
# To parse the ini file from the output of the "secedit /export /cfg c:\\security_policy.inf"
function ConvertFrom-IniFile {
    Param ([string]$IniFile)
    # Don't prompt to continue if '-Debug' is specified.
    $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
    [hashtable]$IniObject = @{}
    [string]$SectionName = ''
    switch -regex -file $IniFile {
        '^\[(.+)\]$' {
            # Header of the section
            $SectionName = $matches[1]
            #Write-Debug "Section: $SectionName"
            $IniObject[$SectionName] = @{}
        '^(.+?)\s*=\s*(.*)$' {
            # Name/value pair
            [string]$KeyName, [string]$KeyValue = $matches[1..2]
            #Write-Debug "Name: $KeyName"
            # Write-Debug "Value: $KeyValue"
            $IniObject[$SectionName][$KeyName] = $KeyValue
        default {
            # Ignore blank lines or comments
    return [pscustomobject]$IniObject

# Main function that also parses the output of "gpresult /Scope Computer /x GPResult.xml"
function Confirm-SystemCompliance {   
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]        
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]        
    begin {

        if (![bool]([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
            Write-Error -Message "Confirm-SystemCompliance cmdlet requires Administrator privileges." -ErrorAction Stop

        # Stop operation as soon as there is an error anywhere, unless explicitly specified otherwise
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Gathering Security Policy Information' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 5 

        Secedit /export /cfg .\security_policy.inf | Out-Null
        # Storing the output of the ini file parsing function
        $SecurityPoliciesIni = ConvertFrom-IniFile -IniFile .\security_policy.inf
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Downloading Registry CSV File from GitHub or Azure DevOps' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 10

        # Download Registry CSV file from GitHub or Azure DevOps
        try {
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile ".\Registry.csv" -ErrorAction Stop                
        catch {
            Write-Host "Using Azure DevOps..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile ".\Registry.csv" -ErrorAction Stop
        # Import the registry.csv file as CSV
        $CSVFileContent = Import-Csv -Path ".\Registry.csv"

        Write-Progress -Activity 'Downloading Group-Policies.json file from GitHub' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 15

        # Download Group-Policies.json file from GitHub
        try {
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile ".\Group-Policies.json" -ErrorAction Stop                
        catch {
            Write-Error -Message "Group-Policies.json file couldn't be downloaded, exitting..."  
        # Hash table to store Hardening Script's Policy Categories and Names
        # Importing it from the JSON file as hashtable
        $HashPol = Get-Content -Path ".\Group-Policies.json" -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100 -AsHashtable -ErrorAction Stop

        Write-Progress -Activity 'Gathering Group Policy Information' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 20

        Gpresult /Scope Computer /x .\GPResult.xml /f
        # Load the xml file into a variable
        $GroupPolicyXmlContent = [xml](Get-Content -Path .\GPResult.xml -ErrorAction Stop)

        # An array to store each Group Policy "<q6:Policy>" element as a separate object
        $PoliciesOutput = @()
        # Use dot notation to access the Group Policy elements
        $GroupPolicyXmlContent.Rsop.ComputerResults.ExtensionData.Extension.Policy | Where-Object { $null -ne $ } | ForEach-Object {   
            # All the sub-elements of the "<q6:Policy>" that we need to verify
            $PoliciesOutput += [PSCustomObject]@{
                Name                 = $_.Name
                State                = $_.State
                Category             = $_.Category
                DropDownListName     = $_.DropDownList.Name
                DropDownListState    = $_.DropDownList.State
                DropDownListValue    = $_.DropDownList.Value.Name
                CheckboxName         = $_.Checkbox.Name
                CheckboxState        = $_.Checkbox.State
                Numeric              = $_.Numeric
                NumericName          = $_.Numeric.Name
                NumericState         = $_.Numeric.State
                NumericValue         = $_.Numeric.Value
                ListBox              = $_.ListBox
                ListBoxName          = $_.ListBox.Name
                ListBoxState         = $_.ListBox.State
                ListBoxExplicitValue = $_.ListBox.ExplicitValue
                ListBoxAdditive      = $_.ListBox.Additive
                ListBoxValue         = $_.ListBox.Value
                MultiTextName        = $_.MultiText.Name
                MultiTextState       = $_.MultiText.State
                MultiTextValue       = $_.MultiText.Value
                EditTextName         = $_.EditText.Name
                EditTextState        = $_.EditText.State
                EditTextValue        = $_.EditText.Value

        # An array to store each Group Policy "<q6:RegistrySetting>" element as a separate object
        $RegistriesOutput = @()
        # Use dot notation to access the Policy element
        $GroupPolicyXmlContent.Rsop.ComputerResults.ExtensionData.Extension.RegistrySetting | Where-Object { $null -ne $_.Value.Name } | ForEach-Object {
            $RegistriesOutput += [PSCustomObject]@{
                KeyPath = $_.KeyPath
                Name    = $_.Value.Name
                Number  = $_.Value.Number      

        # An object to store the FINAL results
        $FinalMegaObject = [PSCustomObject]@{}
        # Hash table to store Hardening Script's Registry Policy Categories and Names
        # They are still Group Policies but instead of being in "<q6:Policy>" element they are in "<q6:RegistrySetting>"
        $HashReg = @{
            # Device Guard
            'Device Guard' = @{
                1 = @{
                    KeyPath = "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System"
                    Name    = "RunAsPPL"              

