
function New-HuduAPIKey {
    Param (
    if ($ApiKey) {
        $SecApiKey = ConvertTo-SecureString $ApiKey -AsPlainText -Force
    else {
        Write-Host "Please enter your Hudu API key, you can obtain it from https://your-hudu-domain/admin/api_keys:"
        $SecApiKey = Read-Host -AsSecureString
    Set-Variable -Name "Int_HuduAPIKey" -Value $SecApiKey -Visibility Private -Scope global -Force

function Get-HuduApiKey {
    if($Int_HuduAPIKey -eq $null) {
        Write-Error "No API key has been set. Please use New-HuduAPIKey to set it."

function Remove-HuduAPIKey {
    Set-Variable -Name "Int_HuduAPIKey" -Value $null -Visibility Private -Scope global -Force

function New-HuduBaseURL {
    Param (
    if (!$BaseURL) {
        Write-Host "Please enter your Hudu Base URL with no trailing /, for example :"
        $BaseURL = Read-Host
    Set-Variable -Name "Int_HuduBaseURL" -Value $BaseURL -Visibility Private -Scope global -Force

function Get-HuduBaseURL {
    if($Int_HuduBaseURL -eq $null) {
        Write-Error "No Base URL has been set. Please use New-HuduBaseURL to set it."

function Remove-HuduBaseURL {
    Set-Variable -Name "Int_HuduBaseURL" -Value $null -Visibility Private -Scope global -Force

function hudu_request {
    if (($Method -eq "put") -or ($Method -eq "post") -or ($Method -eq "delete")) {
        try {
        $HuduAPIKey = Get-HuduApiKey
        $HuduBaseURL = Get-HuduBaseURL
        $HuduResult = Invoke-RestMethod -method $method -uri ($HuduBaseURL + $Resource) `
            -headers @{'x-api-key' = (New-Object PSCredential "user",$HuduAPIKey).GetNetworkCredential().Password;} `
            -ContentType 'application/json' -body $Body
        } catch {
            Write-Error $_
    } else {    
        try {
        $HuduAPIKey = Get-HuduApiKey
        $HuduBaseURL = Get-HuduBaseURL
        $HuduResult = Invoke-RestMethod -method $method -uri ($HuduBaseURL + $Resource) `
            -headers @{'x-api-key' = (New-Object PSCredential "user",$HuduAPIKey).GetNetworkCredential().Password;} `
            -ContentType 'application/json'
        } catch {
            Write-Error $_
    return $HuduResult