
## © 2020,2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
## copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
## to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
## the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
## and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
## Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
## in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
## File Name: VirtualVolumeManagement.psm1
## Description: Virtual Volume Management cmdlets
## Created: January 2020
## Last Modified: January 2020
## History: v3.0 - Created

$Info = "INFO:"
$Debug = "DEBUG:"
$global:VSLibraries = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

## FUNCTION Test-CLIObject
Function Test-CLIObject 
    [string]$ObjectName ,
    [string]$ObjectMsg = $ObjectType, 
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

    $IsObjectExisted = $True
    $ObjCmd = $ObjectType -replace ' ', '' 
    $Cmds = "show$ObjCmd $ObjectName"
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmds
    if ($Result -like "no $ObjectMsg listed")
        $IsObjectExisted = $false
    return $IsObjectExisted
} # End FUNCTION Test-CLIObject

Function Add-Vv
   The Add-Vv command creates and admits remotely exported virtual volume definitions to enable the migration of these volumes. The newly created
   volume will have the WWN of the underlying remote volume.
   The Add-Vv command creates and admits remotely exported virtual volume definitions to enable the migration of these volumes. The newly created
   volume will have the WWN of the underlying remote volume.
    Add-Vv -VV_WWN migvv.0:50002AC00037001A
    Specifies the local name that should be given to the volume being admitted and Specifies the World Wide Name (WWN) of the remote volumes to be admitted.

    Add-Vv -VV_WWN "migvv.0:50002AC00037001A migvv.1:50002AC00047001A"

    Add-Vv -DomainName XYZ -VV_WWN X:Y
    Create the admitted volume in the specified domain. The default is to create it in the current domain, or no domain if the current domain is not set.
  .PARAMETER DomainName
    Create the admitted volume in the specified domain

    Specifies the World Wide Name (WWN) of the remote volumes to be admitted.

     Specifies the World Wide Name (WWN) for the local copy of the remote volume. If the keyword "auto" is specified the system automatically generates a WWN for the virtual volume
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Add-Vv
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Add-Vv
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        $DomainName ,
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
        $VV_WWN ,

        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]
        $VV_WWN_NewWWN ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Add-Vv - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Add-Vv since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Add-Vv since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    if($VV_WWN -Or $VV_WWN_NewWWN)
        $cmd = "admitvv"
            $Cmd+= " -domain $DomainName"                        
            $cmd += " $VV_WWN"
            $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd
            write-debuglog " Executing Add-Vv Command.--> " "INFO:" 
            return  "$Result"
            $cmd += " $VV_WWN_NewWWN"
            $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd
            write-debuglog " Executing Add-Vv Command.--> " "INFO:" 
            return  $Result
        write-debugLog "No VV_WWN Name specified ." "ERR:" 
        return "FAILURE : No VV_WWN name specified"
} ## End-of Add-Vv

########################### FUNCTION Compress-LD #########################
Function Compress-LD()
   Compress-LD - Consolidate space in logical disks (LD).

   The Compress-LD command consolidates space on the LDs.


   Compacts the LDs that match any of the specified patterns.

   This option consolidates regions into the fewest possible LDs.
   When this option is not specified, the regions of each LD will be compacted
   within the same LD.

  .PARAMETER Waittask
   Waits for any created tasks to complete.

  .PARAMETER Taskname
   Specifies a name for the task. When not specified, a default name is

   Specifies that the operation is a dry run, and the tasks will not
   actually be performed.

  .PARAMETER Trimonly
   Only unused LD space is removed. Regions are not moved.

   Specifies the name of the LD to be compacted. Multiple LDs can be specified.
    NAME: Compress-LD
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Compress-LD

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Compress-LD - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Compress-LD since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Compress-LD since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " compactld -f "

    $Cmd += " -pat "

    $Cmd += " -cons "

    $Cmd += " -waittask "

    $Cmd += " -taskname $Taskname "

    $Cmd += " -dr "

    $Cmd += " -trimonly "

  $Cmd += " $LD_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Compress-LD command -->" INFO: 

 Return $Result
} ## End-of Compress-LD

######################### FUNCTION Find-LD #########################
Function Find-LD()
   Find-LD - Perform validity checks of data on logical disks (LD).

   The Find-LD command executes consistency checks of data on LDs
   in the event of an uncontrolled system shutdown and optionally repairs
   inconsistent LDs.


   Specifies that if errors are found they are either modified so they are
   valid (-y) or left unmodified (-n). If not specified, errors are left
   unmodified (-n).
   Specifies that if errors are found they are either modified so they are
   valid (-y) or left unmodified (-n). If not specified, errors are left
   unmodified (-n).

  .PARAMETER Progress
   Poll sysmgr to get ldck report.

  .PARAMETER Recover
   Attempt to recover the chunklet specified by giving physical disk (<pdid>)
   and the chunklet's position on that disk (<pdch>). If this options is
   specified, -y must be specified as well.

   Check only the specified RAID set.
   Requests that the integrity of a specified LD is checked. This specifier can be repeated to execute validity checks on multiple LDs.

    NAME: Find-LD
    LASTEDIT January 2020

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Find-LD - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Find-LD since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Find-LD since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " checkld "

    $Cmd += " -y "
    $Cmd += " -n "

    $Cmd += " -progress "

    $Cmd += " -recover $Recover "

    $Cmd += " -rs $Rs "

    $Cmd += " $LD_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Find-LD command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Find-LD

######################### FUNCTION Get-LD ############################
Function Get-LD()
   Get-LD - Show information about logical disks (LDs) in the system.

   The Get-LD command displays configuration information about the system's


   Requests that only LDs in common provisioning groups (CPGs) that match
   the specified CPG names or patterns be displayed. Multiple CPG names or
   patterns can be repeated using a comma-separated list .

   Requests that only LDs mapped to virtual volumes that match and of the
   specified names or patterns be displayed. Multiple volume names or
   patterns can be repeated using a comma-separated list .

   Only shows LDs that are in domains with names that match any of the
   names or specified patterns. Multiple domain names or patterns can be
   repeated using a comma separated list .

  .PARAMETER Degraded
   Only shows LDs with degraded availability.

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
       Sort in increasing order (default).
       Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.

   Requests that more detailed layout information is displayed.

   Requests that checkld information is displayed.

   Requests that policy information about the LD is displayed.

   Requests that the detailed state information is displayed.
   This is the same as s.

    NAME: Get-LD
    LASTEDIT January 2020

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-LD - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-LD since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-LD since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showld "

    $Cmd += " -cpg $Cpg "

    $Cmd += " -vv $Vv "

    $Cmd += " -domain $Domain "

    $Cmd += " -degraded "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

    $Cmd += " -d "

    $Cmd += " -ck "

    $Cmd += " -p "

    $Cmd += " -state "

  $Cmd += " $LD_Name "

$Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Get-LD command -->" INFO: 

 if($Result.count -gt 1)
        Return  $Result    
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $LastItem = $Result.Count - 3   
        foreach ($S in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")        
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")            
            $s= $s.Trim()            
            Add-Content -Path $tempfile -Value $s                
        Import-Csv $tempFile 
        del $tempFile
    Return  $Result
} ## End-of Get-LD

####################### FUNCTION Get-LDChunklet ######################
Function Get-LDChunklet()
   Get-LDChunklet - Show chunklet mapping for a logical disk.

   The Get-LDChunklet command displays configuration information about the chunklet
   mapping for one logical disk (LD).


  .PARAMETER Degraded
   Shows only the chunklets in sets that cause the logical disk
   availability to be degraded. For example, if the logical disk normally
   has cage level availability, but one set has two chunklets in the same
   cage, then the chunklets in that set are shown. This option cannot be
   specified with option -lformat or -linfo.

  .PARAMETER Lformat
   Shows the logical disk's row and set layout on the physical disk, where
   the line format <form> is one of:
   row - One line per logical disk row.
   set - One line per logical disk set.

   Specifies the information shown for each logical disk chunklet, where
   <info> can be one of:
   pdpos - Shows the physical disk position (default).
   pdid - Shows the physical disk ID.
   pdch - Shows the physical disk chunklet.
   If multiple <info> fields are specified, each corresponding field will
   be shown separately by a dash (-).

    NAME: Get-LDChunklet
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-LDChunklet

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-LDChunklet - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-LDChunklet since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-LDChunklet since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showldch "

    $Cmd += " -degraded "

    $Cmd += " -lformat $Lformat "

    $Cmd += " -linfo $Linfo "

    $Cmd += " $LD_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Get-LDChunklet command -->" INFO: 
 if($Result.count -gt 1)
    $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    $LastItem = $Result.Count - 3 
    $FristCount = 0
    if($Lformat -Or $Linfo)
        $FristCount = 1
    foreach ($S in  $Result[$FristCount..$LastItem] )
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")        
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
        #$s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
        $s= $s.Trim()            
        Add-Content -Path $tempfile -Value $s                
    Import-Csv $tempFile 
    del $tempFile    
    Return  $Result
} ## End-of Get-LDChunklet

################################ Start Get-Space #################################
Function Get-Space
    Displays estimated free space for logical disk creation.
    Displays estimated free space for logical disk creation.
    Displays estimated free space for logical disk creation.
    Get-Space -RaidType r1
     Example displays the estimated free space for a RAID-1 logical disk:
  .PARAMETER cpgName
    Specifies that logical disk creation parameters are taken from CPGs that match the specified CPG
    name or pattern,Multiple CPG names or patterns can be specified using a comma separated list, for
    example cpg1,cpg2,cpg3.