    process {
        #Region Microsoft-Defender-Category
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Validating Microsoft Defender Category' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 25
        # An array to store the nested custom objects (Results of the foreach loop), inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray = @()
        $CatName = "Microsoft Defender"
        # Loop through each nested hash table inside the main Policies hash table and check the item state using a switch statement
        foreach ($Key in $HashPol[$CatName].Keys) {
            # Get the correct object from the PoliciesOutput Object that contains all the group policies in the xml file
            $Item = $PoliciesOutput | Where-object { $_.Name -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name -and $_.Category -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Cat }
            switch ($Key) {
                1 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListState -eq 'NotConfigured') ? $True : $False  # It's actually Enabled but Gpresult shows NotConfigured!
                2 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False   
                3 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListValue -eq 'Advanced MAPS') ? $True : $False 
                4 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListName -eq 'Send file samples when further analysis is required' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListValue -eq 'Send all samples'
                    ) ? $True : $False 
                5 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListName -eq 'Configure the guard my folders feature' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListState -eq 'NotConfigured' ` # It's actually Enabled but Gpresult shows NotConfigured!
                    ) ? $True : $False 
                6 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListState -eq 'NotConfigured' # It's actually Enabled but Gpresult shows NotConfigured!
                    ) ? $True : $False 
                7 {            
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericName -eq 'Specify the extended cloud check time in seconds' `
                            -and $Item.NumericState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericValue -eq '50'                
                    ) ? $True : $False 
                8 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False 
                9 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListName -eq 'Select cloud blocking level' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListValue -eq 'Zero tolerance blocking level' 
                    ) ? $True : $False
                10 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericName -eq 'Configure removal of items from Quarantine folder' `
                            -and $Item.NumericState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericValue -eq '3'                
                    ) ? $True : $False
                11 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericName -eq 'Define the maximum size of downloaded files and attachments to be scanned' `
                            -and $Item.NumericState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericValue -eq '10000000'                
                    ) ? $True : $False            
                12 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False          
                13 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False            
                14 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False            
                15 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False            
                16 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericName -eq 'Specify the maximum depth to scan archive files' `
                            -and $Item.NumericState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericValue -eq '4294967295'                
                    ) ? $True : $False                        
                17 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False            
                18 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False            
                19 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False            
                20 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False            
                21 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False            
                22 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericName -eq 'Define the number of days before spyware security intelligence is considered out of date' `
                            -and $Item.NumericState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericValue -eq '2'                
                    ) ? $True : $False     
                23 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericName -eq 'Define the number of days before virus security intelligence is considered out of date' `
                            -and $Item.NumericState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericValue -eq '2'                
                    ) ? $True : $False     
                24 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericName -eq 'Specify the interval to check for security intelligence updates' `
                            -and $Item.NumericState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericValue -eq '3'                
                    ) ? $True : $False     
                25 {
                    # ListBox 1
                    $1index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("4")
                    # Write-Host "$1index" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $1ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$1index]
                    # Write-Host "$1ListData" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # ListBox 2
                    $2index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("2")
                    # Write-Host "$2index" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $2ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$2index]
                    # Write-Host "$2ListData" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # ListBox 3
                    $3index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("1")
                    # Write-Host "$3index" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $3ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$3index]
                    # Write-Host "$3ListData" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # ListBox 4
                    $4index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("5")
                    # Write-Host "$4index" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $4ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$4index]
                    # Write-Host "$4ListData" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.ListBoxName -eq 'Specify threat alert levels at which default action should not be taken when detected' `
                            -and $Item.ListBoxState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.ListBoxExplicitValue -eq 'true' `
                            -and $Item.ListBoxAdditive -eq 'true' `
                            -and $1ListData -eq '3' `
                            -and $2ListData -eq '2' `
                            -and $3ListData -eq '2' `
                            -and $4ListData -eq '3' `
                    ) ? $True : $False 
                26 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False  
                27 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False  
                28 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False  
                29 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False  
            # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
            $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
                Name     = $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name
                Value    = $ItemState
                Category = $CatName
                Method   = "Group Policy"
        # For PowerShell Cmdlet
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'AllowSwitchToAsyncInspection'
            Value    = $((Get-MpPreference).AllowSwitchToAsyncInspection)
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        # For PowerShell Cmdlet
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'oobeEnableRtpAndSigUpdate'
            Value    = $((Get-MpPreference).oobeEnableRtpAndSigUpdate)
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        # For PowerShell Cmdlet
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'IntelTDTEnabled'
            Value    = $((Get-MpPreference).IntelTDTEnabled)
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        # For PowerShell Cmdlet
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'Mandatory ASLR'
            Value    = $((Get-ProcessMitigation -System -ErrorAction Stop).aslr.ForceRelocateImages)
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        # For BCDEDIT NX value verification
        # IMPORTANT: bcdedit /enum requires an ELEVATED session.
        # Answer by mklement0:
        $bcdOutput = (bcdedit /enum) -join "`n" # collect bcdedit's output as a *single* string
        # Initialize the output list.
        $entries = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject] -ErrorAction Stop
        # Parse bcdedit's output.
    ($bcdOutput -split '(?m)^(.+\n-)-+\n' -ne '').ForEach({
                if ($_.EndsWith("`n-")) {
                    # entry header
                    $entries.Add([pscustomobject] @{ Name = ($_ -split '\n')[0]; Properties = [ordered] @{} })
                else {
                    # block of property-value lines
    ($_ -split '\n' -ne '').ForEach({
                            $propAndVal = $_ -split '\s+', 2 # split line into property name and value
                            if ($propAndVal[0] -ne '') {
                                # [start of] new property; initialize list of values
                                $currProp = $propAndVal[0]
                                $entries[-1].Properties[$currProp] = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[string] -ErrorAction Stop
                            $entries[-1].Properties[$currProp].Add($propAndVal[1]) # add the value
        # For PowerShell Cmdlet
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'BCDEDIT NX Value'
            Value    = $(($entries | Where-Object { $ -eq "{current}" }).properties.nx)
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        # For PowerShell Cmdlet
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'Smart App Control State'
            Value    = $((Get-MpComputerStatus).SmartAppControlState)
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        # For PowerShell Cmdlet
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'Fast weekly Microsoft recommended driver block list update'
            Value    = $((Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath "\MSFT Driver Block list update\" -TaskName "MSFT Driver Block list update" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ? $true : $false)
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        $DefenderPlatformUpdatesChannels = @{
            0 = 'NotConfigured'
            2 = 'Beta'
            3 = 'Preview'
            4 = 'Staged'
            5 = 'Broad'
            6 = 'Delayed'
        # For PowerShell Cmdlet
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'Microsoft Defender Platform Updates Channel'
            Value    = $($DefenderPlatformUpdatesChannels[[int](get-mppreference).PlatformUpdatesChannel])
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        $DefenderEngineUpdatesChannels = @{
            0 = 'NotConfigured'
            2 = 'Beta'
            3 = 'Preview'
            4 = 'Staged'
            5 = 'Broad'
            6 = 'Delayed'
        # For PowerShell Cmdlet
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'Microsoft Defender Engine Updates Channel'
            Value    = $($DefenderEngineUpdatesChannels[[int](get-mppreference).EngineUpdatesChannel])
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        # For PowerShell Cmdlet
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'Controlled Folder Access Exclusions'
            Value    = [pscustomobject]@{Count = $((Get-MpPreference).ControlledFolderAccessAllowedApplications.count); Programs = $((Get-MpPreference).ControlledFolderAccessAllowedApplications) }
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        # Add the array of custom objects as a property to the $FinalMegaObject object outside the loop
        Add-Member -InputObject $FinalMegaObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CatName -Value $NestedObjectArray -ErrorAction Stop
        #EndRegion Microsoft-Defender-Category
        #Region Attack-Surface-Reduction-Rules-Category
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Validating Attack Surface Reduction Rules Category' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 30
        $NestedObjectArray = @()
        $CatName = "ASR"
        # Loop through each nested hash table inside the main Policies hash table and check the item state using a switch statement
        foreach ($Key in $HashPol[$CatName].Keys) {
            $Item = $PoliciesOutput | Where-object { $_.Name -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name -and $_.Category -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Cat }
            switch ($Key) {
                1 {
                    $1index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("92E97FA1-2EDF-4476-BDD6-9DD0B4DDDC7B")
                    $1ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$1index]                
                    $2index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("e6db77e5-3df2-4cf1-b95a-636979351e5b")
                    $2ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$2index]
                    $3index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("d1e49aac-8f56-4280-b9ba-993a6d77406c")
                    $3ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$3index]                
                    $4index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("3b576869-a4ec-4529-8536-b80a7769e899")
                    $4ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$4index]
                    $5index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("be9ba2d9-53ea-4cdc-84e5-9b1eeee46550")
