
$dscModule = 'Hubot'

$originalLocation = Get-Location

$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Set-Location $here

describe "Hubot DSC Module - Unit Testing" {

    # To support $root\Tests folder structure
    If (Test-Path "..\$dscModule.psm1") {Copy-Item "..\$dscModule.psm1" 'TestDrive:\script.ps1'}
    # To support $root\Tests\Unit folder structure
    ElseIf (Test-Path "..\..\$dscModule.psm1") {Copy-Item "..\..\$dscModule.psm1" 'TestDrive:\script.ps1'}
    # Or simply throw...
    Else {Throw 'Unable to find source .psm1 file to test against.'}
    # Dot source the file to brint classes into current session
    . 'TestDrive:\script.ps1'

    $guid = (New-Guid).Guid

    context "RefreshPathVariable" {
        it "returns something" {
            [HubotHelpers]::new().RefreshPathVariable() | Should Not Be Null

        it "return should contain atleast one semicolon" {
            [HubotHelpers]::new().RefreshPathVariable() | Should BeLike "*;*"

        it "when split into array should have 2 or more items" {
            $array = [HubotHelpers]::new().RefreshPathVariable() -split ';'
            $array.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 1

    context "CheckPathExists" {
        it "returns true when path that exists is passed" {
            [HubotHelpers]::new().CheckPathExists("TestDrive:\") | Should Be $true
        it "returns false when path that does not exist is passed" {          
            [HubotHelpers]::new().CheckPathExists("TestDrive:\$($guid)") | Should Be $false

    context "HubotInstall - Get" {
        it "does not throw" {
                $x = [HubotInstall]::new()
                $x.BotPath = 'C:\myhubot'
                $x.Ensure = 'Present'
            } | Should Not Throw

        it "returns a [HubotInstall] class" {
            $x = [HubotInstall]::new()
            $x.BotPath = 'TestDrive:\'
            $x.Ensure = 'Present'
            $x.Get().GetType().Name | Should Be 'HubotInstall'

        it "returns ensure present if BotPath exists" {
            $fakeModuleFolder = Join-Path $TestDrive 'node_modules'
            New-Item -Path $fakeModuleFolder -ItemType Directory -Force
            $x = [HubotInstall]::new()
            $x.BotPath = $TestDrive
            $x.Get().Ensure | Should Be 'Present'

        it "node modules path should be valid" {
            $fakeModuleFolder = Join-Path $TestDrive 'node_modules'
            New-Item -Path $fakeModuleFolder -ItemType Directory -Force
            $x = [HubotInstall]::new()
            $x.BotPath = $TestDrive
            $x.Get().NodeModulesPath | Should Be $fakeModuleFolder

        it "returns ensure absent if BotPath does not exist" {
            $x = [HubotInstall]::new()
            $x.BotPath = "TestDrive:\$($guid)"
            $x.Get().Ensure | Should Be 'Absent'

    context "HubotInstall - Set" {
        BeforeEach {
            $TestClass = [HubotInstall]::new()          