    Specifies the RAID type of the logical disk: r0 for RAID-0, r1 for RAID-1, r5 for RAID-5, or r6 for
    RAID-6. If no RAID type is specified, the default is r1 for FC and SSD device types and r6 is for
    the NL device types
    Specifies one or more drive cages. Drive cages are identified by one or more integers (item).
    Multiple drive cages are separated with a single comma (1,2,3). A range of drive cages is
    separated with a hyphen (0–3). The specified drive cage(s) must contain disks.
    Specifies one or more disks. Disks are identified by one or more integers (item). Multiple disks
    are separated with a single comma (1,2,3). A range of disks is separated with a hyphen (0–3).
    Disks must match the specified ID(s).
  .PARAMETER History
     Specifies that free space history over time for CPGs specified

    Specifies the set size in terms of chunklets.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-Space
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-Space
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-Space - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-Space since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-Space since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $sysspacecmd = "showspace "
    $sysinfo = @{}    
        if(($RaidType) -or ($Cage) -or($Disk))
            return "FAILURE : Use only One parameter at a time."
        $sysspacecmd += " -cpg $cpgName"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $sysspacecmd
        write-debuglog "Get system space cmd -> $sysspacecmd " "INFO:"
        if ($Result -match "FAILURE :")
            write-debuglog "no CPGs found or matched" "Info:"
            return "FAILURE : no CPGs found or matched"            
        if( $Result -match "There is no free space information")
            write-debuglog "FAILURE : There is no free space information" "Info:"
            return "FAILURE : There is no free space information"            
        if( $Result.Count -lt 4 )
            return "$Result"        
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $3parosver = Get-Version -S -SANConnection  $SANConnection 
        $incre = "true" 
        foreach ($s in  $Result[2..$Result.Count] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            if($3parosver -eq "3.1.1")
                $s= $s.Trim() -replace 'Name,RawFree,LDFree,Total,Used,Total,Used,Total,Used','CPG_Name,EstFree_RawFree(MB),EstFree_LDFree(MB),Usr_Total(MB),Usr_Used(MB),Snp_Total(MB),Snp_Used(MB),Adm_Total(MB),Adm_Used(MB)'
            if($3parosver -eq "3.1.2")
                $s= $s.Trim() -replace 'Name,RawFree,LDFree,Total,Used,Total,Used,Total,Used','CPG_Name,EstFree_RawFree(MB),EstFree_LDFree(MB),Usr_Total(MB),Usr_Used(MB),Snp_Total(MB),Snp_Used(MB),Adm_Total(MB),Adm_Used(MB)' 
                $s= $s.Trim() -replace 'Name,RawFree,LDFree,Total,Used,Total,Used,Total,Used,Compaction,Dedup','CPG_Name,EstFree_RawFree(MB),EstFree_LDFree(MB),Usr_Total(MB),Usr_Used(MB),Snp_Total(MB),Snp_Used(MB),Adm_Total(MB),Adm_Used(MB),Compaction,Dedup'
            if($incre -eq "true")
                $sTemp = $s.Split(',')                            
                $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile
        del $tempFile
        if(($cpgName) -or ($Cage) -or($Disk))
            return "FAILURE : Use only One parameter at a time."
        $RaidType = $RaidType.toLower()
        $sysspacecmd += " -t $RaidType"
        write-debuglog "Get system space cmd -> $sysspacecmd " "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $sysspacecmd
        if ($Result -match "Illegal raid type")
            write-debuglog "FAILURE : Illegal raid type $RaidType, specify r0, r1, r5, or r6" "Info:"
            return "FAILURE : Illegal raid type $RaidType, specify r0, r1, r5, or r6"
        foreach ($s in $Result[2..$Result.count])
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")
            $s = $s.split(",")
        if(($RaidType) -or ($cpgName) -or($Disk))
            return "FAILURE : Use only One parameter at a time."
        $sysspacecmd += " -p -cg $Cage"
        write-debuglog "Get system space cmd -> $sysspacecmd " "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $sysspacecmd
        if ($Result -match "Illegal pattern integer or range")
            write-debuglog "FAILURE : Illegal pattern integer or range: $Cage" "ERR:"
            return "FAILURE : $Result "
        foreach ($s in $Result[2..$Result.count])
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")
            $s = $s.split(",")
        if(($RaidType) -or ($Cage) -or($cpgName)){
            return "FAILURE : Use only One parameter at a time."
        $sysspacecmd += "-p -dk $Disk"
        write-debuglog "Get system space cmd -> $sysspacecmd " "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $sysspacecmd
        if ($Result -match "Illegal pattern integer or range")
            write-debuglog "FAILURE : Illegal pattern integer or range: $Disk" "ERR:"
            return "FAILURE : Illegal pattern integer or range: $Disk"
        foreach ($s in $Result[2..$Result.count])
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")
            $s = $s.split(",")
        if(($RaidType) -or ($Cage) -or($cpgName) -or($Disk))
            return "FAILURE : Use only One parameter at a time."
        $sysspacecmd += " -hist "
        if(($RaidType) -or ($Cage) -or($cpgName) -or($Disk) -or($History))
            return "FAILURE : Use only One parameter at a time."
        $sysspacecmd += " -ssz $SSZ "
        write-debuglog "Get system space cmd -> $sysspacecmd " "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $sysspacecmd
        if ($Result -match "Invalid setsize" -Or $Result -match "Expecting a non-negative integer")
            write-debuglog "FAILURE : Illegal raid type $RaidType, specify r0, r1, r5, or r6" "Info:"
            return "FAILURE : $Result"
        foreach ($s in $Result[2..$Result.count])
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")
            $s = $s.split(",")
    if(-not(( ($Disk) -or ($Cage)) -or (($RaidType) -or ($cpg))))
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $sysspacecmd
        write-debuglog "Get system space cmd -> $sysspacecmd " "INFO:"
        if ($Result -match "Illegal pattern integer or range")
            write-debuglog "FAILURE : Illegal pattern integer or range: $Disk" "ERR:"
            return "FAILURE : Illegal pattern integer or range: $Disk"
        foreach ($s in $Result[2..$Result.count])
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")
            $s = $s.split(",")
#### End-Of Get-Space

####################################### FUNCTION Get-Vv #########################################

Function Get-Vv
    Get list of virtual volumes per Domain and CPG
    Get list of virtual volumes per Domain and CPG
    List all virtual volumes
    Get-Vv -vvName PassThru-Disk
    List virtual volume PassThru-Disk
    Get-Vv -vvName PassThru-Disk -Domain mydom
    List volumes in the domain specified DomainName
    Specify name of the volume.
    If prefixed with 'set:', the name is a volume set name.

  .PARAMETER DomainName
    Queries volumes in the domain specified DomainName.
    Queries volumes that belongs to a given CPG.

  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-Vv
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-Vv
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-Vv - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-Vv since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-Vv since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $GetvVolumeCmd = "showvvcpg"

    if ($DomainName)
        $GetvVolumeCmd += " -domain $DomainName"
    if ($vvName)
        $GetvVolumeCmd += " $vvName"

    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $GetvVolumeCmd
    write-debuglog "Get list of Virtual Volumes" "INFO:" 
    if($Result -match "no vv listed")
        return "FAILURE: No vv $vvName found"

    #$tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    $Result = $Result | where { ($_ -notlike '*total*') -and ($_ -notlike '*---*')} ## Eliminate summary lines
    if ( $Result.Count -gt 1)
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $LastItem = $Result.Count -2  
        foreach ($s in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            # Replace one or more spaces with comma to build CSV line
            $s= $s.Trim() -replace ',Adm,Snp,Usr,Adm,Snp,Usr',',Adm(MB),Snp(MB),Usr(MB),New_Adm(MB),New_Snp(MB),New_Usr(MB)'     

            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s

        if($CPGName) { Import-Csv $tempFile | where  {$_.CPG -like $CPGName} }
        else { Import-Csv $tempFile }
        del $tempFile
        Write-DebugLog $result "INFO:"
        return "FAILURE: No vv $vvName found error:$result "

} # END Get-Vv

################################################ FUNCTION Get-VvList ###################################
Function Get-VvList
    The Get-VvList command displays information about all Virtual Volumes (VVs) or a specific VV in a system.
    The Get-VvList command displays information about all Virtual Volumes (VVs) or a specific VV in a system.
    List all virtual volumes
    Get-VvList -vvName xyz
    List virtual volume xyz
    Get-VvList -Space -vvName xyz
    Get-VvList -Pattern -Prov full
    List virtual volume provision type as "tpvv"
    Get-VvList -Pattern -Type base
    List snapshot(vitual copy) volumes
    Get-VvList -R -Pattern -Prov tp* -Host TTest -Baseid 50
    Get-VvList -Showcols "Id,Name"
  .PARAMETER Listcols
    List the columns available to be shown in the -showcols option
    described below

    Displays detailed information about the VVs. The following columns
    are shown:
    Id Name Rd Mstr Prnt Roch Rwch PPrnt PBlkRemain VV_WWN CreationTime Udid

    Displays policy information about the VVs. The following columns
    are shown: Id Name Policies

    Displays Logical Disk (LD) space use by the VVs. The following columns
    are shown:
    Id Name Prov Compr Dedup Type Adm_Rsvd_MB Adm_Used_MB Snp_Rsvd_MB
    Snp_Used_MB Snp_Used_Perc Warn_Snp_Perc Limit_Snp_Perc Usr_Rsvd_MB
    Usr_Used_MB Usr_Used_Perc Warn_Usr_Perc Limit_Usr_Perc Tot_Rsvd_MB
    Tot_Used_MB VSize_MB Host_Wrt_MB Compaction Compression

    Note: For snapshot (vcopy) VVs, the Adm_Used_MB, Snp_Used_MB,
    Usr_Used_MB and the corresponding _Perc columns have a '*' before
    the number for two reasons: to indicate that the number is an estimate
    that must be updated using the updatesnapspace command, and to indicate
    that the number is not included in the total for the column since the
    corresponding number for the snapshot's base VV already includes that

    Displays raw space use by the VVs. The following columns are shown:
    Id Name Prov Compr Dedup Type Adm_RawRsvd_MB Adm_Rsvd_MB Snp_RawRsvd_MB
    Snp_Rsvd_MB Usr_RawRsvd_MB Usr_Rsvd_MB Tot_RawRsvd_MB Tot_Rsvd_MB

    Displays mapping zone information for VVs.
    The following columns are shown:
    Id Name Prov Compr Dedup Type VSize_MB Adm_Zn Adm_Free_Zn Snp_Zn
    Snp_Free_Zn Usr_Zn Usr_Free_Zn

    Displays the SCSI geometry settings for the VVs. The following
    columns are shown: Id Name SPT HPC SctSz

    Indicates whether alerts are posted on behalf of the VVs.
    The following columns are shown:
    Id Name Prov Compr Dedup Type VSize_MB Snp_Used_Perc Warn_Snp_Perc
    Limit_Snp_Perc Usr_Used_Perc Warn_Usr_Perc Limit_Usr_Perc
    Alert_Adm_Fail_Y Alert_Snp_Fail_Y Alert_Snp_Wrn_Y Alert_Snp_Lim_Y
    Alert_Usr_Fail_Y Alert_Usr_Wrn_Y Alert_Usr_Lim_Y

  .PARAMETER AlertTime
    Shows times when alerts were posted (when applicable).
    The following columns are shown:
    Id Name Alert_Adm_Fail Alert_Snp_Fail Alert_Snp_Wrn Alert_Snp_Lim
    Alert_Usr_Fail Alert_Usr_Wrn Alert_Usr_Lim

    Shows the physical copy and promote progress.
    The following columns are shown:
    Id Name Prov Compr Dedup Type CopyOf VSize_MB Copied_MB Copied_Perc

    Shows CPGs associated with each VV. The following columns are
    shown: Id Name Prov Compr Dedup Type UsrCPG SnpCPG

    Shows the detailed state information for the VVs. The following
    columns are shown: Id Name Prov Compr Dedup Type State Detailed_State SedState

    Shows the history information of the VVs.
    The following columns are shown:
    Id Name Prov Compr Dedup Type CreationTime RetentionEndTime ExpirationTime SpaceCalcTime Comment

    This option appends two columns, RcopyStatus and RcopyGroup, to
    any of the display options above.

