
   Deploy DSC modules to the pullserver.
   Publish DSC module using Module Info object as an input.
   The cmdlet will figure out the location of the module repository using web.config of the pullserver.
   Get-Module <ModuleName> | Publish-ModuleToPullServer

function Publish-ModuleToPullServer
        # Name of the module.
        # This is the location of the base of the module.
        # This is the version of the module

        $PullServerWebConfig = "$env:SystemDrive\inetpub\wwwroot\PSDSCPullServer\web.config",

        $OutputFolderPath = $null

        if (-not($OutputFolderPath))
            if ( -not(Test-Path $PullServerWebConfig))
                throw "Web.Config of the pullserver does not exist on the default path $PullServerWebConfig. Please provide the location of your pullserver web configuration using the parameter -PullServerWebConfig or an alternate path where you want to publish the pullserver modules to"
                # Pull Server exist figure out the module path of the pullserver and use this value as output folder path.
                $webConfigXml = [xml](cat $PullServerWebConfig)
                $moduleXElement = $webConfigXml.SelectNodes("//appSettings/add[@key = 'ModulePath']")
                $OutputFolderPath =  $moduleXElement.Value
       Write-Verbose "Name: $Name , ModuleBase : $ModuleBase ,Version: $Version"
       $targetPath = Join-Path $OutputFolderPath "$($Name)_$($Version).zip"

      if (Test-Path $targetPath)
            Compress-Archive -DestinationPath $targetPath -Path "$($ModuleBase)\*" -Update -Verbose
            Compress-Archive -DestinationPath $targetPath -Path "$($ModuleBase)\*" -Verbose
       # Now that all the modules are published generate thier checksum.
       New-DscChecksum -Path $OutputFolderPath