
# History Ninja - HistoryParser.ps1
# Author: Joshua C. Kelley
# Version: 1.0.4
# Last Updated: 2023-02-14
# Creation Date: 2023-01-04
# Description: This script will locate the history file for the current user and return the path to the file.
# This is the module file for the History Ninja PowerShell Module.
# Write a function to parse the Chrome History File and return the URL and time it was visited.

# Change Log:
# Version 1.0.0 - 2023-01-04: Initial Creation
# - Added the ability to search for a specific date range. Added the ability to search for a specific path.
# - Added the ability to search for a specific username. Added the ability to search for a specific browser.
# - Added the ability to search for a specific URL. Added the ability to search download history.
# - Added the ability to output the results to a CSV, TXT, and JSON file.
# - Added History Ninja Banner
# - Added the History Ninja Banner to the script.
# - Update output to use current working directory.
# Version 1.0.1 - Fixing silly mistakes.
# Version 1.0.2 - Fixing even sillier mistake when refactoring.
# - Fixed oopsie where I accidentally change the main function name from Get-HistoryNinja to Get-BrowserHistoryNinja.
# Version 1.0.3 - 2023-02-16:
# - Added association between urls and downloads when outputting download records. (Electron Browsers)
# - Added association between moz_places and moz_annos, essentially adding download URL information to the download records. (Firefox)
# - Added association between moz_annos records, essentially firefox download records store each download in more than one record. By combining the unique fields, we can get the full download record. (Firefox)
# - Added progress bar to show progress of the processing of records.
# Version 1.0.4 - 2023-03-2:
# - Added -filter parameter to allow for filtering of the results.
# - Added -field to select which field to filter on.
# - Added -top to limit the return to the first N results.
# - Added -tail to limit the return to the last N results.
# Version 1.0.5 - 2023-03-3:
# - Fixed -h help content to include the new parameters.

Import-Module PSSQLite

# Global Script Variables

# Script Attributes
$versionOut = "1.0.5"
$authorOut = "Joshua C. Kelley"

# Banner Function
$banner = @"
        __ ___ __ _ ___ _
       / / / (_)____/ /_____ _______ __ / | / (_)___ (_)___ _
      / /_/ / / ___/ __/ __ \/ ___/ / / / / |/ / / __ \ / / __ `/
     / __ / (__ ) /_/ /_/ / / / /_/ / / /| / / / / / / / /_/ /
    /_/ /_/_/____/\__/\____/_/ \__, / /_/ |_/_/_/ /_/_/ /\__,_/
                                /____/ /___/
        BY: $authorOut
        VERSION: $versionOut

# Description: This function will determine if the user folder exists for the specified user.
# Parameters: $username
# Returns: $found (boolean)
function Get-Userpath {
    param (
    return Test-path "C:\Users\$username"

# Description: This function will convert the date range to a number of seconds since 01/01/1601
# Parameters: $date
# Returns: $temp (number of seconds since 01/01/1601)
function Get-TimeRange {
    param (
    $conversion = (New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date "01/01/1601") -End (Get-Date $date)).TotalSeconds
    $conversion = $conversion * 1000000
    return [bigint]$conversion

# Description: This function will convert the DB time to a the actual datetime in CST.
# Parameters: $date
# Returns: $temp (datetime)
function Get-TimeConversion {
    param (
    $conversion = $date/1000000
    $conversion = ((Get-Date 01.01.1601).AddSeconds($conversion)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
    $tzone = Get-TimeZone
    $conversion = [System.DateTime]::Parse($conversion).AddHours($tzone.BaseUtcOffset.Hours)
    return $conversion

# Description: This function will return the contents of the history file.
# Parameters: $fileLocation
# Returns: $history (array of history records)
function Get-BrowserHistory {
    param (

