
function Wait-ForOKHeartbeat {

    while ((Get-VM -Name $VM.Name -ComputerName $HyperVServer.Name).HeartBeat -ne 'OkApplicationsUnknown') {
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        $name = $VM.Name
        #Probs only want to do this when -verbose
        Write-Verbose "$name not ready. Waiting"


function Wait-ForResponsiveVM {

    Wait-ForOKHeartbeat -VM $VM -HyperVServer $HyperVServer

    #Wait for DHCP to assign IP
    while ((Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VM.Name -ComputerName $HyperVServer.Name).IpAddresses.Count -eq 0) {
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

        $name = $VM.Name
        Write-Verbose "$name has no IP yet. Waiting"


    #Get VM IP Address
    $IP = (Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VM.Name -ComputerName $HyperVServer.Name).IpAddresses[0] 

    write-Verbose "IP is $IP"
    Write-Verbose "Waiting for WinRM"

    #Wait for WINRM to be responsive
    $failedWSMan = $false
    $Future5 = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(5)

    do { 
        $failedWSMan = $false
        try {
            test-wsman $IP -ErrorAction Stop
        catch { 
            $failedWSMan = $true

    }while ($failedWSMan -and (Get-Date) -lt ($Future5))

    return $IP

function PostCreate-VM {


    foreach ($script in $VM.PostCreate.Scripts) {
        Write-Verbose "Running Post Create Script $script"
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $HyperVServer.Name -FilePath $script -ArgumentList $VM.Name

function Initialize-VM {


    Set-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -value * -Force

    $VMName = $VM.Name
    $ip = Wait-ForResponsiveVM -VM $VM -HyperVServer $HyperVServer
    if ($ip) {
        Write-Verbose "WinRM connection established"
    else {
        throw "Timed out waiting for WinRM"

    $newCred = $null

    $scriptCount = 0
    foreach ($script in $VM.Provisioning.Scripts) {


        if ($script.EndsWith(".Set-Credential.ps1")) {
            Write-Verbose "Credential script detected, getting credentials"
            $credObject = invoke-expression -Command $script
            if ($credObject -and $credObject.GetType().Name -eq 'PSCredential') {
                Write-Verbose "New credentials set" 
                $newCred = $credObject
        elseif ($script.EndsWith(".Validate.ps1")) {

            $InvokeParams = @{ 
                FilePath     = $script
                ComputerName = $ip[1]
            if ($newCred) {
                $InvokeParams.Add("Credential", $newCred)
            try {
                invoke-command @InvokeParams -ErrorAction Stop      
            catch {
                write-host "Validation script failed"
                if ($VM.Provisioning.RebuildOnValidationFailure -eq $true) {
                    throw "$VMName failed validation process - REBUILD NEEDED"

                else {
                    throw "$VMName failed validation process"

        else {
            try {
                Write-Verbose "Provisioning $VMName using $script" 
                $InvokeParams = @{ 
                    FilePath     = $script
                    ComputerName = $ip[1]
                if ($newCred) {
                    $InvokeParams.Add("Credential", $newCred)
                invoke-command @InvokeParams

                $lastScript = $scriptCount -eq $VM.Provisioning.Scripts.Count
                if ($VM.Provisioning.RebootAfterEachScript ) {

                    Write-Verbose "Rebooting $VMName"
                    if (($VM.Provisioning.RebootAfterLastScript -eq $true) -or ($VM.Provisioning.RebootAfterLastScript -eq $false -and $lastScript -eq $false)) {
                        Stop-VM -Name  $VMName -ComputerName $HyperVServer.Name -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                        Start-VM -Name  $VMName -ComputerName $HyperVServer.Name -ErrorAction Stop
                        if ($lastScript -eq $false) {
                            Wait-ForResponsiveVM -VM $VM -HyperVServer $HyperVServer
                            Write-Host "$script is last script, not waiting for VM to be responsive"

            catch {
                write-host "Provision failed"
                if ($VM.Provisioning.$RebuildOnProvisionFailure -eq $true) {
                    throw "$VMName failed provision process - REBUILD NEEDED"

                else {
                    throw "$VMName failed provision process"

