
function Get-HyperVReports
            Get-HyperVReports prints the menu for selecting which report you would like to print.


    # Sets Console to black background
    $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = 'Black'

    # Prints the Menu. Accepts input.
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host ' Hyper-V Reports'                     -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host '[1] Hyper-V Cluster Log Search' -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host '[2] Maintenance QC' -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host '[3] Cluster Aware Update History' -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host '[4] Storage Reports' -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host '[5] VM Reports' -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green
    $MenuChoice = Read-Host 'Menu Choice'

    # Prints report based on $MenuChoice.
    switch ($MenuChoice) 
        1 { Get-HyperVClusterLogs }
        2 { Get-HyperVMaintenanceQC }
        3 { Get-HyperVCAULogs }
        4 { Get-HyperVStorageReport }
        5 { Get-HyperVVMInfo }
            Write-Host 'Incorrect Choice. Choose a number from the menu.'
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

function Get-ClusterCheck
            This function performs a check to see if this script is being executed on a clustered Hyper-V server. It converts that into a bool for use in the script.


    # Variable Setup
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'      
    $result = $False   

    # Check to see if this is a functional cluster. If so, return $True.
    $BoolClusterCheck = Get-Cluster
    if ($BoolClusterCheck) 
        $result = $True

function Get-AdminCheck
            This function performs a check to see if this script is being executed in an administrative prompt. Breaks if not.


    # Checks to see if it is being run in an administrative prompt. Breaks the script if not.
    if ([bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -match 'S-1-5-32-544') -eq $False )
        Write-Error 'This script must be run with administrator privledges. Relaunch script in an administrative prompt.'

function Get-HyperVCAULogs
            Get-HyperVCAULogs collects CAU event log data and hotfixes and prints a report.



    # Verifying this is being run on a cluster.
    $ClusterCheck = Get-ClusterCheck
    if ($ClusterCheck -eq $False)
        Write-host 'This script only works for clustered Hyper-V servers.' -ForegroundColor Red
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

    # Collect Variables
        $Cluster = (Get-Cluster).Name
        $CAUDates = ( (Get-WinEvent -LogName *ClusterAwareUpdating*).TimeCreated | Get-Date -Format MM/dd/yyy) | Get-Unique
        $ClusterNodes = Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Write-Host "Couldn't process cluster nodes!" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red 
    # Gathers CAU Dates from logs and prints for $StartDate input.
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor  Green
    Write-Host 'Dates CAU was performed:' -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor  Green
    Write-Output $CAUDates
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor  Green
    $StartDateRequest = Read-Host 'Which date would you like the logs from'

    Write-Host `r
    Write-Host 'Collecting CAU logs and hotfix information...'

    # Formatting provided startdate for use in filtering.
    $StartDate = $StartDateRequest | Get-Date -Format MM/dd/yyyy
    # Collects HotFixs from cluster nodes.
        $Hotfixes = $False
        $Hotfixes = foreach ($Node in $ClusterNodes) 
            Get-HotFix -ComputerName $Node.Name | Where-Object InstalledOn -Match $StartDate
        Write-Host "Couldn't collect the hotfixes from cluster nodes!" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
    # Collects eventlogs for cluster nodes.
        $EventLogs = $False
        $EventLogs = foreach ($Node in $ClusterNodes)
            Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $Node.Name -LogName *ClusterAwareUpdating* | Where-Object TimeCreated -Match $StartDate | Select-Object TimeCreated,Message 
        Write-Host "Couldn't collect the eventlogs from cluster nodes!" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red


    # Prints CAU logs
    Write-Host `r
    Write-Host "CAU logs from $StartDate for $Cluster." -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor  Green
    if ($Eventlogs)
        $Eventlogs | Sort-Object TimeCreated | Format-Table -AutoSize
        Write-Host "No Logs Found"
    # Prints HotFix logs
    Write-Host 'Updates installed during this CAU run.' -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor  Green
    if ($Hotfixes) 
        $Hotfixes | Format-Table -AutoSize
        Write-Host 'No Hotfixes Found'

function Get-HyperVClusterLogs
            Get-HyperVClusterLogs searches the Hyper-V eventlogs of a Hyper-V cluster and prints a report.


