
#requires -version 5

    Sends a message to a HipChat room.
    Sends a message to a HipChat room. The message will always display as the
    user whom the API Token belongs to. If this will be used by an application
    or automated script, a dedicated user and API Token should be created.
    Required: The contents of the message.
    Required: The name of the room where the message will be sent.
    Optional: The user or application who will be shown as the sender of the
    message. This will be displayed next to the sender's name, and does not
    override the sender's actual name.
    Optional: The background color of the message. Defaults to gray.
    Optional: Whether or not HipChat should notify users of your message.
    Defaults to false.
    Required: Your HipChat API Token. You can obtain an API Token from the
    HipChat website by navigating to Account Settings > API Access.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Corey Fonseca
    Creation Date: 3/17/17
    Purpose/Change: Full Functionality
    Send-HipchatMessage 'Deployment Failed!' -From 'Jenkins' -Color 'Red' -Notify -ApiToken 'REXsCauSe553gsoIJg1Gj4zwNsSAwS'
    Sends a message from Jenkins with a red background that will notify all users in the room.
    Send-HipchatMessage 'Testing 123' -Color 'Green' -ApiToken 'REXsCauSe553gsoIJg1Gj4zwNsSAwS'
    Sends a message with a green background that will not send a notification.

function Send-HipchatMessage{

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage="Enter the message contents",Position=0)][string]$Message,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage="Enter the room name",Position=0)][string]$RoomName,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage="Enter the name or title of the sender")][Alias('MentionName')][string]$From,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Notify users?")][boolean]$Notify,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage="Enter your API Token")][Alias('ApiKey')][string]$ApiToken

    BEGIN {

        if (-Not ($Color)) {
            $Color = 'gray'

        if (-Not ($From)) {
            $From = ''

        $Uri = ""+$RoomName+"/notification?auth_token="+$ApiToken


        # Data to be sent to HipChat API #
        $Body = @{
            room_id_or_name = $RoomName;
            color = $Color;
            from = $From;
            message = $Message;
            notify = $Notify
        Write-Verbose "Sending $Body to HipChat API"

        # Send API Request #
        $Call = (
            Invoke-WebRequest `
                -Uri $Uri `
                -Method POST `
                -ContentType "application/json" `
                -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Body)


    END {

        # Check response status code #
        if ($Call.StatusCode -eq '204') {
            Write-Verbose "Message Successfully Sent!"
            Write-Output $Call.StatusCode
        } else {
            Write-Error "Message Failed to Send!"
