
    Parses a single line of help data for flag and option parameters.

function Get-ParsedHelpLineElement {
    param (
        # The help data to parse.

        # The regular expression to use to extract options and flags.
        [string]$RegEx = '^\s*((-{1,2}|/)[a-zA-Z0-9#?]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9\-#\[\]]*)[=\s,]?',

        # A pre-condition for qualifying the $HelpLine as a line containing
        # parameter elements.
        [string]$PreConditionRegEx = '^\s*(-{1,2}|/)',

        # An output that indicates how many spaces the parameter was indented by.
        # This is mainly intended to provide a convinient way to remove indentation
        # of lines that follow the parameter's first line that provides additional
        # detail/context.

    process {
        if (($HelpLine | Select-String $PreConditionRegEx).Matches.Count -eq 0) {

        if ($null -ne $IndentationCount) {
            $indent = ($HelpLine | Select-String '^\s+')
            if ($null -eq $indent) {
                $IndentationCount.Value = 0
            } else {
                $IndentationCount.Value = $indent.Matches[0].Length

        # The string replacement is to address an edge case for cmake where
        # there are no spaces between the options/flags:
        # -h,-H,--help,-help,-usage,/? = Print usage information and exit.
        # --version,-version,/V [<file>]
        $elems = @($HelpLine.TrimStart().Replace(',-', ', -').Replace(',/', ', /').Split().TrimEnd(',; '))
        if ($elems.Count -eq 0) {

        $endIndex = $elems.IndexOf('')
        if ($endIndex -lt 0) {
            $endIndex = $elems.Count - 1

        $elems[0..$endIndex] | Select-String -Pattern $RegEx -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches }

    Parses the provided help data for flag and option parameters.

function Get-ParsedHelpParam {
    param (
        # The help data to parse.

    begin {
        $lineNumber = 0
        $parsedParams = @()
    process {
        $indentCount = 0
        $paramLineElems = Get-ParsedHelpLineElement -HelpLine $HelpLine  -IndentationCount ([ref]$indentCount)

        if ($null -ne $paramLineElems) {
            # Before processing new parameter, copy the $Tail data to each
            # sibling of the last parameter.
            if ($parsedParams.Count -gt 0) {
                $sibling = $parsedParams[-1].Sibling.Value
                while ($null -ne $sibling) {
                    $sibling.Tail = $parsedParams[-1].Tail
                    $sibling = $sibling.Sibling.Value

            $sibling = [ref]$null
            $paramLineElems.Value | ForEach-Object {
                $param = $_
                $paramAlt = $null
                if ($param.IndexOf('[') -ge 0 -and $param.IndexOf(']') -ge 0) {
                    # NOTE: This is a basic solution and may not cover more complex
                    # scenarios where there are multiple sets of brackets in a param.
                    $match = $param | Select-String -AllMatches -Pattern '\[([a-zA-Z0-9\-#]+)\]'
                    if ($match.Matches.Count -gt 0) {
                        $paramAlt = $param
                        $match.Matches | ForEach-Object {
                            $param = $param.Replace($_.Groups[0].Value, '')
                            $paramAlt = $paramAlt.Replace($_.Groups[0].Value, $_.Groups[1].Value)

                $item = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    Param = $param.TrimEnd('[').Replace('[=','')
                    Values = @()
                    LineNumber = $lineNumber
                    Line = $HelpLine
                    Tail = @()
                    TailEnd = $false
                    Indent = $indentCount
                    Sibling = $sibling

                # Extract parameters values.
                # Positive Lookbehind (?<=TEXT) and Positive Lookahead are used
                # below (?=TEXT) to match the elements between the brackets and
                # pipes. One form that is rather complicated to parse is gcc's,
                # but catching the [^] may introduce issues elsewhere.
                # --help={common|optimizers|params|target|warnings|[^]{joined|separate|undocumented}}[,...].
                # NOTE: Consider supporting a function-argument to customize this.
                $openSquareBracketPipeRegEx = '(?<=\[)[^\[\]\|]*(?=\|)'
                $pipeCloseSquareBracketRegex = '(?<=\|)[^\[\]\|]*(?=\])'
                $openCurlyBracketPipeRegEx = '(?<=\{)[^\{\}\|]*(?=\|)'
                $pipeCloseCurelyBracketRegex = '(?<=\|)[^\{\}\|]*(?=\})'
                $openAngleBracketPipeRegEx = '(?<=\<)[^\<\>\|]*(?=\|)'
                $pipeCloseAngleBracketRegex = '(?<=\|)[^\<\>\|]*(?=\>)'
                $pipePipeRegEx = '(?<=\|)[^\[\]\|]*(?=\|)'
                $valueExtractionRegEx = "$openSquareBracketPipeRegEx|$pipeCloseSquareBracketRegex|$openCurlyBracketPipeRegEx"
                $valueExtractionRegEx += "|$pipeCloseCurelyBracketRegex|$openAngleBracketPipeRegEx|$pipeCloseAngleBracketRegex|$pipePipeRegEx"
                $paramValues = @($item.Line | Select-String -AllMatches $valueExtractionRegEx)