                    $5ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$5index]
                    $6index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("75668c1f-73b5-4cf0-bb93-3ecf5cb7cc84")
                    $6ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$6index]
                    $7index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("56a863a9-875e-4185-98a7-b882c64b5ce5")
                    $7ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$7index]
                    $8index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("01443614-cd74-433a-b99e-2ecdc07bfc25")
                    $8ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$8index]
                    $9index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("b2b3f03d-6a65-4f7b-a9c7-1c7ef74a9ba4")
                    $9ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$9index]
                    $10index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("d4f940ab-401b-4efc-aadc-ad5f3c50688a")
                    $10ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$10index]
                    $11index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("5beb7efe-fd9a-4556-801d-275e5ffc04cc")
                    $11ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$11index]
                    $12index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("c1db55ab-c21a-4637-bb3f-a12568109d35")
                    $12ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$12index]
                    $13index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("9e6c4e1f-7d60-472f-ba1a-a39ef669e4b2")
                    $13ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$13index]
                    $14index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("7674ba52-37eb-4a4f-a9a1-f0f9a1619a2c")
                    $14ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$14index]
                    $15index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("26190899-1602-49e8-8b27-eb1d0a1ce869")
                    $15ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$15index]
                    $16index = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Name.IndexOf("d3e037e1-3eb8-44c8-a917-57927947596d")
                    $16ListData = $Item.ListBoxValue.element.Data[$16index]
                    # Use ternary operator instead of if-else statements
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.ListBoxName -eq 'Set the state for each ASR rule:' `
                            -and $Item.ListBoxState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.ListBoxExplicitValue -eq 'true' `
                            -and $Item.ListBoxAdditive -eq 'true' `
                            -and $1ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $2ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $3ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $4ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $5ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $6ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $7ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $8ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $9ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $10ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $11ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $12ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $13ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $14ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $15ListData -eq 1 `
                            -and $16ListData -eq 1 `
                    ) ? $True : $False   
            # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
            $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
                Name     = $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name
                Value    = $ItemState
                Category = $CatName
                Method   = "Group Policy"
        # Add the array of custom objects as a property to the $FinalMegaObject object outside the loop
        Add-Member -InputObject $FinalMegaObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CatName -Value $NestedObjectArray -ErrorAction Stop
        #EndRegion Attack-Surface-Reduction-Rules-Category
        #Region Bitlocker-Category
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Validating Bitlocker Category' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 35
        $NestedObjectArray = @()
        $CatName = "Bitlocker"
        # Loop through each nested hash table inside the main Policies hash table and check the item state using a switch statement
        foreach ($Key in $HashPol[$CatName].Keys) {
            $Item = $PoliciesOutput | Where-object { $_.Name -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name -and $_.Category -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Cat }
            switch ($Key) {
                1 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False   
                2 {
                    $1index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Configure TPM startup:")                
                    $1DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$1index]                
                    $1DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$1index]
                    $2index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Configure TPM startup PIN:")                
                    $2DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$2index]                
                    $2DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$2index]
                    $3index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Configure TPM startup key:")                
                    $3DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$3index]                
                    $3DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$3index]
                    $4index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Configure TPM startup key and PIN:")                
                    $4DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$4index]                
                    $4DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$4index]
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.CheckboxName -eq 'Allow BitLocker without a compatible TPM (requires a password or a startup key on a USB flash drive)' `
                            -and $Item.CheckboxState -eq 'Disabled' `
                            -and $1DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $1DropDownValue -eq 'Allow TPM' `
                            -and $2DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $2DropDownValue -eq 'Allow startup PIN with TPM' `
                            -and $3DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $3DropDownValue -eq 'Allow startup key with TPM' `
                            -and $4DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $4DropDownValue -eq 'Allow startup key and PIN with TPM' `
                    ) ? $True : $False   
                3 {
                    $1index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Select the encryption method for operating system drives:")                
                    $1DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$1index]                
                    $1DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$1index]
                    $2index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Select the encryption method for fixed data drives:")                
                    $2DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$2index]                
                    $2DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$2index]
                    $3index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Select the encryption method for removable data drives:")                
                    $3DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$3index]                
                    $3DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$3index]
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $1DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $1DropDownValue -eq 'XTS-AES 256-bit' `
                            -and $2DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $2DropDownValue -eq 'XTS-AES 256-bit' `
                            -and $3DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $3DropDownValue -eq 'XTS-AES 256-bit'
                    ) ? $True : $False   
                4 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListName -eq 'Select the encryption type:' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListState -eq 'NotConfigured' # It's actually set to "Full Encryption" but Gpresult shows NotConfigured!
                    ) ? $True : $False 
                5 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericName -eq 'Minimum characters:' `
                            -and $Item.NumericState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.NumericValue -eq '10'
                    ) ? $True : $False 
                6 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListName -eq 'Select the encryption type:' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListState -eq 'NotConfigured' # NotConfigured actually means "Full Encryption" but Gpresult reports it NotConfigured
                    ) ? $True : $False 
                7 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Disabled') ? $True : $False 
                8 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListName -eq 'Select the encryption type:' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListState -eq 'NotConfigured' # It's actually set to "Full Encryption" but Gpresult shows NotConfigured!
                    ) ? $True : $False 
                9 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False 
                10 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Disabled') ? $True : $False 
                11 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Disabled') ? $True : $False 
                12 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False 
            # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
            $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
                Name     = $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name
                Value    = $ItemState
                Category = $CatName
                Method   = "Group Policy"
        # For PowerShell Cmdlet
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'Hibernate enabled and set to full'
            Value    = $($((Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power -name HibernateEnabled).hibernateEnabled) -eq 1 ? $true : $False)
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        # Add the array of custom objects as a property to the $FinalMegaObject object outside the loop
        Add-Member -InputObject $FinalMegaObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CatName -Value $NestedObjectArray -ErrorAction Stop
        #EndRegion Bitlocker-Category
        #Region TLS-Category
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Validating TLS Category' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 40
        $NestedObjectArray = @()
        $CatName = "TLS"
        # Loop through each nested hash table inside the main Policies hash table and check the item state using a switch statement
        foreach ($Key in $HashPol[$CatName].Keys) {
            $Item = $PoliciesOutput | Where-object { $_.Name -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name -and $_.Category -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Cat }
            switch ($Key) {            
                1 {
                    # Write-Host "$($Item.MultiTextValue.string)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # Make sure the content and their exact order is present in Group Policy
                    $ExpectedOrderAndContent = @('nistP521', 'curve25519', 'NistP384', 'NistP256')
                    # Loop through the array and compare each element with the expected value
                    foreach ($i in 0..3) {
                        # Use a ternary operator to set the result to false and break the loop if the element does not match
                        $ItemStateAux = $Item.MultiTextValue.string[$i] -eq $ExpectedOrderAndContent[$i] ? $true :  $false
                    # Write-Host "$ItemStateAux" -ForegroundColor Red
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.MultiTextName -eq 'ECC Curve Order:' `
                            -and $Item.MultiTextState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $ItemStateAux -eq $True
                    ) ? $True : $False   
                2 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.EditTextName -eq 'SSL Cipher Suites' `
                            -and $Item.EditTextState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.EditTextValue -eq 'TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256,TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256' # Checks the exact values and order
                    ) ? $True : $False   
            # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
            $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
                Name     = $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name
                Value    = $ItemState
                Category = $CatName
                Method   = "Group Policy"
        $MatchRegistryKeys = @() # initialize the variable to false - an array that is going to hold only bool values
        foreach ($Item in $CSVFileContent) {
            if ($Item.category -eq 'TLS' -and $Item.Action -eq 'AddOrModify') {
                $path = $Item.Path
                $key = $Item.Key
                $value = $Item.value
                $regValue = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $path -Name $key
                # Store only boolean values in the $MatchRegistryKeys
                $MatchRegistryKeys += [bool]($regValue -eq $value)  
            Testing the key's value type
    Reg Type PS Type
    -------- -------
    REG_DWORD System.Int32
    REG_SZ System.String
    REG_QWORD System.Int64
    REG_BINARY System.Byte[]
    REG_MULTI_SZ System.String[]
    REG_EXPAND_SZ System.String
             (Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $path -Name $key).GetType().name -eq $type
            (Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $path -Name $key) -is [System.Int32]