    # Setting up Variables.
    $ClusterCheck = Get-ClusterCheck
    if ($ClusterCheck)
        $ClusterNodes = Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $Domain = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain
        $DomainNodes = foreach ($Node in $ClusterNodes)
            $Node.Name + '.' + $Domain

    # Prints the Menu. Accepts input.
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green 
    Write-Host ' Clustered Hyper-V Eventlog Search'           -ForegroundColor White 
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green 
    Write-Host '[1] Search last 24 hours' -ForegroundColor White 
    Write-Host '[2] Specify date range' -ForegroundColor White 
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green 
    $MenuChoice = Read-Host 'Please select menu number'
    Write-Host `r   

    # Builds a 24hour $StartDate and #EndDate unless date is provided.
    Switch ($MenuChoice)
            $StartDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)    
            $EndDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(1)
            $DateFormat = Get-Date -Format d 
            Write-Host "The date format for this environment is '$DateFormat'." -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host `r 
            $StartDate = Read-Host 'Enter oldest search date.' 
            $EndDate = Read-Host 'Enter latest search date.'
            Write-Host `r         
            Write-Host 'Incorrect Choice. Choose a number from the menu.'
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

    # Collects text to filter the event log with.
    $Messagetxt = Read-Host 'Enter the text you would like to search the eventlogs for'  
    Write-Host `r
    # Filter for log collection.
    $Filter = @{
        LogName = "*Hyper-V*" 
        StartTime = $StartDate 
        EndTime = $EndDate 

    Write-Host 'Reviewing Hyper-V servers for eventlogs containing $Messagetxt. Please be patient.'   

    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green 
    Write-Host ' Clustered Hyper-V Eventlog Search'                                                     -ForegroundColor White 
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "Search results for: $Messagetxt"
    Write-Host `r

    # Builds $EventLogs variable used in report.
    if ($ClusterCheck -eq $True)

        # Clear any old jobs out related to this script.
        Get-Job | Where-Object Command -like *Get-WinEvent* | Remove-Job
        # Setup ScriptBlock for Invoke-Command.
        $EventLogScriptBlock = {  
            Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $Filter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object -Property Message -like "*$Messagetxt*"
        # Use jobs to pull event logs from all cluster nodes at the same time.
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $DomainNodes -ScriptBlock $EventLogScriptBlock -ArgumentList $Filter,$Messagetxt -AsJob | Wait-Job | Out-Null

        # Collect eventlogs from jobs and assign to $EventLogs
        $EventLogs = Get-Job | Where-Object Command -like *Get-WinEvent* | Receive-Job                      
        $EventLogNodes = $EventLogs.PSComputerName | Get-Unique   

        foreach ($Node in $DomainNodes)
            Write-Host $Node.split(".")[0] -ForegroundColor Green
            if ($EventLogNodes -contains $Node)
                $EventLogs | Where-Object PSComputerName -EQ $Node | Select-Object TimeCreated,ProviderName,Message | Sort-Object TimeCreated | Format-List 
                Write-Host `r  
                Write-Host 'No Logs found.' 
                Write-Host `n 
    elseif ($ClusterCheck -eq $False)
        $EventLogs = $False 
        Write-Host $env:COMPUTERNAME -ForegroundColor Green 
        $EventLogs = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $Filter | Where-Object -Property Message -Like "*$Messagetxt*" | Select-Object TimeCreated,ProviderName,Message  
        if ($EventLogs)
            $EventLogs | Sort-Object TimeCreated | Format-List 
            Write-Host 'No Logs Found.' 

Function Get-HyperVMaintenanceQC
            Get-HyperVMaintenanceQC tests Hyper-V cluster to ensure single node failure and no unclustered VMS.



    # Verifying this is being run on a cluster.
    $ClusterCheck = Get-ClusterCheck
    if ($ClusterCheck -eq $False)
        Write-host 'This script only works for clustered Hyper-V servers.' -ForegroundColor Red
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
    # Gather Cluster Variables
    $Cluster = Get-Cluster
    $ClusterNodes = Get-ClusterNode
    $Domain = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain
    $DomainNodes = foreach ($Node in $ClusterNodes)
        $Node.Name + '.' + $Domain
    # Variable Setup
    $TotalVMHostMemory = $False
    $TotalUsableVMHostMemory = $False
    $VirtMemory = $False
    $NonClusteredVMs = $False
    Write-Host 'Calculating cluster memory usage...' -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black

