
# Hornbill Helpers Powershell Module
# This module includes helper functions to retrieve useful information from your Hornbill instance, for use within your Azure Runbooks.
# Requires Powershell 3.0 or above, and the HornbillAPI Module to be installed on your Azure Automation Account
# See example scripts and function documentation for guidance on usage.

# Get the Primary Key value of a Service
# Provide a Service Name, and this CMDLET will search your Hornbill instance for a matching record, returning the Primary Key
#.PARAMETER ServiceName
# The Service Name to search for
# Get-HB-ServiceID "Desktop Support" will search your services and return the primary key for the default language record
# of the service "Desktop Support"
function Get-HB-ServiceID {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Provide the Service Name to retrieve its ID")]

    Add-HB-Param       "application" "com.hornbill.servicemanager"
    Add-HB-Param       "queryName" "getServicesByField"
    Add-HB-Param       "maxResults" "1"
    Open-HB-Element    "queryParams"
    Add-HB-Param       "filter" $ServiceName
    Close-HB-Element   "queryParams"
    Open-HB-Element    "queryOptions"
    Add-HB-Param       "h_servicename" "true"
    Close-HB-Element   "queryOptions"
    Open-HB-Element    "queryOrder"
    Add-HB-Param       "column" "h_pk_serviceid"
    Add-HB-Param       "direction" "ascending"
    Close-HB-Element   "queryOrder"

    # Invoke XMLMC call, output returned as PSObject type
    $xmlmcOutput = Invoke-HB-XMLMC "data" "queryExec"
    $resultObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        Status = $xmlmcOutput.status
        Error = $xmlmcOutput.error
        ServiceID = ""
        ExceptionName = ""
        ExceptionSummary = ""
    if($xmlmcOutput.status -eq "ok"){
        if(!$xmlmcOutput.params.rowData) {
            $resultObject.ExceptionName = "NoRecordsFound"
            $resultObject.ExceptionSummary = "No matching Service records found"
        } else {
            if($xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_servicename -ne $ServiceName) {
                $resultObject.ExceptionName = "Incorrect Record Returned"
                $resultObject.ExceptionSummary = "Service Name queried ["+$ServiceName+"] does not match Service returned ["+$xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_servicename +"]"
            } else {
                $resultObject.ServiceID = $xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_pk_serviceid

    return $resultObject

# Get the Primary Key value of a Catalog Item
# Provide a Catalog Item Name, and this CMDLET will search your Hornbill instance for a matching record, returning the Primary Key
#.PARAMETER CatalogItem
# The Catalog Item Name to search for
#.PARAMETER ServiceName
# The Service that the Catalog Item belogs to
#.PARAMETER RequestType
# The Request Type that the Catalog Item is configured for
# Get-HB-CatalogID "Support Me" "Desktop Support" "Incident" will search your services and return the primary key of
# the Catalog Item "Support Me", within the "Desktop Support" Service ans request type "Incident"
function Get-HB-CatalogID {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Provide the Catalog Item Name to retrieve its ID")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Provide the Service Name to which the Catalog Item is associated")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Provide the Request Type to which the Catalog Item is associated")]

    # Get service ID from Name
    $serviceId = 0
    $serviceObj = Get-HB-ServiceID $ServiceName
    if($serviceObj.ServiceID -gt 0) {
        $serviceId = $serviceObj.ServiceID

    Add-HB-Param       "application" "com.hornbill.servicemanager"
    Add-HB-Param       "entity" "Catalogs"
    Open-HB-Element    "searchFilter"
    Add-HB-Param       "h_catalog_title" $CatalogItem
    Add-HB-Param       "h_service_id" $serviceId
    Add-HB-Param       "h_request_type" $RequestType
    Close-HB-Element   "searchFilter"
    Add-HB-Param       "maxResults" "1"

