
function Submit-ClassRoll {
     Converts DDLS Teams Attendance Sheet from CSV to HTML and reports on student attendance
     From the Teams Trainer Dashboard we can export the Attendance Sheet as
     CSV and this can then be consumed by this script to fill in the
     attendance roll. Students can be marked as:
     - Y for Attended
     - N for No show
     - L for Late to class
     using [ENTER] key will also count as Attended
     This script then creates possibly two html tables, one for attendees and
     no shows and another for late students. The script then opens chrome to
     reveal the attendance tables, which can then be easily copy and pasted into
     an email
     This is the path to the teams exported Attendance Sheet in CSV format. This
     can be a relative or absolute path. The path must include the name of the CSV
     file to be consumed
  .PARAMETER StudentIntro
     This is a switch parameter that changes the output of the student list to one
     you can print to record introduction information, it will automatically space
     the students in the table so that all fit on an A4 page when printed
  .PARAMETER TrainerName
     The trainer name will be used to create the attendance report. The name will be
     changed into uppercase before the report is created.
     Submit-ClassRoll -CSVfilePath c:\exports\ClassList.csv
     This will consume the file c:\exports\ClassList.csv and ask about the attendance
     status of each student, from this it will create the HTML tables showing those
     attending those that are not and those that arrived late
     Submit-ClassRoll -CSVfilePath c:\exports\ClassList.csv -StudentIntro
     This will consume the file c:\exports\ClassList.csv and determine the number of
     students in the class it will then create an HTML table that can be printed so
     that introductions can be recorded regarding each student on paper.
     General notes
       Created By: Brent Denny
       Created On: 31 Aug 2020
       Last modified: 12 Nov 2020

  Param (
    [string]$TrainerName = 'Brent Denny'
  $TrainerName = $TrainerName.ToUpper()
  $DefaultSettingPath = 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice'
  $DefaultBrowserName = (Get-Item $DefaultSettingPath | Get-ItemProperty).ProgId
  $DefaultBrowserOpenCommand = (Get-Item "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Classes\$DefaultBrowserName\shell\open\command" | Get-ItemProperty).'(default)'
  $DefaultBrowserPath = [regex]::Match($DefaultBrowserOpenCommand,'\".+?\"')
  $BrowserPath = $DefaultBrowserPath.Value
  if (Test-Path -Path $CSVfilePath -PathType Leaf) {
    $LeafPath = (Split-Path $CSVfilePath -Leaf ) -replace '\s+',''
    $LeafPathNoExt = $LeafPath -replace '\.csv$',''
    $FullPathToFile = (Resolve-Path $CSVfilePath).Path | Split-Path -Parent
    if ($StudentIntro -eq $true){$ExportHTMLPath = $FullPathToFile.TrimEnd('\') +'\'+$LeafPathNoExt+'-Intro'+'.html'}
    else {$ExportHTMLPath = $FullPathToFile.TrimEnd('\') +'\'+$LeafPathNoExt+'.html'}
    if ($StudentIntro -eq $true) {$Padding = 'td {padding-bottom: 50px;} table {width: 100%}'}
    else {$Padding = ''}
    $CSS = @"
      table, tr,td,th {border:black 1pt solid;border-collapse:collapse;}
      td,th {padding-left:4pt;padding-right:4px;}

    $Attendees = @()
    $LateAttendees = @()
    if ($StudentIntro -eq $true){
      [array]$ImportedFileContents = Import-Csv $CSVfilePath
      $ConvertedFileContents = Get-Content $CSVfilePath | 
        Where-Object {$_."Student Name" -notmatch '[#@%?]'} |
        Sort-Object -Property "Student Name" | 
        Select-Object -Property "Student Name"
      $ConvertedFileContents | ForEach-Object {
        $Attendees += $_
    else {
      [array]$ImportedFileContents = Import-Csv $CSVfilePath
      $ConvertedFileContents = $ImportedFileContents |
        Where-Object {$_."Student Name" -notmatch '[#@%?]'} |
        Sort-Object -Property "Student Name" | 
        Select-Object -Property "Student Name",'Attendance' 
      $ConvertedFileContents | ForEach-Object {
        do {
          $Attendance = Read-Host -Prompt "Is `"$($_."student name")`" on the course (y - yes, n - no or l - late) Default=y"
        } until ($Attendance -in @('y','n','l',''))
        if ($Attendance -eq ''){$Attendance = 'y'}
        if ($Attendance -eq 'l'){$Attendance = 'LATE'}
        $_.Attendance = $Attendance.ToUpper()
        if ($Attendance -in @('y','n')){$Attendees += $_}
        else {$LateAttendees += $_}
    $TotalStudents = $ImportedFileContents.Count
    $Spacing = 680 / $TotalStudents
    if ($StudentIntro -eq $true) {$Padding = "td {padding-bottom: ${Spacing}px;} table {width: 100%}"}
    else {$Padding = ''}
    $CSS = @"
      table, tr,td,th {border:black 1pt solid;border-collapse:collapse;}
      td,th {padding-left:4pt;padding-right:4px;}

