
function Install-MAML
        Installs MAML into a module
        Installs MAML into a module.
        This generates a single script that:
        * Includes all commands
        * Removes their multiline comments
        * Directs the commands to use external help
        You should then include this script in your module import.

        Ideally, you should use the allcommands script
        Install-MAML -Module HelpOut

    [OutputType([Nullable], [IO.FileInfo])]
    # The name of one or more modules.
    # If set, will refresh the documentation for the module before generating the commands file.

    # If set, will compact the generated MAML. This will be ignored if -Refresh is not passed, since no new MAML will be generated.
    # The name of the combined script. By default, allcommands.ps1.
    $ScriptName = 'allcommands.ps1',

    # The root directories containing functions. If not provided, the function root will be the module root.

    # If set, the function roots will not be recursively searched.

    # The encoding of the combined script. By default, UTF8.
    $Encoding = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8,

    # A list of wildcards to exclude. This list will always contain the ScriptName.

    # If set, the generated MAML will not contain a version number.
    # This slightly reduces the size of the MAML file, and reduces the rate of changes in the MAML file.

    # If provided, will save the MAML to a different directory than the current UI culture.

    # If set, will remove comments within functions when generating allcommands.ps1

    # If set, will return the files that were generated.

    # If set, will minify the code in allcommands.ps1.
    # By default, this will stream down the latest version of [PSMinifier](

    # If -MinifierSource is like `*Gallery*`, it will use the PowerShell Gallery to download.
    # If -MinifierSource is an alternate URL, it will download the contents of that URL (it must define a function named Compress-ScriptBlock).

    process {        
        if ($ScriptName -notlike '*.ps1') { # First, let's check that the scriptname is a .PS1.
            $ScriptName += '.ps1' # If it wasn't, add the extension.

        $Exclude += $ScriptName # Then, add the script name to the list of exclusions.

        if (-not $Culture) { # If no culture was specified,
            $Culture = [Globalization.CultureInfo]::CurrentUICulture # use the current UI culture.

        foreach ($m in $Module) { 
            $theModule = Get-Module $m # Resolve the module.
            if (-not $theModule) { continue }  # If we couldn't, continue to the next.
            $theModuleRoot =  $theModule | Split-Path # Find the module's root.
            if ($PSBoundParameters.FunctionRoot) { # If we provided a function root parameter
                $functionRoot = foreach ($f in $FunctionRoot) { # then turn each root into an absolute path.
                    if ([IO.File]::Exists($F)) {
                    } else {
                        Join-Path $theModuleRoot $f
            } else {
                $FunctionRoot = "$theModuleRoot" # otherwise, just use the module root.
            $fileList = @(foreach ($f in $FunctionRoot) { # Walk thru each function root.
                Get-ChildItem -Path $f -Recurse:$(-not $Recurse) -Filter *.ps1 | # recursively find all .PS1s
                    & { process {
                        if ($_.Name -notlike '*-*' -or $_.Name -like '*.*.*') { return  }  
                        foreach ($ex in $Exclude) { 
                            if ($_.Name -like $ex) { return } 
                        return $_
                    } }

            #region Save the MAMLs
            if (-not $NoRefresh) { # If we're refreshing the MAML,
                $saveMamlCmd =  # find the command Save-MAML
                    if ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module) {
                    } else {
                        $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Save-MAML', 'Function')
                $saveMamlSplat = @{} + $PSBoundParameters # and pick out the parameters that this function and Save-MAML have in common.
                foreach ($k in @($saveMamlSplat.Keys)) {
                    if (-not $saveMamlCmd.Parameters.ContainsKey($k)) {
                $saveMamlSplat.Module = $m # then, set the module
                Save-MAML @saveMamlSplat # and call Save-MAML
            #endregion Save the MAMLs

            #region Generate the Combined Script
            # Prepare a regex to find function definitions.
            $regex = [Regex]::new('
                (?<![-\s\#]{1,}) # not preceeded by a -, or whitespace, or a comment
                function # function keyword
                \s{1,1} # a single space or tab
                (?<Name>[^\-]{1,1}\S+) # any non-whitespace, starting with a non-dash
                \s{0,} # optional whitespace
                [\(\{] # opening parenthesis or brackets
, 'MultiLine,IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:05')

            # If we want to minify
            $compressScriptBlockCmd = $null
            if ($Minify) {
                # check for the minifier
                $compressScriptBlockCmd = $($executionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands("Compress-ScriptBlock*", "Function", $true))
                if (-not $compressScriptBlockCmd) {
                    if ($MinifierSource -eq 'Gallery') {
                        $installedPSMinifier = Install-Module -Name PSMinifier -Scope CurrentUser -Force
                        if ($?) {
                            Import-Module PSMinifier -Global
                    else {
                        if ($MinifierSource -eq 'GitHub' -or -not $MinifierSource) {
                            $MinifierSource = ""
                        $downloadedMinifier = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $MinifierSource
                        . ([scriptblock]::Create($downloadedMinifier))                                
                    $compressScriptBlockCmd = $($executionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands("Compress-ScriptBlock*", "Function", $true))

            $newFileContent = # We'll assign new file content by
                foreach ($f in $fileList) { # walking thru each file.
                    $fCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($f.FullName, 'ExternalScript')
                    $fileContent = 
                        if ($Minify -and $compressScriptBlockCmd) {
                            & $compressScriptBlockCmd $fCmd.ScriptBlock
                        } else {
                            "$($fCmd.ScriptBlock)" # and read it as a string.
                    $start = 0
                    do { 
                        $matched = $regex.Match($fileContent,$start) # See if we find a functon.
                        if ($matched.Success) { # If we found one,
                            $insert = ([Environment]::NewLine + "#.ExternalHelp $M-Help.xml" + [Environment]::NewLine) # insert a line for help.
                            $fileContent = if ($matched.Index) {
                                $fileContent.Insert($matched.Index - 1, $insert)
                            } else {
                                $insert + $fileContent
                            $start += $matched.Index + $matched.Length
                            $start += $insert.Length # and update our starting position.
                        # Keep doing this until we've reached the end of the file or the end of the matches.
                    } while ($start -le $filecontent.Length -and $matched.Success)                                        
                    # If -NoComment was passed
                    if ($NoComment) {
                        # Try replacing the block comments
                        try {
                            [Regex]::new('\<\#[\S\s]+?\#\>', 'Multiline,IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', [Timespan]'00:00:05').Replace($fileContent, '')
                        } catch {
                            # (if it fails, include the content normally)
                    } else {
                        # Then output the file content.
            # Last but not least, we
            $combinedCommandsPath = Join-Path $theModuleRoot $ScriptName # determine the path for our combined commands file.

            "### DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY ###" | Set-Content -Path $combinedCommandsPath -Encoding $Encoding.HeaderName.Replace('-','') # add a header
            [IO.File]::AppendAllText($combinedCommandsPath, $newFileContent, $Encoding) # and add our content.
            #endregion Generate the Combined Script

            if ($PassThru) {
                Get-Item -Path $combinedCommandsPath