
#requires -version 5

    Removes an existing HipChat room and kicks all users.
    Removes an existing HipChat room using HipChat's API. If there are any
    users in the room, they will automatically be removed from the room.
    Required: The name of the room. The name must be entered exactly as it
    appears on HipChat.
    Required: Your HipChat API Token. You can obtain an API Token from the
    HipChat website by navigating to Account Settings > API Access.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Corey Fonseca
    Creation Date: 3/17/17
    Purpose/Change: Full Functionality
    Remove-HipchatRoom 'Development' -ApiToken 'REXsCauSe553gsoIJg1Gj4zwNsSAwS'
    Removes the HipChat room called 'Development' and kicks all users.

function Remove-HipchatRoom{

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage="Enter the room name",Position=0)][string]$Name,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage="Enter your API Token")][Alias('ApiKey')][string]$ApiToken

    BEGIN {

        $Uri = ""+$Name+"?auth_token="+$ApiToken



        # Data to be sent to HipChat API #
        $Body = @{
            room_id_or_name = $Name
        Write-Verbose "Sending $Body to HipChat API"

        # Send API Request #
        $Call = (
            Invoke-WebRequest `
                -Uri $Uri `
                -Method DELETE `
                -ContentType "application/json" `
                -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Body)


    END {

        # Check response status code #
        if ($Call.StatusCode -eq '204') {
            Write-Verbose "Room Deleted Successfully!"
            Write-Output $Call.StatusCode
        } else {
            Write-Error "Room Deletion Failed!"