    if (Test-path $fileLocation) {
        if ($dl)
            $history = Invoke-SqliteQuery -path $fileLocation -Query "SELECT * FROM downloads"
            $urlHistory = Invoke-SqliteQuery -path $fileLocation -Query "SELECT * FROM downloads_url_chains"
            $arr = @()
            if ($top -ne 0) {
                $hist_count = $top
            elseif ($tail -ne 0) {
                if ($tail -gt $history.Count) {
                    $hist_count = $history.Count
                else {
                    $hist_count = $tail
                    $history = $history | Select-Object -Last $tail
            else {
                $hist_count = $history.Count
            foreach ($record in $history) {
                $progress = $arr.Count
                Write-Progress -Activity "HistoryNinja waiting room." -Status "Processing Browser Download History: $progress of $hist_count" -PercentComplete ($progress/$hist_count*100)
                $record.start_time = Get-TimeConversion -date $record.start_time
                $record.end_time = Get-TimeConversion -date $record.end_time
                $temp = $urlHistory | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $record.id } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty url
                $record | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DownloadURL" -Value $temp
                $arr += $record
                if ($top -ne 0) {
                    if ($arr.Count -ge $top) {
            $history = Invoke-SqliteQuery -path $fileLocation -Query "SELECT * FROM urls"
            $arr = @()
            if ($top -ne 0) {
                $hist_count = $top
            elseif ($tail -ne 0) {
                if ($tail -gt $history.Count) {
                    $hist_count = $history.Count
                else {
                    $hist_count = $tail
                    $history = $history | Select-Object -Last $tail
            else {
                $hist_count = $history.Count
            foreach ($record in $history) {
                $progress = $arr.Count
                Write-Progress -Activity "HistoryNinja waiting room." -Status "Processing Browser History: $progress of $hist_count" -PercentComplete ($progress/$hist_count*100)
                $record.last_visit_time = Get-TimeConversion -date $record.last_visit_time
                $arr += $record
                if ($top -ne 0) {
                    if ($arr.Count -ge $top) {
    else {
        Write-Output "History File Not Found: $fileLocation"
    return $arr

# Description: This function will return the contents of the history file after a specified date ($date).
# Parameters: $fileLocation, $date
# Returns: $history (array of history records)
function Get-BrowserHistoryDate {
    param (

    if (Test-path $fileLocation) {
        if ($dl)
            $history = Invoke-SqliteQuery -path $fileLocation -Query "SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE start_time > $date"
            $urlHistory = Invoke-SqliteQuery -path $fileLocation -Query "SELECT * FROM downloads_url_chains"
            $arr = @()
            if ($top -ne 0) {
                $hist_count = $top
            elseif ($tail -ne 0) {
                if ($tail -gt $history.Count) {
                    $hist_count = $history.Count
                else {
                    $hist_count = $tail
                    $history = $history | Select-Object -Last $tail
            else {
                $hist_count = $history.Count
            foreach ($record in $history) {
                $progress = $arr.Count
                Write-Progress -Activity "HistoryNinja waiting room." -Status "Processing Browser Download History: $progress of $hist_count" -PercentComplete ($progress/$hist_count*100)
                $record.start_time = Get-TimeConversion -date $record.start_time
                $record.end_time = Get-TimeConversion -date $record.end_time
                $temp = $urlHistory | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $record.id } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty url
                $record | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DownloadURL" -Value $temp
                $arr += $record
                if ($top -ne 0) {
                    if ($arr.Count -ge $top) {
            $history = Invoke-SqliteQuery -path $fileLocation -Query "SELECT * FROM urls WHERE last_visit_time > $date"
            $arr = @()
            if ($top -ne 0) {
                $hist_count = $top
            elseif ($tail -ne 0) {
                if ($tail -gt $history.Count) {
                    $hist_count = $history.Count
                else {
                    $hist_count = $tail
                    $history = $history | Select-Object -Last $tail
            else {
                $hist_count = $history.Count
            foreach ($record in $history) {
                $progress = $arr.Count
                Write-Progress -Activity "HistoryNinja waiting room." -Status "Processing Browser History: $progress of $hist_count" -PercentComplete ($progress/$hist_count*100)
                $record.last_visit_time = Get-TimeConversion -date $record.last_visit_time
                $arr += $record
                if ($top -ne 0) {
                    if ($arr.Count -ge $top) {
    else {
        Write-Output "History File Not Found: $fileLocation"