    [string]$FragAtttend = $Attendees | Sort-Object -Property "Student Name" | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment  -PreContent '<BR><BR>' 
    [string]$FragLate = $LateAttendees | Sort-Object -Property "Student Name"  | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment -PreContent '<BR><BR>' 
    if ($StudentIntro -eq $true) {$Precontent = ' '}
    else {$Precontent = "<h2>attendance ${TrainerName}</h2>"}
    try {ConvertTo-Html -Head $CSS -PreContent $Precontent -PostContent $FragAtttend,$FragLate | Out-File $ExportHTMLPath}
    Catch {Write-Warning "$ExportHTMLPath could not be written to disk";break}
    if (Test-Path -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe") {
      Start-Process -FilePath $BrowserPath -ArgumentList $ExportHTMLPath
    else {
      Write-Host "The HTML Attendance information is stored $ExportHTMLPath"
  else {Write-Warning "$CSVfilePath does not exist as a file"}

function Invoke-BreakTimer {
    Calculates the end of break times in multiple cities and shows a countdown timer
    This program calclates break times for Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide
    and one other timezone of your choice. Determining when each city
    should return from their break relevant to their timezone.
    You can enter the "Length or break" time and then click
    "Calculate Return Time" or you can just click the "Calculate Return Time"
    and it will automatically fill 15 minutes into the Break time.
    It will then display the return times for the 4 cities and also
    start a countdown timer.
    This will start a gui tool to determine end of break times
    General notes
      Created By: Brent Denny
      Created On: 28 May 2020
      Last Changed: 25 Nov 2020

  Param ()
  Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
  $AllTimeZones = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones()
  $TimeZoneNames = $AllTimeZones.DisplayName
  [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 # This allows PS to use TLS1.2
  $LabForm                     = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
  $LabForm.ClientSize          = '450,470'
  $LabForm.text                = "Class Break Timer"
  $LabForm.TopMost             = $true
  $HourGlass                     = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
  $HourGlass.width               = 30
  $HourGlass.height              = 30
  $HourGlass.location            = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(235,140)
  $HourGlass.imageLocation       = "https://media4.giphy.com/media/l4FGIO2vCfJkakBtC/source.gif"
  $HourGlass.SizeMode            = [System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode]::zoom
  $TopGroupBox                  = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
  $TopGroupBox.Location         = '10,10' 
  $TopGroupBox.size             = '420,170'
  $TopGroupBox.text             = ""
  $TopGroupBox.FlatStyle = 2
  $TopGroupBox.Visible          = $true

