
function Confirm-ExistingVMRemovalAndAdd {

        [bool] $Replace,
        [bool] $Force,
        [DeploymentOptions] $DeploymentOptions,
        [bool] $ContinueOnError


    try {
        $existingVM, $existingHypervisor = Assert-VMAlreadyExists -VM $VM -HyperVServers $HyperVServers
        if ($existingVM -and $Replace -and !$Force) {
            $name = $existingVM.Name
            Write-Host "$name already exists, replace?" -ForegroundColor Red
            $ReplaceConfirm = Read-Host "Press Y to confirm" 
            if ($ReplaceConfirm.ToLower() -eq "y") {
                Remove-VM  $VM.Name -ComputerName $existingHypervisor -ErrorAction Stop
                Add-VM -VM $VM -HyperVServer $HyperVServer -DeploymentOptions $DeploymentOptions -ContinueOnError $ContinueOnError
            else {
        elseif ($existingVM -and $Replace -and $Force) {
            Write-Verbose "Existing VM found, replacing."
            Remove-VM $VM.Name -ComputerName $existingHypervisor -ErrorAction Stop
            Add-VM -VM $VM -HyperVServer $HyperVServer -DeploymentOptions $DeploymentOptions -ContinueOnError $ContinueOnError 
        elseif (!$existingVM) {
            Add-VM -VM $VM -HyperVServer $HyperVServer -DeploymentOptions $DeploymentOptions  -ContinueOnError $ContinueOnError
    catch {
        if ($ContinueOnError -eq $False) {
        else {
            Publish-FailureMessage -VMName $VM.Name 


function Remove-ExistingVM {
        [bool] $Replace,
        [bool] $Force,
        [bool] $ContinueOnError

    try {
        $existingVM, $existingHypervisor = Assert-VMAlreadyExists -VM $VM -HyperVServers $HyperVServers
        if ($existingVM -and $Replace -and !$Force) {
            $name = $existingVM.Name
            Write-Host "$name found, remove?" -ForegroundColor Red
            $ReplaceConfirm = Read-Host "Press Y to confirm" 
            if ($ReplaceConfirm.ToLower() -eq "y") {
                Write-Verbose "Existing VM found, removing"
                Remove-VM  $VM.Name -ComputerName $existingHypervisor -ErrorAction Stop
            else {
        elseif ($existingVM -and $Replace -and $Force) {
            Write-Verbose "Existing VM found, removing"
            Remove-VM $VM.Name -ComputerName $existingHypervisor  -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        if ($ContinueOnError -eq $False) {
        else {
            Publish-FailureMessage -VMName $VM.Name 


function Publish-VMs {
        [bool] $Replace,
        [bool] $Force,
        [bool] $Destroy,
        [bool] $ReplaceUpFront,
        [bool] $ContinueOnError


    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$VMList = $VMs
    if ($VMs.Where( { $_.Replicas -gt 0 }, 'First').Count -gt 0) {
        #Replicas Detected
        $vmReplicaName = $VMs[0].Name
        foreach ($replicasRequired in $VMs.Where{ $_.Replicas -gt 0 }) {

            $startReplicas = $replicasRequired.Replicas

            $replicaStartIndex = 1
            if ($replicasRequired.ReplicaStartIndex -gt 0) {
                $replicaStartIndex = $replicasRequired.ReplicaStartIndex;
                $replicasRequired.Replicas = $replicasRequired.Replicas + $replicaStartIndex - 1

            foreach ($server in $replicasRequired.HyperVServers) {
                if ($server.MaxReplicas) {
                    $crossServerMaxReplicas += $server.MaxReplicas

            if ($startReplicas -gt $crossServerMaxReplicas) {
                throw "Not enough Hypervisor capacity for VM's" 

            $hyperVIndex = 0;
            $guid = [guid]::NewGuid()
            For ($replicaStartIndex; $replicaStartIndex -le $replicasRequired.Replicas; $replicaStartIndex++) {
                $replica = $replicasRequired.Clone()
                $replica.Name = $replica.Name + $replicaStartIndex
                $replica.Replicas = 0
                $replica.ReplicaGuid = $guid
                $orginalServers = $replica.HyperVServers

                $allocatedServer = $replica.HyperVServers[$hyperVIndex]
                $replica.HyperVServers = @()
                if ($allocatedServer.MaxReplicas) {
                    #Do logic to calculate how many replicas already allocated to hypervisor, if assigning this one would breach then increment hypervindex
                    do {
                        $allocated = $false
                        $allocatedServer = $orginalServers[$hyperVIndex]

                        $reps = $VMList | Where-Object { $_.ReplicaGuid -eq $guid -and $_.HyperVServers[0].Name -eq $allocatedServer.Name }

                        if ($reps.Count -eq $allocatedServer.MaxReplicas) {
                            #Pick new server as allocated one at max

                            if ($hyperVIndex + 1 -eq $orginalServers.Length) {
                                $hyperVIndex = 0;
                            else {
                        else {
                            $replica.HyperVServers += $allocatedServer
                            $allocated = $true
                    While (!$allocated)

                else {
                    $replica.HyperVServers += $allocatedServer

                if ($hyperVIndex + 1 -eq $orginalServers.Length) {
                    $hyperVIndex = 0;
                else {
                $VMList.Add($replica) > $null

            if ($replicasRequired.SkipNames.Length -gt 0) {
                Write-Verbose "Skips detected"
                foreach ($skip in $replicasRequired.SkipNames) {
                    $vms = $VMList
                    foreach ($vm in $vms) {
                        if ($vm.Name -eq $skip) {
                            $newVm = $vm