    return $arr

# Description: This function will return the contents of the history file for Firefox.
# Parameters: $fileLocation
# Returns: $arr (array of history records)
function Get-BrowserHistoryFirefox {
    param (
    $foundFileLocation = Get-ChildItem -Path $fileLocation
    if ($null -eq $foundFileLocation -or $foundFileLocation -eq "") {
        Write-Output "History File Not Found: $fileLocation"
        $fileLocation = $foundFileLocation.FullName
        if (Test-path $fileLocation) {
            if ($dl)
                $history = Invoke-SqliteQuery -path $fileLocation -Query "SELECT * FROM moz_annos"
                $urlHistory = Invoke-SqliteQuery -path $fileLocation -Query "SELECT * FROM moz_places"
                $arr = @()
                if ($top -ne 0) {
                    $hist_count = $top
                elseif ($tail -ne 0) {
                    if ($tail -gt $history.Count) {
                        $hist_count = $history.Count
                    else {
                        $hist_count = $tail
                        $history = $history | Select-Object -Last $tail
                else {
                    $hist_count = $history.Count
                foreach ($record in $history) {
                    $progress = $arr.Count
                    Write-Progress -Activity "HistoryNinja waiting room." -Status "Processing Firefox Download History: $progress of $hist_count" -PercentComplete ($progress/$hist_count*100)
                    if (($record.anno_attribute_id -eq 2) -and ($arr[-1].place_id -eq $record.place_id)) {
                        $arr[-1] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "File_Status" -Value $record.content
                        $hist_count -= 1
                    else {
                        $record.dateAdded = Get-DateTimeFF -epoch $record.dateAdded
                        $record.lastModified = Get-DateTimeFF -epoch $record.lastModified
                        $temp = $urlHistory | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $record.place_id } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty url
                        $record | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DownloadURL" -Value $temp
                        $arr += $record
                    if ($top -ne 0) {
                        if ($arr.Count -ge $top) {
                $history = Invoke-SqliteQuery -path $fileLocation -Query "SELECT * FROM moz_places"
                $arr = @()
                if ($top -ne 0) {
                    $hist_count = $top
                elseif ($tail -ne 0) {
                    if ($tail -gt $history.Count) {
                        $hist_count = $history.Count
                    else {
                        $hist_count = $tail
                        $history = $history | Select-Object -Last $tail
                else {
                    $hist_count = $history.Count
                foreach ($record in $history) {
                    $progress = $arr.Count
                    Write-Progress -Activity "HistoryNinja waiting room." -Status "Processing Firefox History: $progress of $hist_count" -PercentComplete ($progress/$hist_count*100)
                    $record.last_visit_date = Get-DateTimeFF -epoch $record.last_visit_date
                    $arr += $record
                    if ($top -ne 0) {
                        if ($arr.Count -ge $top) {
        else {
            Write-Output "History File Not Found: $fileLocation"
    return $arr

# Description: This function will return the contents of the history file for Firefox after a specified date ($date).
# Parameters: $fileLocation, $date
# Returns: $arr (array of history records)
function Get-BrowserHistoryFirefoxDate {
    param (
    $foundFileLocation = Get-ChildItem -Path $fileLocation
    if ($null -eq $foundFileLocation -or $foundFileLocation -eq "") {
        Write-Output "History File Not Found: $fileLocation"
        $fileLocation = $foundFileLocation.FullName
        if ($dl)
            $history = Invoke-SqliteQuery -path $fileLocation -Query "SELECT * FROM moz_annos WHERE dateAdded > $date"
            $urlHistory = Invoke-SqliteQuery -path $fileLocation -Query "SELECT * FROM moz_places"
            $arr = @()
            if ($top -ne 0) {
                $hist_count = $top
            elseif ($tail -ne 0) {
                if ($tail -gt $history.Count) {
                    $hist_count = $history.Count
                else {
                    $hist_count = $tail
                    $history = $history | Select-Object -Last $tail
            else {
                $hist_count = $history.Count
            foreach ($record in $history) {
                $progress = $arr.Count
                Write-Progress -Activity "HistoryNinja waiting room." -Status "Processing Firefox Download History: $progress of $hist_count" -PercentComplete ($progress/$hist_count*100)
                if (($record.anno_attribute_id -eq 2) -and ($arr[-1].place_id -eq $record.place_id)) {
                    $arr[-1] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "File_Status" -Value $record.content
                    $hist_count -= 1
                else {
                    $record.dateAdded = Get-DateTimeFF -epoch $record.dateAdded
                    $record.lastModified = Get-DateTimeFF -epoch $record.lastModified

                    $temp = $urlHistory | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $record.place_id } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty url
                    $record | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DownloadURL" -Value $temp

