
# Defines all of the psake tasks used to build, test, and publish this project

Include build-functions.ps1
if ($PLASTER_PARAM_NugetSupport -eq $true) {
"Include package-functions.ps1"
if ($PLASTER_PARAM_GitVersion -eq $true) {
"Include version-functions.ps1"

Properties {
    $BuildContext = @{
        distributionPath = (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot) -ChildPath "dist")
        rootPath = (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot)
        sourcePath = (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot) -ChildPath "source")
        testPath = (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot) -ChildPath "tests")
        versionInfo = $null
        # nugetSource = @{ name = ''; source = '' }

Task default -depends Test

Task Clean -description "Deletes all build artifacts and the distribution (dist) folder" {

    Remove-Item $BuildContext.distributionPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


Task Build -depends Clean, Init -description "Creates a ready to distribute module with all required files" {

    $BuildContext.versionInfo = GetVersionInfo

    New-Item $BuildContext.distributionPath -ItemType Directory

    Build-Module -BuildContext $BuildContext
if ($PLASTER_PARAM_NugetSupport -eq $true) {

    PackModule -BuildContext $BuildContext



Task Init -description "Initializes the build chain by installing dependencies" {

    $psd = Get-Module PSDepend -listAvailable
    if ($null -eq $psd) {
      Install-Module PSDepend -AcceptLicense -Force
    Import-Module PSDepend

    Invoke-PSDepend $PSScriptRoot -Force


if ($PLASTER_PARAM_TestFramework -ne 'None') {
Task Test -depends Init, Build -description 'Executes all unit tests' {


if ($PLASTER_PARAM_TestFramework -eq 'Pester') {
    Invoke-Pester -Script $BuildContext.testPath -OutputFile "$($BuildContext.rootPath)\Test-Results.xml" -OutputFormat NUnitXml

if ($PLASTER_PARAM_TestFramework -ne 'None') {



Task Publish -depends Init -description "Publishes the <%=$PLASTER_PARAM_Name%> module and all submodules to Azure Artifacts" {

    Assert (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildContext.DistributionPath -ChildPath "*") -Include "*.nupkg") -failureMessage "Module not built. Please build before publishing or use the BuildAndPublish task."
    PublishModule -BuildContext $BuildContext


Task BuildAndPublish -depends Build, Publish