    # Invoke XMLMC call, output returned as PSObject type
    $xmlmcOutput = Invoke-HB-XMLMC "data" "entityBrowseRecords"
    $resultObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        Status = $xmlmcOutput.status
        Error = $xmlmcOutput.error
        CatalogID = ""
        ExceptionName = ""
        ExceptionSummary = ""
    if($xmlmcOutput.status -eq "ok"){
        if(!$xmlmcOutput.params.rowData) {
            $resultObject.ExceptionName = "NoRecordsFound"
            $resultObject.ExceptionSummary = "No matching Catalog Item records found"
        } else {
            if($xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_catalog_title -ne $CatalogItem) {
                $resultObject.ExceptionName = "Incorrect Record Returned"
                $resultObject.ExceptionSummary = "Catalog Item Name queried ["+$CatalogItem+"] does not match Catalog Item returned ["+$xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_catalog_title +"]"
            } else {
                $resultObject.CatalogID = $xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_request_catalog_id

    return $resultObject

# Get the Primary Key value of an Organisation
# Provide a Organisation Name, and this CMDLET will search your Hornbill instance for a matching record, returning the Primary Key
# The Organisation Name to search for
# Get-HB-OrganisationID "Support Me" will search your Organisations and return the primary key of the record found
function Get-HB-OrganisationID {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Provide the Organisation Name to retrieve its ID")]

    Add-HB-Param       "application" "com.hornbill.core"
    Add-HB-Param       "entity" "Organizations"
    Open-HB-Element    "searchFilter"
    Add-HB-Param       "h_organization_name" $OrganisationName
    Close-HB-Element   "searchFilter"
    Add-HB-Param       "maxResults" "1"

    # Invoke XMLMC call, output returned as PSObject type
    $xmlmcOutput = Invoke-HB-XMLMC "data" "entityBrowseRecords"
    $resultObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        Status = $xmlmcOutput.status
        Error = $xmlmcOutput.error
        OrganisationID = ""
        ExceptionName = ""
        ExceptionSummary = ""
    if($xmlmcOutput.status -eq "ok"){
        if(!$xmlmcOutput.params.rowData) {
            $resultObject.ExceptionName = "NoRecordsFound"
            $resultObject.ExceptionSummary = "No matching Organisation records found"
        } else {
            if($xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_organization_name -ne $OrganisationName) {
                $resultObject.ExceptionName = "Incorrect Record Returned"
                $resultObject.ExceptionSummary = "Organisation Name queried ["+$OrganisationName+"] does not match Organisation returned ["+$xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_organization_name +"]"
            } else {
                $resultObject.OrganisationID = $xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_organization_id

    return $resultObject

# Get the Primary Key value of a Priority
# Provide a Priority Name, and this CMDLET will search your Hornbill instance for a matching record, returning the Primary Key
#.PARAMETER PriorityName
# The Priority Name to search for
# Get-HB-PriorityID "Low" will search your priorities and return the primary key for "Low" priority
function Get-HB-PriorityID {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Provide the Priority Name to retrieve its ID")]

    Add-HB-Param       "application" "com.hornbill.servicemanager"
    Add-HB-Param       "entity" "Priority"
    Open-HB-Element    "searchFilter"
    Add-HB-Param       "h_priorityname" $PriorityName
    Close-HB-Element   "searchFilter"
    Add-HB-Param       "maxResults" "1"
    # Invoke XMLMC call, output returned as PSObject type
    $xmlmcOutput = Invoke-HB-XMLMC "data" "entityBrowseRecords"
    $resultObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        Status = $xmlmcOutput.status
        Error = $xmlmcOutput.error
        PriorityID = ""
        ExceptionName = ""
        ExceptionSummary = ""
    if($xmlmcOutput.status -eq "ok"){
        if(!$xmlmcOutput.params.rowData) {
            $resultObject.ExceptionName = "NoRecordsFound"
            $resultObject.ExceptionSummary = "No matching Priority records found"
        } else {
            if($xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_priorityname -ne $PriorityName) {
                $resultObject.ExceptionName = "Incorrect Record Returned"
                $resultObject.ExceptionSummary = "Priority Name queried ["+$PriorityName+"] does not match Priority returned ["+$xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_priorityname +"]"
            } else {
                $resultObject.PriorityID = $xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_pk_priorityid

    return $resultObject

# Get the Primary Key value of a Site
# Provide a Site Name, and this CMDLET will search your Hornbill instance for a matching record, returning the Primary Key
# The Site Name to search for
# Get-HB-SiteID "Hull" will search your priorities and return the primary key for the "Hull" site
function Get-HB-SiteID {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Provide the Site Name to retrieve its ID")]