                    $arr += $record
                if ($top -ne 0) {
                    if ($arr.Count -ge $top) {
            $history = Invoke-SqliteQuery -path $fileLocation -Query "SELECT * FROM moz_places WHERE last_visit_date > $date"
            $arr = @()
            if ($top -ne 0) {
                $hist_count = $top
            elseif ($tail -ne 0) {
                if ($tail -gt $history.Count) {
                    $hist_count = $history.Count
                else {
                    $hist_count = $tail
                    $history = $history | Select-Object -Last $tail
            else {
                $hist_count = $history.Count
            foreach ($record in $history) {
                $progress = $arr.Count
                Write-Progress -Activity "HistoryNinja waiting room." -Status "Processing Firefox History: $progress of $hist_count" -PercentComplete ($progress/$hist_count*100)
                $record.last_visit_date = Get-DateTimeFF -epoch $record.last_visit_date
                $arr += $record
                if ($top -ne 0) {
                    if ($arr.Count -ge $top) {
    return $arr

# Description: This function will return the conversion of epoch time to a date.
# Parameters: $epoch
# Returns: $date (datetime)
function Get-DateTimeFF {
    param (
    $epoch = $epoch/1000000
    $date = (([System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($epoch)).DateTime).ToString()
    $tzone = Get-TimeZone
    $date = [System.DateTime]::Parse($date).AddHours($tzone.BaseUtcOffset.Hours)
    return $date

# Description: This function will return the conversion of a date to epoch time.
# Parameters: $date
# Returns: $epoch (datetime)
function Get-EpochTimeff {
    param (
    $epoch = Get-Date $date -UFormat %s
    $epoch = [int]$epoch*1000000
    $epoch = [bigint]$epoch
    return $epoch

# Description: This function will display the help menu.
# Parameters: None
# Returns: None
function Get-HelpOutput {
    Write-Output "
            This script will locate the history file for the current user and return the path to the file.
            If the path is provided, the script will return the contents of the history file.
            If a date is provided, the script will return the contents of the history file after the specified date.
        Usage: .\HistoryParser.ps1
            Example (1): Get-BrowserHistoryNinja -p 'C:\Users\<User ID>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History' -d <from date>
                Returns the contents of the history file, from the provided path, after 12/31/2022.
            Example (2): Get-BrowserHistoryNinja -u <User ID> -d 12/31/2022 -b chrome
                Returns the contents of the history file (chrome), for the provided user and browser, after 12/31/2022.
            Example (3): Get-BrowserHistoryNinja -u <User ID> -b firefox -dl
                Returns the contents of the download history file (firefox), for the provided user and browser.
            -p: path to the history file. If not specified, the script will attempt to locate the history file for the current user.
            -d: Date range to filter the history file. If not specified, the script will return the entire history file.
            -u: Username of the user. If not specified, the script will attempt to locate the history file for the current user.
            -b: Browser to search for. If not specified, the script will search, and no path is provided the script will end.
            -dl: Download history. If not specified, the script will search for browsing history.
            -o: Output file. Type the format after the option.
                Acceptable formats: CSV, TXT, and JSON.
                The resulting file will be in the current working directory: $pwd
                If not specified, the script will output to the console.
            -filter: Filter the results by a string.
            -field: Field to filter the results by.
            -top: Return the top X results.
            -tail: Return the last X results.
            -h: Help. Displays this help message.
            -a: Author of the script. Displays the author of the script.
            -v: Version of the script. Displays the version of the script.
            -s: Silent. Suppresses all output to the console.
                Except for results when -o is not specified.


# Description: This function will return the contents of the history file - Main function of the module.
# Params: $p, $d, $u, $b, $h, $a, $v, $o, $s
# $p: User provided path to the history file.
# $d: FROM date to search for.
# $u: The username to search for.
# $b: The browser to search for.
# $d: Switches query to downloads table in the History File.
# $filter: Filter the results by a string.
# $field: Field to filter the results by.
# $top: Return the top X results.
# $tail: Return the last X results.
# $h: Display the help context.
# $a: Display the author.
# $v: Display the version.
# $o: Output file. Type the format after the option. Accepts CSV, TXT, and JSON.
# $s: Suppress all output to the console.
# Returns: $history (array), or $history is output to a file (-o).
function Get-HistoryNinja {
    param (
        [string]$p, # Path
        [string]$d, # Date
        [string]$u, # Username
        [string]$b, # Browser
        [switch]$dl, # Downloads
        [string]$filter, # Filter
        [ValidateSet ("url", "title")]
        [string]$field, # Field to query
        [ValidateRange (0,5000)]
        [int]$top, # Top N results
        [int]$tail, # Bottom N results
        [switch]$h, # Help
        [switch]$a, # Author
        [switch]$v, # Version
        [string]$o, # Output
        [switch]$s # Silent