            Mock Start-Process { return $true }

$getCmdMockObject = @"
<Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04">
  <Obj RefId="0">
    <TN RefId="0">
      <S N="Path">C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd</S>
      <S N="Extension">.cmd</S>
      <S N="Definition">C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd</S>
      <S N="Source">C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd</S>
      <Version N="Version"></Version>
      <Obj N="Visibility" RefId="1">
        <TN RefId="1">
      <Obj N="OutputType" RefId="2">
        <TN RefId="2">
          <T>System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1[[System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName, System.Management.Automation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]</T>
      <S N="Name">npm.cmd</S>
      <Obj N="CommandType" RefId="3">
        <TN RefId="3">
      <S N="ModuleName"></S>
      <Nil N="Module" />
      <Obj N="RemotingCapability" RefId="4">
        <TN RefId="4">
      <S N="Namespace"></S>
      <S N="HelpUri"></S>
      <Obj N="FileVersionInfo" RefId="5">
        <TN RefId="5">
        <ToString>File: C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd_x000D__x000A_InternalName: _x000D__x000A_OriginalFilename: _x000D__x000A_FileVersion: _x000D__x000A_FileDescription: _x000D__x000A_Product: _x000D__x000A_ProductVersion: _x000D__x000A_Debug: False_x000D__x000A_Patched: False_x000D__x000A_PreRelease: False_x000D__x000A_PrivateBuild: False_x000D__x000A_SpecialBuild: False_x000D__x000A_Language: _x000D__x000A_</ToString>
          <Nil N="Comments" />
          <Nil N="CompanyName" />
          <I32 N="FileBuildPart">0</I32>
          <Nil N="FileDescription" />
          <I32 N="FileMajorPart">0</I32>
          <I32 N="FileMinorPart">0</I32>
          <S N="FileName">C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd</S>
          <I32 N="FilePrivatePart">0</I32>
          <Nil N="FileVersion" />
          <Nil N="InternalName" />
          <B N="IsDebug">false</B>
          <B N="IsPatched">false</B>
          <B N="IsPrivateBuild">false</B>
          <B N="IsPreRelease">false</B>
          <B N="IsSpecialBuild">false</B>
          <Nil N="Language" />
          <Nil N="LegalCopyright" />
          <Nil N="LegalTrademarks" />
          <Nil N="OriginalFilename" />
          <Nil N="PrivateBuild" />
          <I32 N="ProductBuildPart">0</I32>
          <I32 N="ProductMajorPart">0</I32>
          <I32 N="ProductMinorPart">0</I32>
          <Nil N="ProductName" />
          <I32 N="ProductPrivatePart">0</I32>
          <Nil N="ProductVersion" />
          <Nil N="SpecialBuild" />
          <Version N="FileVersionRaw"></Version>
          <Version N="ProductVersionRaw"></Version>

            $myobj = [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Deserialize($getCmdMockObject)
            Mock Get-Command { return $myobj }


        it "throws when botpath is not found" {
                $TestClass.BotPath = "$TestDrive\$($guid)"
                $result = $TestClass.Get()
            } | Should Throw

        it "does not throw when botpath is found and ensure is present" {
                $TestClass.BotPath = "$TestDrive"
                $result = $TestClass.Get()
                $result.Ensure = 'Present'
            } | Should Not Throw

        it "throws when npm not found" {
            Mock Get-Command { return $null }

                $fakeModuleFolder = Join-Path $TestDrive 'node_modules'
                New-Item -Path $fakeModuleFolder -ItemType Directory -Force
                $TestClass.BotPath = $TestDrive
                $result = $TestClass.Get()
            } | Should Throw

        it "does not throw when npm not found" {
                $fakeModuleFolder = Join-Path $TestDrive 'node_modules'
                New-Item -Path $fakeModuleFolder -ItemType Directory -Force
                $TestClass.BotPath = $TestDrive
                $result = $TestClass.Get()
            } | Should Not Throw
        it "calls start-process twice to uninstall coffee-script and then npm" {
            $fakeModuleFolder = Join-Path $TestDrive 'node_modules'
            New-Item -Path $fakeModuleFolder -ItemType Directory -Force
            $TestClass.BotPath = $TestDrive
            $result = $TestClass.Get()
            $result.Ensure = 'Absent'
            Assert-MockCalled Start-Process 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$FilePath -like "*npm*" -and $ArgumentList -like "*uninstall*"} -Scope It

        it "calls start-process twice to install coffee-script and then npm install" {
            $fakeModuleFolder = Join-Path $TestDrive 'node_modules'
            New-Item -Path $fakeModuleFolder -ItemType Directory -Force
            $TestClass.BotPath = $TestDrive
            $result = $TestClass.Get()
            Assert-MockCalled Start-Process 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$FilePath -like "*npm*" -and $ArgumentList -like "*install*"} -Scope It

    context "HubotInstallService" {
            it "does not throw" {
                    $x = [HubotInstallService]::new()
                    $x.BotPath = 'C:\myhubot'
                    $x.ServiceName = 'hubot_service'
                    $x.BotAdapter = 'slack'
                    $x.Ensure = 'Present'
                } | Should Not Throw

            it "NSSMAppParameters contains the user provided adapater" {
                $x = [HubotInstallService]::new()
                $x.BotPath = 'C:\myhubot'
                $x.ServiceName = 'hubot_service'
                $x.BotAdapter = 'slack'
                $x.Ensure = 'Present'
                $x.Get().NSSMAppParameters | Should Be '/c .\bin\hubot.cmd -a slack'

Set-Location $originalLocation