  $BottomGroupBox                  = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
  $BottomGroupBox.Location         = '10,180' 
  $BottomGroupBox.size             = '420,215'
  $BottomGroupBox.text             = ""
  $BottomGroupBox.FlatStyle = 2
  $BottomGroupBox.Visible          = $true
  $HowlongLbl                  = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
  $HowlongLbl.text             = "Length of break (min.)"
  $HowlongLbl.AutoSize         = $true
  $HowlongLbl.width            = 25
  $HowlongLbl.height           = 10
  $HowlongLbl.location         = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(70,80)
  $HowlongLbl.Font             = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
  $HowLongtbox                 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox
  $HowLongtbox.multiline       = $false
  $HowLongtbox.width           = 40
  $HowLongtbox.height          = 60
  $HowLongtbox.location        = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(22,76)
  $HowLongtbox.Font            = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
  $BorderStyle                 = [System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle]::FixedSingle
  $CountDownLbl                = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
  $CountDownLbl.BorderStyle    = $BorderStyle
  $CountDownLbl.text           = $HowLongtbox.Text
  $CountDownLbl.AutoSize       = $false
  $CountDownLbl.width          = 140
  $CountDownLbl.height         = 110
  $CountDownLbl.location       = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(270,52)
  $CountDownLbl.Font           = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,70'
  $CountDownLbl.BackColor      = 'Red'
  $RemainingMinLbl             = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
  $RemainingMinLbl.text        = "Minutes Remaining"
  $RemainingMinLbl.AutoSize    = $true
  $RemainingMinLbl.width       = 25
  $RemainingMinLbl.height      = 10
  $RemainingMinLbl.location    = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(267,29)
  $RemainingMinLbl.Font        = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,13'
  $RemainingMinLbl.ForeColor   = 'Red'
  $CalcEndBtn                  = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
  $CalcEndBtn.text             = "Calculate Return Time"
  $CalcEndBtn.width            = 150
  $CalcEndBtn.height           = 30
  $CalcEndBtn.location         = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(22,110)
  $CalcEndBtn.Font             = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
  $EndTimetLblQld                 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
  $EndTimetLblQld.text            = "Return to Course"
  $EndTimetLblQld.AutoSize        = $true
  $EndTimetLblQld.width           = 25
  $EndTimetLblQld.height          = 10
  $EndTimetLblQld.location        = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(275,198)
  $EndTimetLblQld.Font            = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
  $CityLocalLbl                = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
  $CityLocalLbl.text           = "Brisbane"
  $CityLocalLbl.AutoSize       = $true
  $CityLocalLbl.width          = 25
  $CityLocalLbl.height         = 10
  $CityLocalLbl.location       = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(22,196)
  $CityLocalLbl.Font           = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
  $CitySydLbl                  = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
  $CitySydLbl.text             = "Sydney/Melbourne"
  $CitySydLbl.AutoSize         = $true
  $CitySydLbl.width            = 25
  $CitySydLbl.height           = 10
  $CitySydLbl.location         = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(22,246)
  $CitySydLbl.Font             = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'

  $CityAdelLbl                 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
  $CityAdelLbl.text            = "Adelaide"
  $CityAdelLbl.AutoSize        = $true
  $CityAdelLbl.width           = 25
  $CityAdelLbl.height          = 10
  $CityAdelLbl.location        = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(22,296)
  $CityAdelLbl.Font            = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
  $CityCombo                   = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
  $CityCombo.text              = '(UTC+08:00) Perth'
  $CityCombo.width             = 240
  $CityCombo.height            = 20
  $CityCombo.location          = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(22,346)
  $CityCombo.Font              = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
  $CityCombo.SelectedItem      = '(UTC+08:00) Perth'
  $CityCombo.DropDownStyle     = 'DropDownList'
  $TimeZoneNames | ForEach-Object {[void] $CityCombo.Items.Add($_)}
  $EndTimetLblSyd              = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
  $EndTimetLblSyd.text         = "Return to Course"
  $EndTimetLblSyd.AutoSize     = $true
  $EndTimetLblSyd.width        = 25
  $EndTimetLblSyd.height       = 10
  $EndTimetLblSyd.location     = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(275,248)
  $EndTimetLblSyd.Font         = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'                       
  $EndTimetLblAdel             = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
  $EndTimetLblAdel.text        = "Return to Course"
  $EndTimetLblAdel.AutoSize    = $true
  $EndTimetLblAdel.width       = 25
  $EndTimetLblAdel.height      = 10
  $EndTimetLblAdel.location    = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(275,298)
  $EndTimetLblAdel.Font        = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
  $EndTimeyLblCombo            = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
  $EndTimeyLblCombo.text       = "Choose a Location"
  $EndTimeyLblCombo.AutoSize   = $true
  $EndTimeyLblCombo.width      = 25
  $EndTimeyLblCombo.height     = 10
  $EndTimeyLblCombo.location   = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(275,348)
  $EndTimeyLblCombo.Font       = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'                       
  $ResetBtn                    = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
  $ResetBtn.text               = "Reset"
  $ResetBtn.width              = 80
  $ResetBtn.height             = 30
  $ResetBtn.location           = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(220,410)
  $ResetBtn.Font               = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
  $CloseBtn                    = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
  $CloseBtn.text               = "Close"
  $CloseBtn.width              = 80
  $CloseBtn.height             = 30
  $CloseBtn.location           = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(320,410)
  $CloseBtn.Font               = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'