    Do not display VV names in tree format.
    Unless either the -notree or the -sortcol option described below
    are specified, the VVs are ordered and the names are indented in
    tree format to indicate the virtual copy snapshot hierarchy.
  .PARAMETER Expired
    Show only VVs that have expired.

  .PARAMETER Retained
    Shows only VVs that have a retention time.

    Shows only failed VVs.
    Shows only VVs that are in domains with names matching one or more of
    the specified domain_name or patterns. This option does not allow
    listing objects within a domain of which the user is not a member.
  .PARAMETER Pattern
    Pattern for matching VVs to show (see below for description
    of <pattern>) If the -p option is specified multiple times, each
    instance of <pattern> adds additional candidate VVs that match that

    Show only VVs whose UsrCPG or SnpCPG matches the one or more of
    the cpgname_or_patterns.
    Show only VVs with Prov (provisioning) values that match the
   Show only VVs of types that match the type_or_pattern.
    Show only VVs that are exported as VLUNs to hosts with names that
    match one or more of the hostname_or_patterns.
    Show only VVs whose BsId column matches one more of the
    Show only VVs whose CopyOf column matches one more of the
  .PARAMETER Rcopygroup
    Show only VVs that are in Remote Copy groups that match
    one or more of the groupname_or_patterns.
    Show only VVs whose policy matches the one or more of the
    Show only VVs whose vmname matches one or more of the
    Show only VVs whose vmid matches one or more of the
    Show only VVs whose vmhost matches one or more of the
  .PARAMETER vvolState
    Show only VVs whose vvolstate matches the specified
    state - bound or unbound.
  .PARAMETER vvolsc
    Show only VVs whose storage container (vvset) name matches one
    or more of the vvset_name_or_patterns.
    Specify name of the volume.
    If prefixed with 'set:', the name is a volume set name.

    Specify name of the Prov type (full | tpvv |tdvv |snp |cpvv ).
    Specify name of the Prov type ( base | vcopy ).
        Explicitly select the columns to be shown using a comma-separated list
        of column names. For this option the full column names are shown in
        the header.
        Run 'showvv -listcols' to list the available columns.
        Run 'clihelp -col showvv' for a description of each column.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-VvList
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-VvList
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=17, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=18, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=19, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=20, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=21, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=22, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=23, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=24, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=25, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=26, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=27, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=28, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=29, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=30, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=31, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=32, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=33, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=34, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=35, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-VV - validating input values" $Debug 

    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-VvList since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-VvList since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection

    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $GetvVolumeCmd = "showvv "
    if ($Listcols)
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-listcols "
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $GetvVolumeCmd
        return $Result                
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-d "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-pol "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-space "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-r "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-zone "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-g "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-alert "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-alerttime "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-cpprog "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-cpgalloc "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-state "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-hist "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-rcopy "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-notree "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-domain $Domain "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-expired "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-retained "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-failed "
            $GetvVolumeCmd += "-p -cpg $CPG "
            $GetvVolumeCmd += "-p -prov $Prov "
            $GetvVolumeCmd += "-p -type $Type "
            $GetvVolumeCmd += "-p -host $Host "
            $GetvVolumeCmd += "-p -baseid $Baseid "
            $GetvVolumeCmd += "-p -copyof $Copyof "
            $GetvVolumeCmd += "-p -rcopygroup $Rcopygroup "
            $GetvVolumeCmd += "-p -policy $Policy "
            $GetvVolumeCmd += "-p -vmname $vmName "
            $GetvVolumeCmd += "-p -vmid $vmId "
            $GetvVolumeCmd += "-p -vmhost $vmHost "
            $GetvVolumeCmd += "-p -vvolstate $vvolState "
            $GetvVolumeCmd += "-p -vvolsc $vvolsc "
        $GetvVolumeCmd += "-showcols $ShowCols "
    if ($vvName)
        $GetvVolumeCmd += " $vvName"
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $GetvVolumeCmd
    write-debuglog "Get list of Virtual Volumes" "INFO:" 
    if($Result -match "no vv listed")
        return "FAILURE : No vv $vvName found"
    if ( $Result.Count -gt 1)
        $incre = "true"
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $LastItem = $Result.Count -3  
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$cnt..$LastItem] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-+","-")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")        
            $s= $s.Trim()
            $temp1 = $s -replace 'Adm,Snp,Usr,VSize','Adm(MB),Snp(MB),Usr(MB),VSize(MB)' 
            $s = $temp1            
            $temp2 = $s -replace '-CreationTime-','Date(Creation),Time(Creation),Zone(Creation)'
            $s = $temp2    
            $temp3 = $s -replace '-SpaceCalcTime-','Date,Time,Zone'
            $s = $temp3    
                if($incre -eq "true")
                    $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')    
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                    $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
                if($incre -eq "true")
                    $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')    
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                    $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
                if($incre -eq "true")
                    $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')                                            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                    $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
                if($incre -eq "true")
                    $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')                                            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                    $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
                if($incre -eq "true")
                    $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')                                            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                    $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile
        del $tempFile
        Write-DebugLog $result "INFO:"
        return "FAILURE : No vv $vvName found Error : $Result"

} # END Get-VvList

############################################### FUNCTION Get-VvSet ##################################################

Function Get-VvSet
    Get list of Virtual Volume(VV) sets defined on the storage system and their members
    Get lists of Virtual Volume(VV) sets defined on the storage system and their members
     List all virtual volume set(s)

    Get-VvSet -vvSetName "MyVVSet"
    List Specific VVSet name "MyVVSet"
    Get-VvSet -vvName "MyVV"
    List VV sets containing VVs matching vvname "MyVV"

    Get-VvSet -VV -vvName AIX_PERF_VV_SET
  .PARAMETER vvSetName
    Specify name of the vvset to be listed.

  .PARAMETER Detailed
    Show a more detailed listing of each set.
    Show VV sets that contain the supplied vvnames or patterns
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Shows VV sets with summarized output with VV sets names and number of VVs in those sets
     Specifies that the sets containing virtual volumes

  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-VvSet
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-VvSet
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-VvSet - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-VvSet since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-VvSet since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $GetVVSetCmd = "showvvset "
    if ($Detailed)
        $GetVVSetCmd += " -d "
    if ($VV)
        $GetVVSetCmd += " -vv "
    if ($Summary)
        $GetVVSetCmd += " -summary "
    if ($vvSetName)
        $GetVVSetCmd += " $vvSetName"
        $GetVVSetCmd += " $vvName"
        write-debuglog "VVSet parameter $vvSetName is empty. Simply return all existing vvset " "INFO:"        
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $GetVVSetCmd
    #write-host ""
    #return $Result
    if($Result -match "No vv set listed")
        return "FAILURE : No vv set listed"
    if($Result -match "total")
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $LastItem = $Result.Count -3        
        foreach ($s in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")    
            #$s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
            $s= $s.Trim()            
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
            #Write-Host " First if statement $s"
        Import-Csv $tempFile 
        del $tempFile
        return $Result
} # End Get-VvSet

################################################## FUNCTION Import-Vv ################################################
Function Import-Vv
    The Import-Vv command starts migrating the data from a remote LUN to the local Storage System. The remote LUN should have been prepared using the
    admitvv command.

    The Import-Vv command starts migrating the data from a remote LUN to the local Storage System. The remote LUN should have been prepared using the
    admitvv command.

    Import-Vv -Usrcpg asCpg

    Import-Vv -Usrcpg asCpg -VVName as4
    Import-Vv -Usrcpg asCpg -Snapname asTest -VVName as4
    Import-Vv -Usrcpg asCpg -Snp_cpg asCpg -VVName as4

    Import-Vv -Usrcpg asCpg -Priority high -VVName as4
    Import-Vv -Usrcpg asCpg -NoTask -VVName as4
    Any VV sets specified will not be imported as consistent groups.
    Allows multiple VV sets to be specified.

    If the VV set contains any VV members that in a previous import
    attempt were imported consistently, they will continue to get
    imported consistently.

  .PARAMETER Priority
    Specifies the priority of migration of a volume or a volume set. If
    this option is not specified, the default priority will be medium.
    The volumes with priority set to high will migrate faster than other
    volumes with medium and low priority.

    Specifies the Job ID up to 511 characters for the volume. The Job ID
    will be tagged in the events that are posted during volume migration.
    Use -jobid "" to remove the Job ID.

    Performs import related pre-processing which results in transitioning
    the volume to exclusive state and setting up of the "consistent" flag
    on the volume if importing consistently. The import task will not be
    created, and hence volume migration will not happen. The "importvv"
    command should be rerun on the volume at a later point of time without
    specifying the -notask option to initiate the actual migration of the
    volume. With the -notask option, other options namely -tpvv, -dedup,
    -compr, -snp_cpg, -snap, -clrsrc, -jobid and -pri cannot be specified.

  .PARAMETER Cleanup
    Performs cleanup on source array after successful migration of the
    volume. As part of the cleanup, any exports of the source volume will be
    removed, the source volume will be removed from all of the VV sets it
    is member of, the VV sets will be removed if the source volume is their
    only member, all of the snapshots of source volume will be removed,
    and finally the source volume itself will be removed. The -clrsrc
    option is valid only when the source array is running HPE 3PAR OS release
    3.2.2 or higher. The cleanup will not be performed if the source volume
    has any snapshots that have VLUN exports.

    Import the VV into a thinly provisioned space in the CPG specified
    in the command line. The import will enable zero detect for the duration
    of import so that the data blocks containing zero do not occupy
    space on the new array.