    # Building variable that has memory info for all of the cluster nodes.
        $VMHostMemory = foreach ($Node in $ClusterNodes)
                Name = $Node.Name
                TotalMemory = [math]::Round( (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $Node.Name).TotalPhysicalMemory /1GB )
                AvailableMemory = [math]::Round(( (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $Node.Name).FreePhysicalMemory ) /1024 /1024 )
                UsableMemory = [math]::Round( (Get-Counter -ComputerName $Node.Name -Counter '\Hyper-V Dynamic Memory Balancer(System Balancer)\Available Memory').Readings.Split(':')[1] / 1024 )
        Write-Host "Couldn't collect Memory usage from cluster nodes!" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
    # Adding the hosts memory values together.
    foreach ($VMHost in $VMHostMemory)
        $TotalVMHostMemory += $VMHost.TotalMemory
        $TotalAvailableVMHostMemory += $VMHost.AvailableMemory
        $TotalUsableVMHostMemory += $VMHost.UsableMemory
        $VirtMemory += $VMHost.AvailableMemory - $VMHost.UsableMemory

    # Calculate math for different variables.
    $Nodecount = $ClusterNodes.Count
    $SingleNodeVirtMemory = [math]::Round($VirtMemory/$Nodecount)
    $SingleNodeMemory = $VMHostMemory.TotalMemory[0]
    $Nodecheck = $TotalVMHostMemory / $SingleNodeMemory
    $UsableMemoryAfterFailure = ($TotalUsableVMHostMemory + $SingleNodeVirtMemory)
    $HAMemory = $SingleNodeMemory - $UsableMemoryAfterFailure        

    # Clear any old jobs out related to this script.
    Get-Job | Where-Object Command -like *Get-VM* | Remove-Job
    # Setup ScriptBlock for Invoke-Command.
    $GetVMScriptBlock = {  
        Get-VM | Where-Object IsClustered -EQ $False
    # Use jobs to pull event logs from all cluster nodes at the same time.
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $DomainNodes -ScriptBlock $GetVMScriptBlock -AsJob | Wait-Job | Out-Null

    # Collect eventlogs from jobs and assign to $EventLogs
    $NonClusteredVMs = Get-Job | Where-Object Command -like *Get-VM* | Receive-Job  
    # Sort Nonclustered VMs by their state for readability.
    $NonClusteredVMsSorted = $NonClusteredVMs | Sort-Object State

    if ($Nodecount -eq '1')
        Write-Host '===========================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        Write-Host " $Cluster is a single node cluster."
        Write-Host '===========================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        Write-Host '===========================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        Write-Host " $Cluster has $Nodecount nodes."
        Write-Host '===========================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray

    # Print Node Memory Report
    Write-Host " $TotalVMHostMemory GB - Physical memory of cluster."   
    Write-Host " $SingleNodeMemory GB - Physical memory of each node."    
    Write-Host " $UsableMemoryAfterFailure GB - Useable memory with 1 failure."    
    Write-Host '===========================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray

    # Prints error if all nodes don't have the same amount of memory.
    if ($Nodecheck -ne $Nodecount)
        Write-Host ' Nodes have different amounts of memory!'   -ForegroundColor Red        
        Write-Host '===========================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
    # Checks if cluster is HA.
    if ($TotalUsableVMHostMemory -le $SingleNodeMemory -and $HAMemory -gt 0)
        Write-host ' Cluster would NOT survive single failure!' -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host '===========================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray       
        Write-Host " More than $HAMemory GB of memory needed to be HA."
        Write-Host ' Cluster would survive single failure.' -ForegroundColor Green

    Write-Host '===========================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray

    # Checks if nonclustered VMs exist and prints list.
    if ($Null -eq $NonClusteredVMs)
        Write-Host ' All VMs are clustered.' -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host '===========================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        Write-Host ' VMs NOT in cluster.' -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host '===========================================' -ForegroundColor DarkGray
    # Prints nonclustered VMs.
    foreach ($VM in $NonClusteredVMsSorted)
        $VMOutput = ' ' + $VM.ComputerName + ' - ' + $VM.State + ' - ' + $VM.Name
        Write-Host $VMOutput -ForegroundColor Yellow

function Get-HyperVStorageReport
            Get-HyperVStorageReport collects Cluster Shared Volumes and prints a report of their data.