  # $CountDownLbl.Text = (Get-Date).ToShortTimeString()

      $Script:Now = Get-Date
      $Script:CurrentTime = $Now.ToShortTimeString() 
      $CountDownLbl.enabled    = $true
      $RemainingMinLbl.enabled = $true
      $CountDownLbl.Visible    = $true
      $RemainingMinLbl.Visible = $true
      $HourGlass.Visible       = $true
      if ($HowLongtbox.Text -notmatch '^\d+$') {$HowLongtbox.Text = 15}
      $TimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Minutes ($HowLongtbox.Text -as [int])
      $Script:Futuretime = (Get-Date).AddMinutes($TimeSpan.TotalMinutes -as [int])
      $TimeSpan = $FutureTime - $Now
      $RemainingMinutes = $TimeSpan.TotalMinutes -as [int]
      $CountDownLbl.Text = $RemainingMinutes
      $script:ReturnTime = $Script:Now + $TimeSpan
      $ReturnTimeBrisbane = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId($script:ReturnTime,'E. Australia Standard Time')
      $ReturnTimeSydney   = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId($script:ReturnTime,'AUS Eastern Standard Time')
      $ReturnTimeAdeliade = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId($script:ReturnTime,'Cen. Australia Standard Time')
      $EndTimetLblQld.text   = ($ReturnTimeBrisbane.DayofWeek -as [string]) + ' ' + $ReturnTimeBrisbane.toShortTimeString()
      if ($script:ReturnTime) {
        $TimeZoneId = ($AllTimeZones | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $($CityCombo.SelectedItem)}).Id 
        $ReturnTimechoice   = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId($script:ReturnTime,$TimeZoneId)
        $EndTimeyLblCombo.text = ($ReturnTimechoice.DayofWeek -as [string]) + ' ' + $ReturnTimechoice.toShortTimeString()
      $EndTimetLblSyd.Text  = ($ReturnTimeSydney.DayofWeek -as [string]) + ' ' + $ReturnTimeSydney.toShortTimeString()
      $EndTimetLblAdel.Text = ($ReturnTimeAdeliade.DayofWeek -as [string]) + ' ' + $ReturnTimeAdeliade.toShortTimeString()
      $Timer=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Timer
      $Timer.add_Tick({$CountDownLbl.Text = ($FutureTime-(Get-Date)).TotalMinutes})


      $HowLongtbox.Text        = ''
      $CalcEndBtn.Enabled      = $true
      $EndTimetLblQld.Text        = ''
      $EndTimetLblQld.Enabled     = $false  
      $EndTimetLblSyd.Text     = ''
      $EndTimetLblSyd.Enabled  = $false
      $EndTimetLblAdel.Text    = ''
      $EndTimetLblAdel.Enabled = $false
      $CitySydLbl.Enabled      = $false
      $CityAdelLbl.Enabled     = $false
      $EndTimeyLblCombo.Text   = ''
      $EndTimeyLblCombo.Enabled= $false
      $CityCombo.Enabled       = $true
      $CountDownLbl.enabled    = $false
      $RemainingMinLbl.enabled = $false
      $CountDownLbl.Visible    = $false
      $RemainingMinLbl.Visible = $false
      $HourGlass.Visible       = $false

      if ($script:ReturnTime) {
        $TimeZoneId = ($AllTimeZones | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $($CityCombo.SelectedItem)}).Id 
        $ReturnTimechoice   = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId($script:ReturnTime,$TimeZoneId)
        $EndTimeyLblCombo.text = ($ReturnTimechoice.DayofWeek -as [string]) + ' ' + $ReturnTimechoice.toShortTimeString()

      if ($script:ReturnTime) {
        $TimeZoneId = ($AllTimeZones | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $($CityCombo.SelectedItem)}).Id 
        $ReturnTimechoice   = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId($script:ReturnTime,$TimeZoneId)
        $EndTimeyLblCombo.text = ($ReturnTimechoice.DayofWeek -as [string]) + ' ' + $ReturnTimechoice.toShortTimeString()
    $HowLongtbox.Text        = ''
    $CalcEndBtn.Enabled      = $true
    $EndTimetLblQld.Text        = ''
    $EndTimetLblQld.Enabled     = $false  
    $EndTimetLblSyd.Text     = ''
    $EndTimetLblSyd.Enabled  = $false
    $EndTimetLblAdel.Text    = ''
    $EndTimetLblAdel.Enabled = $false
    $CitySydLbl.Enabled      = $false
    $CityAdelLbl.Enabled     = $false
    $CityCombo.Text          = '(UTC+08:00) Perth'
    $EndTimeyLblCombo.Text   = ''
    $EndTimeyLblCombo.Enabled= $false
    $CityCombo.Enabled       = $true
    $CountDownLbl.enabled    = $false
    $RemainingMinLbl.enabled = $false
    $CountDownLbl.Visible    = $false
    $RemainingMinLbl.Visible = $false
    $HourGlass.Visible       = $false