    This option is deprecated, see -dedup.

    Import the VV into a thinly provisioned space in the CPG specified in
    the command line. This volume will share logical disk space with other
    instances of this volume type created from the same CPG to store
    identical data blocks for space saving.

    Import the VV into a compressed virtual volume in the CPG specified
    in the command line.

    This option specifies the default allocation size (in MB) to be set for TPVVs and TDVVs.

  .PARAMETER Snapname
     Create a snapshot of the volume at the end of the import phase

  .PARAMETER Snp_cpg
     Specifies the name of the CPG from which the snapshot space will be allocated.
     Specifies the name of the CPG from which the volume user space will be allocated.
     Specifies the VVs with the specified name
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection

    NAME: Import-Vv
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Import-Vv

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        $Usrcpg ,
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        $Snapname ,
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
        $Snp_cpg ,
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]
        $NoCons ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]
        $Priority ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]
        $Job_ID ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]
        $NoTask ,
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]
        $Cleanup ,
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]
        $TpVV ,
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]
        $TdVV ,
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]
        $DeDup ,
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]
        $Compr ,
        [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false)]
        $MinAlloc ,
        [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false)]
        $VVName ,
        [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Import-Vv - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Import-Vv since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Import-Vv since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $Cmd = "importvv -f"            

        $Cmd+= " -snap $Snapname"
        $Cmd+= " -snp_cpg $Snp_cpg"
        $Cmd+= " -nocons "
        if ($opt -eq $Priority)
            $Cmd+= " -pri $Priority"
            return " FAILURE : Invalid Priority $Priority ,Please use [high | med | low]."
    if ($Job_ID)
        $Cmd+= " -jobid $Job_ID"
        $Cmd+= " -notask "
        $Cmd+= " -clrsrc "
        $Cmd+= " -tpvv "
        $Cmd+= " -tdvv "
        $Cmd+= " -dedup "
        $Cmd+= " -compr "
        $Cmd+= " -minalloc $MinAlloc"
        $Cmd += " $Usrcpg "
        write-debugLog "No CPG Name specified ." "ERR:" 
        return "FAILURE : No CPG Name specified ."
        $Cmd += " $VVName"
    #write-host "$Cmd"
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
    write-debuglog " Executing Import-Vv Command.--> " "INFO:" 
    return  "$Result"    

} ## End-of Import-Vv

############################################ FUNCTION New-Vv ##########################################
Function New-Vv
    Creates a vitual volume.
    Creates a vitual volume.

    New-Vv -vvName AVV

    New-Vv -vvName AVV -CPGName ACPG

    New-Vv -vvName XX -CPGName ZZ

    New-Vv -vvName AVV -CPGName ZZ

    New-Vv -vvName AVV1 -CPGName ZZ -Force

    New-Vv -vvName AVV -CPGName ZZ -Force -tpvv

    New-Vv -vvName AVV -CPGName ZZ -Force -Template Test_Template
    New-Vv -vvName PassThru-Disk -Size 100g -CPGName HV -vvSetName MyVolumeSet
    The command creates a new volume named PassThru-disk of size 100GB.
    The volume is created under the HV CPG group and will be contained inside the MyvolumeSet volume set.
    If MyvolumeSet does not exist, the command creates a new volume set.

    New-Vv -vvName PassThru-Disk1 -Size 100g -CPGName MyCPG -tpvv -minalloc 2048 -vvSetName MyVolumeSet
    The command creates a new thin provision volume named PassThru-disk1 of size 100GB.
    The volume is created under the MyCPG CPG group and will be contained inside the MyvolumeSet volume set.
    If MyvolumeSet does not exist, the command creates a new volume set and allocates minimum 2048MB.
    Specify new name of the virtual volume
    Force to execute
    Specify the size of the new virtual volume. Valid input is: 1 for 1 MB , 1g or 1G for 1GB , 1t or 1T for 1TB
    Specify the name of CPG
  .PARAMETER Template
    Use the options defined in template <tname>.
    Specifies the ID of the volume. By default, the next available ID is chosen.

    Specifies the number of identical VVs to create.

    Specifies that the system will try to share the logical disks among the VVs.

    If the command would fail due to the lack of clean space, the -wait
  .PARAMETER vvSetName
    Specify the name of a volume set. If it does not exist, the command will also create new volume set.
  .PARAMETER minalloc
    This option specifies the default allocation size (in MB) to be set
    Enables a snapshot space allocation warning. A warning alert is
    generated when the reserved snapshot space of the VV
    exceeds the indicated percentage of the VV size.

    Sets a snapshot space allocation limit. The snapshot space of the
    VV is prevented from growing beyond the indicated
    percentage of the virtual volume size.
  .PARAMETER Comment
    Specifies any additional information up to 511 characters for the
    Deprecated. Should use -dedup.

    Specifies that the volume should be a thinly provisioned volume.
  .PARAMETER snp_cpg
    Specifies the name of the CPG from which the snapshot space will be
  .PARAMETER sectors_per_track
    Defines the virtual volume geometry sectors per track value that is
    reported to the hosts through the SCSI mode pages. The valid range is
    between 4 to 8192 and the default value is 304.
  .PARAMETER minalloc
    This option specifies the default allocation size (in MB) to be set.
    Allocation size specified should be at least (number-of-nodes * 256) and
    less than the CPG grow size.

  .PARAMETER heads_per_cylinder
    Allows you to define the virtual volume geometry heads per cylinder
    value that is reported to the hosts though the SCSI mode pages. The
    valid range is between 1 to 255 and the default value is 8.
  .PARAMETER snp_aw
    Enables a snapshot space allocation warning. A warning alert is
    generated when the reserved snapshot space of the VV
    exceeds the indicated percentage of the VV size.

  .PARAMETER snp_al
    Sets a snapshot space allocation limit. The snapshot space of the
    VV is prevented from growing beyond the indicated
    percentage of the virtual volume size.

  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: New-Vv
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: New-Vv
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Size="1G",     # Default is 1GB
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=17, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=18, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In New-Vv - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting New-Vv since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet New-Vv since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    if ($vvName)
        if ($CPGName)
            ## Check CPG Name
            if ( !( Test-CLIObject -objectType 'cpg' -objectName $CPGName -SANConnection $SANConnection))
                write-debuglog " CPG $CPGName does not exist. Please use New-CPG to create a CPG before creating vv" "INFO:" 
                return "FAILURE : No cpg $cpgName found"

            ## Check vv Name . Create if necessary
            if (Test-CLIObject -objectType 'vv' -objectName $vvName -SANConnection $SANConnection)
                write-debuglog " virtual Volume $vvName already exists. No action is required" "INFO:" 
                return "FAILURE : vv $vvName already exists"
            $CreateVVCmd = "createvv"
                $CreateVVCmd +=" -f "
            if ($minAlloc)
                    return "FAILURE : -minalloc optiong should not use without -tpvv"
            if ($tpvv)
                $CreateVVCmd += " -tpvv "
                if ($minAlloc)
                    $ps3parbuild = Get-Version -S -SANConnection $SANConnection
                    if($ps3parbuild -ge "3.2.1" -Or $ps3parbuild -ge "3.1.1")
                        $CreateVVCmd += " -minalloc $minAlloc"
                        return "FAILURE : -minalloc option not supported in the OS version: $ps3parbuild"
                $CreateVVCmd +=" -tdvv "
                $CreateVVCmd +=" -templ $Template "
                $CreateVVCmd +=" -i $Volume_ID "
                $CreateVVCmd +=" -cnt $Count "
                        $CreateVVCmd +=" -shared "
                    $CreateVVCmd +=" -wait $Wait "
                $CreateVVCmd +=" -comment $Comment "
                $CreateVVCmd +=" -spt $Sectors_per_track "
                $CreateVVCmd +=" -hpc $Heads_per_cylinder "
                $CreateVVCmd +=" -snp_cpg $CPGName "
                $CreateVVCmd +=" -snp_aw $Snp_aw "
                $CreateVVCmd +=" -snp_al $Snp_al "
            $CreateVVCmd +=" $CPGName $vvName $Size"
            $Result1 = $Result2 = $Result3 = ""
            $Result1 = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $CreateVVCmd
            #write-host "Result = ",$Result1
                $successmsg += "Success : Created vv $vvName"
                $failuremsg += "FAILURE : While creating vv $vvName"
            write-debuglog " Creating Virtual Name with the command --> $CreatevvCmd" "INFO:" 

            # If VolumeSet is specified then add vv to existing Volume Set
            if ($vvSetName)
                ## Check vvSet Name
                if ( !( Test-CLIObject -objectType 'vv set' -objectName $vvSetName -SANConnection $SANConnection))
                    write-debuglog " Volume Set $vvSetName does not exist. Use New-vVolumeSet to create a Volume set before creating vLUN" "INFO:" 
                    $CreatevvSetCmd = "createvvset $vvSetName"
                    $Result2 =Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $CreatevvSetCmd
                        $successmsg += "Success : Created vvset $vvSetName"
                        $failuremsg += "FAILURE : While creating vvset $vvSetName"                    
                    write-debuglog " Creating Volume set with the command --> $CreatevvSetCmd" "INFO:"
                $AddVVCmd = "createvvset -add $vvSetName $vvName"     ## Add vv to existing Volume set
                $Result3 = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $AddVVCmd
                    $successmsg += "Success : vv $vvName added to vvset $vvSetName"
                    $failuremsg += "FAILURE : While adding vv $vvName to vvset $vvSetName"                    
                write-debuglog " Adding vv to Volume set with the command --> $AddvvCmd" "INFO:"
            if(([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Result1)) -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Result2)) -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Result3)))
                return $successmsg 
                return $failuremsg
            write-debugLog "No CPG Name specified for new virtual volume. Skip creating virtual volume" "ERR:" 
            return "FAILURE : No CPG name specified"
        write-debugLog "No name specified for new virtual volume. Skip creating virtual volume" "ERR:"
        Get-help New-Vv
} # End New-Vv

############################################# FUNCTION New-VvSet ##################################
Function New-VvSet
    Creates a new VolumeSet
     Creates a new VolumeSet
    New-VvSet -vvSetName "MyVolumeSet"
    Creates a VolumeSet named MyVolumeSet
    New-VvSet -vvSetName "MYVolumeSet" -Domain MyDomain
    Creates a VolumeSet named MyVolumeSet in the domain MyDomain
     New-VvSet -vvSetName "MYVolumeSet" -Domain MyDomain -vvName "MyVV"
    Creates a VolumeSet named MyVolumeSet in the domain MyDomain and adds VV "MyVV" to that vvset
    New-VvSet -vvSetName "MYVolumeSet" -vvName "MyVV"
    adds vv "MyVV" to existing vvset "MyVolumeSet" if vvset exist, if not it will create vvset and adds vv to vvset
    New-VvSet -vvSetName asVVset2 -vvName "as4 as5 as6"
    New-VvSet -vvSetName set:asVVset3 -Add -vvName as3
  .PARAMETER vvSetName
    Specify new name of the VolumeSet
    Specify the domain where the Volume set will reside
    Specify the VV to add to the Volume set

  .PARAMETER Comment
     Specifies any comment or additional information for the set.
    Add a sequence of <num> VVs starting with "vvname". vvname should
    be of the format <basename>.<int>
    For each VV in the sequence, the .<int> suffix of the vvname is
    incremented by 1.