        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "Registry Keys All correct"
            # Make sure the boolean array doesn't contain any $false values
            Value    = ($MatchRegistryKeys -notcontains $false)
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Registry Keys"
        # Add the array of custom objects as a property to the $FinalMegaObject object outside the loop
        Add-Member -InputObject $FinalMegaObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CatName -Value $NestedObjectArray -ErrorAction Stop
        #EndRegion TLS-Category
        #Region LockScreen-Category
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Validating Lock Screen Category' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 45
        $NestedObjectArray = @()
        $CatName = "LockScreen"
        # Loop through each nested hash table inside the main Policies hash table and check the item state using a switch statement
        foreach ($Key in $HashPol[$CatName].Keys) {
            $Item = $PoliciesOutput | Where-object { $_.Name -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name -and $_.Category -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Cat }
            switch ($Key) {
                1 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False   
            # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
            $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
                Name     = $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name
                Value    = $ItemState
                Category = $CatName
                Method   = "Group Policy"
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'Machine inactivity limit'
            Value    = [bool]$($SecurityPoliciesIni.'Registry Values'['MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\InactivityTimeoutSecs'] -eq '4,120') ? $True : $False
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Security Group Policy"
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL'
            Value    = [bool]$($SecurityPoliciesIni.'Registry Values'['MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableCAD'] -eq '4,0') ? $True : $False
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Security Group Policy"
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'Interactive logon: Machine account lockout threshold'
            Value    = [bool]$($SecurityPoliciesIni.'Registry Values'['MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\MaxDevicePasswordFailedAttempts'] -eq '4,6') ? $True : $False
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Security Group Policy"
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = 'Interactive logon: Display user information when the session is locked'
            Value    = [bool]$($SecurityPoliciesIni.'Registry Values'['MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DontDisplayLockedUserId'] -eq '4,4') ? $True : $False
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Security Group Policy"
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "Interactive logon: Don't display username at sign-in"
            Value    = [bool]$($SecurityPoliciesIni.'Registry Values'['MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DontDisplayUserName'] -eq '4,1') ? $True : $False
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Security Group Policy"
        # Add the array of custom objects as a property to the $FinalMegaObject object outside the loop
        Add-Member -InputObject $FinalMegaObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CatName -Value $NestedObjectArray -ErrorAction Stop
        #EndRegion LockScreen-Category
        #Region User-Account-Control-Category
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Validating User Account Control Category' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 50
        $NestedObjectArray = @()
        $CatName = "UAC"    
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode"
            Value    = [bool]$($SecurityPoliciesIni.'Registry Values'['MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin'] -eq '4,2') ? $True : $False
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Security Group Policy"
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for standard users"
            Value    = [bool]$($SecurityPoliciesIni.'Registry Values'['MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ConsentPromptBehaviorUser'] -eq '4,1') ? $True : $False
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Security Group Policy"
        # Add the array of custom objects as a property to the $FinalMegaObject object outside the loop
        Add-Member -InputObject $FinalMegaObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CatName -Value $NestedObjectArray -ErrorAction Stop
        #EndRegion User-Account-Control-Category
        #Region Device-Guard-Category
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Validating Device Guard Category' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 55
        $NestedObjectArray = @()
        $CatName = "Device Guard"
        # Loop through each nested hash table inside the main Policies hash table and check the item state using a switch statement
        foreach ($Key in $HashPol[$CatName].Keys) {
            $Item = $PoliciesOutput | Where-object { $_.Name -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name -and $_.Category -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Cat }
            switch ($Key) {
                1 {
                    # Write-Host "$($Item.DropDownListName)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # DropDown 1
                    $1index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Select Platform Security Level:")
                    #Write-Host "$1index" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $1DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$1index]
                    #Write-Host "$1DropDownState" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $1DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$1index]
                    #Write-Host "$1DropDownValue" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # DropDown 2
                    $2index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Virtualization Based Protection of Code Integrity:")
                    # Write-Host "$2index" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $2DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$2index]
                    # Write-Host "$2DropDownState" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $2DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$2index]
                    # Write-Host "$2DropDownValue" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # DropDown 3
                    $3index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Credential Guard Configuration:")
                    # Write-Host "$3index" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $3DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$3index]
                    # Write-Host "$3DropDownState" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $3DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$3index]
                    # Write-Host "$3DropDownValue" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # DropDown 4
                    $4index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Secure Launch Configuration:")
                    # Write-Host "$4index" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $4DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$4index]
                    # Write-Host "$4DropDownState" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $4DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$4index]
                    # Write-Host "$4DropDownValue" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # DropDown 5
                    $5index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Kernel-mode Hardware-enforced Stack Protection:")
                    # Write-Host "$5index" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $5DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$5index]
                    # Write-Host "$5DropDownState" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $5DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$5index]
                    # Write-Host "$5DropDownValue" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $1DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $1DropDownValue -eq 'Secure Boot' `
                            -and $2DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $2DropDownValue -eq 'Enabled with UEFI lock' `
                            -and $Item.CheckboxName -eq 'Require UEFI Memory Attributes Table' `
                            -and $Item.CheckboxState -eq 'Disabled' `
                            -and $3DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $3DropDownValue -eq 'Enabled with UEFI lock' `
                            -and $4DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $4DropDownValue -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $5DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $5DropDownValue -eq 'Enabled in enforcement mode'                        
                    ) ? $True : $False   
            # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
            $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
                Name     = $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name
                Value    = $ItemState
                Category = $CatName
                Method   = "Group Policy"
        # Loop through each nested hash table inside the main Registeries hash table and check the item state using a switch statement
        foreach ($Key in $HashReg[$CatName].Keys) {
            # Get the correct object from the RegistriesOutput Object that contains all the group policies in the xml file
            $Item = $RegistriesOutput | Where-object { $_.Name -eq $HashReg[$CatName][$Key].Name -and $_.KeyPath -eq $HashReg[$CatName][$Key].KeyPath }
            switch ($Key) {
                1 {
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.Number -eq '1') ? $True : $False   
            # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
            $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
                Name     = $HashReg[$CatName][$Key].Name
                Value    = $ItemState
                Category = $CatName
                Method   = "Group Policy"
        # Add the array of custom objects as a property to the $FinalMegaObject object outside the loop
        Add-Member -InputObject $FinalMegaObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CatName -Value $NestedObjectArray -ErrorAction Stop
        #EndRegion Device-Guard-Category
        #Region Windows-Firewall-Category
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Validating Windows Firewall Category' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 65
        $NestedObjectArray = @()
        $CatName = "Windows Firewall"
        # For Firewall Domain profile - Verifies only the applied Group Policies
        [pscustomobject]$DomainFilewallProfileDetails = (Get-NetFirewallProfile -Name domain -PolicyStore localhost -ErrorAction Stop)
        [bool]$Flag1 = $DomainFilewallProfileDetails.DefaultInboundAction -eq 'Block'
        [bool]$Flag2 = $DomainFilewallProfileDetails.DefaultOutboundAction -eq 'Block'
        [bool]$Flag3 = $DomainFilewallProfileDetails.AllowInboundRules -eq 'False'
        [bool]$Flag4 = $DomainFilewallProfileDetails.Enabled -eq $true
        [bool]$Flag5 = $DomainFilewallProfileDetails.LogFileName -eq '%systemroot%\system32\logfiles\firewall\domainfirewall.log'
        [bool]$Flag6 = $DomainFilewallProfileDetails.LogMaxSizeKilobytes -eq '32767'
        [bool]$Flag7 = $DomainFilewallProfileDetails.LogAllowed -eq $true
        [bool]$Flag8 = $DomainFilewallProfileDetails.LogBlocked -eq $true
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "Firewall Domain Profile"
            Value    = ($Flag1 -and $Flag2 -and $Flag3 -and $Flag4 -and $Flag5 -and $Flag6 -and $Flag7 -and $Flag8) ? $true : $False
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Firewall Group Policy"
        # For Firewall Private profile - Verifies only the applied Group Policies
        [pscustomobject]$PrivateFilewallProfileDetails = (Get-NetFirewallProfile -Name Private -PolicyStore localhost -ErrorAction Stop)
        [bool]$Flag1 = $PrivateFilewallProfileDetails.NotifyOnListen -eq $true
        [bool]$Flag2 = $PrivateFilewallProfileDetails.Enabled -eq $true
        [bool]$Flag3 = $PrivateFilewallProfileDetails.LogBlocked -eq $true
        [bool]$Flag4 = $PrivateFilewallProfileDetails.LogFileName -eq '%systemroot%\system32\logfiles\firewall\privatefirewall.log'
        [bool]$Flag5 = $PrivateFilewallProfileDetails.LogMaxSizeKilobytes -eq '32767'
        [bool]$Flag6 = $PrivateFilewallProfileDetails.LogAllowed -eq $true
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "Firewall Private Profile"
            Value    = ($Flag1 -and $Flag2 -and $Flag3 -and $Flag4 -and $Flag5 -and $Flag6) ? $true : $False
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Firewall Group Policy"
        # For Firewall Public profile - Verifies only the applied Group Policies
        [pscustomobject]$PublicFilewallProfileDetails = (Get-NetFirewallProfile -Name Public -PolicyStore localhost -ErrorAction Stop)
        [bool]$Flag1 = $PublicFilewallProfileDetails.NotifyOnListen -eq $true
        [bool]$Flag2 = $PublicFilewallProfileDetails.Enabled -eq $true
        [bool]$Flag3 = $PublicFilewallProfileDetails.LogBlocked -eq $true
        [bool]$Flag4 = $PublicFilewallProfileDetails.LogFileName -eq '%systemroot%\system32\logfiles\firewall\publicfirewall.log'
        [bool]$Flag5 = $PublicFilewallProfileDetails.LogMaxSizeKilobytes -eq '32767'
        [bool]$Flag6 = $PublicFilewallProfileDetails.LogAllowed -eq $true        
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "Firewall Public Profile"
            Value    = ($Flag1 -and $Flag2 -and $Flag3 -and $Flag4 -and $Flag5 -and $Flag6) ? $true : $False
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Firewall Group Policy"
        # Disables Multicast DNS (mDNS) UDP-in Firewall Rules for all 3 Firewall profiles - disables only 3 rules
        $RulesToDisable = get-NetFirewallRule -ErrorAction Stop |
        Where-Object { $_.RuleGroup -eq "@%SystemRoot%\system32\firewallapi.dll,-37302" -and $_.Direction -eq "inbound" } 
        # Check if the number of detected rules that need to be disabled match the number of rules with the same criteria that are disabled
        $RulesTarget = $RulesToDisable | Where-Object { $_.Enabled -eq 'False' }
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "Firewall rules disabled for Multicast DNS (mDNS) UDP-in"
            Value    = ($RulesTarget.count -eq $RulesToDisable.Count) ? $true : $false
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Firewall Group Policy"
        # Add the array of custom objects as a property to the $FinalMegaObject object outside the loop
        Add-Member -InputObject $FinalMegaObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CatName -Value $NestedObjectArray -ErrorAction Stop
        #EndRegion Windows-Firewall-Category

