
#requires -version 5

    Creates a new HipChat user account.
    Creates a new HipChat user account using HipChat's API. The mention name is
    the user's first name and last name by default, but a custom mention name
    can be provided.
    Required: The user's first name.
    Required: The user's last name.
.PARAMETER EmailAddress
    Required: The user's e-mail address.
    Required: Your HipChat API Token. You can obtain an API Token from the
    HipChat website by navigating to Account Settings > API Access.
.PARAMETER MentionName
    Optional: The mention name (@MentionName) that should be used, if different
    from the default first name last name format.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Corey Fonseca
    Creation Date: 3/17/17
    Purpose/Change: Full Functionality
    New-HipchatUser -FirstName 'John' -LastName 'Smith' -EmailAddress '' -ApiToken 'REXsCauSe553gsoIJg1Gj4zwNsSAwS'
    Creates an account for John Smith, with a mention name of @JohnSmith.
    New-HipchatUser 'John' 'Smith' -EmailAddress '' '-MentionName 'Jay.Smith' -ApiToken 'REXsCauSe553gsoIJg1Gj4zwNsSAwS'
    Creates an account for John Smith with a custom mention name of @jay.smith.

function New-HipchatUser{

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage="Enter the user's first name",Position=0)][Alias('GivenName')][string]$FirstName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage="Enter the user's last name",Position=1)][Alias('SirName')][string]$LastName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage="Enter the user's e-mail address")][Alias('Email')][string]$EmailAddress,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage="Enter your API Token")][Alias('ApiKey')][string]$ApiToken,

    BEGIN {

        # Capitalize first and last name for proper formatting. #
        $FirstName = FormatCasedName $FirstName
        $LastName = FormatCasedName $LastName

        # If no MentionName was specified, create one from the user's first and last name. #
        if (-Not ($MentionName)) {
            $MentionName = ($FirstName+$LastName)


        # Data to be sent to HipChat API #
        $Body = @{
            name = "$FirstName $LastName";
            mention_name = $MentionName;
            email = $EmailAddress
        Write-Verbose "Sending $Body to HipChat API"

        # Send API Request #
        $Call = (
            Invoke-WebRequest `
                -Uri "$ApiToken" `
                -Method POST `
                -ContentType "application/json" `
                -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Body)


    END {

        # Check response status code #
        if ($Call.StatusCode -eq '201') {
            Write-Verbose "User Created Successfully!"
            Write-Output $Call.StatusCode
        } else {
            Write-Error "User Creation Failed!"