    Specifies that the VVs listed should be added to an existing set. At
    least one VV must be specified.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: New-VvSet
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: New-VvSet
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        

    Write-DebugLog "Start: In New-VvSet - validating input values" $Debug 
    if (!($vvSetName))
        Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting New-VvSet since no values specified for vvset" $Debug
        Get-Help New-VvSet
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting New-VvSet since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet New-VvSet since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $CreateVolumeSetCmd = "createvvset "
        $CreateVolumeSetCmd += " -add "            
        $CreateVolumeSetCmd += " -cnt $Count "            
        $CreateVolumeSetCmd += " -comment $Comment "            
        $CreateVolumeSetCmd += " -domain $Domain "            
        $CreateVolumeSetCmd += " $vvSetName "            
        $CreateVolumeSetCmd += " $vvName "
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $CreateVolumeSetCmd
            return "Success : New-VvSet command executed vv : $vvName is added to vvSet : $vvSetName"
            return $Result
            return "Success : New-VvSet command executed vvSet : $vvSetName is created with vv : $vvName"
            return $Result
} # End of New-VvSet

######################### FUNCTION Remove-LD #########################
Function Remove-LD()
   Remove-LD - Remove logical disks (LD).

   The Remove-LD command removes a specified LD from the system service group.

   Remove-LD -LD_Name xxx

   Specifies glob-style patterns. All LDs matching the specified
   pattern are removed. By default, confirmation is required to proceed
   with the command unless the -f option is specified. This option must be
   used if the pattern specifier is used.

   Specifies that the operation is a dry run and no LDs are removed.

   Specifies the LD name, using up to 31 characters. Multiple LDs can be specified.

   Specifies that system resource LDs such as logging LDs and preserved
   data LDs are removed.

   Specifies the command to remove non-system LDs.
   This option cannot be used with the -rmsys option.

    NAME: Remove-LD
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Remove-LD

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

     [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$True)]

     [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
     $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Remove-LD - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Remove-LD since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Remove-LD since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

 $Cmd = " removeld -f "

    $Cmd += " -pat "

    $Cmd += " -dr "

    $Cmd += " -rmsys "

    $Cmd += " -unused "

  $Cmd += " $LD_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Remove-LD command -->" INFO:
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Remove-LD

############################### FUNCTION Remove-Vv #################################

Function Remove-Vv
    Delete virtual volumes
    Delete virtual volumes

    Remove-Vv -vvName PassThru-Disk -whatif
    Dry-run of deleted operation on vVolume named PassThru-Disk
    Remove-Vv -vvName VV1 -force -Snaponly
    Remove-Vv -vvName VV1 -force -Expired
    Remove-Vv -vvName PassThru-Disk -force
    Forcibly deletes vVolume named PassThru-Disk
    Specify name of the volume to be removed.
  .PARAMETER whatif
    If present, perform a dry run of the operation and no VLUN is removed
  .PARAMETER force
    If present, perform forcible delete operation
    Specifies that specified patterns are treated as glob-style patterns and that all VVs matching the specified pattern are removed.
    Specifies that all stale VVs can be removed.

  .PARAMETER Expired
    Remove specified expired volumes.
  .PARAMETER Snaponly
    Remove the snapshot copies only.

  .PARAMETER Cascade
    Remove specified volumes and their descendent volumes as long as none has an active VLUN.

    Prevents command blocking that is normally in effect until the vv is removed.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Remove-Vv
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Remove-Vv
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Remove-Vv - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Remove-Vv since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Remove-Vv since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    if (!($vvName))
        write-debuglog "no Virtual Volume name sprcified to remove." "INFO:"
        Get-help Remove-Vv
    if (!(($force) -or ($whatif)))
        write-debuglog "no option selected to remove/dry run of vv, Exiting...." "INFO:"
        return "FAILURE : Specify -force or -whatif options to delete or delete dryrun of a virtual volume"
    $ListofLuns = Get-VvList -vvName $vvName -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($ListofLuns -match "FAILURE")
        return "FAILURE : No vv $vvName found"
    $ActionCmd = "removevv "
    if ($Nowait)
        $ActionCmd += "-nowait "
    if ($Cascade)
        $ActionCmd += "-cascade "
    if ($Snaponly)
        $ActionCmd += "-snaponly "
    if ($Expired)
        $ActionCmd += "-expired "
    if ($Stale)
        $ActionCmd += "-stale "
    if ($Pat)
        $ActionCmd += "-pat "
    if ($whatif)
        $ActionCmd += "-dr "
        $ActionCmd += "-f "
    $successmsglist = @()
    if ($ListofLuns)
        foreach ($vVolume in $ListofLuns)
            $vName = $vVolume.Name
            if ($vName)
                $RemoveCmds = $ActionCmd + " $vName $($vVolume.Lun)"
                $Result1 = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $removeCmds
                if( ! (Test-CLIObject -objectType "vv" -objectName $vName -SANConnection $SANConnection))
                    $successmsglist += "Success : Removing vv $vName"
                    $successmsglist += "FAILURE : $Result1"

                write-debuglog "Removing Virtual Volumes with command $removeCmds" "INFO:" 
        return $successmsglist        
        Write-DebugLog "no Virtual Volume found for $vvName." $Info
        return "FAILURE : No vv $vvName found"
} # END Remove-Vv

################# FUNCTION Remove-Vv_Ld_Cpg_Templates ################
Function Remove-Vv_Ld_Cpg_Templates()
   Remove-Vv_Ld_Cpg_Templates - Remove one or more templates from the system

   The Remove-Vv_Ld_Cpg_Templates command removes one or more virtual volume (VV),
   logical disk (LD), and common provisioning group (CPG) templates.

   Remove-Vv_Ld_Cpg_Templates -Template_Name xxx

  .PARAMETER Template_Name
   Specifies the name of the template to be deleted, using up to 31
   characters. This specifier can be repeated to remove multiple templates
   The specified patterns are treated as glob-style patterns and that all
   templates matching the specified pattern are removed. By default,
   confirmation is required to proceed with the command unless the -f
   option is specified. This option must be used if the pattern specifier
   is used.

    NAME: Remove-Vv_Ld_Cpg_Templates
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Remove-Vv_Ld_Cpg_Templates

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Remove-Vv_Ld_Cpg_Templates - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Remove-Vv_Ld_Cpg_Templates since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Remove-Vv_Ld_Cpg_Templates since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " removetemplate -f "

    $Cmd += " -pat "

    $Cmd += " $Template_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Remove-Vv_Ld_Cpg_Templates command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Remove-Vv_Ld_Cpg_Templates

########################## FUNCTION Remove-VvSet ###########################
Function Remove-VvSet
    Remove a Virtual Volume set or remove VVs from an existing set
    Removes a VV set or removes VVs from an existing set.
    Remove-VvSet -vvsetName "MyVVSet" -force
     Remove a VV set "MyVVSet"
    Remove-VvSet -vvsetName "MyVVSet" -vvName "MyVV" -force
     Remove a single VV "MyVV" from a vvset "MyVVSet"
  .PARAMETER vvsetName
    Specify name of the vvsetName

    Specify name of a vv to remove from vvset

  .PARAMETER force
    If present, perform forcible delete operation
    Specifies that both the set name and VVs will be treated as glob-style patterns.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Remove-VvSet
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Remove-VvSet
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        

    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Remove-VvSet - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Remove-VvSet since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Remove-VvSet since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    if ($vvsetName)
        if (!($force))
            write-debuglog "no force option is selected to remove vvset, Exiting...." "INFO:"
            return "FAILURE : no -force option is selected to remove vvset"
        $objType = "vvset"
        $objMsg  = "vv set"
        ## Check vvset Name
        if ( -not ( Test-CLIObject -objectType $objType -objectName $vvsetName -objectMsg $objMsg -SANConnection $SANConnection)) 
            write-debuglog " vvset $vvsetName does not exist. Nothing to remove"  "INFO:"  
            return "FAILURE : No vvset $vvSetName found"
            $RemovevvsetCmd ="removevvset "            
                $RemovevvsetCmd += " -f "
                $RemovevvsetCmd += " -pat "
            $RemovevvsetCmd += " $vvsetName "
                $RemovevvsetCmd +=" $vvName"
            $Result1 = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $RemovevvsetCmd
            write-debuglog " Removing vvset with the command --> $RemovevvsetCmd" "INFO:" 
                    return  "Success : Removed vv $vvName from vvset $vvSetName"
                return  "Success : Removed vvset $vvSetName"
                return "FAILURE : While removing vvset $vvSetName $Result1"
        write-debuglog  "No name mentioned for removing vvset" "INFO:"
        Get-help Remove-VvSet            
} # End of Remove-VvSet

####################### FUNCTION Set-Template ########################
Function Set-Template()
   Set-Template - Add, modify or remove template properties

   The Set-Template command modifies the properties of existing templates.

    In the following example, template vvtemp1 is modified to support the
    availability of data should a drive magazine fail (mag) and to use the
    the stale_ss policy:

    Set-Template -Option_Value " -ha mag -pol stale_ss v" -Template_Name vtemp1

    In the following example, the -nrw and -ha mag options are added to the
    template template1, and the -t option is removed:

    Set-Template -Option_Value "-nrw -ha mag -remove -t" -Template_Name template1
  .PARAMETER Option_Value
    Indicates the specified options and their values (if any) are added to
    an existing template. The specified option replaces the existing option
    in the template. For valid options, refer to createtemplate command.

  .PARAMETER Template_Name
    Specifies the name of the template to be modified, using up to 31 characters.

