
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

    Calculate the number of days between today and any future (or past) date.
    This function provides the quantity of days between today and any given date.
    Specifies a date.
    Enter the date in a format that is standard for the system locale.
    Example Date Formats:
    Let's say today is January 1st, 2020.
    PS> Get-DaysUntil 10/18
    This will generate the number of days between today (jan1/2020) and October 18th, 2020.
    See `Get-Help Get-DaysUntil -Parameter Date` for example date formats.
    Let's say today is January 1st, 2020.
    PS> Get-DaysUntil 10/18/2000
    This will generate a negative number, for the number of days in the past the specified date is.
    See `Get-Help Get-DaysUntil -Parameter Date` for example date formats.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo

Function Get-DaysUntil() {
        [string] $Date

    $TimeSpan = (New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0) -End (Get-Date -Date $Date))
    if ([math]::Round($TimeSpan.Hours / 24) -eq 1) {
        if ($TimeSpan.Days -ge 0) {$Days = $TimeSpan.Days + 1}
        elseif ($TimeSpan.Days -lt 0) {$Days = $TimeSpan.Days - 1}
    } else {
        $Days = $TimeSpan.Days
