -uptime "

    $Cmd += " -svc "

  $Cmd += " $NodeID "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-Node Command -->" INFO: 
 if($Result.count -gt 1)
    $Cnt = $Result.count
     $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    $LastItem = $Result.Count -1  
    $incre = "True"
    foreach ($s in  $Result[1..$LastItem] )
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")        
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")        
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")        
        $s= $s.Trim()        
        ## Replace Mem(MB) with Control and data Mem(MB)
        if($incre -eq "True")
            $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')                            
            $sTemp[6] = "Control-Mem(MB)"
            $sTemp[7] = "Data-Mem(MB)"
            $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
            $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
            $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
        Add-Content -Path $tempfile -Value $s
        $incre = "False"        
    Import-Csv $tempFile 
    del $tempFile    
 if($Result.count -gt 1)
    return  " Success : Executing Get-Node"
    return  $Result
} ## End-of Get-Node

######################### FUNCTION Get-Target ########################
Function Get-Target()
   Get-Target - Show information about unrecognized targets.

   The Get-Target command displays information about unrecognized targets.
    Get-Target -Lun -Node_WWN 2FF70002AC00001F
    Get-Target -Lun -All
    Get-Target -Inq -Page 0 -LUN_WWN 50002AC00001001F
    Get-Target -Inq -Page 0 -D -LUN_WWN 50002AC00001001F
    Get-Target -Mode -Page 0x3 -D -LUN_WWN 50002AC00001001F

   Displays the exported Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) from the unknown
   targets. Use the "all" specifier to display the exported LUNs from all
   of the unknown targets.

   Display SCSI inquiry page information.

   Display SCSI mode page information.

   Specify the SCSI page number for the inquiry and mode information.
   <num> is a hex number. For SCSI inquiry information, the valid <num>
   is 0, 80, 83, and c0. For SCSI mode information, the valid <num> is 3
   and 4. This option needs to be used together with -inq or -mode. If
   this option is not specified, the default <num> is 0.

   Display the detail information of SCSI inquiry or mode page information.

   Specifies that the rescan is forced. If this option is not used,
   the rescan will be suppressed if the peer ports have already
   been rescanned within the last 10 seconds.

   Rescan the peer ports to find the unknown targets.

    NAME: Get-Target
    LASTEDIT 21-05-2019 10:42:31
    KEYWORDS: Get-Target

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

     [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]
     [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
     $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-Target - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-Target since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-Target since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showtarget "
    $Cmd += " -lun "
    $Cmd += " all "
    $Cmd += " -inq "
    $Cmd += " -mode "
    $Cmd += " -page $Page "
    $Cmd += " -d "
    $Cmd += " -force "
    $Cmd += " -rescan "
    $Cmd += " $Node_WWN "

    $Cmd += " $LUN_WWN "

 write-host "$Cmd"
 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Get-Target command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-Target

########################### FUNCTION Show-PortARP ################################
Function Show-PortARP
        The Show-PortARP command shows the ARP table for iSCSI ports in the system.
        The Show-PortARP command shows the ARP table for iSCSI ports in the system.
        Show-PortARP -NSP 1:2:3
        Specifies the port for which information about devices on that port are displayed.

    .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
        NAME: Show-PortARP
        LASTEDIT: 01/03/2017
        KEYWORDS: Show-PortARP
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        $NSP ,
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-PortARP - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-PortARP since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-PortARP since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $cmd= "showportarp "    
    if ($NSP)
        $cmd+=" $NSP "
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd
    write-debuglog " Executing Show-PortARP command that displays information ARP table for iSCSI ports in the system " "INFO:"
    if($Result.Count -gt 1)
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $LastItem = $Result.Count         
        foreach ($s in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
            $s= $s.Trim()     
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s                
        Import-Csv $tempFile 
        del $tempFile
        return $Result
    if($Result.Count -gt 1)
        return  " Success : Executing Show-PortARP"                
        return  $Result
} # End Show-PortARP

############### FUNCTION Show-UnrecognizedTargetsInfo ###############
Function Show-UnrecognizedTargetsInfo()
   Show-UnrecognizedTargetsInfo - Show information about unrecognized targets.

   The Show-UnrecognizedTargetsInfo command displays information about unrecognized targets.


   Displays the exported Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) from the unknown
   targets. Use the "all" specifier to display the exported LUNs from all
   of the unknown targets.

   Display SCSI inquiry page information.

   Display SCSI mode page information.

   Specify the SCSI page number for the inquiry and mode information.
   <num> is a hex number. For SCSI inquiry information, the valid <num>
   is 0, 80, 83, and c0. For SCSI mode information, the valid <num> is 3
   and 4. This option needs to be used together with -inq or -mode. If
   this option is not specified, the default <num> is 0.

   Display the detail information of SCSI inquiry or mode page information.

   Specifies that the rescan is forced. If this option is not used,
   the rescan will be suppressed if the peer ports have already
   been rescanned within the last 10 seconds.