   Indicates that the option(s) that follow -remove are removed from the
   existing template. When specifying an option for removal, do not specify
   the option's value. For valid options, refer to createtemplate command.

    NAME: Set-Template
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Set-Template

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Set-Template - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Set-Template since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Set-Template since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

 $Cmd = " settemplate -f "

    $Cmd += " -remove $Remove "

    $Cmd += " $Option_Value "

  $Cmd += " $Template_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Set-Template command -->" INFO:
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Set-Template

########################### FUNCTION Set-VvSpace #########################
Function Set-VvSpace()
   Set-VvSpace - Free SA and SD space from a VV if they are not in use.

   The Set-VvSpace command frees snapshot administration and snapshot data spaces
   from a Virtual Volume (VV) if they are not in use.

   Set-VvSpace -VV_Name xxx

   Remove the snapshot administration and snapshot data spaces from all the
   virtual volumes that match any of the specified glob-style patterns.

   Specifies the virtual volume name, using up to 31 characters.
    NAME: Set-VvSpace
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Set-VvSpace

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

     [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

     [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$True)]

     [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
     $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Set-VvSpace - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
      #check if connection object contents are null/empty
      $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
      if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Set-VvSpace since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
                Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Set-VvSpace since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " freespace -f "

    $Cmd += " -pat "
    $Cmd += " $VV_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Set-VvSpace command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Set-VvSpace

###################### FUNCTION Show-LdMappingToVvs ######################
Function Show-LdMappingToVvs()
   Show-LdMappingToVvs - Show mapping from a logical disk to virtual volumes.

   The Show-LdMappingToVvs command displays the mapping from a logical (LD) disk to
   virtual volumes (VVs).

    The following example displays the region of logical disk v0.usr.0 that is used for a virtual volume:
    Show-LdMappingToVvs -LD_Name v0.usr.0
   Specifies the logical disk name.
    NAME: Show-LdMappingToVvs
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Show-LdMappingToVvs

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-LdMappingToVvs - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-LdMappingToVvs since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-LdMappingToVvs since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showldmap "

    $Cmd += " $LD_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-LdMappingToVvs command -->" INFO: 
 if($Result.count -gt 1)
    $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    $LastItem = $Result.Count  
    foreach ($S in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")        
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
        #$s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
        $s= $s.Trim()            
        Add-Content -Path $tempfile -Value $s                
    Import-Csv $tempFile 
    del $tempFile    
    Return  $Result
} ## End-of Show-LdMappingToVvs

############################# FUNCTION Show-RSV ##########################
Function Show-RSV()
   Show-RSV - Show information about scsi reservations of virtual volumes (VVs).

   The Show-RSV command displays SCSI reservation and registration information
   for Virtual Logical Unit Numbers (VLUNs) bound for a specified port.

   Specifies the virtual volume name, using up to 31 characters.
   Specifies that either SCSI-3 persistent reservation or SCSI-2
   reservation information is displayed. If this option is not specified,
   information about both scsi2 and scsi3 reservations will be shown.
   Specifies that either SCSI-3 persistent reservation or SCSI-2
   reservation information is displayed. If this option is not specified,
   information about both scsi2 and scsi3 reservations will be shown.

   Displays reservation and registration information only for virtual
   volumes that are visible to the specified host.

    NAME: Show-RSV
    LASTEDIT January 2020

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-RSV - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-RSV since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-RSV since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
   write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
   Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showrsv "

    $Cmd += " -l scsi3 "
    $Cmd += " -l scsi2 "

    $Cmd += " -host $Host "
    $Cmd += " $VV_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-RSV command -->" INFO: 
 if($Result.count -gt 1)
    if($Result -match "SYNTAX" )
        Return $Result
    $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    $LastItem = $Result.Count
    foreach ($S in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")        
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
        #$s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
        $s= $s.Trim()            
        Add-Content -Path $tempfile -Value $s                
    Import-Csv $tempFile 
    del $tempFile    
    Return  $Result
} ## End-of Show-RSV

####################### FUNCTION Show-Template #######################
Function Show-Template()
   Show-Template - Show templates.

   The Show-Template command displays existing templates that can be used for
   Virtual Volume (VV), Logical Disk (LD) Common Provisioning Group (CPG) creation.


   Specifies that the template type displayed is a VV, LD, or CPG template.

   Specifies that the properties of the template is displayed to fit within
   80 character lines.
  .PARAMETER Template_name_or_pattern
   Specifies the name of a template, using up to 31 characters or
    glob-style pattern for matching multiple template names. If not
    specified, all templates are displayed.

    NAME: Show-Template
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Show-Template

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-Template - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-Template since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-Template since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showtemplate "

    $Val = "vv","cpg" ,"ld"
    if($Val -eq $T.ToLower())
        $Cmd += " -t $T "            
        return " Illegal template type LDA, must be either vv,cpg or ld "

    $Cmd += " -fit "

    $Cmd += " $Template_name_or_pattern "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-Template command -->" INFO: 
 if($Result.count -gt 1)
    if($Result -match "SYNTAX" )
        Return $Result
    $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    $LastItem = $Result.Count
    foreach ($S in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")        
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
        #$s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
        $s= $s.Trim()            
        Add-Content -Path $tempfile -Value $s                
    Import-Csv $tempFile 
    del $tempFile    
    Return  $Result
} ## End-of Show-Template

##################### FUNCTION Show-VvMappedToPD #####################
Function Show-VvMappedToPD()
   Show-VvMappedToPD - Show which virtual volumes are mapped to a physical disk (or a chunklet in that physical disk).

   The Show-VvMappedToPD command displays the virtual volumes that are mapped to a
   particular physical disk.

   Show-VvMappedToPD -PD_ID 4

   Show-VvMappedToPD -Sum -PD_ID 4
   Show-VvMappedToPD -P -Nd 1 -PD_ID 4
   Specifies the physical disk ID using an integer. This specifier is not
    required if -p option is used, otherwise it must be used at least once
    on the command line.
   Shows number of chunklets used by virtual volumes for different
   space types for each physical disk.

   Specifies a pattern to select <PD_ID> disks.
   The following arguments can be specified as patterns for this option:
   An item is specified as an integer, a comma-separated list of integers,
   or a range of integers specified from low to high.

   Specifies one or more nodes. Nodes are identified by one or more
   integers (item). Multiple nodes are separated with a single comma
   (e.g. 1,2,3). A range of nodes is separated with a hyphen (e.g. 0-
   7). The primary path of the disks must be on the specified node(s).

   Specifies one or more PCI slots. Slots are identified by one or more
   integers (item). Multiple slots are separated with a single comma
   (e.g. 1,2,3). A range of slots is separated with a hyphen (e.g. 0-
   7). The primary path of the disks must be on the specified PCI

   Specifies one or more ports. Ports are identified by one or more
   integers (item). Multiple ports are separated with a single comma
   (e.g. 1,2,3). A range of ports is separated with a hyphen (e.g. 0-
   4). The primary path of the disks must be on the specified port(s).

   Specifies one or more drive cages. Drive cages are identified by one
   or more integers (item). Multiple drive cages are separated with a
   single comma (e.g. 1,2,3). A range of drive cages is separated with
   a hyphen (e.g. 0-3). The specified drive cage(s) must contain disks.

   Specifies one or more drive magazines. The "1." or "0." displayed
   in the CagePos column of showpd output indicating the side of the
   cage is omitted when using the -mg option. Drive magazines are
   identified by one or more integers (item). Multiple drive magazines
   are separated with a single comma (e.g. 1,2,3). A range of drive
   magazines is separated with a hyphen(e.g. 0-7). The specified drive
   magazine(s) must contain disks.

   Specifies one or more disk positions within a drive magazine. Disk
   positions are identified by one or more integers (item). Multiple
   disk positions are separated with a single comma(e.g. 1,2,3). A
   range of disk positions is separated with a hyphen(e.g. 0-3). The
   specified position(s) must contain disks.

   Specifies one or more physical disks. Disks are identified by one or
   more integers(item). Multiple disks are separated with a single
   comma (e.g. 1,2,3). A range of disks is separated with a hyphen(e.g.
   0-3). Disks must match the specified ID(s).

   Specifies that physical disks with total chunklets greater than the
   number specified be selected.

   Specifies that physical disks with total chunklets less than the
   number specified be selected.

   Specifies that physical disks with free chunklets greater than the
   number specified be selected.

   Specifies that physical disks with free chunklets less than the
   number specified be selected.

   Specifies that physical disks identified by their models be
   selected. Models can be specified in a comma-separated list.
   Models can be displayed by issuing the "showpd -i" command.

  .PARAMETER Devtype
   Specifies that physical disks must have the specified device type
   (FC for Fast Class, NL for Nearline, SSD for Solid State Drive)
   to be used. Device types can be displayed by issuing the "showpd"

   Drives must be of the specified relative performance metric, as
   shown in the "RPM" column of the "showpd" command.
   The number does not represent a rotational speed for the drives
   without spinning media (SSD). It is meant as a rough estimation of
   the performance difference between the drive and the other drives
   in the system. For FC and NL drives, the number corresponds to
   both a performance measure and actual rotational speed. For SSD
   drives, the number is to be treated as a relative performance
   benchmark that takes into account I/O's per second, bandwidth and
   access time.
   Disks that satisfy all of the specified characteristics are used.
   For example -p -fc_gt 60 -fc_lt 230 -nd 2 specifies all the disks that
   have greater than 60 and less than 230 free chunklets and that are
   connected to node 2 through their primary path.

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
       Sort in increasing order (default).
       Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.

    NAME: Show-VvMappedToPD
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Show-VvMappedToPD

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=17, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=18, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-VvMappedToPD - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-VvMappedToPD since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-VvMappedToPD since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showpdvv "

    $Cmd += " -sum "

    $Cmd += " -p "

    $Cmd += " -nd $Nd "

    $Cmd += " -st $St "

    $Cmd += " -pt $Pt "

    $Cmd += " -cg $Cg "

    $Cmd += " -mg $Mg "

    $Cmd += " -pn $Pn "

    $Cmd += " -dk $Dk "

    $Cmd += " -tc_gt $Tc_gt "

    $Cmd += " -tc_lt $Tc_lt "

    $Cmd += " -fc_gt $Fc_gt "

    $Cmd += " -fc_lt $Fc_lt "

    $Cmd += " -devid $Devid "

    $Cmd += " -devtype $Devtype "

    $Cmd += " -rpm $Rpm "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "
  $Cmd += " PD_ID "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-VvMappedToPD command -->" INFO: 
 if($Result.count -gt 1)
    if($Result -match "SYNTAX" )
        Return $Result
    $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    $LastItem = $Result.Count
    foreach ($S in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")        
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
        #$s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
        $s= $s.Trim()            
        Add-Content -Path $tempfile -Value $s                
    Import-Csv $tempFile 
    del $tempFile    
    Return  $Result
} ## End-of Show-VvMappedToPD

####################### FUNCTION Show-VvMapping ######################
Function Show-VvMapping()
   Show-VvMapping - Show mapping from the virtual volume to logical disks.