                if ($paramValues.Matches.Count -gt 0) {
                    $item.Values = $paramValues.Matches.Value | ForEach-Object { $_.TrimStart('=') }

                $parsedParams += $item
                $sibling = [ref]($item)

                # Add the alternative form of a parameter (param name contains '[' ']').
                if ($null -ne $paramAlt) {
                    $item = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Param = $paramAlt.TrimEnd('[').Replace('[=','')
                        Values = @()
                        LineNumber = $lineNumber
                        Line = $HelpLine
                        Tail = @()
                        TailEnd = $false
                        Indent = $indentCount
                        Sibling = $sibling

                    if ($paramValues.Matches.Count -gt 0) {
                        $item.Values = $paramValues.Matches.Value | ForEach-Object { $_.TrimStart('=') }

                    $parsedParams += $item
                    $sibling = [ref]($item)
        } elseif ($parsedParams.Count -gt 0) {
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($HelpLine)) {
                $parsedParams[-1].TailEnd = $true
            } elseif (-not($parsedParams[-1].TailEnd)) {
                $parsedParams[-1].Tail += $HelpLine

    end {
        $parsedParams | Sort-Object -Property "Param" -CaseSensitive

    Parses the provided help data for flag parameters.

function Get-ParsedHelpFlag {
    param (
        # The help data to parse.

    process {
        $HelpData | Get-ParsedHelpParam | Where-object { -not $_.Param.StartsWith('--') }

    Parses the provided help data for option parameters.

function Get-ParsedHelpOption {
    param (
        # The help data to parse.

    process {
        $HelpData | Get-ParsedHelpParam | Where-object { $_.Param.StartsWith('--') }

    Creates a new tab completion ParameterName result using the provided
    parameter information.

function New-ParsedHelpParamCompletionResult
    param (
        # Metadata for the currently processed parameter to determine whether it
        # is a relevant tab-completion result.

        # The word to provide tab-completion results for.
    process {
        if ( $ParamInfo.Param -like "$WordToComplete*" ) {
            $toolTip = $ParamInfo.Line
            $toolTip += "$( if ($ParamInfo.Tail.Count -gt 0) { [System.Environment]::NewLine + ($ParamInfo.Tail -join [System.Environment]::NewLine) } )"

            # This is a workaround for when two flags are identical except for their casing.
            # This should be improved on further for multi-character flags/options share
            # the same issue. In this case, it may be best to store a list of all parameter
            # strings and determine if another entry exists that would introduce this problem.
            $listItem = $ParamInfo.Param
            if (($ParamInfo.Param.StartsWith('-') -or $ParamInfo.Param.StartsWith('/')) -and
                ($ParamInfo.Param.Length -eq 2) -and ($ParamInfo.Param[1] -cmatch '[A-Z]')) {
                $listItem += ' '

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("New $($ParamInfo.Param) CompletionResult")) {

    Gets the previous parameter in the command's abstract syntax tree object.

function Get-ParsedHelpPrevParam
    param (
        # The AST for the completion result's current command line state.

        # The current cusror position.

    $c = $CommandAst.ToString()
    $prev = $CommandAst.CommandElements[-1].ToString()

    if ($CursorPosition -le $c.Length) {
        $r = $c.LastIndexOf(' ', $CursorPosition)
        $l = $c.LastIndexOf(' ', $r - 1)

        while ($c[$r - 1] -eq ' ') {
            $r = $r - 1

        $prev = $c.Substring($l + 1, $r - $l - 1)


    Creates a new tab completion ParameterValue result using the provided
    parameter information.

function New-ParsedHelpValueCompletionResult
    param (
        # The value to create a completion result for.

        # Represents the data to paste prior to the accepted completion result.
        # This may for instance be the parameter name followed by '='

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("New $($ParamInfo.Param) CompletionResult")) {
                'Parameter Value')

    Parses the provided help data for accepted values for previously specified
    parameter in the command line's AST.

function Get-ParsedHelpParamValue
    param (
        # Help line(s) to parse for parameter values.