    # Browser paths
    $chrome = "C:\Users\$u\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History"
    $firefox = "C:\Users\$u\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*.default-release\places.sqlite"
    $edge = "C:\Users\$u\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History"

    if (!$s) {
    # Set the error action preference to silently continue
    $ErrorActionPreference= 'silentlycontinue'

    if ($h)
    if ($a)
        Write-Output "Author: $authorOut"
    if ($v)
        Write-Output "Version: $versionOut"

    # History Parser
    if ($u -eq '')
        $temp = Split-Path $p -leaf
        if ($temp -eq "places.sqlite") {
            if ($d -eq '') {
                $History = Get-BrowserHistoryFirefox -fileLocation $p -top $top -tail $tail
            else {
                $out = Get-EpochTimeff -date $d
                $History = Get-BrowserHistoryFirefoxDate -fileLocation $p -date $out -top $top -tail $tail
            if ($d -eq '') {
                $History = Get-BrowserHistory -fileLocation $p -top $top -tail $tail
            else {
                $out = Get-TimeRange -date $d
                $History = Get-BrowserHistoryDate -fileLocation $p -date $out -top $top -tail $tail
    else {
        $userpath = Get-Userpath -username $u
        if ($userpath) {
            if ($b -ne '')
                if ($d -eq '')
                    if ($b.ToLower() -eq "chrome") {
                        $History = Get-BrowserHistory -fileLocation $chrome -top $top -tail $tail
                    elseif ($b.ToLower() -eq "firefox") {
                        $History = Get-BrowserHistoryFirefox -fileLocation $firefox -top $top -tail $tail
                    elseif ($b.ToLower() -eq "edge") {
                        $History = Get-BrowserHistory -fileLocation $edge -top $top -tail $tail
                    else {
                        Write-Output "Browser not found. Use -browser Chrome, Firefox, or Edge."
                else {
                    if ($b.ToLower()  -eq "chrome") {
                        $out = Get-TimeRange -date $d
                        $History = Get-BrowserHistoryDate -fileLocation $chrome -date $out -top $top -tail $tail
                    elseif ($b.ToLower()  -eq "firefox") {
                        $out = Get-EpochTimeff -date $d
                        $History = Get-BrowserHistoryFirefoxDate -fileLocation $firefox -date $out -top $top -tail $tail
                    elseif ($b.ToLower()  -eq "edge") {
                        $out = Get-TimeRange -date $d
                        $History = Get-BrowserHistoryDate -fileLocation $edge -date $out -top $top -tail $tail
                    else {
                        Write-Output "Browser not found. Use -b Chrome, Firefox, or Edge."
            else {
                Write-Output "Path (-p) or Browser (-b) is not specified. Use -b Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. Or use -p to specify the path to the history file."
        else {
            Write-Output "User C:\Users\$u not found."

    # Query Results
    if ($filter -ne '') {
        if ($History) {
            $History = $History | Where-Object { $_."$field" -like "*$filter*" }
        else {
            Write-Output "No results to query."

    # Output Handler
    if ($o -ne '') {
        if ($o.ToLower() -eq 'csv') {
            $History | Export-Csv -Path "$pwd\History.csv" -NoTypeInformation
            if (!$s) {
                Write-Output "Output saved to $pwd\History.csv"
        elseif ($o.ToLower() -eq 'txt') {
            $History | Out-File -FilePath "$pwd\History.txt"
            if (!$s) {
                Write-Output "Output saved to $pwd\History.txt"
        elseif ($o.ToLower() -eq 'json') {
            $History | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$pwd\History.json"
            if (!$s) {
                Write-Output "Output saved to $pwd\History.json"
            Write-Output "Output format not found. Use -o CSV, TXT, or JSON. Or do not use -o, to output to the console"
    else {
        if (!$s) {