        #Region Windows-Networking-Category
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Validating Windows Networking Category' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 70
        $NestedObjectArray = @()
        $CatName = "Windows Networking"
        # Loop through each nested hash table inside the main Policies hash table and check the item state using a switch statement
        foreach ($Key in $HashPol[$CatName].Keys) {
            $Item = $PoliciesOutput | Where-object { $_.Name -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name -and $_.Category -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Cat }
            switch ($Key) {
                1 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False   
                2 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False   
                3 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListName -eq 'Configure NetBIOS options:' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListValue -eq 'Disable NetBIOS name resolution'
                    ) ? $True : $False   
                4 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False   
                5 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False   
            # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
            $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
                Name     = $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name
                Value    = $ItemState
                Category = $CatName
                Method   = "Group Policy"
        # Check network location of all connections to see if they are public
        $Condition = Get-NetConnectionProfile -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object { $_.NetworkCategory -eq 'public' }
        [bool]$Result = -not ($condition -contains $false) ? $true : $false 
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "Network Location of all connections set to Public"
            Value    = $result
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "Disable LMHOSTS lookup protocol on all network adapters"
            Value    = ((Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters" -Name "EnableLMHOSTS") -eq '0')
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Registry Key"
        # Add the array of custom objects as a property to the $FinalMegaObject object outside the loop
        Add-Member -InputObject $FinalMegaObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CatName -Value $NestedObjectArray -ErrorAction Stop
        #EndRegion Windows-Networking-Category
        #Region Miscellaneous-Category
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Validating Miscellaneous Category' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 75
        $NestedObjectArray = @()
        $CatName = "Miscellaneous"
        # Loop through each nested hash table inside the main Policies hash table and check the item state using a switch statement
        foreach ($Key in $HashPol[$CatName].Keys) {
            $Item = $PoliciesOutput | Where-object { $_.Name -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name -and $_.Category -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Cat }
            switch ($Key) {
                1 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListValue -eq 'Send optional diagnostic data'                
                    ) ? $True : $False   
                2 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False   
                3 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False   
                4 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False   
                5 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False   
                6 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListName -eq 'Choose the boot-start drivers that can be initialized:' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $Item.DropDownListValue -eq 'Good only'                
                    ) ? $True : $False   
            # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
            $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
                Name     = $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name
                Value    = $ItemState
                Category = $CatName
                Method   = "Group Policy"
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "SMB Encryption"
            Value    = ((Get-SmbServerConfiguration -ErrorAction Stop).encryptdata)
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "Audit policy for Other Logon/Logoff Events"
            Value    = ((auditpol /get /subcategory:"Other Logon/Logoff Events" /r | ConvertFrom-Csv -ErrorAction Stop).'Inclusion Setting' -eq 'Success and Failure') ? $true : $False
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        # Get all the enabled user accounts
        [string[]]$enabledUsers = (Get-LocalUser -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.Enabled -eq "True" }).Name | Sort-Object
        # Get the members of the Hyper-V Administrators security group
        [string[]]$groupMembers = (Get-LocalGroupMember -Group "Hyper-V Administrators" -ErrorAction Stop).Name -replace "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)\\" | Sort-Object
        # Set the $MatchHyperVUsers variable to $True only if all enabled user accounts are part of the Hyper-V Security group, if one of them isn't part of the group then returns false
        [bool]$MatchHyperVUsers = $false # initialize the $MatchHyperVUsers variable to false
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $enabledUsers.Count; $i++) {
            $MatchHyperVUsers = ($enabledUsers[$i] -ceq $groupMembers[$i]) ? $true : $false
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "All users are part of the Hyper-V Administrators group"
            Value    = $MatchHyperVUsers
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Cmdlet"
        $MatchRegistryKeys = @() # initialize the variable to false - an array that is going to hold only bool values
        foreach ($Item in $CSVFileContent) {
            if ($Item.category -eq 'Miscellaneous' -and $Item.Action -eq 'AddOrModify') {
                $path = $Item.Path
                $key = $Item.Key
                $value = $Item.value
                $regValue = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $path -Name $key
                # Store only boolean values in the $MatchRegistryKeys
                $MatchRegistryKeys += [bool]($regValue -eq $value)  
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "Registry Keys All correct"
            # Make sure the boolean array doesn't contain any $false values
            Value    = ($MatchRegistryKeys -notcontains $false)
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Registry Keys"
        # Add the array of custom objects as a property to the $FinalMegaObject object outside the loop
        Add-Member -InputObject $FinalMegaObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CatName -Value $NestedObjectArray -ErrorAction Stop
        #EndRegion Miscellaneous-Category
        #Region Windows-Update-Category
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Validating Windows Update Category' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 80
        $NestedObjectArray = @()
        $CatName = "Windows Update"
        # Loop through each nested hash table inside the main Policies hash table and check the item state using a switch statement
        foreach ($Key in $HashPol[$CatName].Keys) {
            $Item = $PoliciesOutput | Where-object { $_.Name -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name -and $_.Category -eq $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Cat }
            switch ($Key) {
                1 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False   
                2 {                
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled') ? $True : $False   
                3 {
                    # 2 Check boxes with the same name exists, but both of their States and Values are the same that's why this works
                    $1index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Deadline (days):")                
                    $1DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$1index]                
                    $1DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$1index]
                    $2index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Grace period (days):")                
                    $2DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$2index]                
                    $2DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$2index]
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $1DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $1DropDownValue -eq '0' `
                            -and $2DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $2DropDownValue -eq '1' `