        # The word to complete for tab-completion.

        # The command abstract syntax tree used to extract the previous token
        # in order to resolve the parameter name context.

        # Where the cursor is positioned in the $WordToComplete.

        # To be set when the word to complete contains the equals symbol.
        # This indicates that the parameter value completion exists in the same
        # token as the parameter name.

        # To be set when the command uses MS-DOS style syntax
        # (i.e. /PARAMNAME:PARAMVALUE)

        # Reference which will be updated with the appropriate string to be passed
        # into New-ParsedHelpValueCompletionResult.

    begin {
        if ($MsDosMode) {
            $assignToken = ':'
        } else {
            $assignToken = '='

        if ($ParamValueAssignment) {
            $paramElems = $WordToComplete.Split($assignToken)
            $paramName = $paramElems[0]
            $paramValue = $paramElems[-1]
            if ($null -ne $ResultPrefix) {
                $ResultPrefix.Value = "$paramName$assignToken"
        } else {
            $paramName = Get-ParsedHelpPrevParam -CommandAst $CommandAst -CursorPosition $CursorPosition
            $paramValue = $wordToComplete
            if ($null -ne $ResultPrefix) {
                $ResultPrefix.Value = ""

    process {
        if ($paramName.Contains($assignToken)) { return }

        $HelpLine |
            Get-ParsedHelpParam |
            Where-Object { ($_.Param -match "^$paramName$assignToken`?$") -and ($_.Values.Count -gt 0) } |
            ForEach-Object { $_.Values } |
            Where-Object { $_ -like "$paramValue*" }

    Generates an ArgumentCompleter code for the specified command.
    This will be output the specified file.

function New-HelpParserTabCompleter
        # The file to write the code to. This should either be a .psm1 or
        # .ps1 file.

        # The command the argument completer is for. This should the name of a
        # native command (i.e. a binary executable) without any file extension.

        # The command required to get the help documentation to be parsed. This
        # should output at raw text. If the resulting tab-completion is not to
        # expectations, consider applying some prefiltering to provide cleaner
        # more concise data to parse.

        # Indicates that the command follows MS-DOS style options using
        # foward-slash for options/flags and colon for parameter value assignment.

        # If the file to write to already exists, specify this switch to
        # indicate that it is ok to (over)write the file.

        # Specify this switch to indicate that the file should be appended to
        # instead of overwritten.

    $standardTextSegement = @'
    if ($wordToComplete.StartsWith("--") -and -not $paramValueAssign) {
        Get-ParsedHelpFlag -HelpData $helpData |
            New-ParsedHelpParamCompletionResult -WordToComplete $wordToComplete
    } elseif ($wordToComplete.StartsWith("-") -and -not $paramValueAssign) {
        Get-ParsedHelpFlag -HelpData $helpData |
            New-ParsedHelpParamCompletionResult -WordToComplete $wordToComplete

    $msDosTextSegement = @'
    if ($wordToComplete.StartsWith("/") -and -not $paramValueAssign) {
        Get-ParsedHelpFlag -HelpData $helpData |
            New-ParsedHelpParamCompletionResult -WordToComplete $wordToComplete

    $text = @'
$ScriptBlock = {
    param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition)
    $helpData = Invoke-Expression $HelpCommand
    $paramValueAssign = $wordToComplete.Contains('$assignToken') -and $wordToComplete.IndexOf('$assignToken') -lt $cursorPosition
    } else {
        $resultPrefix = ''
        $values = $helpData |
            Get-ParsedHelpParamValue `
                -WordToComplete $wordToComplete `
                -CommandAst $commandAst `
                -CursorPosition $cursorPosition `
                -ParamValueAssignment:$paramValueAssign `
                -ResultPrefix ([ref]$resultPrefix)
        $values | New-ParsedHelpValueCompletionResult -ResultPrefix $resultPrefix
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName $CommandName -Native -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock

    if ($MsDosMode) {
        $text = $text.Replace('$TextSegment', $msDosTextSegement)
        $text = $text.Replace('$assignToken', ':')
    } else {
        $text = $text.Replace('$TextSegment', $standardTextSegement)
        $text = $text.Replace('$assignToken', '=')

    $text = $text.Replace('$HelpCommand', "'$HelpCommand'")
    $text = $text.Replace('$CommandName', "'$CommandName'")
    $text = $text.Replace('$ScriptBlock', "`$$($CommandName)ScriptBlock")

    if (-not($Force) -and (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $OutFile)) {
        Write-Error 'File already exists. Use -Force to overwrite.'

    $text | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append:$Append