
#Requires -Version 3
function Get-PwnedPassword {
            Report if an password has been found via the API service.
            Report if an passsword has been found via the API service.
            This function queries the API service created by Troy Hunt (@troyhunt)
            and reports whether the specified password has been found (pwned). The password can be in
            clear text, a SHA1 hash, or a secure string.
            Note that as of the v2 API, passwords are never sent encrypted or otherwise over the internet.
            Passwords, encrypted or cleartext, are SHA1 hashed and only the first 5 characters posted
            back to
            By default "padding" is enabled which will return additional random hashes to vary the response
            payload size. Padding can be disabled using the parameter "Padding" and setting it to "false".
            Get-PwnedPassword -Password monkey
            Identifies if the password has been found.
            Get-PwnedPassword -Password monkey -Padding false
            Identifies if the password has been found with response padding removed.
            Get-PwnedPassword -SHA1 AB87D24BDC7452E55738DEB5F868E1F16DEA5ACE
            Identifies if the SHA1 hash of the password has been found.
            $Password = Read-host -AsSecureString
            Get-PwnedPassword -SecureString $Password
            Identifies if the password, in the SecureString variable $Password, has been found.
            $password = ConvertTo-SecureString "monkey" -asplaintext -force
            get-pwnedpassword -SecureString $password
            Identifies if the password, in the SecureString variable $Password, has been found.
            Author: Mark Ukotic
            Twitter: @originaluko

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Password')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'SecureString')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'SHA1')]

        [string]$Padding = "true"

    Begin {

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
        $baseURI = ""
        $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
        $headers.Add("Add-Padding", $Padding)
        function Hash($textToHash) {      
            $hasher = New-Object -TypeName "System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider"
            $toHash = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($textToHash)
            $bytes = $hasher.ComputeHash($toHash)
            $res = ($bytes | ForEach-Object ToString X2) -join ''
    Process {

        Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'Password' {
                $SHA1 = Hash($Password)
                write-host $SHA1                
            'SecureString' {
                $Password = (New-Object PSCredential "user", $SecureString).GetNetworkCredential().Password
                $SHA1 = Hash($Password)
            'SHA1' {
        $URI = $baseURI + $SHA1.SubString(0, 5)
        try {
            $Request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI
            $suffix = $SHA1.SubString(5, 35) + ":"
            $found = $request.split() | select-string "$suffix" | out-string
            if ($found) {
                $cnt = (($found.split(':'))[1]).trim()
                Write-Warning  "Password pwned $cnt times!"
            else {
                Write-Output  'Password not found.'
        catch {
            $errorDetails = $null
            $response = $_.Exception | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'message' -ErrorAction Ignore
            if ($response) {
                $errorDetails = $_.ErrorDetails
            if ($null -eq $errorDetails) {
                Switch ($response) {
                    'The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.' {
                        Write-Error -Message 'Bad Request - the account does not comply with an acceptable format.'
                    'The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.' {
                        Write-Error -Message 'Forbidden - no user agent has been specified in the request.'
                    # Windows PowerShell 404 response
                    'The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.' {
                        Write-Output  'Password not found.'
                    # PowerShell Core 404 response
                    'Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found).' {
                        Write-Output  'Password not found.'
                    'The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.' {
                        Write-Error -Message 'Too many requests - the rate limit has been exceeded.'
            else {
                Write-error -Message ('Request to "{0}" failed: {1}' -f $uri, $errorDetails)