   Display any errors during rescan over the peer ports.

   Rescan the peer ports to find the unknown targets.

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
        Sort in increasing order (default).
        Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.

   Indicates the World Wide Name (WWN) of the node.

   Indicates the World Wide Name (WWN) of a LUN exported from an unknown target.
    NAME: Show-UnrecognizedTargetsInfo
    LASTEDIT 28-06-2019 10:25:56
    KEYWORDS: Show-UnrecognizedTargetsInfo

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-UnrecognizedTargetsInfo - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-UnrecognizedTargetsInfo since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-UnrecognizedTargetsInfo since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
   write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
   Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showtarget "
    $Cmd += " -lun "

    $Cmd += " -inq "

    $Cmd += " -mode "

    $Cmd += " -page $Page "

    $Cmd += " -d "

    $Cmd += " -force "

    $Cmd += " -verbose "

    $Cmd += " -rescan "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

    $Cmd += " $Node_WWN "

    $Cmd += " $LUN_WWN "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-UnrecognizedTargetsInfo command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Show-UnrecognizedTargetsInfo

## FUNCTION Test-Port
Function Test-Port {
    Perform loopback tests on Fibre Channel ports.
    checkport [options <arg>] <node:slot:port>
     The checkport command performs loopback tests on Fibre Channel ports.

  .PARAMETER Time <seconds_to_run>
    Specifies the number of seconds for the test to run using an integer from 0 to 300.
  .PARAMETER Iter <iterations_to_run>
    Specifies the number of times for the test to run using an integer from 1 to 1000000.

     Specifies the port to be tested.

     Specifies the node using a number from 0 through 7.

     Specifies the PCI slot in the specified node. Valid range is 0 - 9.

     Specifies the port using a number from 1 through 4.

    Test-Port test is performed on port 0:0:1 a total of five times:

    Test-Port -iter 5 0:0:1
    Starting loopback test on port 0:0:1
    Port 0:0:1 completed 5 loopback frames in 0 seconds Passed
    Access to all domains is required to run this command.

    When both the -time and -iter options are specified, the first limit
    reached terminates the program. If neither are specified, the default is
    1,000 iterations. The total run time is always limited to 300 seconds even
    when not specified.
    The default loopback is an ELS-ECHO sent to the HBA itself.

    NAME: Test-Port
    LASTEDIT: 25/04/2021
    KEYWORDS: Test-Port
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0



        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Number of seconds for the test to run using an integer from 0 to 300")]

        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Number of times for the test to run using an integer from 1 to 1000000")]

        [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify the port to be tested <node:slot:port>")]

        [Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specifies the node using a number from 0 through 7")]
        [Parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specifies the PCI slot in the specified node. Valid range is 0 - 9")]

        [Parameter(Position = 5, Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specifies the port using a number from 1 through 4")]

        [Parameter(Position = 6, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Test-Port - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    if (!$SANConnection) {
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if ($Validate1 -eq "Failed") {
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if ($Validate2 -eq "Failed") {
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Test-Port since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Test-Port since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli
    if ($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") {
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $cmd = "checkport "    
    if ($TimeInSeconds) {
        $cmd += " -time $TimeInSeconds"    
    if ($Iter) {
        $cmd += " -iter $Iter"    

    if ($PortNSP) {
        $cmd += "$PortNSP"        
    elseif (($Node) -and ($Slot) -and ($Port)) {
        $cmd += "$($Node):$($Slot):$($Port)"
    else {        
        Return "Node, slot and plot details are required"
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd

    write-debuglog " The Test-Port command perform loopback tests on Fibre Channel ports" "INFO:" 
    return     $Result    

} # End Test-Port

Export-ModuleMember Find-Node , Find-System , Get-System , Ping-RCIPPorts , Set-Battery , Set-FCPorts , Set-HostPorts , 
Set-NodeProperties , Set-NodesDate , Set-SysMgr , Show-Battery , Show-EEProm , Get-SystemInformation , Show-FCOEStatistics , 
Show-Firmwaredb , Show-TOCGen , Show-iSCSISessionStatistics , Show-iSCSIStatistics , Show-NetworkDetail , Show-NodeEnvironmentStatus ,
Show-iSCSISession , Show-NodeProperties , Show-Portdev , Show-PortISNS , Show-SysMgr , Show-SystemResourcesSummary , Start-NodeRescue , 
Get-HostPorts , Get-Node , Get-Target , Show-PortARP , Show-UnrecognizedTargetsInfo , Test-Port
# SIG # Begin signature block
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# m/cuG08THfdKDXF+l7f0P4TrweOjSaH6zqe/Vs+6WXZhiV9+p7SOZ3j5Npjhyyja
# BAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20xJDAiBgNVBAMTG0RpZ2lDZXJ0IEFzc3VyZWQg
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# SIG # End signature block