    # Prints the Menu. Accepts input.
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host ' Hyper-V Storage Reports'                 -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host '[1] Cluster Storage - Full report'                     -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host '[2] Cluster Storage - Utilization'                     -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host '[3] Cluster Storage - IO - 2016/2019 Only'             -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host '[4] Local Storage - Utilization'                       -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green    
    $MenuChoice = Read-Host 'Menu Choice'                               

    if ($MenuChoice -eq 1 -or $MenuChoice -eq 2 -or $MenuChoice -eq 3)
        Write-Host `r
        Write-Host 'Pulling formation for Cluster Shared Volumes...' -ForegroundColor White

        # Builds $CSVINfo to gather disk info for final report.
            # Variable Setup
            $OSVersion = [environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major
            $CSVs = Get-Partition | Where-Object AccessPaths -like *ClusterStorage* | Select-Object AccessPaths,DiskNumber

            $results = foreach ($csv in $CSVs)
                # Collecting CSV information
                $AccessPathVolumeID = $csv.AccessPaths.Split('/')[1]
                $ClusterPath = $csv.AccessPaths[0].TrimEnd('\')                
                $FriendlyPath = $ClusterPath.Split('\')[2]
                $ClusterSharedVolume = Get-ClusterSharedVolume | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SharedVolumeInfo | Where-Object FriendlyVolumeName -eq $ClusterPath | Select-Object -Property FriendlyVolumeName -ExpandProperty Partition
                $CSVName =  (Get-ClusterSharedVolumeState | Where-Object VolumeFriendlyName -eq $FriendlyPath).Name[0]

                if ($OSVersion -eq 10)
                    $VolumeBlock = Get-Volume | Where-Object Path -like $AccessPathVolumeID
                    $QOS = Get-StorageQosVolume | Where-Object MountPoint -eq ($ClusterPath + '\')
                        '#' = $csv.DiskNumber
                        Block = $VolumeBlock.AllocationUnitSize
                        CSVName = $CSVName
                        ClusterPath = $ClusterPath
                        'Size(GB)' = [math]::Round($ClusterSharedVolume.Size /1GB)
                        'Used(GB)' = [math]::Round($ClusterSharedVolume.UsedSpace /1GB)
                        'Free(GB)' = [math]::Round( ($ClusterSharedVolume.Size - $ClusterSharedVolume.UsedSpace) /1GB)
                        'Free %' = [math]::Round($ClusterSharedVolume.PercentFree, 1)
                        IOPS = $QOS.IOPS
                        Latency = [math]::Round($QOS.Latency, 2)
                        'MB/s' = [math]::Round(($QOS.Bandwidth /1MB), 1)
                        '#' = $csv.DiskNumber
                        Block = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Volume | Where-Object Label -Like $VolumeBlock.FileSystemLabel).BlockSize[0]
                        CSVName = $CSVName
                        ClusterPath = $ClusterPath
                        'Size(GB)' = [math]::Round($ClusterSharedVolume.Size /1GB)
                        'Used(GB)' = [math]::Round($ClusterSharedVolume.UsedSpace /1GB)
                        'Free(GB)' = [math]::Round( ($ClusterSharedVolume.Size - $ClusterSharedVolume.UsedSpace) /1GB)
                        'Free %' = [math]::Round($ClusterSharedVolume.PercentFree, 1)
            Write-Host "Couldn't process Cluster Shared Volume data!" -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red

    elseif ($MenuChoice -eq 4)
        Write-Host `r
        Write-Host 'Pulling formation from local storage...' -ForegroundColor White

        # Collect local disk information.
        $Volumes = Get-Volume | Where-Object { $null -ne $_.DriveLetter -and $_.DriveType -eq 'Fixed' }
        $results = foreach ($disk in $Volumes)
                Drive = $disk.DriveLetter
                Label = $disk.FileSystemLabel
                'Size(GB)' = [math]::Round($disk.Size /1GB)
                'Used(GB)' = [math]::Round( ($disk.Size - $disk.SizeRemaining) /1GB)
                'Free(GB)' = [math]::Round($disk.SizeRemaining /1GB)                
                'Free %' = [math]::Round(($disk.SizeRemaining / $disk.Size) * 100) 

