{ "Synopsis": "Determines the percentage of documentation", "Description": "Determines the percentage of documentation in a given script", "Parameters": [ { "Name": null, "Type": null, "Description": "", "Required": false, "Position": 0, "Aliases": null, "DefaultValue": null, "Globbing": false, "PipelineInput": null, "variableLength": false } ], "Notes": [ null ], "CommandType": "Function", "Component": [ null ], "Inputs": [ null ], "Outputs": [ null ], "Links": [ null ], "Examples": [ { "Title": "EXAMPLE 1", "Markdown": "", "Code": "dir -Filter *.ps1 | Measure-Help" }, { "Title": "EXAMPLE 2", "Markdown": "", "Code": "Get-Command -Module HelpOut | Measure-Help" }, { "Title": "EXAMPLE 3", "Markdown": "", "Code": "Measure-Help {\n # This script has some documentation, and then a bunch of code that literally does nothing\n $null = $null # The null equivilancy \n $null * 500 # x times nothing is still nothing\n $null / 100 # Nothing out of 100 \n} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PercentageDocumented" } ] } |