
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

#Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/HamRadioLibrary.dll

function Start-HrdQsoCallBandMode {
    [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
    [String] $AdifFile,

    [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false)]
    [String] $CsvFileOmContacts,

    [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $false)]
    [String] $AdifFileOmContacts
  begin {
    Write-Verbose "Start Module : [$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] *************************************"

    if (!$CsvFileOmContacts ) {
      $CsvFileOmContacts = ".\OmContacts.csv"

    if (!$AdifFileOmContacts ) {
      $AdifFileOmContacts = ".\OmContacts.adi"
    Write-Warning("Starting analyze, during analyse table statistics there is a lock (no read/write allowed) on the HrdLogbook table.")

    Write-Host("Reading ADIF file : ""$($AdifFile)"", wait .............") -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $AdifRecords = Get-AdiReadFile -FileName $AdifFile
    $OmContacts = $AdifRecords
    Write-Host("Start comparing OM records with the HrdLogbook database") -ForegroundColor Yellow

    $Id = 1
    $Activity = "Comparing records with the HrdLogbook database"
    $StatusBlock = "Reading ADIF file : $AdifFile"
    $RecordCounter = 0
    $TotalOmContacts = $OmContacts.Count

    $StartTime = Get-Date

    $AdifNotFoundArray = @()
    foreach ($OmContact in $OmContacts) { 
      Write-Progress -Id $Id -Activity $Activity -Status ($StatusBlock) -PercentComplete ($RecordCounter / $TotalOmContacts * 100)
      Write-Host("Doing: $($OmContact.Call)")
      $OmRecord = Get-HrdSearch -Call $OmContact.Call -Band $OmContact.Band -Mode $OmContact.Mode 
      if ($OmRecord) {
      else {
        Write-Host("NOT Found : $($OmContact.Call)") -ForegroundColor Red
        $AdifNotFoundArray += $OmContact

    Write-Progress -Id $Id -Activity $Activity -Status "Ready" -Completed

    Write-Host("Readed ADIF records : $($TotalAdifRecords)") -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host("Writed ADIF records : $($AdifNotFoundArray.Count)") -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "Completed in $((Get-Date).Subtract($StartTime).Minutes) minute(s) and $((Get-Date).Subtract($StartTime).Seconds) second(s)"  -ForegroundColor Green  
    Write-Host("Writing CSV file : ""$($CsvFileOmContacts)""") -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $AdifNotFoundArray | Export-Csv -Path $CsvFileOmContacts -Encoding ASCII -NoTypeInformation
    Write-Host("Writing ADIF file : ""$($AdifFileOmContacts)""") -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Convert-CsvToAdif -CsvFileName $CsvFileOmContacts -AdifFileName $AdifFileOmContacts -Swl -QslMsgCopyToComment

    Write-Verbose "End Module : [$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] *************************************"

function Start-HrdSwlContacts {
    [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
    [String] $AdifFile,

    [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false)]
    [String] $CsvFileSwlContacts,

    [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $false)]
    [String] $AdifFileSwlContacts
  begin {
    Write-Verbose "Start Module : [$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] *************************************"

    if (!$CsvFileSwlContacts ) {
      $CsvFileSwlContacts = ".\SwlContacts.csv"

    if (!$AdifFileSwlContacts ) {
      $AdifFileSwlContacts = ".\SwlContacts.adi"
    Write-Warning("Starting analyze, during analyse table statistics there is a lock (no read/write allowed) on the HrdLogbook table.")

    Write-Host("Reading ADIF file : ""$($AdifFile)"", wait .............") -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $AdifRecords = Get-AdiReadFile -FileName $AdifFile
    $SwlContacts = $AdifRecords | Where-Object { $PSItem.QSLMSG -like "*wkd*" -or $PSItem.QSLMSG -like "*working*" -or $PSItem.QSLMSG -like "*wsl*" -or $PSItem.QSLMSG -like "*heard*" -or $PSItem.QSLMSG -like "*report*" }
    Write-Host("Start comparing SWL records with the HrdLogbook database") -ForegroundColor Yellow

    $Id = 1
    $Activity = "Comparing records with the HrdLogbook database"
    $StatusBlock = "Reading ADIF file : $AdifFile"
    $RecordCounter = 0
    $TotalSwlContacts = $SwlContacts.Count

    $StartTime = Get-Date

    $AdifNotFoundArray = @()
    foreach ($SwlContact in $SwlContacts) { 
      Write-Progress -Id $Id -Activity $Activity -Status ($StatusBlock) -PercentComplete ($RecordCounter / $TotalSwlContacts * 100)
      Write-Host("Doing: $($SwlContact.Call)")
      $SwlRecord = Get-HrdSearch -Call $SwlContact.Call -Band $SwlContact.Band -Mode $SwlContact.Mode -Date $SwlContact.QsoDate -IncludeSwl
      if ($SwlRecord) {
      else {
        Write-Host("NOT Found : $($SwlContact.Call)") -ForegroundColor Red
        $AdifNotFoundArray += $SwlContact

    Write-Progress -Id $Id -Activity $Activity -Status "Ready" -Completed

    Write-Host("Readed ADIF records : $($TotalAdifRecords)") -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host("Writed ADIF records : $($AdifNotFoundArray.Count)") -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "Completed in $((Get-Date).Subtract($StartTime).Minutes) minute(s) and $((Get-Date).Subtract($StartTime).Seconds) second(s)"  -ForegroundColor Green  
    Write-Host("Writing CSV file : ""$($CsvFileSwlContacts)""") -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $AdifNotFoundArray | Export-Csv -Path $CsvFileSwlContacts -Encoding ASCII -NoTypeInformation
    Write-Host("Writing ADIF file : ""$($AdifFileSwlContacts)""") -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Convert-CsvToAdif -CsvFileName $CsvFileSwlContacts -AdifFileName $AdifFileSwlContacts -Swl -QslMsgCopyToComment

    Write-Verbose "End Module : [$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] *************************************"

Export-ModuleMember -function Start-HrdQsoCallBandMode
Export-ModuleMember -function Start-HrdSwlContacts