   The Show-VvMapping command displays information about how virtual volume regions
   are mapped to logical disks.

   The virtual volume name.

    NAME: Show-VvMapping
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Show-VvMapping

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-VvMapping - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-VvMapping since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-VvMapping since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showvvmap "

    $Cmd += " $VV_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-VvMapping command -->" INFO: 
 if($Result.count -gt 1)
    if($Result -match "SYNTAX" )
        Return $Result
    $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    $LastItem = $Result.Count
    foreach ($S in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")        
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
        #$s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
        $s= $s.Trim()            
        Add-Content -Path $tempfile -Value $s                
    Import-Csv $tempFile 
    del $tempFile    
    Return  $Result
} ## End-of Show-VvMapping

###################### FUNCTION Show-VvpDistribution #################
Function Show-VvpDistribution()
   Show-VvpDistribution - Show virtual volume distribution across physical disks.

   The Show-VvpDistribution command displays virtual volume (VV) distribution across physical
   disks (PD).

    Specifies the virtual volume with the specified name (31 character
    maximum) or matches the glob-style pattern for which information is
    displayed. This specifier can be repeated to display configuration
    information about multiple virtual volumes. This specifier is not
    required. If not specified, configuration information for all virtual
    volumes in the system is displayed.

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
       Sort in increasing order (default).
       Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.

    NAME: Show-VvpDistribution
    LASTEDIT January 20204
    KEYWORDS: Show-VvpDistribution

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-VvpDistribution - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-VvpDistribution since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-VvpDistribution since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " showvvpd "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

  $Cmd += " $VV_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Show-VvpDistribution command -->" INFO: 
 if($Result.count -gt 1)
    if($Result -match "SYNTAX" )
        Return $Result
    $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    $LastItem = $Result.Count
    foreach ($S in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")        
        $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
        #$s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
        $s= $s.Trim()            
        Add-Content -Path $tempfile -Value $s                
    Import-Csv $tempFile 
    del $tempFile    
    Return  $Result
} ## End-of Show-VvpDistribution

########################## FUNCTION Start-LD #########################
Function Start-LD()
   Start-LD - Start a logical disk (LD).

   The Start-LD command starts data services on a LD that has not yet been

   Start-LD -LD_Name xxx

   Specifies the LD name, using up to 31 characters.

   Specifies that the LD is forced to start, even if some underlying
   data is missing.

    NAME: Start-LD
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Start-LD

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Start-LD - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Start-LD since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Start-LD since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " startld "

    $Cmd += " -ovrd "

    $Cmd += " $LD_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Start-LD command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Start-LD

######################### FUNCTION Start-Vv ##########################
Function Start-Vv()
   Start-Vv - Start a virtual volume.

   The Start-Vv command starts data services on a Virtual Volume (VV) that has
   not yet been started.


   Specifies the VV name, using up to 31 characters.
   Specifies that the logical disk is forced to start, even if some
   underlying data is missing.

    NAME: Start-Vv
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Start-Vv

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Start-Vv - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Start-Vv since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Start-Vv since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " startvv "

    $Cmd += " -ovrd "

    $Cmd += " $VV_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Start-Vv command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Start-Vv

############################### FUNCTION Test-Vv #######################
Function Test-Vv
    The Test-Vv command executes validity checks of VV administration information in the event of an uncontrolled system shutdown and optionally repairs corrupted virtual volumes.
    The Test-Vv command executes validity checks of VV administration information in the event of an uncontrolled system shutdown
    and optionally repairs corrupted virtual volumes.
    Test-Vv -VVName XYZ

    Test-Vv -Yes -VVName XYZ
    Test-Vv -Offline -VVName XYZ

    Specifies that if errors are found they are either modified so they are valid (-y) or left unmodified (-n). If not specified, errors are left
    unmodified (-n).
    Specifies that if errors are found they are either modified so they are valid (-y) or left unmodified (-n). If not specified, errors are left
    unmodified (-n)

  .PARAMETER Offline
    Specifies that VVs specified by <VV_name> be offlined before validating the VV administration information. The entire VV tree will be
    offlined if this option is specified.

  .PARAMETER Dedup_Dryrun
    Launches a dedup ratio calculation task in the background that analyzes
    the potential space savings with Deduplication technology if the
    VVs specified were in a same deduplication group. The VVs specified
    can be TPVVs, compressed VVs and fully provisioned volumes.

  .PARAMETER Compr_Dryrun
    Launches a compression ratio calculation task in the background that analyzes
    the potential space savings with Compression technology of specified
    VVs. Specified volumes can be TPVVs, TDVVs, fully provisioned volumes
    and snapshots.
    Specifies that VVs specified by <VV_name> be checked for compressed data
    consistency. The entire tree will not be checked; only those VVs
    specified in the list will be checked.

  .PARAMETER Dedup_Compr_Dryrun
    Launches background space estimation task that analyzes the overall
    savings of converting the specified VVs into a compressed TDVVs.
    Specified volumes can be TPVVs, TDVVs, compressed TPVVs, fully
    provisioned volumes, and snapshots.

    This task will display compression and total savings ratios on a per-VV
    basis, and the dedup ratio will be calculated on a group basis of input VVs.
    Requests that the integrity of the specified VV is checked. This
    specifier can be repeated to execute validity checks on multiple VVs.
    Only base VVs are allowed.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Test-Vv
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Test-Vv
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Test-Vv - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Test-Vv since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Test-Vv since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
        $cmd = "checkvv -f "    
            $cmd += " -y "
            $cmd += " -n "
            $cmd += " -offline "
            $cmd += " -fixsd "
            $cmd += " -dedup_dryrun "
            $cmd += " -compr_dryrun "
            $cmd += " -dedup_compr_dryrun "
        $cmd += " $VVName"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd
        write-debuglog " Executing Test-Vv Command.--> " "INFO:" 
        return  "$Result"
        write-debugLog "No VV Name specified ." "ERR:" 
        return "FAILURE : No VV name specified"
} ## End-of Test-Vv

################### FUNCTION Update-SnapSpace ########################
Function Update-SnapSpace()
   Update-SnapSpace - Update the snapshot space usage accounting.

   The Update-SnapSpace command starts a non-cancelable task to update the
   snapshot space usage accounting. The snapshot space usage displayed by
   "showvv -hist" is not necessarily the current usage and the SpaceCalcTime
   column will show when it was last calculated. This command causes the
   system to start calculating current snapshot space usage. If one or more
   VV names or patterns are specified, only the specified VVs will be updated.
   If none are specified, all VVs will be updated.


    NAME: Update-SnapSpace
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Update-SnapSpace

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Update-SnapSpace - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Update-SnapSpace since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Update-SnapSpace since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " updatesnapspace "

    $Cmd += " $VV_Name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Update-SnapSpace command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Update-SnapSpace

################################## FUNCTION Update-Vv ############################
Function Update-Vv
   The Update-Vv command increases the size of a virtual volume.
   The Update-Vv command increases the size of a virtual volume.
    Update-Vv -VVname XYZ -Size 1g
    The name of the volume to be grown.
    Specifies the size in MB to be added to the volume user space. The size must be an integer in the range from 1 to 16T.

    Suppresses the requested confirmation before growing a virtual volume size from under 2 T to over2 T.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Update-Vv
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Update-Vv
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        $VVname ,        
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        $Size ,                        
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Update-Vv - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Update-Vv since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Update-Vv since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $cmd= "growvv -f "
    if ($VVname)
        $cmd+=" $VVname "
        Write-DebugLog "Stop: VVname is mandatory" $Debug
        return "Error : -VVname is mandatory. "        
    if ($Size)
        $de=" g | G | t | T "
        if($de -match $demo)
            $cmd+=" $Size "
            return "Error: -Size $Size is Invalid Try eg: 2G "
        Write-DebugLog "Stop: Size is mandatory" $Debug
        return "Error : -Size is mandatory. "
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd
    write-debuglog " Executing Update-Vv command increases the size of a virtual volume" "INFO:" 
    return  $Result
} #End-of Update-Vv

################## FUNCTION Update-VvProperties ######################
Function Update-VvProperties()
   Update-VvProperties - Change the properties associated with a virtual volume.

   The Update-VvProperties command changes the properties associated with a virtual volume. Use
   the Update-VvProperties to modify volume names, volume policies, allocation warning and
   limit levels, and the volume's controlling common provisioning group (CPG).

    The following example sets the policy of virtual volume vv1 to no_stale_ss.
    Update-VvProperties -Pol "no_stale_ss" -Vvname vv1

    Use the command to change the name:
    cli% setvv -name newtest test

    The following example modifies the WWN of virtual volume vv1
    Update-VvProperties -Wwn "50002AC0001A0024" -Vvname vv1

    The following example modifies the udid value for virtual volume vv1.
    Update-VvProperties -Udid "1715" -Vvname vv1
    Specifies the virtual volume name or all virtual volumes that match the
    pattern specified, using up to 31 characters. The patterns are glob-
    style patterns (see help on sub, globpat). Valid characters include
    alphanumeric characters, periods, dashes, and underscores.

   Specifies that the name of the virtual volume be changed to a new name (
   as indicated by the <new_name> specifier) that uses up to 31 characters.

   Specifies that the WWN of the virtual volume be changed to a new WWN as
   indicated by the <new_wwn> specifier. If <new_wwn> is set to "auto", the
   system will automatically choose the WWN based on the system serial
   number, the volume ID, and the wrap counter. This option is not allowed
   for the admitted volume before it is imported, or while the import process
   is taking place.
   Only one of the following three options can be specified:

   Specifies the user defined identifier for VVs for OpenVMS hosts. Udid
   value should be between 0 to 65535 and can be identical for several VVs.

   Specifies that all reservation keys (i.e. registrations) and all
   persistent reservations on the virtual volume are cleared.