                            -and $Item.CheckboxName -eq "Don't auto-restart until end of grace period" `
                            -and $Item.CheckboxState -eq 'Disabled'                
                    ) ? $True : $False   
                4 {
                    # 2 Check boxes with the same name exists, but both of their States and Values are the same that's why this works
                    $1index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Configure automatic updating:")                
                    $1DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$1index]                
                    $1DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$1index]
                    $2index = $Item.CheckboxName.IndexOf("Install during automatic maintenance")
                    $2CheckBoxState = $Item.CheckboxState[$2index]
                    $3index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Scheduled install day: ") # Has an extra space in the xml!
                    $3DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$3index]                
                    $3DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$3index]
                    $4index = $Item.DropDownListName.IndexOf("Scheduled install time:")                
                    $4DropDownState = $Item.DropDownListState[$4index]                
                    $4DropDownValue = $Item.DropDownListValue[$4index]
                    $5index = $Item.CheckboxName.IndexOf("Every week")
                    $5CheckBoxState = $Item.CheckboxState[$5index]
                    $6index = $Item.CheckboxName.IndexOf("First week of the month")
                    $6CheckBoxState = $Item.CheckboxState[$6index]
                    $7index = $Item.CheckboxName.IndexOf("Second week of the month")
                    $7CheckBoxState = $Item.CheckboxState[$7index]
                    $8index = $Item.CheckboxName.IndexOf("Third week of the month")
                    $8CheckBoxState = $Item.CheckboxState[$8index]
                    $9index = $Item.CheckboxName.IndexOf("Fourth week of the month")
                    $9CheckBoxState = $Item.CheckboxState[$9index]
                    $10index = $Item.CheckboxName.IndexOf("Install updates for other Microsoft products")
                    $10CheckBoxState = $Item.CheckboxState[$10index]
                    [bool]$ItemState = ($Item.State -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $1DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $1DropDownValue -eq '4 - Auto download and schedule the install' `
                            -and $2CheckBoxState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $3DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $3DropDownValue -eq '0 - Every day' `
                            -and $4DropDownState -eq 'Enabled' `
                            -and $4DropDownValue -eq 'Automatic' `
                            -and $5CheckBoxState -eq 'Disabled' `
                            -and $6CheckBoxState -eq 'Disabled' `
                            -and $7CheckBoxState -eq 'Disabled' `
                            -and $8CheckBoxState -eq 'Disabled' `
                            -and $9CheckBoxState -eq 'Disabled' `
                            -and $10CheckBoxState -eq 'Enabled' `
                    ) ? $True : $False   
            # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
            $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
                Name     = $HashPol[$CatName][$Key].Name
                Value    = $ItemState
                Category = $CatName
                Method   = "Group Policy"
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "Enable restart notification for Windows update"
            Value    = ((Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" -Name "RestartNotificationsAllowed2") -eq '1')
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Registry Key"
        # Add the array of custom objects as a property to the $FinalMegaObject object outside the loop
        Add-Member -InputObject $FinalMegaObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CatName -Value $NestedObjectArray -ErrorAction Stop
        #EndRegion Windows-Update-Category
        #Region Edge-Category
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Validating Edge Browser Category' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 90
        $NestedObjectArray = @()
        $CatName = "Edge"    
        $MatchRegistryKeys = @() # initialize the variable to false - an array that is going to hold only bool values
        foreach ($Item in $CSVFileContent) {
            if ($Item.category -eq 'Edge' -and $Item.Action -eq 'AddOrModify') {
                $path = $Item.Path
                $key = $Item.Key
                $value = $Item.value
                $regValue = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $path -Name $key
                # Store only boolean values in the $MatchRegistryKeys
                $MatchRegistryKeys += [bool]($regValue -eq $value)  
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "Registry Keys All correct"
            # Make sure the boolean array doesn't contain any $false values
            Value    = ($MatchRegistryKeys -notcontains $false)
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Registry Keys"
        # Add the array of custom objects as a property to the $FinalMegaObject object outside the loop
        Add-Member -InputObject $FinalMegaObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CatName -Value $NestedObjectArray -ErrorAction Stop
        #EndRegion Edge-Category
        #Region Non-Admin-Category
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Validating Non-Admin Category' -Status 'Processing...' -PercentComplete 100
        $NestedObjectArray = @()
        $CatName = "Non-Admin"
        $MatchRegistryKeys = @() # initialize the variable to false - an array that is going to hold only bool values
        foreach ($Item in $CSVFileContent) {
            if ($Item.category -eq "NonAdmin" -and $Item.Action -eq 'AddOrModify') {
                $path = $Item.Path
                $key = $Item.Key
                $value = $Item.value
                $regValue = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $path -Name $key
                # Store only boolean values in the $MatchRegistryKeys
                $MatchRegistryKeys += [bool]($regValue -eq $value)  
        # Create a custom object with 4 properties to store them as nested objects inside the main output object
        $NestedObjectArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name     = "Registry Keys All correct"
            # Make sure the boolean array doesn't contain any $false values
            Value    = ($MatchRegistryKeys -notcontains $false)
            Category = $CatName
            Method   = "Registry Keys"
        # Add the array of custom objects as a property to the $FinalMegaObject object outside the loop
        Add-Member -InputObject $FinalMegaObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CatName -Value $NestedObjectArray -ErrorAction Stop
        #EndRegion Non-Admin-Category
        if ($ExportToCSV) {
            # An array to store the CSV converted content of each category
            $CsvOutPutFileContent = @()
            $CsvOutPutFileContent += $FinalMegaObject.'Microsoft Defender' | ConvertTo-Csv -ErrorAction Stop
            $CsvOutPutFileContent += $FinalMegaObject.ASR | ConvertTo-Csv -ErrorAction Stop
            $CsvOutPutFileContent += $FinalMegaObject.Bitlocker | ConvertTo-Csv -ErrorAction Stop
            $CsvOutPutFileContent += $FinalMegaObject.TLS | ConvertTo-Csv -ErrorAction Stop
            $CsvOutPutFileContent += $FinalMegaObject.LockScreen | ConvertTo-Csv -ErrorAction Stop
            $CsvOutPutFileContent += $FinalMegaObject.UAC | ConvertTo-Csv -ErrorAction Stop
            $CsvOutPutFileContent += $FinalMegaObject.'Device Guard' | ConvertTo-Csv -ErrorAction Stop
            $CsvOutPutFileContent += $FinalMegaObject.'Windows Firewall' | ConvertTo-Csv -ErrorAction Stop
            $CsvOutPutFileContent += $FinalMegaObject.'Windows Networking' | ConvertTo-Csv -ErrorAction Stop
            $CsvOutPutFileContent += $FinalMegaObject.Miscellaneous | ConvertTo-Csv -ErrorAction Stop
            $CsvOutPutFileContent += $FinalMegaObject.'Windows Update' | ConvertTo-Csv -ErrorAction Stop
            $CsvOutPutFileContent += $FinalMegaObject.Edge | ConvertTo-Csv -ErrorAction Stop
            $CsvOutPutFileContent += $FinalMegaObject.'Non-Admin' | ConvertTo-Csv -ErrorAction Stop
            # Store the final array in the OutPut.CSV file in the current working directory
            $CsvOutPutFileContent | Out-File '.\OutPut.CSV' -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($ShowAsObjectsOnly) {
            # return the main object that contains multiple nested objects
            return $FinalMegaObject
        else {   

