
function Get-SSLCertificate {
    Get the SSL Certificate for given host.
    Open an SSL connection to the given host and read the presented server certificate.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    A hostname or Url of the server to retreive the certificate.
    The port to connect to the remote server.
.PARAMETER OutSslStreamVariable
    Stores SslStream connetion details from the command in the specified variable.
    No validation check done. This command will trust all certificates presented.
    Thumbprint Subject EnhancedKeyUsageList
    ---------- ------- --------------------
    9B97772CC2C860B0D0663AD3ED34272FF927EDEE CN=* Server Authentication

    Return the certificate for
    $cert = Get-SSLCertificate

    Verify a server certificate. You can use Test-SSLCertificate to validate the entire certificate chain.
    $cert = Get-SSLCertificate -verbose
    VERBOSE: Converting Uri to host string
    VERBOSE: ComputerName =
    VERBOSE: Cipher: Aes256 strength 256
    VERBOSE: Hash: Sha384 strength 0
    VERBOSE: Key exchange: None strength 0
    VERBOSE: Protocol: Tls13

    Write SslStream connection details to Verbose stream.
    PS> Get-SSLCertificate -ComputerName '' -OutSslStreamVariable sslStreamValue
    Thumbprint Subject EnhancedKeyUsageList
    ---------- ------- --------------------
    5D3AD94714B07830A1BFB445F6F581AD0AC77689 CN=* Server Authentication
    CipherAlgorithm : Aes256
    CipherStrength : 256
    HashAlgorithm : Sha384
    HashStrength : 0
    KeyExchangeAlgorithm : None
    KeyExchangeStrength : 0
    SslProtocol : Tls13

    Stores SslStream connection details in the `$sslStreamValue` variable.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]
        [Alias('Address', 'Url')]

        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        [ValidateRange(1, 65535)]
        [int]$Port = 443,



    $uri = $null

    if ([uri]::TryCreate($ComputerName, [System.UriKind]::RelativeOrAbsolute, [ref]$uri)) {
        Write-Verbose "Converting Uri to host string"
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($uri.Host)) {
            $ComputerName = $uri.Host

    Write-Verbose "ComputerName = $ComputerName"

    $Certificate = $null
    $TcpClient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient

    try {

        $TcpClient.Connect($ComputerName, $Port)
        $TcpStream = $TcpClient.GetStream()

        $SslStream = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Security.SslStream -ArgumentList @($TcpStream, $true, $ServerCertificateCustomValidation_AlwaysTrust)
        try {

            $Certificate = $SslStream.RemoteCertificate

            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OutSslStreamVariable')) {
                $streamProperties = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    CipherAlgorithm      = $SslStream.CipherAlgorithm
                    CipherStrength       = $SslStream.CipherStrength
                    HashAlgorithm        = $SslStream.HashAlgorithm
                    HashStrength         = $SslStream.HashStrength
                    KeyExchangeAlgorithm = $SslStream.KeyExchangeAlgorithm
                    KeyExchangeStrength  = $SslStream.KeyExchangeStrength
                    SslProtocol          = $SslStream.SslProtocol

                Set-Variable -Name $OutSslStreamVariable -Value $streamProperties -Scope Global

            "Cipher: {0} strength {1}" -f $SslStream.CipherAlgorithm, $SslStream.CipherStrength | Write-Verbose
            "Hash: {0} strength {1}" -f $SslStream.HashAlgorithm, $SslStream.HashStrength | Write-Verbose
            "Key exchange: {0} strength {1}" -f $SslStream.KeyExchangeAlgorithm, $SslStream.KeyExchangeStrength | Write-Verbose
            "Protocol: {0}" -f $SslStream.SslProtocol | Write-Verbose

        } catch {
        } finally {
    } catch {
    } finally {

    if ($null -ne $Certificate) {
        if ($Certificate -isnot [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]) {
            $Certificate = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 -ArgumentList $Certificate

        Write-Output $Certificate