    # Prints report based on $MenuChoice.
    switch ($MenuChoice)
        1 { $results | Sort-Object '#' | Format-Table * -AutoSize }
        2 { $results | Select-Object '#',CSVName,ClusterPath,'Size(GB)','Used(GB)','Free(GB)','Free %' | Sort-Object '#' | Format-Table -AutoSize }
        3 { $results | Select-Object '#',CSVName,ClusterPath,IOPS,Latency,MB/s | Sort-Object '#' | Format-Table -AutoSize }
        4 { $results | Sort-Object Drive | Format-Table -AutoSize }
            Write-Host 'Incorrect Choice. Choose a number from the menu.'
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

function Get-HyperVVMInfo
            Get-HyperVVMInfo collects Hyper-V VM info and prints report of their data.


    # Prints the Menu. Accepts input.
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host ' Hyper-V VM Reports'                   -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host '[1] VM vCPU and RAM' -ForegroundColor White    
    Write-Host '[2] VM Networking' -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host '[3] VM VHDX Size/Location/Type' -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host -------------------------------------------------------- -ForegroundColor Green    
    $MenuChoice = Read-Host 'Menu Choice'
    Write-Host `r

    # Filter for IPv4 addresses
    [Regex]$IPv4 = '\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b'

    # Pull Cluster node data for script.
    Write-Host 'Gathering data from VMs... ' -ForegroundColor White
    if (Get-ClusterCheck)
        $ClusterNodes = Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop
        $Domain = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain
        $DomainNodes = foreach ($Node in $ClusterNodes)
            $Node.Name + '.' + $Domain
        # Clear any old jobs out related to this script.
        Get-Job | Where-Object Command -like *Get-VM* | Remove-Job

        # Setup ScriptBlock for Invoke-Command.
        $VMInfoPull = {  
            Get-VM | Select-Object ComputerName,VMName,ProcessorCount,MemoryStartup
        # Use psjobs to pull VM data from all cluster nodes at the same time.
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $DomainNodes -ScriptBlock $VMInfoPull -AsJob | Wait-Job | Out-Null

        # Collect VM data from jobs and assign to $VMs
        $VMs = Get-Job | Where-Object Command -like *Get-VM* | Receive-Job  

        $VMs = Get-VM | Select-Object ComputerName,VMName,ProcessorCount,MemoryStartup
    # Collects information from VMs and creates $VMInfo variable with all VM info.
        $VMInfo = foreach ($vm in $VMs)
            if ($MenuChoice -eq 1)
                    Host = $vm.ComputerName
                    VMName = $vm.VMName
                    vCPU = $vm.ProcessorCount
                    RAM = [math]::Round($vm.MemoryStartup /1GB)                                                
            elseif ($MenuChoice -eq 2)
                $VMNetworkAdapters = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ComputerName $vm.Computername -VMName $vm.VMName
                foreach ($adapter in $VMNetworkAdapters)
                    $VMNetworkAdapterVlans = Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapter $Adapter
                    foreach ($adapterVlan in $VMNetworkAdapterVlans)
                            Host = $vm.ComputerName
                            VMName = $vm.VMName
                            IPAddress = $adapter.Ipaddresses | Select-String -Pattern $IPv4
                            VLAN = $adapterVlan.AccessVlanId
                            MAC = $adapter.MacAddress
                            vSwitch = $adapter.SwitchName
            elseif ($MenuChoice -eq 3)
                $Disks = Get-VMHardDiskDrive -ComputerName $vm.Computername -VMName $vm.VMName | Get-VHD -ComputerName $vm.Computername
                foreach ($disk in $Disks)
                        VMName = $vm.VMName
                        Disk = $disk.Path
                        Size = [math]::Round($disk.FileSize /1GB)
                        PotentialSize = [math]::Round($disk.Size /1GB)
                        'VHDX Type' = $disk.VhdType
        Write-Host "Couldn't collect information from the VMs!" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red              

    # Prints report based on $MenuChoice.
    switch ($MenuChoice)
        1 { $VMInfo | Sort-Object Host | Format-Table -AutoSize }
        2 { $VMInfo | Sort-Object Host | Format-Table -AutoSize }
        3 { $VMInfo | Sort-Object VMName | Format-Table -AutoSize }
            Write-Host 'Incorrect Choice. Choose a number from the menu.'
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3