
Install-Module -Name Hcl2PS -Force
Import-Module -Name Hcl2PS -Force
#Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot/../../Hcl2PS.psd1" -Force # Uncomment to test locally

Describe "Test Conversions main.tf" -Tag 'main.tf File Tests' {

    BeforeAll {
        $filePath = ".\..\testData\main.tf"
        write-host "File Path: $filepath"
        $actual = ConvertFrom-Hcl -Path $filePath 
    It "main.tf should have blocks" {

        ($actual | get-member -Type NoteProperty).name | Should -Be @("data", "provider", "resource", "terraform")

    It "main.tf nested property value test" {

        $actual.resource.azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8sexample.name | Should -Be '${var.vault_user}-k8sexample-cluster'

Describe "Test Conversions outputs.tf" -Tag 'outputs.tf File Tests' {

    BeforeAll {
        $filePath = ".\..\testData\outputs.tf"
        write-host "File Path: $filepath"
        $actual = ConvertFrom-Hcl -Path $filePath
    It "outputs.tf should have outputs" {

        ($actual.output | get-member -Type NoteProperty).name | Should -Be @("environment", 

    It "outputs.tf nested property value test" {

        $actual.output.environment.value | Should -Be '${var.environment}'

Describe "Test Conversions sample-policy.hcl" -Tag 'sample-policy.hcl File Tests' {

    BeforeAll {
        $filePath = ".\..\testData\sample-policy.hcl"
        write-host "File Path: $filepath"
        $actual = ConvertFrom-Hcl -Path $filePath

    It "sample-policy.hcl nested property value test" {

        $actual.path.'auth/roger*'.capabilities | Should -Be @('create', 'read', 'update', 'delete', 'list')

#### AsJson Tests #####
Describe "Test Conversions main.tf with -AsJson" -Tag 'main.tf File Tests with JSON' {

    BeforeAll {
        $filePath = ".\..\testData\main.tf"
        $expectedJsonPath = ".\..\testData\main.json" # Path to the expected JSON file
        write-host "File Path: $filepath"
        $jsonString = ConvertFrom-Hcl -Path $filePath -AsJson
        $actual = $jsonString | ConvertFrom-Json
        $expectedJson = Get-Content $expectedJsonPath

    It "main.tf JSON string should match expected JSON" {
        $jsonString | Should -BeExactly $expectedJson

Describe "Test Conversions outputs.tf with -AsJson" -Tag 'outputs.tf File Tests with JSON' {

    BeforeAll {
        $filePath = ".\..\testData\outputs.tf"
        $expectedJsonPath = ".\..\testData\outputs.json" # Path to the expected JSON file
        write-host "File Path: $filepath"
        $jsonString = ConvertFrom-Hcl -Path $filePath -AsJson
        $actual = $jsonString | ConvertFrom-Json
        $expectedJson = Get-Content $expectedJsonPath

    It "outputs.tf JSON string should match expected JSON" {
        $jsonString | Should -BeExactly $expectedJson

Describe "Test Conversions sample-policy.hcl with -AsJson" -Tag 'sample-policy.hcl File Tests with JSON' {

    BeforeAll {
        $filePath = ".\..\testData\sample-policy.hcl"
        $expectedJsonPath = ".\..\testData\sample-policy.json" # Path to the expected JSON file
        write-host "File Path: $filepath"
        $jsonString = ConvertFrom-Hcl -Path $filePath -AsJson
        $actual = $jsonString | ConvertFrom-Json
        $expectedJson = Get-Content $expectedJsonPath

    It "sample-policy.hcl JSON string should match expected JSON" {
        $jsonString | Should -BeExactly $expectedJson