                            $last = $VMList[-1]

                            $iteration = ([int]($last.Name -replace '\D+(\d+)', '$1')) + 1 

                            if ($newVm.Name = "$vmReplicaName$iteration") {
                                #Skip is last to be created
                                $iteration ++
                                $newVm.Name = "$vmReplicaName$iteration"
                            else {
                                $newVm.Name = "$vmReplicaName$iteration"



    #write-output $VMList

    if (!$Destroy) {

        if ($ReplaceUpFront) {
            Write-Host "Removing existing VM's up front"
            foreach ($vm in $VMList) {
                Remove-ExistingVM  -VM $vm -HyperVServers $HyperVServers  -Replace $Replace -Force $Force -ContinueOnError $ContinueOnError

        if ($DeploymentOptions.Parallel) {
            Get-Job | Remove-Job -Force
            $MaxThreads = 5

        $addBlock = {

                [object] $VM,
                [object] $Provisioning,
                [object] $HyperVServer,
                [object] $HyperVServers,
                [object] $DeploymentOptions,
                [object] $Replace

            . .\Private\Publish-VMs.ps1
            . .\Private\Publish-FailureMessage.ps1
            . .\Private\Add-VM.ps1
            . .\Private\Assert-VMAlreadyExists.ps1
            . .\Private\Classes.ps1
            . .\Private\Initialize-VM.ps1
            . .\Private\Remove-VM.ps1

            $VM.Provisioning = $Provisioning

            Confirm-ExistingVMRemovalAndAdd -VM $VM -HyperVServers $HyperVServers -HyperVServer $vm.HyperVServers[0] -DeploymentOptions $DeploymentOptions -Replace $Replace -Force $true -ContinueOnError $ContinueOnError

        Write-Verbose "Adding Virtual Machines"

        foreach ($vm in $VMList) {
            if ($DeploymentOptions.Parallel) {
                While ($(Get-Job -state running).count -ge $MaxThreads) {
                    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 3
                Start-Job -Scriptblock $addBlock -ArgumentList $vm, $vm.Provisioning, $key, $HyperVServers, $DeploymentOptions, $Replace
            else {
                Confirm-ExistingVMRemovalAndAdd -VM $vm -HyperVServers $HyperVServers -HyperVServer $vm.HyperVServers[0] -DeploymentOptions $DeploymentOptions -Replace $Replace -Force $Force -ContinueOnError $ContinueOnError

        if ($DeploymentOptions.Parallel) {
            While ($(Get-Job -State Running).count -gt 0) {
                start-sleep 1
            #Get information from each job.
            foreach ($job in Get-Job) {
                $info = Receive-Job -Id ($job.Id)
            #Remove all jobs created.
            Get-Job | Remove-Job

        Write-Host "Virtual Machines Added" -ForegroundColor Green

    else {
        Write-Host "Starting Destroy" -ForegroundColor Red

        if ($DeploymentOptions.Parallel) {
            Get-Job | Remove-Job -Force
            $MaxThreads = 5

        $destroyBlock = {

                [object] $vm,
                [object] $HyperVServers,
                [object] $Force

            . .\Private\Publish-VMs.ps1
            . .\Private\Add-VM.ps1
            . .\Private\Assert-VMAlreadyExists.ps1
            . .\Private\Classes.ps1
            . .\Private\Initialize-VM.ps1
            . .\Private\Remove-VM.ps1

            $existingVM, $existingHypervisor = Assert-VMAlreadyExists -VM $vm -HyperVServers $HyperVServers
            if ($existingVM) {
                Remove-VM  $vm.Name -ComputerName $existingHypervisor 

        foreach ($vm in $VMList) {
            if ($DeploymentOptions.Parallel) {
                While ($(Get-Job -state running).count -ge $MaxThreads) {
                    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 3
                Start-Job -Scriptblock $destroyBlock -ArgumentList $vm, $HyperVServers, $Force
            else {
                $existingVM, $existingHypervisor = Assert-VMAlreadyExists -VM $vm -HyperVServers $HyperVServers
                if ($existingVM -and !$Force) {
                    $name = $existingVM.Name
                    Write-Host "Remove $name ?" -ForegroundColor Red
                    $RemoveConfirm = Read-Host "Press Y to confirm" 
                    if ($RemoveConfirm.ToLower() -eq "y") {
                        Remove-VM  $vm.Name -ComputerName $existingHypervisor
                    else {
                elseif ($existingVM -and $Force) {
                    Remove-VM  $vm.Name -ComputerName $existingHypervisor

        if ($DeploymentOptions.Parallel) {
            While ($(Get-Job -State Running).count -gt 0) {
                start-sleep 1

            #Get information from each job.
            foreach ($job in Get-Job) {
                $info = Receive-Job -Id ($job.Id)
            #Remove all jobs created.
            Get-Job | Remove-Job

        Write-Host "Destroy Complete" -ForegroundColor Red