  .PARAMETER Clralua
   Restores ALUA state of the virtual volume to ACTIVE/OPTIMIZED state.
   In ACTIVE/OPTIMIZED state hosts will have complete access to the volume.

   Specifies the relative time from the current time that volume will
   expire. <time> is a positive integer value and in the range of
   1 minute - 1825 days. Time can be specified in days, hours, or
   minutes. Use "d" or "D" for days, "h" or "H" for hours, or "m" or "M"
   for minutes following the entered time value.
   To remove the expiration time for the volume, enter 0 for <time>.

  .PARAMETER Comment
   Specifies any additional information up to 511 characters for the
   volume. Use -comment "" to remove the comments.

   Specifies the amount of time, relative to the current time, that the
   volume will be retained. <time> is a positive integer value and in the
   range of 1 minute - 1825 days. Time can be specified in days, hours, or
   minutes. Use "d" or "D" for days, "h" or "H" for hours, or "m" or "M"
   for minutes following the entered time value.
   Note: If the volume is not in any domain, then its retention time
   cannot exceed the value of the system's VVRetentionTimeMax. The default
   value for the system's VVRetentionTimeMax is 14 days. If the volume
   belongs to a domain, then its retention time cannot exceed the value of
   the domain's VVRetentionTimeMax, if set. The retention time cannot be
   removed or reduced once it is set. If the volume has its retention time
   set, it cannot be removed within its retention time. If both expiration
   time and retention time are specified, then the retention time cannot
   be longer than the expiration time.
   This option requires the Virtual Lock license. Contact your
   local service provider for more information.

   Specifies the following policies that the created virtual volume follows.
  .PARAMETER Snp_cpg
   Specifies that the volume snapshot space is to be provisioned from the
   specified CPG. If no snp_cpg is currently defined, or no snapshots exist
   for the volume, the snp_cpg may be set to any CPG.

   Enables a snapshot space allocation warning. A warning alert is
   generated when the reserved snapshot space of the VV
   exceeds the indicated percentage of the VV size.

   Sets a snapshot space allocation limit. The snapshot space of the
   VV is prevented from growing beyond the indicated
   percentage of the virtual volume size.
  The following options can only be used on thinly provisioned volumes:

   This option enables user space allocation warning. Generates a warning
   alert when the user data space of the TPVV exceeds the specified
   percentage of the virtual volume size.

   Indicates the user space allocation limit. The user space of the TPVV
   is prevented from growing beyond the indicated percentage of the virtual
   volume size. After this limit is reached, any new writes to the virtual
   volume will fail.

   Defines the virtual volume geometry sectors per track value that is
   reported to the hosts through the SCSI mode pages. The valid range is
   between 4 to 8192 and the default value is 304.

   Allows you to define the virtual volume geometry heads per cylinder
   value that is reported to the hosts though the SCSI mode pages. The
   valid range is between 1 to 255 and the default value is 8.

    NAME: Update-VvProperties
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Update-VvProperties

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=17, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Update-VvProperties - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Update-VvProperties since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Update-VvProperties since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

 $Cmd = " setvv -f "

    $Cmd += " -name $Name "

    $Cmd += " -wwn $Wwn "

    $Cmd += " -udid $Udid "

    $Cmd += " -clrrsv "

    $Cmd += " -clralua "

    $Cmd += " -exp $Exp "

    $Cmd += " -comment $Comment "

    $Cmd += " -retain $Retain "

    $Cmd += " -pol $Pol "

    $Cmd += " -snp_cpg $Snp_cpg "

    $Cmd += " -snp_aw $Snp_aw "

    $Cmd += " -snp_al $Snp_al "

    $Cmd += " -usr_aw $Usr_aw "

    $Cmd += " -usr_al $Usr_al "

    $Cmd += " -spt $Spt "

    $Cmd += " -hpc $Hpc "

    $Cmd += " -pol $Pol "

  $Cmd += " $Vvname "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Update-VvProperties command -->" INFO:
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Update-VvProperties

###################### FUNCTION Update-VvSetProperties ###################
Function Update-VvSetProperties()
   Update-VvSetProperties - set parameters for a Virtual Volume set

   The Update-VvSetProperties command sets the parameters and modifies the properties of
   a Virtual Volume(VV) set.

  .PARAMETER Setname
   Specifies the name of the vv set to modify.

  .PARAMETER Comment
   Specifies any comment or additional information for the set. The
   comment can be up to 255 characters long. Unprintable characters are
   not allowed.

   Specifies a new name for the VV set using up to 27 characters.

    NAME: Update-VvSetProperties
    LASTEDIT January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Update-VvSetProperties

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$True)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Update-VvSetProperties - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Update-VvSetProperties since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Update-VvSetProperties since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " setvvset "

    $Cmd += " -comment $Comment "

    $Cmd += " -name $Name "

    $Cmd += " Setname "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Update-VvSetProperties command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Update-VvSetProperties

## FUNCTION Set-Host
Function Set-Host
     Add WWN or iSCSI name to an existing host.
      Add WWN or iSCSI name to an existing host.
    Set-Host -hostName HV01A -Address 10000000C97B142E, 10000000C97B142F
    Adds WWN 10000000C97B142E, 0000000C97B142F to host HV01A
    Set-Host -hostName HV01B -iSCSI:$true -Address
    Adds iSCSI to host HV01B
    Set-Host -hostName HV01A -Domain D_Aslam
    Set-Host -hostName HV01A -Add
  .PARAMETER hostName
    Name of an existing host

  .PARAMETER Address
    Specify the list of WWNs for the new host

    If present, the address provided is an iSCSI address instead of WWN
    Add the specified WWN(s) or iscsi_name(s) to an existing host (at least one WWN or iscsi_name must be specified). Do not specify host persona.

  .PARAMETER Domain <domain | domain_set>
    Create the host in the specified domain or domain set.
  .PARAMETER Loc <location>
    Specifies the host's location.

  .PARAMETER IP <IP address>
    Specifies the host's IP address.

    Specifies the operating system running on the host.

  .PARAMETER Model <model>
    Specifies the host's model.

  .PARAMETER Contact <contact>
    Specifies the host's owner and contact information.

  .PARAMETER Comment <comment>
    Specifies any additional information for the host.
  .PARAMETER Persona <hostpersonaval>
    Sets the host persona that specifies the personality for all ports which are part of the host set.

  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Set-Host
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Set-Host
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Set-Host - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Set-Host since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Set-Host since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    if ($hostName)
        #$objType = "host"
        #$objMsg = "hosts"
        $SetHostCmd = "createhost -f "             
        if ($iSCSI)
            $SetHostCmd +=" -iscsi "
            $SetHostCmd +=" -add "
            $SetHostCmd +=" -domain $Domain"
            $SetHostCmd +=" -loc $Loc"
            $SetHostCmd +=" -persona $Persona"
            $SetHostCmd +=" -ip $IP"
            $SetHostCmd +=" -os $OS"
            $SetHostCmd +=" -model $Model"
            $SetHostCmd +=" -contact $Contact"
            $SetHostCmd +=" -comment $Comment"
        $Addr = [string]$Address
        $SetHostCmd +=" $hostName $Addr"
        $Result1 = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $SetHostCmd
        write-debuglog " Setting Host with the command --> $SetHostCmd" "INFO:"
            return "Success : Set host $hostName with Optn_Iscsi $Optn_Iscsi $Addr "
            return $Result1
        write-debugLog "No name specified for host. Skip updating host" "ERR:"
        Get-help Set-Host
} # End Set-Host

## FUNCTION Show-Peer
Function Show-Peer
    The Show-Peer command displays the arrays connected through the host ports or peer ports over the same fabric.
    The Show-Peer command displays the arrays connected through the
    host ports or peer ports over the same fabric. The Type field
    specifies the connectivity type with the array. The Type value
    of Slave means the array is acting as a source, the Type value
    of Master means the array is acting as a destination, the type
    value of Peer means the array is acting as both source and
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Show-Peer
    LASTEDIT: March 2020
    KEYWORDS: Show-Peer
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-Peer - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-Peer since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-Peer since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $cmd = " showpeer"
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd
    write-debuglog " Executing Show-Peer Command.-->" "INFO:"
    if($Result -match "No peers")
        return $Result
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
        $LastItem = $Result.Count  
        #Write-Host " Result Count =" $Result.Count
        foreach ($s in  $Result[0..$LastItem] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")    
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")
            $s= $s.Trim()     
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
            #Write-Host " First if statement $s"
        Import-Csv $tempFile 
        del $tempFile
    if($Result -match "No peers")
        return $Result            
        return  " Success : Executing Show-Peer "                     
} ## End-of Show-Peer

######################### FUNCTION Resize-Vv ########################
Function Resize-Vv()
   Resize-Vv - Consolidate space in virtual volumes (VVs). (HIDDEN)

    Resize-Vv -VVName testv
    Specifies the name of the VV.
    Compacts VVs that match any of the specified patterns. This option must be used if the pattern specifier is used.

    NAME: Resize-Vv
    LASTEDIT : March 2020
    KEYWORDS: Resize-Vv

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Resize-Vv - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Resize-Vv since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Resize-Vv since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
   write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
   Return $plinkresult
    $Cmd = " compactvv -f "

    $Cmd += " -pat "
    $Cmd += " $VVName "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Resize-Vv Command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Resize-Vv

Export-ModuleMember Add-Vv , Compress-LD , Find-LD , Get-LD , Get-LDChunklet , Get-Space , Get-Vv , Get-VvList , Get-VvSet , Import-Vv , New-Vv ,
New-VvSet , Remove-LD , Remove-Vv , Remove-Vv_Ld_Cpg_Templates , Remove-VvSet , Set-Template , Set-VvSpace , Show-LdMappingToVvs , Show-RSV ,
Show-Template , Show-VvMappedToPD , Show-VvMapping , Show-VvpDistribution , Start-LD , Start-Vv , Test-Vv , Update-SnapSpace , Update-Vv , 
Update-VvProperties , Update-VvSetProperties , Set-Host , Show-Peer , Resize-Vv
# SIG # Begin signature block
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# zgARpiTvjoLvnH7FPVzoRWqK8smmgMIHrcFS+armGJfgPJQgTQRCrnSgH1p/pDAX
# f87/mycamrky6Zs1+RB1HjDMSoi9cHT667qB9W4TvjJVBOsBabEnksAnR6Es2mky
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# 6VAfITuVwgeX6q9gLs7kIp3tyY8=
# SIG # End signature block