
Function Get-HPWFCacheUsage {
            Returns the cache usage for a file or directory of files.
            Returns the cache usage for a file or directory of files. The length of this operation may vary depending on the number of files queried
        .PARAMETER Path
            The path to check.
        .PARAMETER RecureSubDirectories
            Enable Recursive usage check.
            Returns 0 when successful. Otherwise, it returns an error code.
            Get-HPWFCacheUsage -Path C:\SomePath
            Returns cache usage for C:\SomePath
            Get-HPWFCacheUsage -Path C:\SomePath -RecurSubDirectories
            Returns cache usage for C:\SomePath and it's sub-directories

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( {
                Test-Path -Path $_
    Begin {
        If (!$RecureSubDirectories) {
            $RecureSubDirectories = 0
        } Else {
            $RecureSubDirectories = 1
    Process {
        If ($null -ne $HpWF) {
            $Ret = $HpWF.QueryCacheUsage($Path, $RecureSubDirectories)
            If ($Ret.ReturnValue -gt 0) {
                Throw "Failed to query path $Path for cache usage. Error: $Ret.ReturnValue"
            } Else {
                foreach ($Item in $Ret.FileInformation) {
                    $HPWFCU = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        FileName        = $Item.FileName
                        FileSize        = $Item.FileSize
                        CacheSize       = $Item.CacheSize
                        OpenHandleCount = $Item.OpenHandleCount
                        ProcessName     = $Item.ProcessName
                        UserName        = $Item.UserName
                    $HPWFCU.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'HPWriteManager.Cache.Usage')
    End {
        If ($HPWFCU) {
            Return $HPWFCU