            #Region Colors
            $WritePlum = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(221,160,221))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            $WriteOrchid = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(218,112,214))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            $WriteFuchsia = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,0,255))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            $WriteMediumOrchid = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(186,85,211))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            $WriteMediumPurple = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(147,112,219))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            $WriteBlueViolet = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(138,43,226))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            $WriteDarkViolet = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(148,0,211))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            $WritePink = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,192,203))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            $WriteHotPink = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,105,180))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            $WriteDeepPink = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,20,147))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            $WriteMintGreen = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(152,255,152))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            $WriteOrange = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,165,0))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            $WriteLime = { Write-Output "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(0,255,0))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            #Endregion Colors
            & $WritePlum "`n-------------Microsoft Defender Category-------------"
            $FinalMegaObject.'Microsoft Defender' | Format-Table -RepeatHeader -AutoSize -ErrorAction Stop
            & $WriteOrchid "`n-------------Attack Surface Reduction Rules Category-------------"
            $FinalMegaObject.ASR | Format-Table -RepeatHeader -AutoSize -ErrorAction Stop
            & $WriteFuchsia "`n-------------Bitlocker Category-------------"
            $FinalMegaObject.Bitlocker | Format-Table -RepeatHeader -AutoSize -ErrorAction Stop
            & $WriteMediumOrchid "`n-------------TLS Category-------------"
            $FinalMegaObject.TLS | Format-Table -RepeatHeader -AutoSize -ErrorAction Stop
            & $WriteMediumPurple "`n-------------Lock Screen Category-------------"
            $FinalMegaObject.LockScreen | Format-Table -RepeatHeader -AutoSize -ErrorAction Stop
            & $WriteBlueViolet "`n-------------User Account Control Category-------------"
            $FinalMegaObject.UAC | Format-Table -RepeatHeader -AutoSize -ErrorAction Stop
            & $WriteDarkViolet "`n-------------Device Guard Category-------------"
            $FinalMegaObject.'Device Guard' | Format-Table -RepeatHeader -AutoSize -ErrorAction Stop
            & $WritePink "`n-------------Windows Firewall Category-------------"
            $FinalMegaObject.'Windows Firewall' | Format-Table -RepeatHeader -AutoSize -ErrorAction Stop
            & $WriteHotPink "`n-------------Windows Networking Category-------------"
            $FinalMegaObject.'Windows Networking' | Format-Table -RepeatHeader -AutoSize -ErrorAction Stop
            & $WriteDeepPink "`n-------------Miscellaneous Category-------------"
            $FinalMegaObject.Miscellaneous | Format-Table -RepeatHeader -AutoSize -ErrorAction Stop
            & $WriteMintGreen "`n-------------Windows Update Category-------------"
            $FinalMegaObject.'Windows Update' | Format-Table -RepeatHeader -AutoSize -ErrorAction Stop
            & $WriteOrange "`n-------------Microsoft Edge Category-------------"
            $FinalMegaObject.Edge | Format-Table -RepeatHeader -AutoSize -ErrorAction Stop
            & $WriteLime "`n-------------Non-Admin Category-------------"
            $FinalMegaObject.'Non-Admin' | Format-Table -RepeatHeader -AutoSize -ErrorAction Stop   
            # Counting the number of $True values in the Final Output Object
            [int]$TotalTrueValuesInOutPut = ($FinalMegaObject.'Microsoft Defender' | ? { $_.value -eq $true }).value.Count + `
                [int]($FinalMegaObject.ASR | ? { $_.value -eq $true }).value.Count + `
                [int]($FinalMegaObject.Bitlocker | ? { $_.value -eq $true }).value.Count + `
                [int]($FinalMegaObject.TLS | ? { $_.value -eq $true }).value.Count + `
                [int]($FinalMegaObject.LockScreen | ? { $_.value -eq $true }).value.Count + `
                [int]($FinalMegaObject.UAC | ? { $_.value -eq $true }).value.Count + `
                [int]($FinalMegaObject.'Device Guard' | ? { $_.value -eq $true }).value.Count + `
                [int]($FinalMegaObject.'Windows Firewall' | ? { $_.value -eq $true }).value.Count + `
                [int]($FinalMegaObject.'Windows Networking' | ? { $_.value -eq $true }).value.Count + `
                [int]($FinalMegaObject.Miscellaneous | ? { $_.value -eq $true }).value.Count + `
                [int]($FinalMegaObject.'Windows Update' | ? { $_.value -eq $true }).value.Count + `
                [int]($FinalMegaObject.Edge | ? { $_.value -eq $true }).value.Count + `
                [int]($FinalMegaObject.'Non-Admin' | ? { $_.value -eq $true }).value.Count