    Add-HB-Param        "application" "com.hornbill.core"
    Add-HB-Param        "entity" "Site"
    Open-HB-Element     "searchFilter"
    Add-HB-Param        "h_site_name" $SiteName
    Close-HB-Element    "searchFilter"
    Open-HB-Element     "orderBy"
    Add-HB-Param        "column" "h_site_name"
    Add-HB-Param        "direction" "ascending"
    Close-HB-Element    "orderBy"
    Add-HB-Param        "maxResults" "1"
    # Invoke XMLMC call, output returned as PSObject type
    $xmlmcOutput = Invoke-HB-XMLMC "data" "entityBrowseRecords"
    $resultObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        Status = $xmlmcOutput.status
        Error = $xmlmcOutput.error
        SiteID = ""
        ExceptionName = ""
        ExceptionSummary = ""
    if($xmlmcOutput.status -eq "ok"){
        if(!$xmlmcOutput.params.rowData) {
            $resultObject.ExceptionName = "NoRecordsFound"
            $resultObject.ExceptionSummary = "No matching Site records found"
        } else {
            if($xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_site_name -ne $SiteName) {
                $resultObject.ExceptionName = "Incorrect Record Returned"
                $resultObject.ExceptionSummary = "Site Name queried ["+$SiteName+"] does not match Site returned ["+$xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_site_name +"]"
            } else {
                $resultObject.SiteID = $xmlmcOutput.params.rowData.row.h_id

    return $resultObject

# Get the Activity Stream ID of a Workspace
# Provide a Workspace Name, and this CMDLET will search your Hornbill instance for a matching record, returning the Activity Stream ID
#.PARAMETER WorkspaceName
# The Workspace Name to search for
# Get-HB-WorkspaceID "Demo Workspace" will search your Workspaces and return the Activity Stream ID for the "Demo Workspace" workspace
function Get-HB-WorkspaceID {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Provide the Workspace Name to retrieve its Activity Stream ID")]

    Add-HB-Param "displayName" $WorkspaceName
    # Invoke XMLMC call, output returned as PSObject type
    $xmlmcOutput = Invoke-HB-XMLMC "activity" "workspaceLookup"
    $resultObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        Status = $xmlmcOutput.status
        Error = $xmlmcOutput.error
        ActivityStreamID = ""

    if($xmlmcOutput.status -eq "ok"){
        $resultObject.ActivityStreamID = $xmlmcOutput.params.activityStreamID   
    return $resultObject

# Retrieves request details
# Retrieves details about a Request
#.PARAMETER RequestRef
# The Request reference
# Get-HB-Request "IN00000123"
function Get-HB-Request {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Provide the Request Reference to retrieve its details")]

    Add-HB-Param "requestId" $RequestRef
    # Invoke XMLMC call, output returned as PSObject type
    $xmlmcOutput = Invoke-HB-XMLMC "apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests" "smGetDetails"
    $resultObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        Status           = $xmlmcOutput.status
        Error            = $xmlmcOutput.error
        RequestDetails   = ""
        RequestRelated   = ""
        RequestBPM       = ""
        ExceptionName    = ""
        ExceptionSummary = ""
    if($xmlmcOutput.status -eq "ok"){
        if(!$xmlmcOutput.params) {
            $resultObject.ExceptionName = "NoRecordsFound"
            $resultObject.ExceptionSummary = "No matching Request record found"
        } else {
            $resultObject.RequestDetails = $xmlmcOutput.params.requestDetails
                $resultObject.RequestRelated = $xmlmcOutput.params.requestRelatedDetails
                $resultObject.RequestBPM = $xmlmcOutput.params.requestBPM

    return $resultObject

# Export the functions available to the script importing this module
Export-ModuleMember -Function '*'