            $WhenValue1To20 = @"

            $WhenValue21To40 = @"

            $WhenValue41To60 = @"

            $WhenValue61To80 = @"

            $WhenValue81To88 = @"

            $WhenValueAbove88 = @"

            switch ($true) {
                    ($TotalTrueValuesInOutPut -in 1..20) { & $WriteOrange "$WhenValue1To20`nYour compliance score is $TotalTrueValuesInOutPut!" }                    
                    ($TotalTrueValuesInOutPut -in 21..40) { & $WriteBlueViolet "$WhenValue21To40`nYour compliance score is $TotalTrueValuesInOutPut!" }
                    ($TotalTrueValuesInOutPut -in 41..60) { & $WriteDeepPink "$WhenValue41To60`nYour compliance score is $TotalTrueValuesInOutPut!" }
                    ($TotalTrueValuesInOutPut -in 61..80) { & $WriteMintGreen "$WhenValue61To80`nYour compliance score is $TotalTrueValuesInOutPut!" }
                    ($TotalTrueValuesInOutPut -in 81..88) { & $WriteFuchsia "$WhenValue81To88`nYour compliance score is $TotalTrueValuesInOutPut!" }
                    ($TotalTrueValuesInOutPut -gt 88) { & $WriteHotPink "$WhenValueAbove88`nYour compliance score is $TotalTrueValuesInOutPut! 👏" }
    } # End of Process Block

    end {
        # Clean up
        Remove-Item -Path ".\security_policy.inf" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        Remove-Item -Path ".\Registry.csv" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        Remove-Item -Path ".\Group-Policies.json" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        Remove-Item -Path ".\GPResult.xml" -Force -ErrorAction Stop

Checks the compliance of a system with the Harden Windows Security script
Checks the compliance of a system with the Harden Windows Security script. Checks the applied Group policies, registry keys and PowerShell cmdlets used by the hardening script.
Gpresult, Secedit, PowerShell, Registry
Uses Gpresult and Secedit to first export the effective Group policies and Security policies, then goes through them and checks them against the Harden Windows Security's guidelines.
# Do this to get the Controlled Folder Access Programs list
($result.Microsoft Defender | Where-Object {$ -eq 'Controlled Folder Access Exclusions'}).value.programs
# Do this to only see the result for the Microsoft Defender category
$result.Microsoft Defender
Export the output to a CSV file in the current working directory
.PARAMETER ShowAsObjectsOnly
Returns a nested object instead of writing strings on the PowerShell console, it can be assigned to a variable


# Set PSReadline tab completion to complete menu for easier access to available parameters - Only for the current session
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function MenuComplete